Daily Archives: February 24, 2024

2024-02-24: News Headlines

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-02-24). Italy reports some 50 dengue cases during first two months of year. plenglish.com Rome, Feb 24 (Prensa Latina) Italy reported 48 dengue cases between January 1 and February 21, all of which were imported, leading to an increase in measures to fight the disease, it was learned recently. According to a press release on the specialized news website Quotidiano Sanitá, during a Senate hearing on Thursday, Italian Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci pointed out, 'We are attentive and doing everything necessary' to prevent an increase in the number of contagions, which totaled 362, with one death, in 2023.

Martin Edwin Andersen (2024-02-24). Henry Kissinger, Watergate, the CIA, and the Latin American Connection. indybay.org An advance of a book coming out on the 80th anniversary of the most important trial of the 20th Century … | Changing Sides: Henry Kissinger and the Nuremberg Legacy…

WSWS (2024-02-24). Italian autoworker: "Build a strong class movement of workers internationally" wsws.org In the context of a slew of deaths on the job, including an accident last Thursday that killed a 52-year-old worker at the Stellantis Pratola Serra engine factory, workers' anger is escalating.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-24). Demonstrations in Italy for peace in Ukraine and the Middle East (+Photos). plenglish.com Rome, February 24 (Prensa Latina) Thousands of people participated in demonstrations called by the Italian Network for Peace and Disarmament, which spread today throughout the country, in favor of the end of the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-24). Popular artist Juana Bacallao dies in Cuba at age 98. plenglish.com Havana, Feb 24 (Prensa Latina) The popular Cuban artist Juana Bacallao died today in this capital at the age of 98, after days of hospitalization in serious condition, reported the Cuban Institute of Music.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-24). Prime Minister of Cuba congratulates Radio Rebelde station. plenglish.com Havana, February 24 (Prensa Latina) The Prime Minister of Cuba, Manuel Marrero, conveyed a hug and recognition to the workers of the Radio Rebelde station, which today celebrates 66 years since it was founded.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-24). The West only observes Israel's crimes, they say in Türkiye. plenglish.com Ankara, Feb 24 (Prensa Latina) The president of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, stated today that Western governments and the United Nations Security Council are limited to observe the crimes perpetrated by Israel in the Gaza Strip.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-24). WTO appreciates Emirati donation of 10 million dollars. plenglish.com Geneva, Feb 24 (Prensa Latina) The World Trade Organization (WTO) reported today that it will receive a donation from the United Arab Emirates for 10 million dollars to support initiatives to benefit developing and least developed countries (LDCs).

Javier Tolcachier (2024-02-24). Latin American and Caribbean Day of Integration has begun. pressenza.com The Latin American and Caribbean Day of Peoples' Integration inaugurated its activities with an exciting cultural event in the city of Foz do Iguaàßu, Brazil. This event brings together various organizations, movements, and political parties with the aim of addressing current and future challenges at the continental level. | The first day brought together some 4,000 activists from twenty-six countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. | In a packed hall, after the opening session, the first conference began, with speakers addressing the crisis of capitalism and the threats to peace and the sovereignty of…

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-02-24). Former Israeli PM criticizes Netanyahu's war-mongering policies. plenglish.com Tel Aviv, Feb 24 (Prensa Latina) Partners of the messianic coalition led by Israel, headed by Benjamin Netanyahu, want a total regional war, the Gaza Strip is only the first step, former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert denounced.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-02-24). Frente Amplio to disclose government's failures in electoral campaign. plenglish.com Montevideo, Feb 24 (Prensa Latina) The Frente Amplio is preparing a document that lists what it considers failures of the current government, which will serve as a battle guide in the electoral campaign for next October's elections.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-02-24). Lebanon condemns illegal construction of Israeli settlements. plenglish.com Beirut, Feb 24 (Prensa Latina) The Lebanese Foreign Ministry condemned the illegality of the construction of Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories, which hinder a just, comprehensive and lasting peace.

newarab (2024-02-24). Arab proposal for Gaza could see Hamas-PLO integration. newarab.com Arab states are formulating a plan for The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation (Kan) said the US was holding talks with Arab states, which it did not name, regarding the day after the war, in parallel with Washington informed Israe…

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-24). Movimientos populares defienden la unión de América Latina. telesurtv.net Este es uno de los resultados de un evento que comenzó el jueves y finaliza este sábado y cuenta con la participación de 4.000 personas de más de 20 países de la región.

