2024-02-24: News Headlines

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-02-24). Italy reports some 50 dengue cases during first two months of year. plenglish.com Rome, Feb 24 (Prensa Latina) Italy reported 48 dengue cases between January 1 and February 21, all of which were imported, leading to an increase in measures to fight the disease, it was learned recently. According to a press release on the specialized news website Quotidiano Sanitá, during a Senate hearing on Thursday, Italian Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci pointed out, 'We are attentive and doing everything necessary' to prevent an increase in the number of contagions, which totaled 362, with one death, in 2023.

Martin Edwin Andersen (2024-02-24). Henry Kissinger, Watergate, the CIA, and the Latin American Connection. indybay.org An advance of a book coming out on the 80th anniversary of the most important trial of the 20th Century … | Changing Sides: Henry Kissinger and the Nuremberg Legacy…

WSWS (2024-02-24). Italian autoworker: "Build a strong class movement of workers internationally" wsws.org In the context of a slew of deaths on the job, including an accident last Thursday that killed a 52-year-old worker at the Stellantis Pratola Serra engine factory, workers' anger is escalating.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-24). Demonstrations in Italy for peace in Ukraine and the Middle East (+Photos). plenglish.com Rome, February 24 (Prensa Latina) Thousands of people participated in demonstrations called by the Italian Network for Peace and Disarmament, which spread today throughout the country, in favor of the end of the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-24). Popular artist Juana Bacallao dies in Cuba at age 98. plenglish.com Havana, Feb 24 (Prensa Latina) The popular Cuban artist Juana Bacallao died today in this capital at the age of 98, after days of hospitalization in serious condition, reported the Cuban Institute of Music.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-24). Prime Minister of Cuba congratulates Radio Rebelde station. plenglish.com Havana, February 24 (Prensa Latina) The Prime Minister of Cuba, Manuel Marrero, conveyed a hug and recognition to the workers of the Radio Rebelde station, which today celebrates 66 years since it was founded.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-24). The West only observes Israel's crimes, they say in Türkiye. plenglish.com Ankara, Feb 24 (Prensa Latina) The president of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, stated today that Western governments and the United Nations Security Council are limited to observe the crimes perpetrated by Israel in the Gaza Strip.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-24). WTO appreciates Emirati donation of 10 million dollars. plenglish.com Geneva, Feb 24 (Prensa Latina) The World Trade Organization (WTO) reported today that it will receive a donation from the United Arab Emirates for 10 million dollars to support initiatives to benefit developing and least developed countries (LDCs).

Javier Tolcachier (2024-02-24). Latin American and Caribbean Day of Integration has begun. pressenza.com The Latin American and Caribbean Day of Peoples' Integration inaugurated its activities with an exciting cultural event in the city of Foz do Iguaàßu, Brazil. This event brings together various organizations, movements, and political parties with the aim of addressing current and future challenges at the continental level. | The first day brought together some 4,000 activists from twenty-six countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. | In a packed hall, after the opening session, the first conference began, with speakers addressing the crisis of capitalism and the threats to peace and the sovereignty of…

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-02-24). Former Israeli PM criticizes Netanyahu's war-mongering policies. plenglish.com Tel Aviv, Feb 24 (Prensa Latina) Partners of the messianic coalition led by Israel, headed by Benjamin Netanyahu, want a total regional war, the Gaza Strip is only the first step, former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert denounced.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-02-24). Frente Amplio to disclose government's failures in electoral campaign. plenglish.com Montevideo, Feb 24 (Prensa Latina) The Frente Amplio is preparing a document that lists what it considers failures of the current government, which will serve as a battle guide in the electoral campaign for next October's elections.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-02-24). Lebanon condemns illegal construction of Israeli settlements. plenglish.com Beirut, Feb 24 (Prensa Latina) The Lebanese Foreign Ministry condemned the illegality of the construction of Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories, which hinder a just, comprehensive and lasting peace.

newarab (2024-02-24). Arab proposal for Gaza could see Hamas-PLO integration. newarab.com Arab states are formulating a plan for The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation (Kan) said the US was holding talks with Arab states, which it did not name, regarding the day after the war, in parallel with Washington informed Israe…

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-24). Movimientos populares defienden la unión de América Latina. telesurtv.net Este es uno de los resultados de un evento que comenzó el jueves y finaliza este sábado y cuenta con la participación de 4.000 personas de más de 20 países de la región.

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Colombia Assumes Presidency of the EU-CELAC Anti-Drug Mechanism. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Colombia assumed the presidency of the Cooperation Mechanism on Drugs between the European Union (EU) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), within the framework of the 24th High Level Meeting that took place in La Paz. | RELATED: | "Colombia and the European Union have the opportunity to build a new policy against drug trafficking that overcomes the failed 'War on Drugs' that has left one million m…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Higher or University Education in Venezuela. telesurenglish.net In Venezuela, as in many Latin American countries, university education is the responsibility of the State. There are a significant number of public sector universities, although many are also privately owned. | RELATED: | Great progress has been achieved in the South American country in the academic sector regarding Higher Education with the coming to power of the so-called Bolivarian Revolution, led by Commander Hugo Chávez and currently with…

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-02-24). Colombia repatria 77 piezas prehispánicas desde Alemania. telesurtv.net Las obras se encontraban en manos de coleccionistas privados desde la década de los 70 en el estado federado de Renania-Palatinado.

presstv.ir (2024-02-24). Mexicans rally in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza. presstv.ir Hundreds of protesters take to Mexico City's Paseo de la Reforma avenue in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, demanding an immediate ceasefire in the territory.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-24). México recupera pieza arqueológica en Portugal. telesurtv.net El Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) refirió a este como un monumento arqueológico propiedad mexicana.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-24). Hallan a 101 migrantes guatemaltecos hacinados en Sonora, México. telesurtv.net Asimismo, plataformas comunicativas o de derechos humanos alertan sobre la migración y la construcción de la criminalización de las personas del colectivo migrante.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-24). Agricultores franceses irrumpen en la feria agrícola de París. telesurtv.net Los agricultores han estado protestando en toda Europa, pidiendo mejores ingresos y menos burocracia y denunciando la competencia desleal de productos importados baratos.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-24). Brote de cólera deja, por ahora, 700 muertos en Zambia. telesurtv.net El cólera se transmite por la ingestión de alimentos y/o agua contaminados. El mayor número de casos registrados se produce en la ciudad capital, Lusaka.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-24). Venezuela y Türkiye fortalecen relaciones bilaterales. telesurtv.net Esa es la conclusión principal de la reunión que sostuvieron los cancilleres de ambas naciones este sábado.

teleSUR, DRl (2024-02-24). Fallece la leyenda de la música cubana Juana Bacallao. telesurtv.net La noticia fue confirmada por el Instituto Cubano de la Música la mañana del sábado.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-24). Avanzan negociaciones para posible tregua en la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net En la negociación participaron el director del Mosad, David Barnea; el jefe del servicio de la inteligencia interior (Shin Bet), Ronen Bar, y representantes del Ejército.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-24). Médicos ingleses comienzan jornada de 5 días de huelga. telesurtv.net Se tarta de miles de médicos residentes quienes están llamados a parar desde las 07.00 UTC del sábado hasta las 23.59 UTC del próximo miércoles.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-24). Bolivia y China acuerdan realizar operaciones directas en yuanes. telesurtv.net A partir de ahora estos movimientos financieros se llevarán a cabo sin intermediarios y sin monedas intermediarias.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-24). Continúan manifestaciones en apoyo a Palestina. telesurtv.net En Yemen, una vez más, miles de personas salieron a las calles para exigir el fin de los ataques contra Palestina por parte de Israel.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-24). Ecuador se postula para ser sede de la Copa América 2028. telesurtv.net Mediante un comunicado, se informó que el líder del ejecutivo dio una carta con la postulación formal al presidente de Conmebol, Alejandro Domínguez.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN, JDO (2024-02-24). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Suman ya 140 días de ataques constantes de las fuerzas de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-02-24). Mueren 15 personas por incendio en edificio residencial en China. telesurtv.net Las autoridades indicaron que el siniestro causó además 44 personas heridas, que ameritaron ser trasladadas a hospitales cercanos.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2024-02-24). Chubut y otras provincias argentinas defienden sus recursos. telesurtv.net El gobernador Axel Kicillof se solidarizó con el reclamo hecho por Ignacio Torres y las autoridades de la región patagónica.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2024-02-24). Cinco migrantes mueren cerca de las costas de Malta. telesurtv.net "Hemos conocido un naufragio ocurrido durante una intervención de las Fuerzas Armadas de Malta, que provocó al menos 5 muertes", refirió Alarma Phone.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-24). Siria alerta sobre las políticas agresivas de Israel. telesurtv.net Ammar Al-Ersan insistió en que Israel debe se juzgado y condenado por sus atrocidades.

teleSUR, MER (2024-02-24). Presidente venezolano destaca victoria de la Batalla de los Puentes. telesurtv.net El mandatario resaltó que la unión cívico-militar y policial fue fundamental para el gran triunfo por el derecho de paz en Venezuela.

teleSUR, nbb, DRL (2024-02-24). Ataques israelíes contra Gaza dejan decenas de muertos y heridos. telesurtv.net En Rafah, al sur de Gaza, aviones de combate israelíes bombardearon dos casas, resultando en la muerte de cinco civiles y heridas a otros…

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-24). Agencia de ONU para refugiados de Palestina está al borde del colapso. telesurtv.net La suspensión de la ayuda de 16 países donantes significa que sin nuevos fondos, las operaciones de la Unrwa en toda la región de Oriente Medio se verán gravemente comprometidas.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-24). Denuncian a Alemania por contribuir al genocidio en Palestina. telesurtv.net La organización de abogados y activistas propalestinos, Law for Palestine, destacó la responsabilidad de Alemania y otros países en prevenir el genocidio.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-24). Al menos 4.383 peruanos están damnificados por intensas lluvias. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento también se han entregado cerca de 283 toneladas de bienes en ayuda humanitaria que están beneficiando a cerca de 18.000 personas afectadas.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-24). Incendio en volcán de Agua devasta 50 hectáreas de bosque en Guatemala. telesurtv.net Según la Conred, cientos de servidores públicos, líderes comunitarios, colaboradores de la iniciativa privada y organizaciones no gubernamentales ayudan a suprimir el incendio.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-24). Realizan multitudinaria marcha en solidaridad con Palestina en Yemen. telesurtv.net Mediante un comunicado, bendijeron a los líderes políticos que calificaron a EE.UU. y Reino Unido como entidades hostiles a la nación yemení.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-24). Presidente de Brasil acusa a Israel de no hacer guerra sino genocidio. telesurtv.net El mandatario aseguró que está a favor de la creación de un Estado palestino libre y soberano.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-24). Presidente de Venezuela sostiene encuentro con canciller de Türkiye. telesurtv.net Durante el encuentro en el Palacio de Miraflores, ambas partes confirmaron las relaciones de colaboración y solidaridad a favor del beneficio conjunto.

teleSUR- jaa, DRL (2024-02-24). Israel bloquea más de 18.000 toneladas de alimentos para Gaza. telesurtv.net Desde inicios de este mes de febrero la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) ha denunciado el bloqueo de la ayuda humanitaria en el puerto mentado.

teleSUR- jaa, DRL (2024-02-24). Recibe Premio Nacional de Periodismo cubano Arleen Rodríguez. telesurtv.net El jurado formado por 16 periodistas, analizó 31 candidatos propuestos por las 31 delegaciones de base de la Unión de Periodistas de Cuba (UPEC).

teleSUR (2024-02-24). "Israel Commits Genocide in Gaza": President Lula Says Again. telesurenglish.net Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva affirmed at an event in Rio de Janeiro yesterday that "what the Israeli Government is doing to the Palestinian people is not war, it is genocide because it is killing women and children". | RELATED: | "This is genocide. Thousands of dead children, thousands missing. It's not soldiers who are dying, but women and children in hospitals. If this is not genocide, I don't k…

teleSUR (2024-02-24). Israel Studies Draft Truce in Gaza. telesurenglish.net The ministers of Israel's war cabinet will vote tonight, according to all forecasts and by telephone, whether or not they support a still very abstract draft for a possible truce in Gaza. | RELATED: | According to Israeli media sources knowledgeable about the negotiations, last night there were "significant advances" in the negotiations for a possible truce and exchange of Palestinian political prisoners for Israeli h…

teleSUR (2024-02-24). Juana Bacallao: Cuban Music Legend and Show-Woman Dies. telesurenglish.net The artist and legend of Cuban popular music Amelia Martínez Salazar, known nationally and internationally as Juana Bacallao, died this Saturday in Havana, according to a note from the Minster of Culture of the island. | RELATED: | Juana was unforgettable by her time in the capital cabarets Sans Sousi, Tropicana, Copa Room del Riviera, Parisien del Hotel Nacional de Cuba, Salón Rojo del Capri, Caribe del Hotel Habana Libre, as well as the clubs…

teleSUR (2024-02-24). FM of Türkiye Visits Venezuela to Strength Cooperation Ties. telesurenglish.net This Friday, the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Türkiye, Hakan Fidan, met with the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, as part of his official visit to the country, to strengthen the agenda of cooperation and brotherhood between both nations. | RELATED: | In Caracas, the Venezuelan president welcomed the Turkish diplomat, in addition to the special adviser of the minister, Ambassador Sadik Arslan, the Dir…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Argentine: President Milei Closes Agency Against Discrimination. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, President Javier Milei's administration announced it was closing the the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI), saying that such public agencies served "no purpose." | RELATED: | The president's office had started the process of closing down the INADI, presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni said at a press conference. | The measure was a campaign promise of President Javier Milei and part of a comprehensive policy…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Argentine Teachers To Go on National Strike Next Week. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, the Confederation of Education Workers of the Argentine Republic (CTERA) announced the start of a 24-hour national strike beginning next Monday to demand better incomes for education workers. | RELATED: | In justifying this collective action, CTERA Secretary Sonia Alesso explained that President Javier Milei has made policy decisions that will not allow teachers to have better incomes. | Among the a…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Farmers to Protest at the European Commission Office in Madrid. telesurenglish.net On Monday, the Young Farmers Agricultural Association (ASAJA), the Coordinator of Farmers and Ranchers Organizations (COAG), and the Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers (UPA) will place hundreds of tractors and thousands of protesters between the Ministry of Agriculture and the office of the European Commission (EC) in Madrid. | RELATED: | This protest will coincide with the meeting of the European Union's Agriculture C…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Gaza Strip: Warn of Desperate Situation, Food Shortage. telesurenglish.net On Friday, Save the Children said that families in Gaza are forced to scavenge for scraps of food left by rats and eat leaves to try to survive after nearly five months of war. | RELATED: | The 1.1 million children living in the territory now face death from starvation and disease because it is impossible to deliver aid safely, the non-governmental organization said in a statement. | The group quoted a humanitarian wor…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Nigeria: 72 Killed in Lassa Fever Outbreak. telesurenglish.net Two health workers have been so far affected by the Lassa fever outbreak in the country, with the predominant age group of victims being 21 years and 30 years of age, the NCDC said in its report. | The "multimammate rat," very common in Nigeria in sub-Saharan Africa, is a carrier of the Lassa virus. Feb. 23, 2024.

