Daily Archives: February 12, 2024

2024-02-12: News Headlines

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-12). Vietnam/ Fascinating natural landscape. plenglish.com By Moisés Pérez Mok | Hanoi, Feb 11 (Prensa Latina) The Vietnamese province of Ninh Binh, in the north of the country, has enough natural attributes to be among the five best virgin tourist destinations in Southeast Asia, experts in the field agree. | Body: Located just 90 kilometers from the capital and considered an ideal place for nature and adventure lovers, Ninh Binh constitutes one of the four central areas of the Trang An complex, recognized by the United Nations Educational Organization , Science and Culture as World Heritage of Humanity. | Imposing limestone mountains predominant in its landscape make it…

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-12). Cuba congratulates Iran on 45th anniversary of Islamic Revolution. plenglish.com Havana, Feb 11 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez on Sunday congratulated Iranian people and government on the 45th anniversary of the triumph of the Islamic Revolution.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-12). How to build socialism? Zapatista experience: Success or failure? plenglish.com Guatemala City (Prensa Latina) On January 1, 1994, the same day the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) came into effect, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) made its public appearance.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-12). Joe Biden could lose his reelection if he stops no genocide in Gaza. plenglish.com Washington, Feb 11 (Prensa Latina) Whether President Joe Biden wants to stop his electoral support loss, all he has to do nowadays is to call for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza, a media outlet warned.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-12). NSW League and FCBS to ink baseball MoU. plenglish.com Canberra, Feb 11 (Prensa Latina) A valuable opportunity for baseball collaboration opens between Australia and Cuba after the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between baseball institutions of both nations.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-12). US 2024 election cycle: Most futile and expensive show worldwide. plenglish.com Connecticut, U.S.A. (Prensa Latina) The enormous and damaging expenditures on armaments in the United States, which reach mind-boggling figures and will soon reach a trillion dollars in the direct budget of the Department of Defense, are often mentioned. Much less mentioned are the expenditures on advertising of all kinds, in which the political modality plays a major role, especially in general election years (such as 2024) and to a lesser extent in mid-term election years.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-12). Woman who opened fire at Houston church killed by off-duty police. plenglish.com Washington, Feb 11 (Prensa Latina) A female shooter opened fire on Sunday afternoon at pastor Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church in Houston, which has one of the nation's largest congregations. She was fatally shot by off-duty officers. No one else at the church died.

WSWS (2024-02-12). HBO drops Serb actor Miloš Biković from The White Lotus, capitulating to Ukrainian Foreign Ministry's anti-Russia campaign. wsws.org HBO has dropped the actor from the acclaimed series over allegations that he supported Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-11). Arab League condemns imminent Israeli ground offensive. plenglish.com Ramallah, February 11 (Prensa Latina) The general secretary of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, warned on the consequences of a ground offensive by the Israeli army against the south of Gaza, where 1.5 million Palestinians are refugees.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-11). Argentine Nobel Prize winner called for the release of Julian Assange. plenglish.com Buenos Aires, February 11 (Prensa Latina) The Nobel Peace Prize winner and Argentine fighter, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, today urged the international community to demand the release of cyberactivist Julian Assange and to speak out against his possible extradition to USA.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-11). Cuban Prime Minister highlights relevance of Government Summit. plenglish.com Dubai, February 11 (Prensa Latina) The Prime Minister of Cuba, Manuel Marrero, highlighted today the topicality of the issues to be discussed at the World Summit of Governments starting tomorrow and until February 14 in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-11). Hollywood Academy opens new category for the Oscars. plenglish.com Los Angeles, February 11 (Prensa Latina) The United States Academy of Motion Pictures, Arts and Sciences already has a new section today in its stand of competitive categories to win the Oscar, that of Best Casting.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-11). Increase in seismic activity in underwater volcano reported in Grena. plenglish.com Saint George, February 11 (Prensa Latina) Grenada authorities today maintain monitoring of the underwater volcano Kick'em Jenny, located eight kilometers from the northern coast, after reports of an increase in its seismic activity.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-11). Russian defense shoots down 30 Ukrainian drones on the day. plenglish.com Moscow, February 11 (Prensa Latina) Russian anti-aircraft defense systems shot down 30 drones of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the last 24 hours, the Ministry of Defense reported today.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-11). Venezuela denounces campaign by US oil company Exxon Mobil. plenglish.com Caracas, February 11 (Prensa Latina) Venezuela denounced today before the international community what it called a malicious campaign prepared and financed by Exxon Mobil and supported by the Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, a statement indicated.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-11). Cuba to host international leftist media meeting. plenglish.com Havana, Feb 11 (Prensa Latina) The 2nd International Meeting of Theoretical Publications of Leftist Parties and Movements will be take place in Havana's International Conference Center from February 12 to 14.