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Colombia Assumes Presidency of the EU-CELAC Anti-Drug Mechanism. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Colombia assumed the presidency of the Cooperation Mechanism on Drugs between the European Union (EU) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), within the framework of the 24th High Level Meeting that took place in La Paz. | RELATED: | "Colombia and the European Union have the opportunity to build a new policy against drug trafficking that overcomes the failed 'War on Drugs' that has left one million m…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Higher or University Education in Venezuela. telesurenglish.net In Venezuela, as in many Latin American countries, university education is the responsibility of the State. There are a significant number of public sector universities, although many are also privately owned. | RELATED: | Great progress has been achieved in the South American country in the academic sector regarding Higher Education with the coming to power of the so-called Bolivarian Revolution, led by Commander Hugo Chávez and currently with…

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-02-24). Colombia repatria 77 piezas prehispánicas desde Alemania. telesurtv.net Las obras se encontraban en manos de coleccionistas privados desde la década de los 70 en el estado federado de Renania-Palatinado.

presstv.ir (2024-02-24). Mexicans rally in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza. presstv.ir Hundreds of protesters take to Mexico City's Paseo de la Reforma avenue in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, demanding an immediate ceasefire in the territory.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-24). México recupera pieza arqueológica en Portugal. telesurtv.net El Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) refirió a este como un monumento arqueológico propiedad mexicana.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-24). Hallan a 101 migrantes guatemaltecos hacinados en Sonora, México. telesurtv.net Asimismo, plataformas comunicativas o de derechos humanos alertan sobre la migración y la construcción de la criminalización de las personas del colectivo migrante.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-24). Agricultores franceses irrumpen en la feria agrícola de París. telesurtv.net Los agricultores han estado protestando en toda Europa, pidiendo mejores ingresos y menos burocracia y denunciando la competencia desleal de productos importados baratos.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-24). Brote de cólera deja, por ahora, 700 muertos en Zambia. telesurtv.net El cólera se transmite por la ingestión de alimentos y/o agua contaminados. El mayor número de casos registrados se produce en la ciudad capital, Lusaka.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-24). Venezuela y Türkiye fortalecen relaciones bilaterales. telesurtv.net Esa es la conclusión principal de la reunión que sostuvieron los cancilleres de ambas naciones este sábado.

teleSUR, DRl (2024-02-24). Fallece la leyenda de la música cubana Juana Bacallao. telesurtv.net La noticia fue confirmada por el Instituto Cubano de la Música la mañana del sábado.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-24). Avanzan negociaciones para posible tregua en la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net En la negociación participaron el director del Mosad, David Barnea; el jefe del servicio de la inteligencia interior (Shin Bet), Ronen Bar, y representantes del Ejército.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-24). Médicos ingleses comienzan jornada de 5 días de huelga. telesurtv.net Se tarta de miles de médicos residentes quienes están llamados a parar desde las 07.00 UTC del sábado hasta las 23.59 UTC del próximo miércoles.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-24). Bolivia y China acuerdan realizar operaciones directas en yuanes. telesurtv.net A partir de ahora estos movimientos financieros se llevarán a cabo sin intermediarios y sin monedas intermediarias.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-24). Continúan manifestaciones en apoyo a Palestina. telesurtv.net En Yemen, una vez más, miles de personas salieron a las calles para exigir el fin de los ataques contra Palestina por parte de Israel.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-24). Ecuador se postula para ser sede de la Copa América 2028. telesurtv.net Mediante un comunicado, se informó que el líder del ejecutivo dio una carta con la postulación formal al presidente de Conmebol, Alejandro Domínguez.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN, JDO (2024-02-24). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Suman ya 140 días de ataques constantes de las fuerzas de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-02-24). Mueren 15 personas por incendio en edificio residencial en China. telesurtv.net Las autoridades indicaron que el siniestro causó además 44 personas heridas, que ameritaron ser trasladadas a hospitales cercanos.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2024-02-24). Chubut y otras provincias argentinas defienden sus recursos. telesurtv.net El gobernador Axel Kicillof se solidarizó con el reclamo hecho por Ignacio Torres y las autoridades de la región patagónica.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2024-02-24). Cinco migrantes mueren cerca de las costas de Malta. telesurtv.net "Hemos conocido un naufragio ocurrido durante una intervención de las Fuerzas Armadas de Malta, que provocó al menos 5 muertes", refirió Alarma Phone.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-24). Siria alerta sobre las políticas agresivas de Israel. telesurtv.net Ammar Al-Ersan insistió en que Israel debe se juzgado y condenado por sus atrocidades.

teleSUR, MER (2024-02-24). Presidente venezolano destaca victoria de la Batalla de los Puentes. telesurtv.net El mandatario resaltó que la unión cívico-militar y policial fue fundamental para el gran triunfo por el derecho de paz en Venezuela.

teleSUR, nbb, DRL (2024-02-24). Ataques israelíes contra Gaza dejan decenas de muertos y heridos. telesurtv.net En Rafah, al sur de Gaza, aviones de combate israelíes bombardearon dos casas, resultando en la muerte de cinco civiles y heridas a otros…