teleSUR (2024-02-23). S. Sudan: World Charity Warns of Humanitarian Crisis, Transit Sites. telesurenglish.net On Friday, the international medical charity, Medicins Sans Frontiers (MSF), called for urgent response in two of the busiest transit sites in South Sudan to prevent deadly disease outbreaks. | RELATED: | The MSF warned that a humanitarian crisis is mounting in Bulukat and Renk sites in Upper Nile State as thousands of people who escaped the conflict in Sudan are desperately short of essentials including clean wa…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). States Demand an Immediate End to Israel's Activities. telesurenglish.net This Friday marks the fifth day of oral arguments before the International Court of Justice regarding Israel's policies and practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including East Jerusalem. | RELATED: | The states continued their oral presentations in the hearing before the International Court of Justice, den Haag, Netherlands. | Namibia: Israel "should not be exempted from sanctions": | On behalf of…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). The Long-Term Solution for Gaza is Political: UN Coordinator. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Tor Wennesland, called for collective efforts to restore a political horizon for Palestinians and Israelis. | RELATED: | "The scale of the emergency we are facing is staggering and could quickly spiral out of control in the region. I appeal for a collective, coordinated and comprehensive response to not only address the immediate crisis before us i…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). US Makes First Lunar Landing in 51 Years. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, U.S. company Intuitive Machines' first lunar lander touched down on the Moon, marking the first American spacecraft to land on the lunar surface in 51 years. | RELATED: | The uncrewed lander, named Odysseus, landed at the lunar South Pole at 6: 23 p.m. Eastern Time. After troubleshooting communications, flight controllers have confirmed Odysseus is upright and starting to send data. | "Right now, we are worki…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Venezuela Defeated Foreign Interference in the 'Bridges Battle'. telesurenglish.net On Friday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro recalled that this 23rd of February marks the fifth anniversary of the so-called "Battle of the Bridges," an action through which the Bolivarian people defended peace and national sovereignty. | RELATED: | "We commemorate 5 years since the victory of the Venezuelan people in the 'Battle of the Bridges,' a confrontation that took place on the Colombia-Venezuela border," he said.

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Venezuela Expands Gas Cooperation with Algeria. telesurenglish.net Joint business opportunities in the gas sector between Venezuela and Algeria were evaluated by the Venezuelan Minister of Petroleum and President of Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), Rafael Tellechea, and the Algerian Minister of Energy and Mines, Mohamed Arkab, during their official visit to the country in the middle of this week. | RELATED: | During the meeting held in Caracas, both authorities reviewed the framew…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Wildfires in the Brazilian Amazon Put Yanomami Families at Risk. telesurenglish.net On Friday, the National Institute of Space Research (INPE) confirmed that 1,691 fires have occurred so far in February in the Roraima state, which is located in the northern region of the Brazilian Amazon. | RELATED: | Compared to the same period last year, such figure implies that the number of fires has increased 12 times. In the last 24 hours, 464 fires remain active in Roraima. | The number of fires for February's…

teleSUR (2024-02-23). Yemen's Houthis Launch Attacks on Israeli City and Two Ships. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Yemen's Houthi group launched attacks on an Israeli city, a British cargo ship, and a U.S. warship, in what it called a response to the "U.S.-British aggression" against Yemen and its support of the Palestinians in Gaza. | RELATED: | The Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea said that the first attack targeted the Israeli city of Eilat with ballistic missiles and drones. The Israeli army said it had intercepted a missile from t…

teleSUR (2024-02-22). Venezuela: Death Toll Rises to 16 in Bolivar Mine Collapse. telesurenglish.net The death toll after a mine collapse in the town of La Paragua, Angostura municipality, has risen to 16, the governor of the Venezuelan state of Bolivar, Angel Marcano, announced on Thursday. | RELATED: | According to Marcano, the teams continue with the rescue work in the illegal mine La Bulla Loca, as well as the integral support to those affected. | Madelein García, teleSUR correspondent, confirmed from the scene of the ac…

newarab (2024-02-24). 'Mass chaos among Israeli army in Gaza', says former general. newarab.com

teleSUR . rzr (2024-02-23). Perú y China perfilan aumentar sus relaciones bilaterales. telesurtv.net Representantes de ambas naciones también dialogaron sobre las "acciones conjuntas que se impulsarán" con vistas a la próxima cumbre del Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-02-23). Concluyó visita de Hamás a Egipto para negociaciones de tregua. telesurtv.net Esta prevista una reunión este viernes en París, Francia, entre el jefe de los servicios de inteligencia de Estados Unidos, Israel y Egipto, además del primer ministro de Catar.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-02-23). Expertos de la ONU piden embargo global de armas a Israel. telesurtv.net Señalaron que EE.UU. y Alemania son con gran diferencia los principales exportadores de armamento a Israel, con un aumento de sus envíos desde el inicio de la ofensiva el 7 de octubre.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-23). Más de 29.500 personas asesinadas por ataques israelíes en Gaza. telesurtv.net Durante las últimas 24 horas las fuerzas de ocupación cometieron diez masacres con un saldo de 104 muertos y 160 heridos.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-23). Se cumplen cinco años de la Batalla de los Puentes en Venezuela. telesurtv.net "La invencible unión cívico-militar-policial bolivariana derrotó el plan de invasión", afirmó el mandatario venezolano.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2024-02-23). Omán y Siria refuerzan lazos de cooperación económica. telesurtv.net Las reuniones entre Siria y Omán servirán para profundizar en los aspectos ya existentes y encontrar nuevas vías de intercambio mutuo.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2024-02-23). Presidente boliviano llamó a luchar en conjunto contra narcotráfico. telesurtv.net Luis Arce recalcó los cambios en el tráfico de drogas durante los últimos años y la importancia de luchar tanto contra el consumo, como contra la producción.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-23). Se movilizan en Argentina contra ajuste neoliberal de Milei. telesurtv.net Cerca de 500 cortes en Buenos Aires y otras ciudades, desde donde también se reclama al Gobierno la entrega de alimentos para los comedores comunitarios.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-23). Guatemala descarta pedir ayuda para combatir incendios. telesurtv.net Karin Herrera, vicepresidenta de Guatemala pero en funciones para encabezar el Ejecutivo nacional, aseguró que el siniestro fue controlado en un 40 por ciento, por lo que no se necesita ayuda de organismos internacionales.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-23). Docentes en Argentina anuncian huelga por desmejora salarial. telesurtv.net Como respuesta al clamor de los responsables de la educación, el Gobierno de Milei tomó "la decisión de comenzar con la evaluación para declarar la educación servicio esencial".De gestarse esta iniciativa, quedarían suspendidos los derechos a huelgas masivas en el sector educativo.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-23). Presidente palestino pide intervención internacional. telesurtv.net En el pedido de ayuda a la comunidad internacional, el presidente palestino incluyo la provisión de alimentos y asistencia médica en la Franja de Gaza, aseguró que el pedido es desesperado sobretodo en la región norte.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-23). Se registra sismo de 6,3 en el pacífico de Chile. telesurtv.net El sismo se produjo a más de 3.000 kilómetros de la ciudad chilena de Valdivia, donde viven más de 130.000 personas.

teleSUR, rzr, JDO (2024-02-23). Al menos ocho muertos por lluvias e inundaciones en Brasil. telesurtv.net Las fuertes lluvias que azotan la región de Río de Janeiro desde la noche del pasado miércoles han provocado fuertes inundaciones, principalmente en la región metropolitana.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-23). Elevan emergencia sanitaria por inundaciones en Chone, Ecuador. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Salud autorizó a suspender los servicios médicos debido a las inundaciones de varios centros de salud en la zona de Chone.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-23). Justicia panameña ordena detención de expresidente Martinelli. telesurtv.net El expresidente Ricardo Martinelli presentó múltiples recursos de apelación, pero perdió el último ante la Corte Suprema el pasado 2 de febrero.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-23). Justicia peruana rechaza excarcelación de expresidente Toledo. telesurtv.net La defensa de Toledo solicitó al juzgado que se incluyan en el tiempo de reclusión del expresidente peruano en Estados Unidos.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-23). Ataques israelíes en el centro y sur de la Franja de Gaza dejan 46 muertos. telesurtv.net Medios palestinos reportaron que al menos seis personas fallecieron y varias resultaron heridas en el este de la ciudad de Rafah producto de un ataque israelí.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-23). Canciller ruso afirmó que EE.UU. manipula la economía global. telesurtv.net Serguéi Lavrov, señaló que durante la reunión del G20, EE.UU. y sus aliados intentaron desviar la agenda hacia el tema de Ucrania y las acusaciones infundadas contra su país,…

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-23). TSE salvadoreño rechaza pedido de anular comicios legislativas. telesurtv.net Partidos de oposición salvadoreños sostienen que se presentaron irregularidades en los comicios legislativos donde el partido Nuevas Ideas ganó 54 de 60 escaños.

teleSUR . rzr (2024-02-24). Perú y China perfilan aumentar sus relaciones bilaterales. telesurtv.net Representantes de ambas naciones también dialogaron sobre las "acciones conjuntas que se impulsarán" con vistas a la próxima cumbre del Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-02-24). Concluye visita de Hamás a Egipto para negociaciones de tregua. telesurtv.net Esta prevista una reunión este viernes en París, Francia, entre el jefe de los servicios de inteligencia de Estados Unidos, Israel y Egipto, además del primer ministro de Catar.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-02-24). Exigen ante CIJ fin inmediato de crímenes israelíes en Gaza. telesurtv.net El representante de Omán, Abdullah Al Harthi, dijo que el mundo asiste "desde hace cuatro meses a una de las peores atrocidades y actos de genocidio de los tiempos modernos".

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-02-24). Expertos de la ONU piden embargo global de armas a Israel. telesurtv.net Señalaron que EE.UU. y Alemania son con gran diferencia los principales exportadores de armamento a Israel, con un aumento de sus envíos desde el inicio de la ofensiva el 7 de octubre.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-02-24). Sube a diez cifra muertos tras incendio en Valencia, España. telesurtv.net De acuerdo al presidente de la Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazón, el fuego causó 15 heridos, de los cuales siete son bomberos.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-24). Más de 13 millones de ecuatorianos podrán acudir a las urnas en abril. telesurtv.net El CNE proyectó 409.628 de dólares para el Fondo de Promoción Electoral en aras de las labores proselitistas.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-24). Más de 29.500 personas asesinadas por ataques israelíes en Gaza. telesurtv.net Durante las últimas 24 horas las fuerzas de ocupación cometieron diez masacres con un saldo de 104 muertos y 160 heridos.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-24). Putin señala que 95% de las armas nucleares rusas son modernas. telesurtv.net El mandatario destacó que el país eslavo continuará fortaleciendo sus Fuerzas Armadas "de todas las formas posibles".

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-24). Se cumplen cinco años de la Batalla de los Puentes en Venezuela. telesurtv.net "La invencible unión cívico-militar-policial bolivariana derrotó el plan de invasión", afirmó el mandatario venezolano.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN, JDO (2024-02-24). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Son más de 130 días de ataques constantes de las fuerzas de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-24). Se movilizan en Argentina contra ajuste neoliberal de Milei. telesurtv.net Cerca de 500 cortes en Buenos Aires y otras ciudades, desde donde también se reclama al Gobierno la entrega de alimentos para los comedores comunitarios.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-24). Hezbolá ataca sede de administración local israelí. telesurtv.net En un comunicado, la milicia chií precisó que lanzó dos drones con explosivos contra las oficinas del ente, situadas a diez km de la frontera con Líbano.

scorinoco (2024-02-24). President Maduro Highlights Public-Military-Police Unity in Venezuela's Victory in the Battle of the Bridges. orinocotribune.com The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, highlighted the role of the civic-military-police unity in the emblematic Battle of the Bridges, which defeated the invasion attempt against Venezuela carried out from Colombian territory by US-backed coup plotters. On Friday, February 23, the fifth anniversary of the Battle of the Bridges, President Maduro recalled the battle that the Venezuelan people and armed forces fought on the Venezuela-Colombia border to beat back invaders who had tried to enter Venezuela with so-called humanitarian aid. | "Today is precisely the 5th anniversary of the…

Francesco Pata, Daniele Paglione, Elvis Pardo Olivares, Ernesto Casamayor Callejas, Bruno Nardo (2024-02-24). Correspondence] Calabria's partnership with Cuban doctors: challenges and solutions. thelancet.com Analogous to health-care systems in high-income countries, the Italian National Health System (Sistema Sanitario Nazionale) is grappling with its most severe crisis since its inception in 1978.1 A gradual increase in costs and the subsequent containment measures, combined with the decentralisation of the health-care system in the 2000s which essentially resulted in the creation of 20 distinct health-care systems (one for each region), has led to fragmentation and heterogeneous health-care provision— a problem that became starkly evident in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-24). Recuerdan en Panamá fundación de emisora cubana Radio Rebelde. radiohc.cu Ciudad de Panamá, 24 feb (RHC) Diversos mensajes en las redes sociales celebran este sábado en Panamá el aniversario 66 de la fundación de la emisora cubana Radio Rebelde y el reinicio de las luchas libertarias en nuestro país.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-24). Participa líder del parlamento cubano en funeral de Estado en Namibia. radiohc.cu Windhoek, 24 feb (RHC) El presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular de Cuba -Parlamento-, Esteban Lazo, asiste este sábado en Windhoek al funeral de Estado del exmandatario namibio Hage G. Geingob.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-24). Dirigentes de Cuba ratifican compromiso con el pueblo y la Revolución (+Fotos). radiohc.cu La Habana, 24 feb (RHC) Con la firma del Código de Ética de los Cuadros de la Revolución cubana, los dirigentes de nuestro país ratificaron hoy su compromiso con el pueblo y fidelidad a la patria.