WSWS (2024-02-12). Workers at Audi plant in Mexico vote to continue strike as company plans EV transition. wsws.org The so-called Audi Independent Union, its pseudo-left backers and most of the media are ignoring the announcement of plans to transition the plant completely to electric vehicle production, which implies major job cuts.

teleSUR, jaa, JDO (2024-02-12). ALBA-TCP condena robo de avión venezolano en Argentina. telesurtv.net Califica esta agresión como otra consecuencia de las medidas coercitivas unilaterales de EE.UU. contra el pueblo venezolano.

teleSUR, jaa, JDO (2024-02-12). Argentina y Paraguay consiguen boleto para París 2024. telesurtv.net La selección guaraní terminó la fase cuadrangular con siete puntos y Argentina obtuvo cinco, mientras Brasil y Venezuela se agenciaron tres y uno, respectivamente.

teleSUR, jaa, JDO (2024-02-12). Denuncian asesinato de firmante de paz en Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net Con el asesinato de Eywar Yamid Moran, suman 18 los líderes sociales y cinco los firmantes de paz asesinados en lo transcurrido de 2024.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-12). Conservador Alex Stubb gana presidenciales en Finlandia. telesurtv.net Stubb, con el 51.7 por ciento de los votos, derrotó a su rival, el ecologista Pekka Haavisto, quien logró el 48.3 por ciento.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH (2024-02-12). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Son ya 128 días de ataques constantes de las fuerzas de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-12). Papa Francisco se reúne con presidente de Argentina en el Vaticano. telesurtv.net El encuentro lima asperezas entre el papa y Javier Milei, quien antes de ser investido presidente llamó al obispo de Roma representante del maligno en la tierra.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-12). Advierte Hamás que ofensiva israelí en Rafah dejará miles de muertos. telesurtv.net La resistencia palestina (Hamás), que gobierna la Franja desde 2007, advirtió del riesgo de "una catástrofe y una masacre que podría conllevar decenas de miles de mártires y heridos".

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-12). Aumentan a más de 28.100 los palestinos asesinados por Israel. telesurtv.net Al menos 112 palestinos han muerto en las últimas 24 horas y otros 173 han resultado heridos en ataques israelíes contra la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-12). Liga àÅrabe advierte contra la ofensiva israelí en Rafah. telesurtv.net El secretario general de la Liga Árabe advierte contra una ofensiva israelí en Rafah, Gaza, sumándose a una serie de llamamientos internacionales para que Tel Aviv no incursione en la ciudad.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-12). Seguidores del PTI reivindican su triunfo electoral en Pakistán. telesurtv.net El recuento final se publicó este domingo más de 60 horas después de que concluyera la votación en las elecciones nacionales del jueves, un retraso que ha planteado dudas sobre el proceso.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-12). Varias zonas de Trinidad y Tobago afectadas por derrame de petróleo. telesurtv.net El secretario jefe de la Asamblea de Tobago, Farley Augustine, urgió al Gobierno de Trinidad y Tobago a designar el accidente como desastre de nivel 3, que es el más alto.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-12). Venezuela denuncia campaña de la Exxon Mobil, secundada por Guyana. telesurtv.net "Venezuela deja en evidencia ante la Celac que las acciones de la Exxon Mobil y del Gobierno de Guyana, contravienen los principios fundamentales del derecho internacional.

teleSUR, JDO, JGN (2024-02-12). Piden fin de genocidio contra palestinos en entrega de los Goya. telesurtv.net La actriz Alba Flores pidió paz para Palestina. Otros referentes de la cultura mostraron su rechazo al asedio sionista.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-12). Reportan un fallecido tras tiroteo en iglesia de Texas, EE.UU. telesurtv.net Agentes policiales fuera de servicio, que se hallaban en el lugar, abatieron a la atacante, cuyos móviles aún no se han identificado.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-12). Hamás informa muerte de dos cautivos por bombardeos de Israel. telesurtv.net Los ataques del ente sionista también provocaron ocho heridos entre los rehenes, con condición crítica por la imposibilidad de tratarlos adecuadamente.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-12). Israel ataca Rafah, único lugar seguro para millones de palestinos en Gaza. telesurtv.net Se ejecutaron 50 ataques que tuvieron a viviendas y mezquitas como objetivos y asesinaron a decenas de personas.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-12). Denuncian falta de transparencia en comicios en El Salvador. telesurtv.net Partidos de oposición consideran pedir nulidad de elecciones a partir de irregularidades detectadas.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-02-12). Fuerzas israelíes asesinan a más de 100 palestinos en ciudad gazatí de Rafah. telesurtv.net Autoridades hospitalarias alertaron que no poseen suficientes insumos para atender a la gran cantidad de lesionados.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-02-12). Iraníes celebran el 45 aniversario de la Revolución Islámica. telesurtv.net En la capital iraní la multitud recorrió las principales avenidas hasta congregarse en la emblemática Plaza de Azadi.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-02-12). Presidente Maduro afirma que verdad de Venezuela triunfa sobre manipulación de medios. telesurtv.net El Gobierno venezolano y el propio presidente Maduro reclamaron una corrección de lo que afirmaron era una campaña de manipulación por parte de AP.