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-24). Agencia de ONU para refugiados de Palestina está al borde del colapso. telesurtv.net La suspensión de la ayuda de 16 países donantes significa que sin nuevos fondos, las operaciones de la Unrwa en toda la región de Oriente Medio se verán gravemente comprometidas.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-24). Denuncian a Alemania por contribuir al genocidio en Palestina. telesurtv.net La organización de abogados y activistas propalestinos, Law for Palestine, destacó la responsabilidad de Alemania y otros países en prevenir el genocidio.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-24). Al menos 4.383 peruanos están damnificados por intensas lluvias. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento también se han entregado cerca de 283 toneladas de bienes en ayuda humanitaria que están beneficiando a cerca de 18.000 personas afectadas.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-24). Incendio en volcán de Agua devasta 50 hectáreas de bosque en Guatemala. telesurtv.net Según la Conred, cientos de servidores públicos, líderes comunitarios, colaboradores de la iniciativa privada y organizaciones no gubernamentales ayudan a suprimir el incendio.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-24). Realizan multitudinaria marcha en solidaridad con Palestina en Yemen. telesurtv.net Mediante un comunicado, bendijeron a los líderes políticos que calificaron a EE.UU. y Reino Unido como entidades hostiles a la nación yemení.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-24). Presidente de Brasil acusa a Israel de no hacer guerra sino genocidio. telesurtv.net El mandatario aseguró que está a favor de la creación de un Estado palestino libre y soberano.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-24). Presidente de Venezuela sostiene encuentro con canciller de Türkiye. telesurtv.net Durante el encuentro en el Palacio de Miraflores, ambas partes confirmaron las relaciones de colaboración y solidaridad a favor del beneficio conjunto.

teleSUR- jaa, DRL (2024-02-24). Israel bloquea más de 18.000 toneladas de alimentos para Gaza. telesurtv.net Desde inicios de este mes de febrero la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) ha denunciado el bloqueo de la ayuda humanitaria en el puerto mentado.

teleSUR- jaa, DRL (2024-02-24). Recibe Premio Nacional de Periodismo cubano Arleen Rodríguez. telesurtv.net El jurado formado por 16 periodistas, analizó 31 candidatos propuestos por las 31 delegaciones de base de la Unión de Periodistas de Cuba (UPEC).

teleSUR (2024-02-24). "Israel Commits Genocide in Gaza": President Lula Says Again. telesurenglish.net Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva affirmed at an event in Rio de Janeiro yesterday that "what the Israeli Government is doing to the Palestinian people is not war, it is genocide because it is killing women and children". | RELATED: | "This is genocide. Thousands of dead children, thousands missing. It's not soldiers who are dying, but women and children in hospitals. If this is not genocide, I don't k…

teleSUR (2024-02-24). Israel Studies Draft Truce in Gaza. telesurenglish.net The ministers of Israel's war cabinet will vote tonight, according to all forecasts and by telephone, whether or not they support a still very abstract draft for a possible truce in Gaza. | RELATED: | According to Israeli media sources knowledgeable about the negotiations, last night there were "significant advances" in the negotiations for a possible truce and exchange of Palestinian political prisoners for Israeli h…

teleSUR (2024-02-24). Juana Bacallao: Cuban Music Legend and Show-Woman Dies. telesurenglish.net The artist and legend of Cuban popular music Amelia Martínez Salazar, known nationally and internationally as Juana Bacallao, died this Saturday in Havana, according to a note from the Minster of Culture of the island. | RELATED: | Juana was unforgettable by her time in the capital cabarets Sans Sousi, Tropicana, Copa Room del Riviera, Parisien del Hotel Nacional de Cuba, Salón Rojo del Capri, Caribe del Hotel Habana Libre, as well as the clubs…

teleSUR (2024-02-24). FM of Türkiye Visits Venezuela to Strength Cooperation Ties. telesurenglish.net This Friday, the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Türkiye, Hakan Fidan, met with the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, as part of his official visit to the country, to strengthen the agenda of cooperation and brotherhood between both nations. | RELATED: | In Caracas, the Venezuelan president welcomed the Turkish diplomat, in addition to the special adviser of the minister, Ambassador Sadik Arslan, the Dir…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Argentine: President Milei Closes Agency Against Discrimination. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, President Javier Milei's administration announced it was closing the the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI), saying that such public agencies served "no purpose." | RELATED: | The president's office had started the process of closing down the INADI, presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni said at a press conference. | The measure was a campaign promise of President Javier Milei and part of a comprehensive policy…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Argentine Teachers To Go on National Strike Next Week. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, the Confederation of Education Workers of the Argentine Republic (CTERA) announced the start of a 24-hour national strike beginning next Monday to demand better incomes for education workers. | RELATED: | In justifying this collective action, CTERA Secretary Sonia Alesso explained that President Javier Milei has made policy decisions that will not allow teachers to have better incomes. | Among the a…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Farmers to Protest at the European Commission Office in Madrid. telesurenglish.net On Monday, the Young Farmers Agricultural Association (ASAJA), the Coordinator of Farmers and Ranchers Organizations (COAG), and the Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers (UPA) will place hundreds of tractors and thousands of protesters between the Ministry of Agriculture and the office of the European Commission (EC) in Madrid. | RELATED: | This protest will coincide with the meeting of the European Union's Agriculture C…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Gaza Strip: Warn of Desperate Situation, Food Shortage. telesurenglish.net On Friday, Save the Children said that families in Gaza are forced to scavenge for scraps of food left by rats and eat leaves to try to survive after nearly five months of war. | RELATED: | The 1.1 million children living in the territory now face death from starvation and disease because it is impossible to deliver aid safely, the non-governmental organization said in a statement. | The group quoted a humanitarian wor…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Nigeria: 72 Killed in Lassa Fever Outbreak. telesurenglish.net Two health workers have been so far affected by the Lassa fever outbreak in the country, with the predominant age group of victims being 21 years and 30 years of age, the NCDC said in its report. | The "multimammate rat," very common in Nigeria in sub-Saharan Africa, is a carrier of the Lassa virus. Feb. 23, 2024.