María Candela (2024-02-24). Recorre presidente cubano lugares de interés social y económico en el municipio de Manzanillo en Granma. radiohc.cu Miguel Díaz-Canel, Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de #Cuba y Presidente de la República, desarrollo este viernes una visita al municipio de Manzanillo en la provincia cubana de Granma, para evaluar programas de interés social y económico.

Orlando González Cruz (2024-02-24). Regresan las emociones en semifinales de Pequeñas Ligas de béisbol. radiohc.cu La Habana, 24 feb (ACN) Los cuatro equipos semifinalistas del torneo beisbolero cubano de las Pequeñas Ligas se alistan para buscar este fin de semana su pase a la discusión del trofeo de campeones de la temporada.

Orlando González Cruz (2024-02-24). Cuba aplastó a Anguila en eliminatoria sub-20 de fútbol. radiohc.cu La Habana, 24 feb (JIT) La selección cubana de futbol consiguió una aplastante victoria sobre Anguila en su debut en la clasificatoria mundialista de Concacaf, categoría sub-20, que comenzó este viernes en Nicaragua.

Orlando González Cruz (2024-02-24). Herin acaba quinta en Panamericano de Luchas. radiohc.cu La Habana, 24 feb (JIT) La cubana Laura Herin concluyó en la quinta posición de la división de los 53 kg en el Campeonato Panamericano de Luchas de Acapulco 2024, en México.

Jeff Abbott (2024-02-24). Climate Change Is Fueling Wildfires Across South America. progressive.org The combination of El Niño and climate change has brought historically high temperatures and uncontrollable fires.

Xinhua (2024-02-24). Brazil to propose global alliance against hunger and poverty to G20. pressenza.com Brazil will today propose to the G20 a global alliance against hunger and poverty, coinciding with the South American country's rotating presidency of the group this year. | The initiative was proposed by Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva when Brazil took over the rotating presidency of the G20 in December last year. It was endorsed on Wednesday by Brazil's Minister of Development and Social Welfare, Family and the Fight against Hunger, Wellington Dias, during the first virtual technical meeting of the G20 working group. | The meeting discussed the terms of accession for countries interested in joinin…

albawaba (2024-02-24). Environmental catastrophe as Houthis target ship carrying hazardous materials. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – On Saturday, February 24, 2024, at 3: 33 PM, the Yemeni government warned of a big environmental disaster that could happen in the Red Sea.The Yemeni government is worried about a big environmental disaster because of news that the Ruby Mar ship, which was attacked by the Houthi group, leaked dangerous materials.Large losses and the crew having to leave the shipIn a statement carried by the Yemeni news service Saba, the Yemeni government said it was wrong for the Houthi group to attack the ship flying the Belizean flag, which caused a lot of damage and forced the crew to leave the ship.It stated that "p…

albawaba (2024-02-24). Contrary to expectations, Antony Blinken criticizes Israeli plans! albawaba.com ALBAWABA – US Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently voiced his displeasure of Israel's intended development of settlements in the occupied West Bank, saying that such acts are inconsistent with international law, during a press conference while on a visit to Argentina.In the press conference, which he co-hosted with his Argentine counterpart Diana Mondino, Blinken answered queries about Israel's intentions for additional settlement growth as well as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's "post-war Gaza" initiative. Blinken stressed that any proposed strategy must uphold basic values, such as keeping Gaz…

presstv.ir (2024-02-24). Brazil's outspoken Lula stands ground, asserts Israel committing genocide in Gaza. presstv.ir Brazil's president repeats his recent assertion that the Israeli regime is committing genocide in Gaza.

Merve Berker (2024-02-24). 'If That's Not Genocide, I Don't Know What Genocide Is': Brazilian President Says On Gaza. indybay.org "It is a genocide. Thousands of children are dead and thousands are missing. Soldiers are not dying. Women and children are dying at the hospital," he said at an event in Rio de Janeiro, adding: "If that's not genocide, I don't know what genocide is."

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-24). Dengue fever: A Mayo Clinic expert explains the mosquito-borne infection. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Recent outbreaks of dengue fever in Brazil have prompted public health officials to launch an immunization campaign targeting children ages 10 to 11. Dengue fever is a potentially life-threatening viral infection transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes. "Four different subtypes of the virus can cause infections in humans," says Dr. Stacey Rizza, a Mayo Clinic infectious diseases specialist. "Wherever you have a significant number of mosquitoes and warm hot environments is where you see dengue transmission." Watch: Dr. Stacey…

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental Institute for Social Research. (2024-02-24). If I Understand The World, I Can March To Change It. popularresistance.org In 1945, the newly formed United Nations held a conference to found the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). The main concern of the delegates, particularly those who came from the Third World, was literacy. There needs to be a 'world crusade against illiteracy', said Dr Jaime Jaramillo Arango, the rector of the National University of Colombia. For him, and several others, illiteracy was 'one of the greatest outrages to human dignity'. Abdelfattah Amr, the Egyptian ambassador to the United Kingdom and a champion squash player, said that illiteracy was part of the broader pro…

Agence France-Presse (2024-02-24). Colombia to use underwater robot to remove treasures worth billions from 18th-century shipwreck. scmp.com The robot will work at a depth of 600m to recover items from the San Jose galleon, which sank in 1708 while laden with gold and emeralds.

Misión Verdad (2024-02-24). Venezuelan Opposition Economist Demonstrates Damaging Effects of Sanctions on Venezuela. orinocotribune.com There is a growing consensus in Venezuela regarding the damaging effects of the unilateral coercive measures imposed on Venezuela by the United States and the European Union.

Staff (2024-02-24). Kim Jong Il and the Foundations of DPRK as a Powerful State. orinocotribune.com By Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) in Venezuela — Feb 15, 2024 | The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is recognized today as a military power. It is progressing to become an economic power with cutting-edge technologies such as astronautics, Computerized Numerical Control (CNC), computing, etc. | The foundations for a powerful state would have been impossible without the selfless efforts of Kim Jong Il (1942-2011), the eternal leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, who with his extraordinary insight paved the way for DPRK to prosper on its own strength. | About…

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-24). Homenaje a instituto de cine de Cuba en España (+Fotos). radiohc.cu Madrid, 24 feb (RHC) Patrimonio documental de la Humanidad por la Unesco, más de una veintena de carteles del Icaic de Cuba marcaron este sábado el homenaje a la entidad en su 65 aniversario.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-24). Cuba recuerda reinicio de Guerra Necesaria por su independencia. radiohc.cu La Habana, 24 feb (RHC) Cuba recuerda hoy el 129 aniversario del reinicio de las luchas por su independencia de España, tras producirse en esta fecha de 1895 alzamientos de patriotas y acciones combativas en varias localidades del país.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-24). Presidente del Parlamento de Cuba sostuvo encuentro con su homólogo namibio (+ Foto). radiohc.cu Windhoek, 24 feb (RHC) El presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular de Cuba -Parlamento-, Esteban Lazo, sostuvo este sábado un encuentro con su homólogo namibio, Peter Katjavivi, a quien manifestó el interés de continuar fortaleciendo los lazos entre los órganos legislativos.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-24). Visitan artistas del Ballet Nacional de Cuba Gran Unidad de Tanques de las FAR. radiohc.cu La Habana, 24 feb (RHC) Una representación del Ballet Nacional de Cuba, encabezada por su directora general, la primera bailarina Viengsay Valdés, y el primer bailarín Dani Hernández, director de la Escuela Nacional de Ballet Fernando Alonso, visitó este sábado la Gran Unidad de Tanques de la Gloria Combativa Rescate de Sanguily, Orden Antonio Maceo.

María Candela (2024-02-24). Refuerza Cuba vigilancia de la calidad del aire. radiohc.cu Organismos internacionales de salud han advertido que tanto la exposición a corto como mediano plazo a altos niveles de contaminación de la atmósfera pueden aumentar el riesgo de enfermedades respiratorias, cardíacas, accidentes cerebrovasculares y cáncer de pulmón.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2024-02-24). The Destabilization of Haiti: Anatomy of a Military Coup d'Etat. globalresearch.ca

Assembly of Social Movements (2024-02-24). Declaration of solidarity with the social movements in Haiti. cadtm.org

Nitza Soledad Perez (2024-02-24). Rape as a weapon of war in Haiti. america.cgtn.com In Haiti, the UN says rape is being used as a weapon of war, with gangs engaging in collective sexual assaults to consolidate power and control. Officials say rape with impunity is increasing at an alarming rate. CGTN's Nitza Soledad Perez brings us the story of Rose, a Haitian survivor of such violence.

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-02-24). US-British Airstrikes Target Yemen's Hudaydah Province. english.almanar.com.lb In a bold move, the United States and the United Kingdom have launched fresh airstrikes on positions in Yemen's western province of Hudaydah. The strikes were declared as a response to ongoing attacks by Yemeni Armed Forces on Israeli-affiliated commercial vessels in the Red Sea. According to Yemen's official Saba news agency, multiple airstrikes hit …

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2024-02-18: News Headlines

albawaba (2024-02-18). UN court denies South Africa's request for more Gaza action. albawaba.com The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has rejected South Africa's request to order Israel to take more steps to protect Palestinians in Gaza from a possible attack on Rafah, a city near the Egyptian border.South Africa, which has accused Israel of violating the Genocide Convention by its military campaign in Gaza, had asked the court to impose new measures in light of Israel's preparations for a major operation in Rafah.PRESS RELEASE: the

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-18). AME church calls on Joe Biden to stop genocide in Gaza. plenglish.com Washington, Feb 18 (Prensa Latina) The Council of Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church -the nation ¥s oldest predominantly Black denomination- asked President Joe Biden to immediately stop all US aid to Israel and the extermination the Palestinian population is currently facing up.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-18). Brazil ¥s PF show evidence Bolsonaro ¥s involvement in coup attempt. plenglish.com Brasilia, Feb 18 (Prensa Latina) Releasing that former President Jair Bolsonaro had transferred USD,000 before traveling to the United States in 2022, in anticipation of the coup attempt, has come to light in Brazil this week.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-18). Czech farmers set to join protests and road closures. plenglish.com Prague, Feb 18 (Prensa Latina) With a large-scale farmers' protest set to take place in the Czech capital on Monday, Feb. 19, the City of Prague has cautioned of mass road disruptions and advised people to work from home. Here is everything you need to know about the reasons behind the huge demonstration and its potential effects.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-18). Egyptian President reiterates rejection of Palestinian displacement. plenglish.com Cairo, Feb 18 (Prensa Latina) Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi on Sunday reiterated his government's categorical rejection of the Palestinian displacement to the Sinai Peninsula as a result of the Israeli aggression over Gaza, an official source revealed.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-18). Haitian Foundation describes children situation as catastrophic. plenglish.com Port-au-Prince, Feb 18 (Prensa Latina) The Zanmi Timoun Foundation described the situation of children in Haiti as catastrophic, where children are being directly affected by the economic, political and social crisis in the country.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-18). Nasser Hospital in Gaza stopped operating given Israeli attacks. plenglish.com Ramallah, Feb 18 (Prensa Latina) The Nasser Hospital, located in the south of the Gaza Strip, stopped operating as a result of attacks and blockade by the Israeli Army, as denounced by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-18). Russia ¥s enemies worried about full control of Ukraine ¥s Avdiivka. plenglish.com Moscow, Feb 18 (Prensa Latina) The full control of the eastern Ukrainian city of Avdiivka by Russian Armed Forces worries all Moscow's enemies, Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, posted on Telegram.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-18). Thousands of American people call for solidarity with Palestine. plenglish.com Washington, Feb 17 (Prensa Latina) While corporate media in the United States barely (or sometimes) mention it, demonstrations in solidarity with Palestine remain today at the center of attention of like-minded groups and social movements across the United States.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-18). Torture and confinement: To be Palestinian in an Israeli prison. plenglish.com Ramallah, Feb 18 (Prensa Latina) The Commission for Palestinian Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs on Sunday condemned the increased torture and confinement practices by the Israel Prison Service (IPS) since October 2023.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-18). Ukraine matter of life and death for Russia, claims Putin. plenglish.com Moscow, Feb 18 (Prensa Latina) Events on the battlefield in Ukraine are a matter of "life and death" for Russia that could determine its fate, President Vladimir Putin said in remarks aired Sunday.

Ralph Nader (2024-02-18). What Laws Is the State Department Violating by Shipping Weapons to Israel? indybay.org What laws are being violated by the State Department daily as it approves ships and cargo planes full of weapons of mass destruction to be used in Israel's war crimes and genocide against hundreds of thousands of Gaza's civilians, mostly children and women?>

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-02-18). México: La guerra contra los pueblos indígenas. indybay.org

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-02-18). Wallmapu_Coordinadora Arauco Malleco: Declaración de Héctor Llaitul. indybay.org Resistencia Mapuche | Wallmapu_Coordinadora Arauco Malleco: Declaración de Héctor Llaitul…

Staff (2024-02-18). DMK contemplating giving SC benefits to Muslim converts. muslimmirror.com By Syed Ali Mujtaba Chennai: Schedule Caste members who have converted to Islam will be considered for reservation benefits on par with their Hindu counterparts, said Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin on the floor of the State Assembly. Stalin was responding to a question raised by M.H. Jawaharullah, MLA and head of MMK party. …

teleSUR, YSM (2024-02-18). Hospitalizan a cantante peruana Susana Baca por estado delicado. telesurtv.net La tres veces ganadora de los premios Grammy Latino, actualmente con 79 años, "tiene achaques del tiempo y enfermedades nuevas e insospechadas".