teleSUR, nbb, JCM (2024-02-12). Incendio deja sin suministro eléctrico a miles de usuarios en Buenos Aires. telesurtv.net La empresa estatal anunció la implementación de un plan de contingencia para mantener el suministro de energía…

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-12). Denuncian proyecto para derogar la ley del aborto en Argentina. telesurtv.net El proyecto fue presentado en la Cámara de Diputados el lunes, pero se hizo público el miércoles por la noche.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-12). Aumenta a dos cifra de muertos durante protestas en Senegal. telesurtv.net En Dakar, agentes de policía equipados con equipos antidisturbios lanzaron gases lacrimógenos contra multitudes de manifestantes que incendiaron neumáticos y arrojaron piedras.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-12). Reportan siete detenidos en protesta antigubernamental en Tel Aviv, Israel. telesurtv.net Las detenciones ocurrieron después de que algunos manifestantes bloquearan una parte de la autopista Ayalon.

teleSUR- jaa, JCM (2024-02-12). Aumentan a 54 los fallecidos por deslizamiento en Maco, Filipinas. telesurtv.net En total se han recuperado 19 cuerpos en los escombros en Masara, según indicó la municipalidad de Maco en Facebook.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Orquesta cubana activa Modo Van Van en nuevo concierto. radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 feb (RHC) La emblemática orquesta de Cuba Los Van Van ofrecerá un concierto este domingo en el Centro Cultural Fábrica de Arte Cubano, evento de gran relevancia por ser primera vez que una agrupación bailable conforma el programa de esa institución.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Jardines del Rey, clasifica como paraíso de Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 feb (RHC) En la zona centro-norte cubana existe hoy un área de cayos de gran desarrollo turístico a partir de los encantos de la naturaleza, emblemático escenario sumamente conocido en el mundo y que clasifica como Paraíso.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Primer Ministro cubano llegó a Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos. radiohc.cu Abu Dabi, 11 feb (RHC) El primer ministro de Cuba, Manuel Marrero, llegó a Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos, nación árabe unida en la amistad con Cuba hace más de 20 años. Su propósito: cumplimentar una vista de trabajo que incluye la participación en la Cumbre Mundial de Gobiernos, la cual comienza sus sesiones este lunes.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Destaca primer ministro cubano relevancia de Cumbre de Gobiernos. radiohc.cu Dubai, 11 feb (RHC) El primer ministro de Cuba, Manuel Marreo, destacó este dominmgo la actualidad de los asuntos a tratar en la Cumbre Mundial de Gobiernos a partir de mañana y hasta el próximo día en Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos -EUA.

Ali Azgar (2024-02-11). ~!*(LIVE!-STREAM) Ireland vs Italy Live FreE On TV Channel. muslimnews.co.uk The match will be broadcast live on ITV1 and ITVX in the UK. In the Republic of Ireland, Virgin Media have the rights for the live broadcast. ‚û§‚ñ∫ gamedays.live/rugby ‚û§‚ñ∫ gamedays.live/rugby The issue being pushed onto the global stage forced the FMF to take action. A statement last month read: "The Mexican Football Federation reiterates …

Ali Azgar (2024-02-11). LIVE@STREAMs!]] Ireland vs Italy LIVE Coverage ON Rugby TV Channel 11 february 2024. muslimnews.co.uk The match will be broadcast live on ITV1 and ITVX in the UK. In the Republic of Ireland, Virgin Media have the rights for the live broadcast. ‚û§‚ñ∫ gamedays.live/rugby ‚û§‚ñ∫ gamedays.live/rugby The issue being pushed onto the global stage forced the FMF to take action. A statement last month read: "The Mexican Football Federation reiterates …

EDWIN (2024-02-12). Operation Shanela makes gains in Northern Cape. sanews.gov.za Operation Shanela makes gains in Northern Cape | Police in the Northern Cape have arrested 173 suspects for an array of crimes through Operation Shanela. | The suspects were nabbed for crimes including illicit dealing in liquor, dealing in drugs, robberies, murder, attempted murder, housebreaking and theft, malicious damage to property, assault common and assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. Undocumented persons were also part of those arrested during the weekly police operations. | The operations were conducted from Thursday until Sunday, and included stop and searches, vehicle checkpoints (VCPs),…

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Ballet de Cuba entre grandes ofertas culturales en El Salvador. radiohc.cu San Salvador, 11 feb (RHC) La presentación en El Salvador el día 29 de este mes del Ballet Clásico de Cuba (de Camagàºey) aparece hoy como una de las grandes ofertas culturales en ese país.