teleSUR (2024-02-23). S. Sudan: World Charity Warns of Humanitarian Crisis, Transit Sites. telesurenglish.net On Friday, the international medical charity, Medicins Sans Frontiers (MSF), called for urgent response in two of the busiest transit sites in South Sudan to prevent deadly disease outbreaks. | RELATED: | The MSF warned that a humanitarian crisis is mounting in Bulukat and Renk sites in Upper Nile State as thousands of people who escaped the conflict in Sudan are desperately short of essentials including clean wa…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). States Demand an Immediate End to Israel's Activities. telesurenglish.net This Friday marks the fifth day of oral arguments before the International Court of Justice regarding Israel's policies and practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including East Jerusalem. | RELATED: | The states continued their oral presentations in the hearing before the International Court of Justice, den Haag, Netherlands. | Namibia: Israel "should not be exempted from sanctions": | On behalf of…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). The Long-Term Solution for Gaza is Political: UN Coordinator. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Tor Wennesland, called for collective efforts to restore a political horizon for Palestinians and Israelis. | RELATED: | "The scale of the emergency we are facing is staggering and could quickly spiral out of control in the region. I appeal for a collective, coordinated and comprehensive response to not only address the immediate crisis before us i…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). US Makes First Lunar Landing in 51 Years. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, U.S. company Intuitive Machines' first lunar lander touched down on the Moon, marking the first American spacecraft to land on the lunar surface in 51 years. | RELATED: | The uncrewed lander, named Odysseus, landed at the lunar South Pole at 6: 23 p.m. Eastern Time. After troubleshooting communications, flight controllers have confirmed Odysseus is upright and starting to send data. | "Right now, we are worki…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Venezuela Defeated Foreign Interference in the 'Bridges Battle'. telesurenglish.net On Friday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro recalled that this 23rd of February marks the fifth anniversary of the so-called "Battle of the Bridges," an action through which the Bolivarian people defended peace and national sovereignty. | RELATED: | "We commemorate 5 years since the victory of the Venezuelan people in the 'Battle of the Bridges,' a confrontation that took place on the Colombia-Venezuela border," he said.

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Venezuela Expands Gas Cooperation with Algeria. telesurenglish.net Joint business opportunities in the gas sector between Venezuela and Algeria were evaluated by the Venezuelan Minister of Petroleum and President of Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), Rafael Tellechea, and the Algerian Minister of Energy and Mines, Mohamed Arkab, during their official visit to the country in the middle of this week. | RELATED: | During the meeting held in Caracas, both authorities reviewed the framew…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Wildfires in the Brazilian Amazon Put Yanomami Families at Risk. telesurenglish.net On Friday, the National Institute of Space Research (INPE) confirmed that 1,691 fires have occurred so far in February in the Roraima state, which is located in the northern region of the Brazilian Amazon. | RELATED: | Compared to the same period last year, such figure implies that the number of fires has increased 12 times. In the last 24 hours, 464 fires remain active in Roraima. | The number of fires for February's…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Yemen's Houthis Launch Attacks on Israeli City and Two Ships. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Yemen's Houthi group launched attacks on an Israeli city, a British cargo ship, and a U.S. warship, in what it called a response to the "U.S.-British aggression" against Yemen and its support of the Palestinians in Gaza. | RELATED: | The Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea said that the first attack targeted the Israeli city of Eilat with ballistic missiles and drones. The Israeli army said it had intercepted a missile from t…

teleSUR (2024-02-22). Venezuela: Death Toll Rises to 16 in Bolivar Mine Collapse. telesurenglish.net The death toll after a mine collapse in the town of La Paragua, Angostura municipality, has risen to 16, the governor of the Venezuelan state of Bolivar, Angel Marcano, announced on Thursday. | RELATED: | According to Marcano, the teams continue with the rescue work in the illegal mine La Bulla Loca, as well as the integral support to those affected. | Madelein García, teleSUR correspondent, confirmed from the scene of the ac…