Staff (2024-02-18). DMK contemplating giving SC benefits to Muslim converts. muslimmirror.com By Syed Ali Mujtaba Chennai: Schedule Caste members who have converted to Islam will be considered for reservation benefits on par with their Hindu counterparts, said Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin on the floor of the State Assembly. Stalin was responding to a question raised by M.H. Jawaharullah, MLA and head of MMK party. …

presstv.ir (2024-02-18). Mexicans rally in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza. presstv.ir Hundreds of protesters take to Mexico City's Paseo de la Reforma avenue in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, demanding an immediate ceasefire in the territory.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-18). Se registra sismo de magnitud 5.0 en México. telesurtv.net Según el Sistema de Alerta Sísmica de México (SASMEX) se activó una alerta en Ciudad de México, Morelia (Michoacán), Puebla, Cuernavaca (Morelos), Chilpancingo y Acapulco, estas últimas ubicadas en Guerrero.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-18). Condenan a Donald Trump por caso de fraude financiero. telesurtv.net La cuantiosa multa se suma a una sentencia de 83,3 millones de dólares contra el expresidente en una demanda por difamación presentada por el escritor E. Jean Carroll.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-18). Presos políticos mapuche ponen fin a su huelga de hambre. telesurtv.net Reclaman que "la negativa de este Gobierno de no habilitar un módulo y contravenir de esta forma, tratados y convenios internacionales retrata muy bien a la actual administración" de Gabriel Boric.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-18). Ferroviarios franceses continúan huelga hasta el lunes. telesurtv.net La huelga finalizará el lunes a las 8H00 local (UTC) luego de que solo uno de cada dos TGV estuviera en circulación.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-18). Venezuela ratifica vigencia del Acuerdo de Ginebra en disputa fronteriza con Guyana. telesurtv.net Caracas denunció que Guyana optó por la ilegalidad y la agresión al querer revivir el Laudo Arbitral de París de 1899 que fue superado por el Acuerdo de Ginebra.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN (2024-02-18). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Son más de 130 días de ataques constantes de las fuerzas de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-18). Tres personas fallecen a causa de deslave en La Paz, Bolivia. telesurtv.net Ocurrió luego de que intensas lluvias afectaran la noche del viernes la urbanización Arco Iris, en el municipio de Achocalla, departamento de La Paz.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-18). Cuba investiga situación de médicos secuestrados en Kenia. telesurtv.net Fuentes no oficiales reportaron la muerte tras un bombardeo de médicos cubanos Assel Herrera Correa y Dr. Landy Rodríguez Hernández, secuestrados en Kenia en 2019.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-18). Rechazan a nivel global genocidio de Israel contra civiles palestinos. telesurtv.net El segundo Día Mundial de Acción por Palestina comprendió movilizaciones masivas a nivel global en contra de los crímenes de guerra sionistas.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-18). Exigen en Israel comicios anticipados y canje de rehenes con Hamás. telesurtv.net Reportan significativas protestas contra Netanyahu en Tel Aviv, Jerusalén y Cesarea, durante la 19 jornada de movilizaciones.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-18). Aumentan a 133 los fallecidos por incendios en Chile. telesurtv.net El Servicio Médico Legal de Chile logró identificar a 108 víctimas mortales.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-18). Líder de Hamás exige un alto al fuego en Gaza. telesurtv.net El movimento palestino insiste en que debe parar el genocidio que lleva a cabo el Estado sionista en Gaza.

teleSUR, RDL (2024-02-18). Inician comicios municipales en República Dominicana. telesurtv.net El tiempo para los actos políticos cesó en la medianoche del jueves, en respeto a la misma ley electoral en su artículo 177, que señala que debe cesar toda actividad de campaña electoral.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2024-02-18). Extienden una semana restricciones en zonas incendiadas en Chile. telesurtv.net La instancia gubernativa también instauró la continuación de la restricción de movilidad y vehicular e hizo un llamado a respetar la medida y a no ingresar a zonas afectadas desde las 22: 00 hasta las 05: 00 horas.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-18). Expremier de Tailandia sale de prisión en libertad condicional. telesurtv.net Thaksin Shinawatra fue uno de los 930 prisioneros beneficiados de un permiso de libertad condicional por su estado de salud o avanzada edad.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-18). Suben a 98 los muertos por alud en la región filipina de Dávao. telesurtv.net El gobierno provincial instó a la población a actuar con "cautela" a medida que ayuda a más de 9.500 familias de damnificados.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-18). Publican escrutinio final de presidenciales en El Salvador. telesurtv.net De acuerdo al TSE, Bukele y Ulloa obtuvieron la victoria en unos comicios marcados por denuncias de irregularidades y ventajismo por parte del presidente.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-18). Lula da Silva defendió el acercamiento de su país a àÅfrica. telesurtv.net El presidente brasileño también defendió la creación de un Estado palestino libre y que tenga plena representación en la ONU.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-18). OMS alerta que hospital de la ciudad palestina de Khan Yunis ha dejado de funcionar. telesurtv.net El director general de la OMS, advirtió que alrededor de 200 pacientes permanecen en el complejo médico Nasser del sur de la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-18). Ataques contra la Franja de Gaza dejan 75 muertos en 24 horas. telesurtv.net Según el Ministerio de Salud palestino en la Franja de Gaza, al menos 10 civiles palestinos murieron en la noche del sábado en el centro de la ciudad de Gaza.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-02-18). Denuncian inacción del Gobierno ante cierre de mina en Panamá. telesurtv.net La mina está inhabilitada desde noviembre de 2023, cuando la Justicia panameña declaró "inconstitucional" el contrato que garantizaba la renovación de su concesión.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-02-18). Realizan protestas por supuesto fraude electoral en Pakistán. telesurtv.net El PTI exigió la inmediata liberación de su líder, el expremier Imran Khan, encarcelado desde el pasado mes de agosto.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-02-18). Rusia confirma que tomó control de Avdéyevka, en Donbás. telesurtv.net El presidente de Rusia, Vladimir Putin, felicitó a los militares rusos por esta importante victoria.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-02-18). Sudáfrica agradece orden de la CIJ sobre civiles en Rafah, Gaza. telesurtv.net La CIJ ha aceptado que la incursión del Ejército israelí en Rafah haría "aún más peligroso lo que ya es un desastre humanitario".

Staff (2024-02-17). Gremio ferroviario argentino se levanta en huelga. telesurtv.net El gremio indica que la medida fue adoptada ante la "falta de discusión paritaria y de propuesta salarial adecuada ante la inflación galopante que deteriora los haberes del personal de conducción de trenes".

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-17). Congreso de Perú inhabilita magistrados de la JNJ por 10 años. telesurtv.net Los magistrados de la Junta Nacional de Justicia serán inhabilitados para participar en cualquier cargo público durante los próximos 10 años…

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-17). Informe indica que armas en Haití provienen de Estados Unidos. telesurtv.net El contrabando armamentístico proviene principalmente de los Estados Unidos y entra en territorio haitiano para ser distribuido por toda la isla, afectando incluso a República Dominicana.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2024-02-17). Represión policial deja dos muertos y 25 heridos en India. telesurtv.net La violencia fue provocada por la orden de suspensión liberada por un agente de Policía contra otro agente de la comunidad Kuki, tras ser acusado de aparecer en redes sociales fotografiado junto a lo que parecían "malhechores armados".

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-17). Solicitan el cese de operación policial en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net La operación de las fuerzas de seguridad brasileñas contra el crimen organizado sean centrado en la región de Baixada Santista cercana a la ciudad de Sao Paulo.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-17). Condenan bloqueo a periodistas en elecciones salvadoreñas. telesurtv.net La Asociación de Periodistas de El Salvador denunció que comunicadores de varios medios sufrieron de seguimiento por miembros del partido oficial Nuevas Ideas.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-17). Enfrentamiento armado en Colombia dejó cuatro soldados muertos. telesurtv.net La representante del Alto Comisionado de la ONU para los Derechos Humanos en Colombia viajó a la zona del ataque para hacer seguimiento a "la situación de derechos humanos".

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-17). Ecuador cancela la intención de enviar armas rusas a EE.UU. telesurtv.net El embajador de Rusia en Ecuador comentó que todos los detalles de la decisión del Gobierno ecuatoriano se conocerán la próxima semana.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-17). Hezbolá afirma que Israel pagará por la muerte de libaneses. telesurtv.net Seyed Hasan Nasralá recalcó que la respuesta a las masacres cometidas por Israel debe ser la intensificación del trabajo en el frente sur de Hezbolá.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-17). Ministro de Salud palestino denuncia genocidio contra hospital Nasser. telesurtv.net El titular de la cartera de Salud denunció que Israel tiene como objetivo deshacerse de todos los trabajadores y pacientes del hospital de la ciudad de Khan Yunis.

teleSUR (2024-02-17). French Railway Workers Continue Strike Until Monday. telesurenglish.net The strike of the SNCF (French railways) controllers for a wage increase continues on Saturday, during the winter holidays, which has left only one in two TGV in circulation. | RELATED: | The measure of strength of the workers affects a total of 150,000 passengers, according to the complaints of the company that recalled in a statement that rail traffic is "seriously disturbed" from Thursday at 20: 00 and until Monday…

teleSUR (2024-02-17). Literature Festival in Cuba Continues. telesurenglish.net This Saturday Editorial Letras Cubanas will present the digital books: Fidel and the Cuban publishing industry, by Francisca López Civeira and Fabio Enrique Fernández, presented by Juan Rodríguez Cabrera; Dust and gold, by Julio Travieso, presented by Félix Julio Alfonso. | More than a thousand editorial novelties attract readers to the XXXII International Book Fair in Havana.

teleSUR (2024-02-17). Protests Over Election Fraud in Pakistan. telesurenglish.net Thousands of Pakistanis participated on Saturday in a day of peaceful protests in various regions of the country, convened by the political party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), where the former Pakistani minister militates, Imran Khan, to denounce an alleged fraud in the elections held on 8 February. | RELATED: | "The fraud is unacceptable, they are the voices of the people of Islamabad", is the message that the PTI has spread on its account of social netw…

teleSUR (2024-02-17). Trump to Pay $364 Million in Penalty for Financial Fraud. telesurenglish.net The former president Donald Trump, will pay a penalty of more than 350 million dollars for to dupe banks and others with financial statements that inflated the former president's wealth of his family business, the Trump Organization, a judge in New York ruled on Friday. | RELATED: | "Frauds found here jump off the page and shock the conscience," wrote Judge Arthur Engoron in his decision, who banned Trump and two ot…

teleSUR (2024-02-17). Venezuela Commemorate Geneva Agreements on Border Dispute. telesurenglish.net Venezuela commemorated this Saturday the anniversary of the signing of the Geneva Agreement of 1966, while ratifying that it is the international legal instrument to resolve the border dispute with Guyana, on the territory of that State. | RELATED: | This was said by the Venezuelan vice president, Delcy Rodriguez, who said that the Geneva Agreement calls for "guaranteeing coexistence, legality to resolve the dispute and must be the instrument to resolve it…

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-18). OIM: hay 10.000 desplazados internos en una semana en Haití. telesurtv.net Un informe de la OIM explica que "un total de 13 sitios acogieron a estas 10.000 personas. Entre estos sitios, hay diez nuevos, donde nadie se había refugiado anteriormente.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-18). Presidente senegalés anuncia elecciones "lo antes posible" telesurtv.net El panel del Consejo Constitucional reconoció que el 25 de febrero no sería factible ahora, pero dijo que el Gobierno debería actuar rápidamente.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2024-02-18). Represión policial deja dos muertos y 25 heridos en India. telesurtv.net La violencia fue provocada por la orden de suspensión liberada por un agente de Policía contra otro agente de la comunidad Kuki, tras ser acusado de aparecer en redes sociales fotografiado junto a lo que parecían "malhechores armados".

Rodrigo Vazquez-Sales, The Real News. (2024-02-18). Colombian Farmers Take Back Land Stolen By Big Oil. popularresistance.org The story of multinational corporations taking land and resources from working people can be found all over the world. In Colombia, farming families have joined forces to reclaim their stolen land and defend it from local security forces acting on behalf of the Occidental Petroleum Corporation. The Real News reports from Arauquita, Colombia, on the frontlines of a land defenders' campaign that stretches back decades. In Arauquita, Northeast Colombia, 150 farming families were displaced from this land 20 years ago. It's been exploited by the Occidental Petroleum Corporation ever since. However, the farmers returne…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-18). Asociación Raíces Cubanas ayuda a damnificados por incendios en Chile. radiohc.cu La Habana, 18 feb (RHC) Miembros de la asociación de residentes en Chile Raíces Cubanas viajaron a Valparaíso para ayudar a los damnificados por los incendios forestales, que hasta hoy dejaron un saldo de más de 130 muertos y miles de viviendas destruidas.

presstv.ir (2024-02-18). Chile bids farewell to ex-president Pinera in state funeral. presstv.ir Chile holds a state funeral for former president Sebastian Pinera, who died this week when the helicopter he was piloting plummeted into a lake.

Andrés Madrid, Andrés Tapia (2024-02-18). Capitalism and drug trafficking in Ecuador: Two sides of the same coin. cadtm.org

Staff (2024-02-18). Oil Spill in Trinidad and Tobago Probably Caused by Ship Bound for Guyana (+Venezuela). orinocotribune.com Caracas ( More than a week after the mysterious oil spill was first sighted off the coast of Trinidad and Tobago, it is moving eastward toward the Caribbean Sea, north of Venezuela, according to a statement from Trininad and Toba…

Orinoco Tribune. (2024-02-18). Secret Service Raids Venezuelan Ambassador's Residency In Washington. popularresistance.org Officers from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the United States Secret Service raided the residence of the Venezuelan ambassador in Washington. The diplomatic building was illegally occupied by the fugitive from Venezuelan justice Carlos Vecchio with complicity from US authorities since he declared himself Venezuela's ambassador during the failed US "regime change" operation led by former deputy Juan Guaidó, who proclaimed himself "interim president" of Venezuela in 2019. | According to a report posted by photojournalist Kyle Mazza on social media on Thursday, February 15, police activity could be s…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-18). Asiste Díaz-Canel a balance de la Fiscalía. radiohc.cu La Habana, 18 feb (RHC) Con la presencia de Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba (PCC) y Presidente de la República, tuvo lugar en esta capital la reunión de balance anual de la Fiscalía General de la República…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-18). Chapman Waugh: Imprescindible para Cuba trabajar con la ciencia. radiohc.cu La Habana, 18 feb (RHC) Cuando la ciencia y la innovación tecnológica van de la mano del compromiso, las problemáticas que enfrentan la economía y la sociedad tendrán siempre mejores perspectivas de solución, aseveró la víspera en Sancti Spíritus Inés María Chapman Waugh, vice primera ministra de Cuba, en intercambio con directivos y trabajadores del Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología…

2024-02-18 12:42:59 | 12:42 EST | tr | 70 | 0 | 32 | 53 | 0 

2024-02-17: News Headlines

Colombia Informa (2024-02-16). Camilo Torres Restrepo: Priest, revolutionary, and guerrilla fighter. peoplesdispatch.org Priest, intellectual, revolutionary and guerrilla fighter, Camilo Torres Restrepo is, along with Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, one of the most important figures in Colombian history. His commitment to popular and revolutionary causes has made him a symbol of social movements in Latin America and the world. | He was born in Bogota on February 3, 1929, into a privileged family of Bogotá belonging to the Colombian elites. After a brief semester in which he tried to study law at the national university, he withdrew to become a Catholic priest, thanks to the influence of some Dominican priests he met through his girlfriend's…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-16). Cuba to hold National Craft Festival. plenglish.com Matanzas, Cuba, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban province of Matanzas will host the 3rd National Crafts Festival from March 17 to 19 to promote the creative arts in the country.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-16). ECLAC launches Observatory to support digital development processes. plenglish.com Santiago, Chile, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) virtually launched the Digital Development Observatory (ODD) in Chile on Thursday to measure the progress of countries in the use of modern technologies.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-16). Panamanian reports exodos of students from private to public sector. plenglish.com Panama, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) Reports from Panama's Ministry of Education (Meduca) confirm the growing exodus of students from private schools to the public sector, mainly due to economic factors.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-02-16). Venezuela to host Caribbean Regional Seminar in May. plenglish.com Caracas, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) Caracas will host the Caribbean Regional Seminar, which will address noteworthy issues of the new multipolar world, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gil announced on Thursday.