Ana Perdigón, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-02-12). Nicaragua Formally Applies To Join ICJ Genocide Case Against 'Israel'. popularresistance.org The government of Nicaragua has filed a formal application with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to join South Africa in its genocide case against "Israel." | The ICJ announced in a press release on Thursday, February 8, that Nicaragua referred to Article 62 of the Statute of the Court to file in the Registry of the Court an application for permission to "intervene as a party in the case concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel)." | In its filing, Nicaragua stated that it considers the conduct of Israel is…

Javier Belda (2024-02-12). Milei government and communication policies/Freedom was not for expression. pressenza.com "Consequently, the role of the press has changed radically. It no longer consists essentially of debating, but of interpreting and helping to underpin government decisions with the arguments it can bring to bear." | Max Ruchner, Neue Zàºrcher Zeitung, October 1933 | The sentence in the epigraph is not taken from Decree 117/2024 with which Milei has intervened in Argentina's public media. It belongs to the commentator of a Swiss newspaper, who explains with these words the German Law for Publishers, condemned a few months after Hitler had succeeded in utilizing the Enabling Law in March 1933 in transferrin…

Ariadna Eljuri (2024-02-11). US on the Verge of Stealing Venezuelan Cargo Plane in Collusion With Argentina. orinocotribune.com This weekend, the United States will illegally take possession of the Venezuelan cargo aircraft belonging to the state cargo airline EMTRASUR. The aircraft was illegally seized by Argentina in 2022 and grounded in the Ezeiza international airport of Buenos Aires since then. | According to At the beginning of…

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Canciller de Bolivia realizará visita de trabajo a Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 feb (RHC) Celinda Sosa Lunda, ministra de Relaciones Exteriores del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, llegará este domingo a Cuba para realizar una visita de trabajo hasta el próximo día 13.

tvbrics (2024-02-12). Electricity production from renewable sources reached more than 92 per cent in Brazil. tvbrics.com The Minister of Mines and Energy described the breakthrough as a demonstration of the reliability of the industry's system…

albawaba (2024-02-11). Al-Hilal star Neymar set for Santos return?>. albawaba.com Al-Hilal star Neymar is being linked with a potential return to Brazil after having an "effective" conversation with Santos club president.The striker left Santos in 2013 to pursue a career in Europe and went on to join Barcelona where had his best spell.He then moved to Paris Saint-Germain in a world record move in 2017, but failed to live up to expecations.Neymar left the French club last summer to play alongside the likes of Aleksandar Mitrovic at Saudi Arabia's Al-Hilal.However, he suffered an unexpected ACL injury that in October that should keep him out of action until the end of the season.The 32-year-old…

Partido Humanista de Chile (2024-02-12). PH Chile Congress: Political direction for 12 years, collectively defined. pressenza.com The Self-Convened Groups, of the first congress of the Humanist Party Chile All the militants were called to constitute the self-convened groups, in the context of the Congress of the Humanist Party of Chile, to build a joint look with a projection to 12 years. | By affinity, proximity, themes (disabilities, feminism, ecology, dissidence, regionalism, etc.), action fronts, territoriality, and all the looks, and sensitivities that interact its the interior of our party with the stamp of universalist humanism. | The hope, the force, the FORCE, the "ñeque" sustaining the work of a meaningful, experiential project th…

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-12). Ecuador, ninth nation worldwide in legalizing euthanasia. plenglish.com The CC's ruling responded to a lawsuit filed by Ecuadorian Paola Roldán, who suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a catastrophic, degenerative and incurable disease that has destroyed the nerve cells controlling muscles that execute voluntary movements. | Euthanasia is also legal in Spain (2021), Colombia (2014), New Zealand (2021), Portugal (2023), the Netherlands (2002), Canada (2016), Luxembourg (2009) and Belgium (2022). | In the Court's ruling, issued past Wednesday, the CC pointed out that the right to life, understood as subsistence, is inviolable. | However, in the analyzed case, the conduct…

Andrés Madrid, Andrés Tapia (2024-02-12). Capitalism and drug trafficking in Ecuador: Two sides of the same coin. cadtm.org

Andrés Madrid, Andrés Tapia (2024-02-11). Capitalism and drug trafficking in Ecuador: Two sides of the same coin. cadtm.org

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Sondeo ratifica rechazo a presidenta y desgaste ministerial en Perú. radiohc.cu Lima, 11 feb (RHC) La ratificación de la desaprobación a la presidenta peruana, Dina Boluarte, y al primer ministro, Alberto Otárola, destacó este domingo en una encuesta que, además, evidencia el desgaste del gabinete ministerial.