newarab (2024-02-24). 'Mass chaos among Israeli army in Gaza', says former general. newarab.com

teleSUR . rzr (2024-02-23). Perú y China perfilan aumentar sus relaciones bilaterales. telesurtv.net Representantes de ambas naciones también dialogaron sobre las "acciones conjuntas que se impulsarán" con vistas a la próxima cumbre del Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-02-23). Concluyó visita de Hamás a Egipto para negociaciones de tregua. telesurtv.net Esta prevista una reunión este viernes en París, Francia, entre el jefe de los servicios de inteligencia de Estados Unidos, Israel y Egipto, además del primer ministro de Catar.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-02-23). Expertos de la ONU piden embargo global de armas a Israel. telesurtv.net Señalaron que EE.UU. y Alemania son con gran diferencia los principales exportadores de armamento a Israel, con un aumento de sus envíos desde el inicio de la ofensiva el 7 de octubre.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-23). Más de 29.500 personas asesinadas por ataques israelíes en Gaza. telesurtv.net Durante las últimas 24 horas las fuerzas de ocupación cometieron diez masacres con un saldo de 104 muertos y 160 heridos.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-23). Se cumplen cinco años de la Batalla de los Puentes en Venezuela. telesurtv.net "La invencible unión cívico-militar-policial bolivariana derrotó el plan de invasión", afirmó el mandatario venezolano.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2024-02-23). Omán y Siria refuerzan lazos de cooperación económica. telesurtv.net Las reuniones entre Siria y Omán servirán para profundizar en los aspectos ya existentes y encontrar nuevas vías de intercambio mutuo.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2024-02-23). Presidente boliviano llamó a luchar en conjunto contra narcotráfico. telesurtv.net Luis Arce recalcó los cambios en el tráfico de drogas durante los últimos años y la importancia de luchar tanto contra el consumo, como contra la producción.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-23). Se movilizan en Argentina contra ajuste neoliberal de Milei. telesurtv.net Cerca de 500 cortes en Buenos Aires y otras ciudades, desde donde también se reclama al Gobierno la entrega de alimentos para los comedores comunitarios.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-23). Guatemala descarta pedir ayuda para combatir incendios. telesurtv.net Karin Herrera, vicepresidenta de Guatemala pero en funciones para encabezar el Ejecutivo nacional, aseguró que el siniestro fue controlado en un 40 por ciento, por lo que no se necesita ayuda de organismos internacionales.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-23). Docentes en Argentina anuncian huelga por desmejora salarial. telesurtv.net Como respuesta al clamor de los responsables de la educación, el Gobierno de Milei tomó "la decisión de comenzar con la evaluación para declarar la educación servicio esencial".De gestarse esta iniciativa, quedarían suspendidos los derechos a huelgas masivas en el sector educativo.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-23). Presidente palestino pide intervención internacional. telesurtv.net En el pedido de ayuda a la comunidad internacional, el presidente palestino incluyo la provisión de alimentos y asistencia médica en la Franja de Gaza, aseguró que el pedido es desesperado sobretodo en la región norte.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-23). Se registra sismo de 6,3 en el pacífico de Chile. telesurtv.net El sismo se produjo a más de 3.000 kilómetros de la ciudad chilena de Valdivia, donde viven más de 130.000 personas.

teleSUR, rzr, JDO (2024-02-23). Al menos ocho muertos por lluvias e inundaciones en Brasil. telesurtv.net Las fuertes lluvias que azotan la región de Río de Janeiro desde la noche del pasado miércoles han provocado fuertes inundaciones, principalmente en la región metropolitana.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-23). Elevan emergencia sanitaria por inundaciones en Chone, Ecuador. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Salud autorizó a suspender los servicios médicos debido a las inundaciones de varios centros de salud en la zona de Chone.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-23). Justicia panameña ordena detención de expresidente Martinelli. telesurtv.net El expresidente Ricardo Martinelli presentó múltiples recursos de apelación, pero perdió el último ante la Corte Suprema el pasado 2 de febrero.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-23). Justicia peruana rechaza excarcelación de expresidente Toledo. telesurtv.net La defensa de Toledo solicitó al juzgado que se incluyan en el tiempo de reclusión del expresidente peruano en Estados Unidos.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-23). Ataques israelíes en el centro y sur de la Franja de Gaza dejan 46 muertos. telesurtv.net Medios palestinos reportaron que al menos seis personas fallecieron y varias resultaron heridas en el este de la ciudad de Rafah producto de un ataque israelí.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-23). Canciller ruso afirmó que EE.UU. manipula la economía global. telesurtv.net Serguéi Lavrov, señaló que durante la reunión del G20, EE.UU. y sus aliados intentaron desviar la agenda hacia el tema de Ucrania y las acusaciones infundadas contra su país,…