Roger D. Harris (2024-02-16). US Military Projection in Latin America and the Caribbean Intensifies. dissidentvoice.org Upon assuming the US presidency, Joe Biden asserted in his first major foreign policy address, "America is back!" For Latin America and the Caribbean, this has meant an "aggressive expansion" of the US military in the region. In just the last year, US Marines and special forces landed in Peru in May 2023, brought in …

Staff (2024-02-16). Haldwani Violence: Result of escalating communal tensions in Uttarakhand, reveals fact-finding report" muslimmirror.com By Muslim Mirror A fact-finding team, comprising members of the Association for Protection of Civil Rights (APCR), Karawan-e-Mohabbat, and civil rights activist Zahid Qadri, visited Haldwani on February 14, 2024, to investigate the recent violence that erupted in the region. The team's preliminary findings, based on extensive discussions with members of civil society, journalists, writers, …

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-17). Lack of support to vulnerable sectors will be denounced in Argentina. plenglish.com Buenos Aires, Feb 17 (Prensa Latina) The Argentine movement Somos Barrios de Pie confirmed that it will hold a protest in front of the Ministry of Economy to denounce the lack of support from the Government in the face of the existing food emergency.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-17). Palestine demands global sanctions against Israel for genocide. plenglish.com Addis Ababa, Feb 17 (Prensa Latina) The Palestinian Prime Minister, Mohammad Shtayyeh, called here for sanctions against Israel for systematically violating international laws and thus force it to stop its aggression against the Gaza Strip.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-17). Resilience of the Cuban people highlighted in Ecuador. plenglish.com Quito, Feb 17 (Prensa Latina) Ecuadorian friends of Cuba highlighted the resilience that the people of the island maintain, despite the obstacles of the blockade imposed by the United States.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-17). Russia's Progress MS-26 spacecraft docked with the ISS. plenglish.com Moscow, Feb 17 (Prensa Latina) The Progress MS-26 cargo spacecraft, launched Thursday from Russia's Baikonur Cosmodrome, docked in automatic mode to the Zvezda module of the International Space Station (ISS), official sources reported.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-17). Angola elected member of the Peace and Security Council of the AU. plenglish.com Addis Ababa, Feb 17 (Prensa Latina) Angola is today a member of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU), after being elected to that body with 46 votes, during the 44th session of the Executive Council.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-17). Brazil with broad agenda at Cuban 32nd Book Fair. plenglish.com Havana, Feb 17 (Prensa Latina) Brazil will deploy a broad agenda today at the San Carlos de la Cabaña fortress, the venue of the 32nd Havana International Book Fair, where it participates as the guest of honor.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-17). Italian writer's work presented at Havana Book Fair (+Photos). plenglish.com Havana, Feb 17 (Prensa Latina) "The Last Farmer" is the title of the work by Italian writer Maria Chiara Ferri presented at the San Carlos de la Cabaña Fortress, where the Havana International Book Fair continues today.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-17). Meeting in Addis Ababa on DRC conflict attracts attention (+Photo). plenglish.com Kinshasa, Feb 17 (Prensa Latina) The denunciation of Rwanda's involvement in the conflict in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) was today at the center of the publications on the mini-summit held the day before in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-17). Russian Defense shoots down 33 Ukrainian drones over five provinces. plenglish.com Moscow, Feb 17 (Prensa Latina) The air defense destroyed today 33 unmanned aerial vehicles over five provinces of Russia, according to the Ministry of Defense of the Eurasian country.

Jose Eloy Richards Richards (2024-02-17). Mexico orders the capture of former Tamaulipas Governor. plenglish.com Mexico City, Feb 17 (Prensa Latina) A judge issued an arrest warrant against former governor of Tamaulipas Javier García Cabeza de Vaca at the request of the Attorney General's Office (FGR) for money laundering, operations with illicit resources and organized crime.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-17). Vicepresidenta de Venezuela se reúne con presidente de la CAF. telesurtv.net Revisaron la agenda conjunta que sostiene el país suramericano con el Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe (CAF) a nivel nacional y regional.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-16). Ethiopian Prime Minister received the President of Brazil (+Photos). plenglish.com Addis Ababa, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) The Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Abiy Ahmed, held a dialogue with the President of Barsil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, on bilateral and multilateral issues that, according to the African leader, reflect the depth of relations between the two sides.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-16). Journalists demand punishment against executors of police brutality. plenglish.com Port-au-Prince, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) The Haitian Journalist Association continues demanding an investigation and the taking of actions by the justice system to punish the perpetrators of acts of police brutality.

Editor (2024-02-16). Herbert Matthews' great interview, sixty-six years later. mronline.org "Without the press, Fidel Castro would be no more than an outlaw… isolated and ineffective," said Herbert Matthews, who, as a profound connoisseur of Cuban and Latin American affairs, suspected that behind the iron censorship ordered by Batista in Cuba, there was a well-kept secret that was waiting to be told.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-16). Cuba praises Forum against Neocolonialism's initiative (+Photo). plenglish.com Moscow, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) Cuba praises holding the Forum Against Neocolonialism at a time when some states are trying to maintain their hegemony, Emilio Lozada, head of the Cuban delegation, said in this capital on Friday.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-16). Executive Council approves 37th AU Summit agenda. plenglish.com Addis Ababa, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) The 44th ordinary session of the Executive Council ended on Thursday evening with the approval of the agenda for the 37th Summit of Heads of State and Governments of the African Union (AU), local press reported on Friday.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-16). Hungary expresses interest in developing relations with China. plenglish.com Budapest, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) The principle of mutual respect is disappearing from the international sphere; it remains the core of relations between Hungary and China, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán affirmed on Friday.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-16). NGOs demand ceasefire in Gaza and more aid for Palestinians. plenglish.com Ramallah, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) Several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) called on Friday for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and a massive increase in humanitarian aid to prevent famine in the territory, which is home to more than two million Palestinians.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-16). Acosta Danza Company to present "Eclectic Cuban" in Germany (+Photos). plenglish.com Berlin, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) Acosta Danza, under the general direction of first dancer Carlos Acosta, will present the show "Eclectic Cuban" on February 17 and 18 at the Bonn Theater in Germany, the company announced today.

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-02-16). México: La guerra contra los pueblos indígenas. indybay.org

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-02-16). Wallmapu_Coordinadora Arauco Malleco: Declaración de Héctor Llaitul. indybay.org Resistencia Mapuche | Wallmapu_Coordinadora Arauco Malleco: Declaración de Héctor Llaitul…

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-16). Vicepresidenta de Venezuela se reúne con presidente de la CAF. telesurtv.net Revisaron la agenda conjunta que sostiene el país suramericano con el Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe (CAF) a nivel nacional y regional.

UOFCHA (2024-02-16). Haiti: Latinoamérica & El Caribe Resumen de Situación Semanal al 16 de febrero 2024. reliefweb.int Countries: Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Peru | Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs | Please refer to the attached file. | PERàö: DENGUE, | El Ministerio de Salud de Perú (MINSA) reporta más de 13.000 casos de dengue en lo que va de 2024, lo que representa un incremento del 53,4% respecto a 2023, con 3.192 casos sólo en la quinta semana de 2024. Este aumento coincide con las prolongadas olas de calor provocadas por El Niño. En la región norteña de Piura, la que registra el mayor número de casos de dengue, el MINSA ha informado de más de 100 días inusualmente cal…

UOFCHA (2024-02-16). Haiti: Latin America & The Caribbean Weekly Situation Update as of 16 February 2024. reliefweb.int Countries: Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Peru | Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs | PERU: DENGUE, | Peru's Ministry of Health (MINSA) reports over 13,000 dengue cases so far in 2024, marking a 53.4 per cent increase from 2023, with 3,192 cases in the fifth week of 2024 alone. This surge coincides with prolonged El Niño-induced heatwaves. In the northern region of Piura, the region with the highest number of dengue cases, MINSA has reported more than 100 consecutive unusually warm days and over 200 warm nights, with the town of Mallares reaching a record summer tempera…

UN Children's Fund (2024-02-16). UNICEF Zimbabwe Polio Response Situation Report No. 1 for 02-16 February 2024. reliefweb.int Country: Zimbabwe | Source: UN Children's Fund | Please refer to the attached file. | Highlights | Zimbabwe detected seventeen (17) circulating vaccine derived polio virus type 2 (cVDPV2) from environmental samples in Harare since October 2023. The samples were from four polio environmental surveillance sites in Harare. | Polio outbreak was declared a public health emergency (PHE) by the Minister of Health and Child Care in October 2023. | An index human cVDPV2 was reported in a 10-year-old female AFP case in January 2024. | Two newly confirmed AFP cases (samples from contacts) have been reported this week…

albawaba (2024-02-17). UN court denies South Africa's request for more Gaza action. albawaba.com The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has rejected South Africa's request to order Israel to take more steps to protect Palestinians in Gaza from a possible attack on Rafah, a city near the Egyptian border.South Africa, which has accused Israel of violating the Genocide Convention by its military campaign in Gaza, had asked the court to impose new measures in light of Israel's preparations for a major operation in Rafah.PRESS RELEASE: the

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-02-17). El Salvador reports 76 percent deficit in rainfalls in January. plenglish.com San Salvador, Feb 17 (Prensa Latina) The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) of El Salvador recorded a 76-percent decrease in rainfalls than the annual average, according to a report.

Ana Perdigón (2024-02-17). Lima Group 2.0: Right-Wing Latin American Ex-Presidents Demand US Interventionism in Venezuela. orinocotribune.com After the failure of the Lima Group, Latin American right-wing former presidents created a new group to continue interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, such as attempting to overthrow the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro. | This new Lima Group is named Liberty and Democracy Group, which includes the former presidents Iván Duque of Colombia, Mauricio Macri of Argentina, Jorge Quiroga of Bolivia, Guillermo Lasso of Ecuador, and Mario Abdo Benítez of Paraguay. | The idea for creating this Lima Group 2.0 came from the late Sebastián Piñera, former president of Chile. | According to Jorge Quirog…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-17). Difficult agricultural negotiations expected at international forum. plenglish.com Geneva, Feb 17 (Prensa Latina) The next ministerial conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) might be the scene of difficult agricultural negotiations, given the current military confrontations, inflation and rising food prices, an expert said.

newarab (2024-02-17). Opposition claims Israeli influence on Morocco's new gun law. newarab.com "The (Israelis) are building arms manufactures in Morocco, and they forced Morocco to pass a law regulating gunfire ownership for any citizen," claimed Nabila Mounib, a controversial figure of the left opposition in Morocco. | "You cannot imagine the danger of this. We should bring down the normalisation," added the MP in a recently surfaced video on social media. The video goes back to a speech Mounib…

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-17). Hearing against prosecutor Fani Willis, will it derail Trump case? plenglish.com Washington, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) The hearing continues today in Georgia in which the intimate life of Fulton District Attorney Fani Willis could be a trigger to disqualify her in the case against former President Donald Trump.

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-02-17). México: La guerra contra los pueblos indígenas. indybay.org

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-02-17). Wallmapu_Coordinadora Arauco Malleco: Declaración de Héctor Llaitul. indybay.org Resistencia Mapuche | Wallmapu_Coordinadora Arauco Malleco: Declaración de Héctor Llaitul…

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-16). Argentine Government is blamed for Wage Council's failure. plenglish.com Buenos Aires, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) The leader of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) Héctor Daer accused the Argentine government and business people of the failure of negotiations on the Minimum, Vital and Mobile Wage Council.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-16). Costa Rica at coordinators' meeting in preparation for CELAC Summit. plenglish.com San José, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) Costa Rica proposed to discuss migration and food security at the preparatory meeting in Mexico for the 8th CELAC Summit to be held on March 1 in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, the Foreign Ministry informed.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-16). SADR's ambassador in Bolivia highlights visit of president to Ireland. plenglish.com La Paz, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) The ambassador of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) in Bolivia, Ahmed Salem Mohamed Ahmed, described as important the visit of the president of his country, Brahim Ghali, to Ireland.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-02-16). Azerbaijani president approves new cabinet's composition. plenglish.com Baku, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) The President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, on Friday approved the composition of the new government, as indicated by the order of the head of State published on the Presidency's website.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-16). French entity interested in medical cooperation with Cuba. plenglish.com Paris, February 16 (Prensa Latina) The president of the Guingamp-Paimpol corporstion, Vincent Le Meaux, today expressed to the Cuban ambassador in France, Otto Vaillant, interest in receiving medical cooperation from the island, in areas such as emergencies and maternity.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-16). Cuba's book festival kicks off with colloquiums and tributes. plenglish.com Havana, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) The 32nd edition of the Havana International Book Fair, inaugurated yesterday afternoon, includes today among its first events a colloquium on the work of writer Francisco Lopez Sacha.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-16). President Maduro recalls Venezuelan singer Alí Primera's death. plenglish.com Caracas, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) The 39th anniversary of the physical departure of Venezuelan singer-songwriter Alí Primera was remembered by President Nicolás Maduro, who will launch today the Great Mission Viva Venezuela in tribute to the so-called here Cantor del Pueblo (Singer of the People).