Roger D. Harris, Popular Resistance. (2024-02-12). Washington Sets Stage For Delegitimizing The Venezuelan Presidential Election. popularresistance.org Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution marks its 25th anniversary this month, despite continuous US-led hybrid warfare to overthrow the socialist project. The Venezuelan government of President Nicolás Maduro has successfully forced the US to de facto engage with it, although Washington still maintains the fiction that the defunct 2015 National Assembly is the "last remaining democratic institution" there. | The US has been relegated to vetting candidates for the upcoming Venezuelan presidential election. While still egregiously interventionist, the imperial power has failed to achieve outright regime change. The appe…

Staff (2024-02-12). Venezuela's Authorities Arrest Far-Right NGOist Rocío San Miguel. orinocotribune.com Caracas ( The arrest was reported this Sunday, February 11, by the attorney general of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab. In a statement, Saab explained that the goal of the terrorist plot was to assassinate President Nicolás Maduro and other top Venezuelan officials, as w…

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Capturan en Venezuela a presunta implicada en acto conspirativo (+ Foto). radiohc.cu Caracas, 11 feb (RHC) El fiscal general de Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, anunció este domingo la captura de Rocío del Carmen San Miguel Sosa, por estar presuntamente implicada en una de las operaciones conspirativas e intento de magnicidio contra autoridades nacionales.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Agencia caribeña de Salud insta a tomar medidas por polvo sahariano. radiohc.cu Puerto España, 11 feb (RHC) La Agencia de Salud Pública del Caribe -Carpha-, instó a los ciudadanos a protegerse frente a una columna de polvo del Sahara que cubre hoy muchas zonas de la región.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Presidente de Cuba felicita a gobierno y pueblo de china por Nuevo Año Lunar. radiohc.cu Beijing, 11 feb (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, envió una felicitación al pueblo chino y al mandatario Xi Jinping por el Nuevo Año Lunar, trascendió este domingo en Beijing.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Cibernética en Cuba cree en protagonismo femenino en la ciencia. radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 feb (RHC) Yuley Sosa, una joven informática destaca hoy en el universo de la ciencia y las tecnologías en Cuba a pesar de las cifras desalentadoras que revelan la escasa presencia en el área a nivel nacional e internacional.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Gobierno de Cuba felicita a Irán por 45 aniversario de Revolución Islámica. radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 feb (RHC) El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, felicitó hoy al pueblo y gobierno de Irán en el 45 aniversario del triunfo de la Revolución Islámica.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Presidente de Cuba lamenta muerte del revolucionario Felipe Guerra. radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 feb (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, ofreció sus condolencias este domingo a familiares y amigos del destacado revolucionario e impulsor del deporte nacional Felipe Guerra, quien falleció la víspera a la edad de 98 años.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Cuba: Sesiona Consejo Nacional de la Federación Estudiantil Universitaria. radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 feb (RHC) Desde este sábado sesiona de forma virtual en el país el Consejo Nacional de la Federación Estudiantil Universitaria (FEU), que revisa temas y documentos trascendentes para el funcionamiento de la organización.

aa.com.tr (2024-02-12). ƒ∞stanbul'da yaƒüƒ±≈ülƒ± havanƒ±n etkisiyle trafik yoƒüunluƒüu yàºzde 81'e à߃±ktƒ±. aa.com.tr ƒ∞stanbul'da, sabah saatlerinde trafik yoƒüunluƒüu yaƒüƒ±≈ülƒ± havanƒ±n da etkisiyle yàºzde 81'e kadar yàºkseldi.

Dave DeCamp (2024-02-11). Houthis Hold Funeral for 17 Killed in Recent US and British Strikes. news.antiwar.com The Houthis held a funeral on Saturday for 17 of its members who were killed by recent US and British strikes on Yemen. "In a dignified funeral procession, the bodies of several martyrs of the nation, armed forces, and security forces who were martyred in the American-British aggression airstrikes, were mourned," Yemen's Saba news agency …

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