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-23). TSE salvadoreño rechaza pedido de anular comicios legislativas. telesurtv.net Partidos de oposición salvadoreños sostienen que se presentaron irregularidades en los comicios legislativos donde el partido Nuevas Ideas ganó 54 de 60 escaños.

teleSUR . rzr (2024-02-24). Perú y China perfilan aumentar sus relaciones bilaterales. telesurtv.net Representantes de ambas naciones también dialogaron sobre las "acciones conjuntas que se impulsarán" con vistas a la próxima cumbre del Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-02-24). Concluye visita de Hamás a Egipto para negociaciones de tregua. telesurtv.net Esta prevista una reunión este viernes en París, Francia, entre el jefe de los servicios de inteligencia de Estados Unidos, Israel y Egipto, además del primer ministro de Catar.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-02-24). Exigen ante CIJ fin inmediato de crímenes israelíes en Gaza. telesurtv.net El representante de Omán, Abdullah Al Harthi, dijo que el mundo asiste "desde hace cuatro meses a una de las peores atrocidades y actos de genocidio de los tiempos modernos".

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-02-24). Expertos de la ONU piden embargo global de armas a Israel. telesurtv.net Señalaron que EE.UU. y Alemania son con gran diferencia los principales exportadores de armamento a Israel, con un aumento de sus envíos desde el inicio de la ofensiva el 7 de octubre.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-02-24). Sube a diez cifra muertos tras incendio en Valencia, España. telesurtv.net De acuerdo al presidente de la Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazón, el fuego causó 15 heridos, de los cuales siete son bomberos.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-24). Más de 13 millones de ecuatorianos podrán acudir a las urnas en abril. telesurtv.net El CNE proyectó 409.628 de dólares para el Fondo de Promoción Electoral en aras de las labores proselitistas.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-24). Más de 29.500 personas asesinadas por ataques israelíes en Gaza. telesurtv.net Durante las últimas 24 horas las fuerzas de ocupación cometieron diez masacres con un saldo de 104 muertos y 160 heridos.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-24). Putin señala que 95% de las armas nucleares rusas son modernas. telesurtv.net El mandatario destacó que el país eslavo continuará fortaleciendo sus Fuerzas Armadas "de todas las formas posibles".

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-24). Se cumplen cinco años de la Batalla de los Puentes en Venezuela. telesurtv.net "La invencible unión cívico-militar-policial bolivariana derrotó el plan de invasión", afirmó el mandatario venezolano.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN, JDO (2024-02-24). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Son más de 130 días de ataques constantes de las fuerzas de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-24). Se movilizan en Argentina contra ajuste neoliberal de Milei. telesurtv.net Cerca de 500 cortes en Buenos Aires y otras ciudades, desde donde también se reclama al Gobierno la entrega de alimentos para los comedores comunitarios.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-24). Hezbolá ataca sede de administración local israelí. telesurtv.net En un comunicado, la milicia chií precisó que lanzó dos drones con explosivos contra las oficinas del ente, situadas a diez km de la frontera con Líbano.

scorinoco (2024-02-24). President Maduro Highlights Public-Military-Police Unity in Venezuela's Victory in the Battle of the Bridges. orinocotribune.com The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, highlighted the role of the civic-military-police unity in the emblematic Battle of the Bridges, which defeated the invasion attempt against Venezuela carried out from Colombian territory by US-backed coup plotters. On Friday, February 23, the fifth anniversary of the Battle of the Bridges, President Maduro recalled the battle that the Venezuelan people and armed forces fought on the Venezuela-Colombia border to beat back invaders who had tried to enter Venezuela with so-called humanitarian aid. | "Today is precisely the 5th anniversary of the…

Francesco Pata, Daniele Paglione, Elvis Pardo Olivares, Ernesto Casamayor Callejas, Bruno Nardo (2024-02-24). Correspondence] Calabria's partnership with Cuban doctors: challenges and solutions. thelancet.com Analogous to health-care systems in high-income countries, the Italian National Health System (Sistema Sanitario Nazionale) is grappling with its most severe crisis since its inception in 1978.1 A gradual increase in costs and the subsequent containment measures, combined with the decentralisation of the health-care system in the 2000s which essentially resulted in the creation of 20 distinct health-care systems (one for each region), has led to fragmentation and heterogeneous health-care provision— a problem that became starkly evident in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-24). Recuerdan en Panamá fundación de emisora cubana Radio Rebelde. radiohc.cu Ciudad de Panamá, 24 feb (RHC) Diversos mensajes en las redes sociales celebran este sábado en Panamá el aniversario 66 de la fundación de la emisora cubana Radio Rebelde y el reinicio de las luchas libertarias en nuestro país.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-24). Participa líder del parlamento cubano en funeral de Estado en Namibia. radiohc.cu Windhoek, 24 feb (RHC) El presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular de Cuba -Parlamento-, Esteban Lazo, asiste este sábado en Windhoek al funeral de Estado del exmandatario namibio Hage G. Geingob.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-24). Dirigentes de Cuba ratifican compromiso con el pueblo y la Revolución (+Fotos). radiohc.cu La Habana, 24 feb (RHC) Con la firma del Código de Ética de los Cuadros de la Revolución cubana, los dirigentes de nuestro país ratificaron hoy su compromiso con el pueblo y fidelidad a la patria.