Gary M. Feinman, David M. Carballo (2024-02-16). We Can Interpret How Cooperative or Autocratic Mesoamerican Societies Were From Their Systems of Communication. counterpunch.org The modes of communication that a society uses can tell us a lot about its political structure. A research study we published in 2022 revealed distinct modes of communication and administrative recordkeeping in autocratic and collective social governance among a sample of urban societies from pre-Hispanic Mesoamerica, where writing was initially developed for political purposes. Each

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-16). Se movilizan en Argentina en reclamo de mejoras salariales. telesurtv.net "El salario no puede ser una medida de ajuste. Cuando se discute el salario se discute la vida de la gente", precisó el líder del Polo Obrero, Eduardo Belliboni.

krish-rad_ind (2024-02-16). What's at Stake if the U.S. OK's Building This Gas Pipeline to Mexico. desmog.com

Ramya Vijaya (2024-02-16). Immigrants do Work that Might Not Otherwise Get Done, Bolstering the US economy. counterpunch.org Although Congress is failing to pass laws to restrict the number of migrants arriving in the U.S., a majority of Americans — about 6 in 10 — believe there's an immigration crisis along the Mexico-U.S. border. Politicians who want fewer people to move here often cast those arriving without prior authorization as a burden on

Sara Sneath, DeSmog. (2024-02-16). What's At Stake If The US OK's Building This Gas Pipeline To Mexico. popularresistance.org In a rural area of West Texas, near the Mexico border, a cluster of geothermal springs once served as an oasis to the Carrizo/Comecrudo Tribe of Texas. Carpeted in grasses and shrubs, the land is home to rare aoudad sheep, deer, wild cats, and bobwhite quail. The muted tans and greens in the small valley and surrounding exposed rock mountains quiet the mind. | The pristine site is in the proposed pathway of the 48-inch-diameter Saguaro Connector Pipeline, which would send natural gas produced in Texas's Permian Basin 155 miles west, across the U.S.-Mexico border, to a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facility i…

teleSUR, nbb, JDO (2024-02-16). México ha decomisado 50.000 armas ingresadas ilegalmente desde EE.UU. telesurtv.net López Obrador afirma que tanto los republicanos como los demócratas están desplazándose hacia la derecha al abordar la migración en un intento por asegurar votos.

Pan American Health Organization (2024-02-16). World: Alerta Epidemiológica – Aumento de casos de dengue en la Región de las Américas – 16 de febrero del 202. reliefweb.int Countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Belize, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe (France), Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique (France), Mexico, Montserrat, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico (The United States of America), Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), World | Source: Pan American Health Organization | Please refer to the attached file. | Teniendo en cuenta el comportamiento del dengue registrado en las primeras semanas del 2024, con aumento exponencial de casos notificado…

Pan American Health Organization (2024-02-16). World: Epidemiological Alert – Increase in dengue cases in the Region of the Americas – 16 February 2024. reliefweb.int Countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Belize, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe (France), Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique (France), Mexico, Montserrat, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico (The United States of America), Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), World | Source: Pan American Health Organization | Please refer to the attached file. | Considering the number of dengue cases reported in the first weeks of 2024, with an exponential increase in several countries of the Reg…

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-16). Australia llama a cesar persecución contra Julian Assange. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con medios locales, la iniciativa legislativa fue presentada por el diputado Andrew Wilkie y recibió 86 votos a favor.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-16). Asciende a 28.663 cifra de palestinos asesinados por ataques israelíes en Gaza. telesurtv.net Ministerio de Salud gazatí informó que 68.395 palestinos han resultado heridos desde que inició la ofensiva de las fuerzas de ocupación.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-16). Presidente brasileño insta a reformar mecanismos multilaterales. telesurtv.net El mandatario suramericano destacó que las ONU "no tiene actualmente fuerzas suficientes" para evitar un conflicto.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-16). Al menos seis muertos por ataque ucraniano a Bélgorod, Rusia. telesurtv.net El asesor del ministro de Salud ruso, Alexéi Kuznetsov, confirmó la cifra producto del bombardeo de un centro comercial por las fuerzas armadas de Ucrania.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-16). Venezuela coopera para enfrentar derrame de crudo trinitense. telesurtv.net "Se han sostenido reuniones a nivel técnico con nuestros vecinos a fin de evaluar los impactos", indicó el canciller.

teleSUR, hvh, JGN (2024-02-16). Conozca acciones para reducir riesgo de cáncer desde la infancia. telesurtv.net La OPS indica que la detección oportuna del cáncer alarga y mejora la calidad de vida de los niños e incluso poder curarlos.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-16). Rechazan juicio sumario contra opositora en Paraguay. telesurtv.net El pasado 14 de febrero, mediante este juicio exprés, González fue promovida de su cargo como senadora.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-16). Revelan fecha de juicio contra expresidente Trump en Nueva York. telesurtv.net El juez Juan Merchan denegó la acción de la defensa de Trump que propuso desestimar la denuncia.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN (2024-02-16). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Son más de 130 días de ataques constantes de las fuerzas de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-16). Corte de EE.UU. endurece cargos contra pastor vinculado a magnicidio en Haití. telesurtv.net El pastor Christian Emmanuel Sanon fue imputado con nuevo cargo de conspiración para secuestrar y matar al expresidente haitiano Jovenel Moïse.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-16). Sube a 12 cifra de muertos tras ataques israelíes contra Líbano. telesurtv.net La entidad sionista atacó una zona residencial en la ciudad de Nabatieh, donde perdieron la vida ocho personas.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-16). Venezuela suspende actividades de oficina técnica de asesoría del Alto Comisionado de ONU para DD.HH. telesurtv.net Caracas realizará una revisión integral de los términos de cooperación técnica descritos en la Carta de Entendimiento firmada con dicha oficina.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2024-02-16). Reportan movilización frente al Ministerio de Agricultura de España. telesurtv.net Ante las medidas propuestas, los agricultores que llevan alrededor de diez días de protesta consecutiva, reafirmaron que continuarán con las manifestaciones.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-16). Cuba solicitará a la CIJ pronunciamiento sobre genocidio en Palestina. telesurtv.net Al ratificar la postura del presidente cubano, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, la viceministra agregó que "Cuba jamás estará entre los indiferentes.

teleSUR, MER (2024-02-16). Presidente de Venezuela rechaza robo del avión de Emtrasur. telesurtv.net El Gobierno venezolano previamente había emitido un comunicado para repudiar el robo del avión por parte de EE.UU. con la participación de Argentina.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-16). Ataque israelí al hospital de Khan Younis, Gaza, deja un muerto. telesurtv.net Las fuerzas israelíes ingresaron al patio del complejo sanitario y comenzaron a disparar contra sus secciones.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-16). Panamá reporta naufragio con varios migrantes muertos. telesurtv.net El incremento de migrantes que atraviesan el Darién en su camino hacia Estados Unidos o Canadá ha sido constante desde el año 2021.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-16). Putin revela que Rusia está a punto de crear vacunas anticáncer. telesurtv.net Putin no proporcionó detalles sobre los tipos de cáncer a los que se dirigen las vacunas propuestas ni sobre cómo funcionarían.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-16). Ministra de Salud palestina advierte de catástrofe en hospital Nasser. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Salud manifestó que las fuerzas de ocupación de Israel obligan a las personas permanecer en el antiguo edificio Nasser en condiciones duras y aterradoras.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-16). Siria y Mauritania exploran vías para ampliar cooperación científica. telesurtv.net El ministro sirio resaltó la importancia de trabajar para renovar e impulsar el programa científico junto a Mauritania.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-16). Sismo de magnitud 5.4 sacude Lima, Perú. telesurtv.net El epicentro se localizó a 36 kilómetros de la ciudad de Huaral y tuvo una profundidad de 57 kilómetros.

teleSUR, ord, YSM (2024-02-16). Pronostican lluvias significativas por El Niño en Costa, Ecuador. telesurtv.net Los expertos pronosticaron inundaciones y desbordamientos en la Costa de Ecuador, así como el registro de precipitaciones por encima de lo habitual.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-02-16). Inauguran XXXII Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana en Cuba. telesurtv.net En esta edición, la feria está dedicada a los intelectuales cubanos Isabel Monal y Francisco López Sacha.

Staff (2024-02-17). Gremio ferroviario argentino se levanta en huelga. telesurtv.net El gremio indica que la medida fue adoptada ante la "falta de discusión paritaria y de propuesta salarial adecuada ante la inflación galopante que deteriora los haberes del personal de conducción de trenes".

teleSUR, dcdc, SH (2024-02-17). Guatemala no extenderá contrato petrolero a empresa francesa. telesurtv.net Los diputados del partido Voluntad, Oportunidad y Solidaridad (VOS), advierten que el Estado de Guatemala está pagando para saquear el petróleo del país.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-02-17). Defensa antiaérea rusa destruye otro dron ucraniano en Briansk. telesurtv.net El gobernador de la región indicó que los servicios de emergencia permanecen trabajando en el lugar del suceso.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-02-17). Piden retirar cargos contra defensores ambientales en El Salvador. telesurtv.net Para estas organizaciones no es un caso jurídico, sino de persecución, que busca callar a las voces que se han manifestado tradicionalmente en contra de los proyectos mineros.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-17). Ascienden a 28.775 los palestinos asesinados por Israel en Gaza. telesurtv.net Fuentes médicas registraron durante la última jornada diez masacres con un saldo de 112 muertos y 157 heridos.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2024-02-17). OMS solicita acceso urgente a hospital Nasser de Gaza. telesurtv.net La OMS apuntó que los pacientes críticamente heridos y enfermos permanecen en el hospital y necesitan ser correctamente atendidos.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2024-02-17). Registran 152 atletas palestinos asesinados en la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Datos del Comité Olímpico palestino refieren que 85 futbolistas han sido ultimados, 20 de ellos de categorías inferiores.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN (2024-02-17). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Son más de 130 días de ataques constantes de las fuerzas de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-17). Presidente argentino declara que no aumentará salario mínimo. telesurtv.net Dijo que tiene previsto convocar a una paritaria nacional del sector docente.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2024-02-17). Se movilizan por restauración del orden democrático en Paraguay. telesurtv.net La exsenadora Kattya González anunció que recurrirá a la Corte Suprema de Justicia para presentar un recurso de inconstitucionalidad por su expulsión.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-17). Reportan destrucción de universidades por ataques de Israel en Gaza. telesurtv.net Los datos presentados indican que cerca de 88.000 alumnos están privados de continuar su educación titulada.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-17). Sindicatos ferroviarios cancelan paros en España. telesurtv.net Los avances y acuerdos logrados entre las partes llevaron a la desconvocatoria de los paros parciales programados para este viernes y el próximo lunes.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-17). Congreso de Perú inhabilita magistrados de la JNJ por 10 años. telesurtv.net Los magistrados de la Junta Nacional de Justicia serán inhabilitados para participar en cualquier cargo público durante los próximos 10 años…

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-17). Aprueban el plan social Gran Misión Viva Venezuela. telesurtv.net El Gobierno venezolano impulsó está misión para rescatar los valores culturales en todos los espacios de la nación caribeña.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-17). Informe indica que armas en Haití provienen de Estados Unidos. telesurtv.net El contrabando armamentístico proviene principalmente de los Estados Unidos y entra en territorio haitiano para ser distribuido por toda la isla, afectando incluso a República Dominicana.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-17). Canciller venezolano sostiene encuentro con su par boliviana. telesurtv.net El canciller venezolano refirió que es un honor recibir a su homóloga del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, Celinda Sosa Lunda, en su visita oficial.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-17). Realizan manifestación en Yemen en solidaridad con Palestina. telesurtv.net Durante la manifestación se portaron banderas palestinas y yemeníes y se corearon consignas como "nuestras plazas son una yihad. Estamos firmes con Gaza hasta la victoria".

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-17). Solicitan el cese de operación policial en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net La operación de las fuerzas de seguridad brasileñas contra el crimen organizado sean centrado en la región de Baixada Santista cercana a la ciudad de Sao Paulo.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-17). Condenan bloqueo a periodistas en elecciones salvadoreñas. telesurtv.net La Asociación de Periodistas de El Salvador denunció que comunicadores de varios medios sufrieron de seguimiento por miembros del partido oficial Nuevas Ideas.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-17). Enfrentamiento armado en Colombia dejó cuatro soldados muertos. telesurtv.net La representante del Alto Comisionado de la ONU para los Derechos Humanos en Colombia viajó a la zona del ataque para hacer seguimiento a "la situación de derechos humanos".

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-17). Ecuador cancela la intención de enviar armas rusas a EE.UU. telesurtv.net El embajador de Rusia en Ecuador comentó que todos los detalles de la decisión del Gobierno ecuatoriano se conocerán la próxima semana.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-17). Hezbolá afirma que Israel pagará por la muerte de libaneses. telesurtv.net Seyed Hasan Nasralá recalcó que la respuesta a las masacres cometidas por Israel debe ser la intensificación del trabajo en el frente sur de Hezbolá.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-17). Ministro de Salud palestino denuncia genocidio contra hospital Nasser. telesurtv.net El titular de la cartera de Salud denunció que Israel tiene como objetivo deshacerse de todos los trabajadores y pacientes del hospital de la ciudad de Khan Yunis.

teleSUR- jaa, MS (2024-02-17). Definidas sedes de Series del Caribe hasta año 2029. telesurtv.net El torneo tuvo como colofón el récord de asistencia de 36,677 aficionados en la final entre Tiburones de la Guaira de Venezuela y Tigres del Licey de República Dominicana.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-16). Exsenadora paraguaya impugnará su expulsión ante el Supremo. telesurtv.net "Nos encontramos ante signos alarmantes para el futuro de nuestra política", afirmó la exlegisladora de la oposición, Kattya González.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-16). Ascienden a 28.775 los palestinos asesinados por ataques israelíes en Gaza. telesurtv.net Fuentes médicas registraron durante la última jornada diez masacres con un saldo de 112 muertos y 157 heridos.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-16). Cinco muertos por asalto israelí a hospital Nasser en Gaza. telesurtv.net Corre peligro la vida tres bebés, a quienes les urge el suministro ininterrumpido de oxígeno, servicio impedido por cortes eléctricos provocados por las fuerzas de ocupación.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-16). Lula llama desde Etiopía a invertir en países pobres. telesurtv.net El mandatario aseguró que la inversión es "el retorno más seguro y rápido para el crecimiento de un país".

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-16). Consejo Constitucional de Senegal invalida retraso de comicios. telesurtv.net El ente anuló el decreto firmado a inicios del presente mes por el presidente de Senegal, Macky Sall.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-16). Presidente de Bolivia destaca inversión en la lucha contra el cáncer. telesurtv.net El mandatario resaltó su admiración por los niños que padecen esta afección y por las familias que le acompañan en esta lucha.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-16). Presidente argentino declara que no aumentará salario mínimo. telesurtv.net Dijo que tiene previsto convocar a una paritaria nacional del sector docente.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-16). Detienen a individuos que organizaban sabotajes contra Rusia y Belarús. telesurtv.net Los detenidos se aproximaron a la frontera con el uso de drones y portando explosivos que pretendían utilizar para perpetrar sabotajes en Rusia y Belarús.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-16). Prabowo Subianto conserva ventaja en recuento de votos en Indonesia. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con la Comisión Electoral, el exmilitar logra alrededor de un 57 por ciento de apoyos cuando se han contado más de la mitad de los sufragios emitidos.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-16). Rusia investiga deceso en prisión de opositor Alexéi Navalny. telesurtv.net Se hallaba en la cárcel tras ser declarado culpable de diversos delitos, entre ellos crear una organización extremista y hacer llamados públicos de tipo extremista.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-16). Rechazan hegemonía de Occidente en foro emancipatorio en Rusia. telesurtv.net Sesiona en Moscú el Foro "Por la libertad de las naciones", enfocado en crear nuevo frente común antineocolonial y antiimperialista.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-02-16). Parlamento aprueba el matrimonio igualitario en Grecia. telesurtv.net Con 176 votos a favor, 76 en contra y dos abstenciones, la reforma impulsada por el Gobierno fue aprobada gracias a los apoyos de varios partidos opositores.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2024-02-16). Realizan movilización frente al Ministerio de Agricultura de España. telesurtv.net Ante las medidas propuestas, los agricultores que llevan alrededor de diez días de protesta consecutiva, reafirmaron que continuarán con las manifestaciones.

teleSUR, nbb, JDO (2024-02-16). Al menos 11 palestinos asesinados en ataques israelíes en Gaza. telesurtv.net Equipos de defensa civil y personal de ambulancias recuperaron los cuerpos de dos fallecidos y varios heridos entre los escombros de dos casas atacadas.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-16). Acusan a hijo menor de expresidente brasileño Jair Bolsonaro. telesurtv.net Además de Renan Bolsonaro, también se acusa de los mismos delitos a Maciel Alves, quien fue su exinstructor de tiro y socio en la empresa RB Eventos e Mídia, la cual pertenece al hijo del expresidente.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-16). Gobierno argentino aumenta las tarifas de energía en Buenos Aires. telesurtv.net Estos nuevos valores estarán vigentes hasta que se complete la revisión tarifaria integral pendiente para el quinquenio (2024-2028).

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-16). Protestas en Colombia por demora en elección del fiscal general. telesurtv.net Analistas aseguran que se pretende dilatar más la elección, porque hay denuncias contra integrantes de la Fiscalía.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-16). Canciller venezolano sostiene encuentro con su par boliviana. telesurtv.net El canciller venezolano refirió que es un honor recibir a su homóloga del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, Celinda Sosa Lunda, en su visita oficial.

teleSUR, rp, JGN (2024-02-16). Cinco canciones para recordar al cantautor Alí Primera. telesurtv.net Gracias a su compromiso con las causas justas, el cantautor Alí Primera fue bautizado como "El cantor del pueblo".

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2024-02-17). Represión policial deja dos muertos y 25 heridos en India. telesurtv.net La violencia fue provocada por la orden de suspensión liberada por un agente de Policía contra otro agente de la comunidad Kuki, tras ser acusado de aparecer en redes sociales fotografiado junto a lo que parecían "malhechores armados".

Peoples Dispatch (2024-02-16). Petro condemns "institutional rupture" and attacks on Colombian democracy by the right-wing. peoplesdispatch.org The delay in the election of the Attorney General at the center of the ongoing tensions with the right, was highlighted by the United Nations Human Rights office and IACHR…

Editor (2024-02-17). Camilo Torres Restrepo: Priest, revolutionary, and guerrilla fighter. mronline.org February 15 marks the anniversary of the assassination of Colombian revolutionary Camilo Torres by men led by General Alvaro Valencia Tovar.

Luis Chirino (2024-02-16). Cuba's fuel shortage. america.cgtn.com For the past three years, Cubans have endured an economic crisis that includes a lack of electricity and fuel shortages. It's been particularly tough in the last few of months with frequent power outages that have had an economic impact on much of the population. | CGTN's Luis Chirino reports on the energy shortage in the Caribbean nation.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-16). Compañía danzaria Acosta Danza realizará presentación especial en Alemania. radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 feb (RHC) Los días 17 y 18 de este mes la compañía cubana Acosta Danza, con dirección general del primer bailarín Carlos Acosta, presentará el espectáculo "Ecléctico Cubano" en el Teatro Bonn, de Alemania, informó la agrupación danzaria.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-16). Concluye visita del primer ministro cubano a Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos. radiohc.cu Abu Dabi, 16 feb (RHC) Un encuentro con la historia y cultura de Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos distinguió el último día de la visita del primer ministro cubano, Manuel Marrero, a un país que hace más de 50 años, gracias a la firmeza del jeque Sheikh Sayed bin Sultán Al Nahyan, conquistó su independencia y se convirtió en un Estado soberano.

Famine Early Warning System Network (2024-02-16). World: Global Weather Hazards Summary February 16 — 22, 2024. reliefweb.int Countries: Afghanistan, Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Nicaragua, Panama, Rwanda, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Uzbekistan, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), World, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe | Source: Famine Early Warning System Network | Please refer to the attached file. | Abnormally dry conditions worsen in much of Southern Africa; floods contin…

infobrics (2024-02-16). Westerners more afraid of migrants and radical Islam than Russia, finds poll. infobrics.org Trump's son questions validity of "Russian threat" after US warning to Congress.

newarab (2024-02-16). Egypt currency crisis: Nigerian migrants fear detention. newarab.com

Peoples Dispatch (2024-02-16). Human rights groups slam Rishi Sunak's push to deport migrants to Rwanda. peoplesdispatch.org To prevent legal challenges to the UK deal to relocate illegal immigrants to Rwanda, the Tory government has been pushing the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill…

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-16). Gobiernos de El Salvador y Cuba dan paso para avanzar en relaciones (+Fotos). radiohc.cu San Salvador, 16 feb (RHC) La representación diplomática de Cuba en este país y funcionarios salvadoreños dieron un paso importante este viernes para avanzar en las relaciones políticas, comerciales y de cooperación.

Jeff Abbott (2024-02-16). U.S.-Trained Border Security Unit in Guatemala Accused of Extortions Scheme. progressive.org The U.S.-trained agents are part of a larger system of corruption and impunity in Guatemala.

Becca Renk, Casa Benjamin Linder. (2024-02-17). Nicaragua: Holding Countries Accountable Without War Or Sanctions. popularresistance.org I was 13 years old the day I got braces on my teeth and the United States bombed Baghdad, launching the "first" Iraq war. | "Today, Wednesday the 16th of January 1991, we had just gotten out of the dentist's office and Mom told me the news," I wrote in my journal. "She started saying, 'Oh my God!' and I was silent, wanting to cry and throw up." | My 8th grade class organized a "speak out" in the school library. The students sat cross-legged on the carpet and took turns struggling to express our feelings through the tangle of meaningless phrases we'd heard adults around us using. One of my classmates stood up to s…

krish-rad_ind (2024-02-17). Argentina is NOT for sale! Argentinians rise up against Milei's neoliberal plunder. liberationnews.org

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-17). Aprueban en Bolivia convocatoria para elección de magistrados. radiohc.cu Sucre, 16 feb (RHC) La Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional de Bolivia aprobó este viernes por unanimidad la convocatoria a la preselección de candidatos a magistrados de los órganos supremos del Poder Judicial en una sesión encabezada por el vicepresidente, David Choquehuanca.

scorinoco (2024-02-17). Venezuela and Bolivia Review Bilateral Cooperation Agreements. orinocotribune.com Venezuela and Bolivia reviewed bilateral cooperation agreements in various fields during the official visit of Bolivian Foreign Affairs Minister Celinda Sosa Lunda to Venezuela. | On Friday, February 16, the vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, welcomed the minister of Foreign Affairs of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Celinda Sosa Lunda, in the headquarters of the Venezuelan Vice Presidency. | The two officials held a meeting where they reviewed the cooperation and trade agreements, especially those related to oil, gas and petrochemicals, as well as the agreements that are part of the Third Bolivia-…

albawaba (2024-02-16). Barcelona eyeing Arsenal star Gabriel Martinelli. albawaba.com Barcelona have set their sights on Arsenal attacker Gabriel Martinelli, according to Mundo Deportivo.The Catalan giants are looking for a new striker with specific traits and believe the Brazil international fits the bill.Barca understand they must sell first if they were to submit an accptable offer for the Arsenal star.He has seven goals and three assists in 28 appearances this season so far.The 22-year-old's deal with the Gunners runs to 2027.

presstv.ir (2024-02-16). Brazil: No explanation for Israel's behavior in Gaza. presstv.ir Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva says Israel's behavior in Gaza, which is enduring a genocidal war by the occupying regime, is beyond explanation.

WSWS (2024-02-16). Amazon worker in Canada, forced outside in freezing conditions during fire alarm, dies of heart attack. wsws.org According to his obituary, Paulo DeSouza Bezerra succumbed to a heart attack shortly after standing outside in the bitter cold. Bezerra, 50, who emigrated from Brazil, leaves behind his wife of 25 years and a young son.

tvbrics (2024-02-17). UAE, Brazil and Cuba announce food security initiative. tvbrics.com It is part of a collaborative effort to develop sustainable food systems, agriculture and promote climate action…

Lucrecia Franco (2024-02-16). Rio de Janeiro prepares to host G20 Foreign Ministers meeting. america.cgtn.com Next week, the G20 Foreign Ministers meeting will take place at Marina da Gloria in Rio de Janeiro. This is the first major meeting of the G20 under Brazil's presidency. | The year-long agenda will focus on President Lula da Silva's key priorities: hunger, sustainable development, and global governance. Lucas Padilha, President of Rio's G20 committee, emphasizes the crucial role of Brazil, particularly Rio, in 2024. | CGTN's Lucrecia Franco spoke to Padilha about the city's readiness for both the upcoming ministerial meeting and the November G20 heads of state summit, also scheduled to be held in Rio de Janeir…

presstv.ir (2024-02-16). Chile bids farewell to ex-president Pinera in state funeral. presstv.ir Chile holds a state funeral for former president Sebastian Pinera, who died this week when the helicopter he was piloting plummeted into a lake.

presstv.ir (2024-02-17). Chile bids farewell to ex-president Pinera in state funeral. presstv.ir Chile holds a state funeral for former president Sebastian Pinera, who died this week when the helicopter he was piloting plummeted into a lake.

Cruz Roja Chilena (2024-02-16). Cruz Roja Chilena recibió importante donación de Cruz Roja China. reliefweb.int Country: Chile | Source: Cruz Roja Chilena | Cruz Roja China realizó una importante donación de 50 mil dólares a Cruz Roja Chilena para ir en ayuda de las comunidades afectadas a raíz de los lamentables incendios forestales acaecidos en la V Región. | El aporte fue entregado por el embajador de China en Chile, Niu Qingbao a la Presidenta Nacional de Cruz Roja Chilena María Teresa Cienfuegos Ugarte. | "Siempre que ha ocurrido una catástrofe, el Gobierno chino ha estado presente con una donación a nuestra institución la cual será utilizada, como lo hemos realizado anteriormente, para ir en ayuda de las familias…

Andrés Madrid, Andrés Tapia (2024-02-16). Capitalism and drug trafficking in Ecuador: Two sides of the same coin. cadtm.org

Adam Fishbein (2024-02-16). Ecuador News Round-Up No. 11: Noboa Looks to Fund his "War on Drugs" as Tensions with Russia Rise. cepr.net Ecuador's Security Situation After the Declaration of Internal Armed Conflict On January 9, following a night of intense criminal violence, President Noboa declared Ecuador to be in a state of "internal armed conflict" and authorized the armed forces to use deadly force against a list of 22 gangs labeled as "terrorist organizations." In spite of …

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-16). Ecuador announces that Russia lifted veto on banana exporters. plenglish.com The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility, Gabriela Sommerfeld, spoke on the X platform about the "good news" for the productive sector and stressed that "permanent dialogue and coordinated work bring results". | In a video shared by the Foreign Ministry, the Ecuadorian ambassador in Moscow, Juan Fernando Holguin, thanked the authorities of the Eurasian country for handling the issue from a technical point of view. | On February 2, Russia stopped the purchase of Ecuadorian bananas from five companies on the grounds of the systematic detection of the so-called humpback fly in the fruit, a pest considered…

Owen Schalk (2024-02-16). How Canada benefits from instability in Ecuador. mronline.org Ottawa appears largely unconcerned by Ecuador's social and institutional decay.

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (2024-02-16). UNHCR Operations in Ecuador 2024 (Produced in January 2024). reliefweb.int Country: Ecuador | Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees | Please refer to the attached Map.

Andrés Madrid, Andrés Tapia (2024-02-17). Capitalism and drug trafficking in Ecuador: Two sides of the same coin. cadtm.org

Andrew Green (2024-02-17). Obituary] Susan Abarca Salazar. thelancet.com Infectious diseases consultant and doctoral student. She was born on Sept 7, 1986, in Cusco, Peru, and died on Aug 15, 2023, in Zimbabwe, aged 36 years.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-16). Uruguayan government signs statement on Venezuela. plenglish.com The local Ministry of Foreign Affairs published the text on social media, expressing concern over the detention of dissident Rocío San Miguel and called for her release and the dismissal of the charges. | San Miguel was arrested when she was about to leave her country. | According to the Government of Caracas, she is being investigated for her participation in destabilizing actions. | The statement also rejected Venezuela's decision to close the Technical Advisory Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. | The Venezuelan Government described the role of this UN agency as inappropriate.