María Candela (2024-02-24). Recorre presidente cubano lugares de interés social y económico en el municipio de Manzanillo en Granma. radiohc.cu Miguel Díaz-Canel, Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de #Cuba y Presidente de la República, desarrollo este viernes una visita al municipio de Manzanillo en la provincia cubana de Granma, para evaluar programas de interés social y económico.

Orlando González Cruz (2024-02-24). Regresan las emociones en semifinales de Pequeñas Ligas de béisbol. radiohc.cu La Habana, 24 feb (ACN) Los cuatro equipos semifinalistas del torneo beisbolero cubano de las Pequeñas Ligas se alistan para buscar este fin de semana su pase a la discusión del trofeo de campeones de la temporada.

Orlando González Cruz (2024-02-24). Cuba aplastó a Anguila en eliminatoria sub-20 de fútbol. radiohc.cu La Habana, 24 feb (JIT) La selección cubana de futbol consiguió una aplastante victoria sobre Anguila en su debut en la clasificatoria mundialista de Concacaf, categoría sub-20, que comenzó este viernes en Nicaragua.

Orlando González Cruz (2024-02-24). Herin acaba quinta en Panamericano de Luchas. radiohc.cu La Habana, 24 feb (JIT) La cubana Laura Herin concluyó en la quinta posición de la división de los 53 kg en el Campeonato Panamericano de Luchas de Acapulco 2024, en México.

Jeff Abbott (2024-02-24). Climate Change Is Fueling Wildfires Across South America. progressive.org The combination of El Niño and climate change has brought historically high temperatures and uncontrollable fires.

Xinhua (2024-02-24). Brazil to propose global alliance against hunger and poverty to G20. pressenza.com Brazil will today propose to the G20 a global alliance against hunger and poverty, coinciding with the South American country's rotating presidency of the group this year. | The initiative was proposed by Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva when Brazil took over the rotating presidency of the G20 in December last year. It was endorsed on Wednesday by Brazil's Minister of Development and Social Welfare, Family and the Fight against Hunger, Wellington Dias, during the first virtual technical meeting of the G20 working group. | The meeting discussed the terms of accession for countries interested in joinin…

albawaba (2024-02-24). Environmental catastrophe as Houthis target ship carrying hazardous materials. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – On Saturday, February 24, 2024, at 3: 33 PM, the Yemeni government warned of a big environmental disaster that could happen in the Red Sea.The Yemeni government is worried about a big environmental disaster because of news that the Ruby Mar ship, which was attacked by the Houthi group, leaked dangerous materials.Large losses and the crew having to leave the shipIn a statement carried by the Yemeni news service Saba, the Yemeni government said it was wrong for the Houthi group to attack the ship flying the Belizean flag, which caused a lot of damage and forced the crew to leave the ship.It stated that "p…

albawaba (2024-02-24). Contrary to expectations, Antony Blinken criticizes Israeli plans! albawaba.com ALBAWABA – US Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently voiced his displeasure of Israel's intended development of settlements in the occupied West Bank, saying that such acts are inconsistent with international law, during a press conference while on a visit to Argentina.In the press conference, which he co-hosted with his Argentine counterpart Diana Mondino, Blinken answered queries about Israel's intentions for additional settlement growth as well as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's "post-war Gaza" initiative. Blinken stressed that any proposed strategy must uphold basic values, such as keeping Gaz…

presstv.ir (2024-02-24). Brazil's outspoken Lula stands ground, asserts Israel committing genocide in Gaza. presstv.ir Brazil's president repeats his recent assertion that the Israeli regime is committing genocide in Gaza.

Merve Berker (2024-02-24). 'If That's Not Genocide, I Don't Know What Genocide Is': Brazilian President Says On Gaza. indybay.org "It is a genocide. Thousands of children are dead and thousands are missing. Soldiers are not dying. Women and children are dying at the hospital," he said at an event in Rio de Janeiro, adding: "If that's not genocide, I don't know what genocide is."

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-24). Dengue fever: A Mayo Clinic expert explains the mosquito-borne infection. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Recent outbreaks of dengue fever in Brazil have prompted public health officials to launch an immunization campaign targeting children ages 10 to 11. Dengue fever is a potentially life-threatening viral infection transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes. "Four different subtypes of the virus can cause infections in humans," says Dr. Stacey Rizza, a Mayo Clinic infectious diseases specialist. "Wherever you have a significant number of mosquitoes and warm hot environments is where you see dengue transmission." Watch: Dr. Stacey…

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental Institute for Social Research. (2024-02-24). If I Understand The World, I Can March To Change It. popularresistance.org In 1945, the newly formed United Nations held a conference to found the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). The main concern of the delegates, particularly those who came from the Third World, was literacy. There needs to be a 'world crusade against illiteracy', said Dr Jaime Jaramillo Arango, the rector of the National University of Colombia. For him, and several others, illiteracy was 'one of the greatest outrages to human dignity'. Abdelfattah Amr, the Egyptian ambassador to the United Kingdom and a champion squash player, said that illiteracy was part of the broader pro…

Agence France-Presse (2024-02-24). Colombia to use underwater robot to remove treasures worth billions from 18th-century shipwreck. scmp.com The robot will work at a depth of 600m to recover items from the San Jose galleon, which sank in 1708 while laden with gold and emeralds.

Misión Verdad (2024-02-24). Venezuelan Opposition Economist Demonstrates Damaging Effects of Sanctions on Venezuela. orinocotribune.com There is a growing consensus in Venezuela regarding the damaging effects of the unilateral coercive measures imposed on Venezuela by the United States and the European Union.

Staff (2024-02-24). Kim Jong Il and the Foundations of DPRK as a Powerful State. orinocotribune.com By Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) in Venezuela — Feb 15, 2024 | The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is recognized today as a military power. It is progressing to become an economic power with cutting-edge technologies such as astronautics, Computerized Numerical Control (CNC), computing, etc. | The foundations for a powerful state would have been impossible without the selfless efforts of Kim Jong Il (1942-2011), the eternal leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, who with his extraordinary insight paved the way for DPRK to prosper on its own strength. | About…

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-24). Homenaje a instituto de cine de Cuba en España (+Fotos). radiohc.cu Madrid, 24 feb (RHC) Patrimonio documental de la Humanidad por la Unesco, más de una veintena de carteles del Icaic de Cuba marcaron este sábado el homenaje a la entidad en su 65 aniversario.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-24). Cuba recuerda reinicio de Guerra Necesaria por su independencia. radiohc.cu La Habana, 24 feb (RHC) Cuba recuerda hoy el 129 aniversario del reinicio de las luchas por su independencia de España, tras producirse en esta fecha de 1895 alzamientos de patriotas y acciones combativas en varias localidades del país.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-24). Presidente del Parlamento de Cuba sostuvo encuentro con su homólogo namibio (+ Foto). radiohc.cu Windhoek, 24 feb (RHC) El presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular de Cuba -Parlamento-, Esteban Lazo, sostuvo este sábado un encuentro con su homólogo namibio, Peter Katjavivi, a quien manifestó el interés de continuar fortaleciendo los lazos entre los órganos legislativos.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-24). Visitan artistas del Ballet Nacional de Cuba Gran Unidad de Tanques de las FAR. radiohc.cu La Habana, 24 feb (RHC) Una representación del Ballet Nacional de Cuba, encabezada por su directora general, la primera bailarina Viengsay Valdés, y el primer bailarín Dani Hernández, director de la Escuela Nacional de Ballet Fernando Alonso, visitó este sábado la Gran Unidad de Tanques de la Gloria Combativa Rescate de Sanguily, Orden Antonio Maceo.

María Candela (2024-02-24). Refuerza Cuba vigilancia de la calidad del aire. radiohc.cu Organismos internacionales de salud han advertido que tanto la exposición a corto como mediano plazo a altos niveles de contaminación de la atmósfera pueden aumentar el riesgo de enfermedades respiratorias, cardíacas, accidentes cerebrovasculares y cáncer de pulmón.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2024-02-24). The Destabilization of Haiti: Anatomy of a Military Coup d'Etat. globalresearch.ca

Assembly of Social Movements (2024-02-24). Declaration of solidarity with the social movements in Haiti. cadtm.org

Nitza Soledad Perez (2024-02-24). Rape as a weapon of war in Haiti. america.cgtn.com In Haiti, the UN says rape is being used as a weapon of war, with gangs engaging in collective sexual assaults to consolidate power and control. Officials say rape with impunity is increasing at an alarming rate. CGTN's Nitza Soledad Perez brings us the story of Rose, a Haitian survivor of such violence.

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-02-24). US-British Airstrikes Target Yemen's Hudaydah Province. english.almanar.com.lb In a bold move, the United States and the United Kingdom have launched fresh airstrikes on positions in Yemen's western province of Hudaydah. The strikes were declared as a response to ongoing attacks by Yemeni Armed Forces on Israeli-affiliated commercial vessels in the Red Sea. According to Yemen's official Saba news agency, multiple airstrikes hit …

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