Roger D. Harris (2024-02-16). Why the US Is Reimposing Sanctions on Venezuela. dissidentvoice.org Even the US business magazine Forbes expressed surprise at the reimposition of US sanctions on Venezuela's gold sales and its threat to do the same with oil. The oil sanctions especially, if reinstated, would precipitate higher gas prices and further debilitate the Venezuelan economy, forcing more people to leave the country out of economic necessity. …

Staff (2024-02-17). Secret Service Raids Venezuela's Ambassador Residency in Washington DC. orinocotribune.com

Staff (2024-02-17). US Secret Service Raids Venezuelan Ambassador's Residency in Washington DC. orinocotribune.com

Staff (2024-02-17). Venezuela Reports Lowest Monthly Inflation in 12 Years. orinocotribune.com Caracas ( The BCV also reported that the annual accumulated inflation is about to go below t…

Tamanisha John, Black Agenda Report. (2024-02-17). Exercise Tradewinds: 40 Years Of US Counterinsurgency In The Caribbean. popularresistance.org Between December 5-7, 2023, in San Antonio, Texas military planners from the United States, Canada, Barbados, and other CARICOM entities met to make plans for Tradewinds '24.[1] There, it was determined that the 39th iteration of Exercise Tradewinds (EXTW24) would take place, at least in the first phase, in Barbados. Although Exercise Tradewinds "began" in 1984, EXTW24 will only mark the 39th iteration of these exercises versus the 40th iteration, given that no exercise was held in 2020 given the (ongoing) global COVID-19 pandemic.[2] Between January 29, 2024, and February 2, 2024 military planners met again, thi…

krish-rad_ind (2024-02-17). Cuba, the United States and the National Interest of Both. resumen-english.org

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-16). Instituto Cervantes impulsa en Cuba ideal de comunidad. radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 feb (RHC) El director del Instituto Cervantes, de España, Luis García Montero, aprovechó este viernes su presentación en la 32 Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana para impulsar los ideales de comunidad en la promoción del idioma español.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-16). Detienen y enjuician en Cuba a narcotraficantes internacionales. radiohc.cu La Habana, 16 feb (RHC) Un tribunal en Cuba dispuso sanciones de privación de libertad entre 20 y 30 años a ciudadanos extranjeros y nacionales atrapados in fraganti durante una operación de tráfico internacional de drogas, informaron este viernes fuentes oficiales.

The Black Alliance for Peace. (2024-02-17). MOLEGHAF: Public Statement On The Current Situation In Haiti. popularresistance.org February 12, 2024 — On February 6th, MOLEGHAF, the National Movement for Liberty and Equality of Haitians for Fraternity (Mouvement National pour la Liberté et L'égalité des HaàØtiens pour la Fraternité), a member organization of the Black Alliance for Peace, released a statement that calls for support of the Haitian masses mobilizing for popular sovereignty, and vehemently rejects the continued attempts by the United States and the West to force a military intervention and occupation of Haiti. After the Kenyan High Court clearly and firmly declared this intervention unconstitutional, the U.S. and Ke…

albawaba (2024-02-16). Kuwait's National Assembly dissolved over constitutional violations. albawaba.com ALBAWABA-: Kuwait's Amiri decree dissolves the National Assembly due to constitutional breaches, as reported by Kuwait News Agency.Notably, the current National Assembly members were elected on June 6, 2023, commencing their session on June 20, 2023, six months before the passing of the late Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Nawaf AlAhmed AlSubah, who died on December 16, 2023. The new Emir, Sheikh Mishal al-Ahmad al-Sabah, was formally sworn in before parliament on December 20, 2023, marking the beginning of his rule over the affluent Gulf monarchy.ÿπÿßÿ¨ŸÑ | ŸàŸ&Eac…

newarab (2024-02-16). Houthis: More than 400 US, UK airstrikes in Yemen since Jan. newarab.com Yemen's In an official statement via the Saba news agency linked to the group, the Houthi spokesperson Dhaifallah Al-Shami reported the attacks by US and UK forces as strikes continued on other areas in "The total number of American and British airstrikes, both aerial and reconn…

2024-02-17 18:37:38 | 18:37 EST | by | 166 | 0 | 107 | 59 | 0 

2024-02-16: News Headlines

Colombia Informa (2024-02-16). Camilo Torres Restrepo: Priest, revolutionary, and guerrilla fighter. peoplesdispatch.org Priest, intellectual, revolutionary and guerrilla fighter, Camilo Torres Restrepo is, along with Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, one of the most important figures in Colombian history. His commitment to popular and revolutionary causes has made him a symbol of social movements in Latin America and the world. | He was born in Bogota on February 3, 1929, into a privileged family of Bogotá belonging to the Colombian elites. After a brief semester in which he tried to study law at the national university, he withdrew to become a Catholic priest, thanks to the influence of some Dominican priests he met through his girlfriend's…

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-02-16). México: La guerra contra los pueblos indígenas. indybay.org

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-02-16). Wallmapu_Coordinadora Arauco Malleco: Declaración de Héctor Llaitul. indybay.org Resistencia Mapuche | Wallmapu_Coordinadora Arauco Malleco: Declaración de Héctor Llaitul…

Roger D. Harris (2024-02-16). US Military Projection in Latin America and the Caribbean Intensifies. dissidentvoice.org Upon assuming the US presidency, Joe Biden asserted in his first major foreign policy address, "America is back!" For Latin America and the Caribbean, this has meant an "aggressive expansion" of the US military in the region. In just the last year, US Marines and special forces landed in Peru in May 2023, brought in …

Staff (2024-02-16). Haldwani Violence: Result of escalating communal tensions in Uttarakhand, reveals fact-finding report" muslimmirror.com By Muslim Mirror A fact-finding team, comprising members of the Association for Protection of Civil Rights (APCR), Karawan-e-Mohabbat, and civil rights activist Zahid Qadri, visited Haldwani on February 14, 2024, to investigate the recent violence that erupted in the region. The team's preliminary findings, based on extensive discussions with members of civil society, journalists, writers, …

albawaba (2024-02-15). Microsoft, OpenAI expose hackers using ChatGPT. albawaba.com ALBAWABA — OpenAI has said in a blogpost that in collaboration with Microsoft, they were able to identify and block five threat groups backed by nations that have been found to be using their Large Language Models in malicious activities such as preparing Phishing Scams, translating technical papers and writing and debugging potentially harmful codes.Through cooperation and information exchange with Microsoft, OpenAI says they were able to take down five malicious actors with ties to states: two threat actors from China, identified as Charcoal Typhoon and Salmon Typhoon; Crimson Sandstorm from Iran; Emerald…

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-15). 32nd International Book Fair opens in Cuba. plenglish.com Havana, Feb 15 (Prensa Latina) Cuba opens the 32nd Havana International Book Fair, with Brazil as guest of honor at a literary festival that will showcase more than three million works and a thousand novelties until Feb. 25.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-15). Cuban Ambassador to Cambodia honored with the Order of Solidarity. plenglish.com Phnom Penh, Feb 15 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Ambassador to Cambodia, Liurka Rodríguez Barrios, received the Order of Solidarity in the Grade of Grand Officer, in recognition of her commendable work to strengthen ties of friendship and cooperation.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-15). Cuban Prime Minister visited sustainable city and mosque in UAE. plenglish.com Abu Dhabi, Feb 15 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero toured the sustainable city of Masdar, located in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates, as part of his last working day in the Arab country.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-15). Eliades Ochoa to receive La Mar de Músicas award in Spain. plenglish.com Madrid, Jan 15 (Prensa Latina) Cuban musician Eliades Ochoa, one of the founders of the Buena Vista Social Club, will receive next July the La Mar de Músicas award at the Cartagena Festival (Spain).

Ana Perdigón (2024-02-15). Biden's 'Top' Advisor for Latin America Resigns, Leaving Behind Zigzagging Strategy on Venezuela. orinocotribune.com US President Joe Biden's top security advisor for Latin America, Juan González, has announced his resignation from his post—alleging personal issues as the reason—following his failure to fulfil the US's imperial regime change objectives against Venezuela. | The US official's resignation was confirmed by a National Security Council (NSC) spokesperson to Bloomberg News this Tuesday, February 13. | González's position included his participation in the negotiations that the US government has held with the Venezuelan authorities in recent years, leading to small and scattered de-escalations in their ille…

April Lanuza (2024-02-15). Ecuador ratifies free trade agreement with China. america.cgtn.com This month, Ecuador became the fourth Latin American country to ratify a free trade agreement with China. | Ecuador's National Assembly approved the deal, marking a significant milestone in the country's economy. | CGTN correspondent Nicolás Suárez reports on what this agreement means for Ecuador's trade relations.

Jason Ditz (2024-02-15). Hezbollah Fires Rockets at Northern Israel After Deadliest Day of Strikes. news.antiwar.com Mourners were out in numbers in southern Lebanon Thursday following the single deadliest day of Israeli airstrikes against the border region in some four months of escalating violence. Wednesday's attacks appeared to be the start of a new campaign, as additional Israeli attacks were reported in the south on Thursday, leading to criticism by Lebanese …

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-15). Cuban President highlights proposals of the Havana Book Fair. plenglish.com Havana, Feb 15 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel today highlighted the varied and excellent program presented by the 32nd Havana International Book Fair for the Cuban families.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-15). Emirati companies interested in Cuban biotechnological products. plenglish.com Dubai Feb 15 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero held talks today with companies from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) interested in commercializing Cuban biotechnological products, such as Heberprot-P and Melagenia Plus.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-15). Equipment donated in France for the preparation of Cuban athletes. plenglish.com Paris, Feb 15 (Prensa Latina) The city of Tremblay-en-France donated today bodybuilding equipment to the National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation of Cuba (INDER), as part of a project aimed at supporting the preparation of athletes qualified for Paris-2024.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-02-15). CSTO considers explosive situation on Armenian-Azerbaijani border. plenglish.com Moscow, Feb 15 (Prensa Latina) The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) sees a high potential for conflict on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, said the head of the group's Joint Chiefs of Staff, Andrei Serdiukov.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-02-15). Lebanese authorities denounce deaths of civilians in Israeli attacks. plenglish.com Beirut, Feb 15 (Prensa Latina) The candidate for the Presidency of Lebanon, Suleiman Frangieh, denounced the murder of civilians as a consequence of persistent Israeli aggression in the south of the country.

Misión Verdad (2024-02-15). Who Is Daniel Erikson, Biden's Future Advisor for Latin America? orinocotribune.com By Misión Verdad — Feb 14, 2024 | This week, it was announced that Juan González, President Joe Biden's main advisor for the Western Hemisphere, González will be replaced by Daniel Erikson, who has also been an advisor to President Biden for some time on issues related to…

UN Children's Fund (2024-02-15). Colombia: Más de 1.400.000 niños y niñas serán beneficiados con el fortalecimiento de la red de frío de vacunas hecho por UNICEF y el Gobierno de Japón. reliefweb.int Countries: Colombia, Japan | Source: UN Children's Fund | Armenia, febrero de 2024. La Embajada del Japón en Colombia y el Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF) vienen uniendo esfuerzos desde febrero de 2022 para implementar en Colombia del proyecto de asistencia denominado "Apoyo de la àöltima Milla", el cual busca promover la vacunación contra el COVID-19 en los países de América Latina y el Caribe. Este plan ha permitido fortalecer la capacidad del Gobierno Nacional para responder a la pandemia de COVID-19, en el intento de lograr la cobertura sanitaria universal y contribuir a la vacu…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-16). Cuba to hold National Craft Festival. plenglish.com Matanzas, Cuba, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban province of Matanzas will host the 3rd National Crafts Festival from March 17 to 19 to promote the creative arts in the country.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-16). ECLAC launches Observatory to support digital development processes. plenglish.com Santiago, Chile, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) virtually launched the Digital Development Observatory (ODD) in Chile on Thursday to measure the progress of countries in the use of modern technologies.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-16). Panamanian reports exodos of students from private to public sector. plenglish.com Panama, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) Reports from Panama's Ministry of Education (Meduca) confirm the growing exodus of students from private schools to the public sector, mainly due to economic factors.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-02-16). Venezuela to host Caribbean Regional Seminar in May. plenglish.com Caracas, Feb 16 (Prensa Latina) Caracas will host the Caribbean Regional Seminar, which will address noteworthy issues of the new multipolar world, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gil announced on Thursday.

Staff (2024-02-16). Haldwani Violence: Result of escalating communal tensions in Uttarakhand, reveals fact-finding report" muslimmirror.com By Muslim Mirror A fact-finding team, comprising members of the Association for Protection of Civil Rights (APCR), Karawan-e-Mohabbat, and civil rights activist Zahid Qadri, visited Haldwani on February 14, 2024, to investigate the recent violence that erupted in the region. The team's preliminary findings, based on extensive discussions with members of civil society, journalists, writers, …

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-15). Renowned German flutist gives workshops in Cuba. plenglish.com Havana, Feb 15 (Prensa Latina) German flutist and professor Michael Faust gave the educational workshop "Teach to Teach" to artistic education students in Cuba, the National Center of Art Schools (CNEArt) informed on Thursday.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-15). Venezuelan Parliament rejects Emtrasur plane theft. plenglish.com Caracas, Feb 15 (Prensa Latina) The Venezuelan National Assembly agreed on Thursday to reject unanimously the theft of an Aerocargo del Sur Transport Company (Emtrasur)theft by the Government of the United States, with the Argentine authorities' complicity.

Gary M. Feinman, David M. Carballo (2024-02-16). We Can Interpret How Cooperative or Autocratic Mesoamerican Societies Were From Their Systems of Communication. counterpunch.org The modes of communication that a society uses can tell us a lot about its political structure. A research study we published in 2022 revealed distinct modes of communication and administrative recordkeeping in autocratic and collective social governance among a sample of urban societies from pre-Hispanic Mesoamerica, where writing was initially developed for political purposes. Each

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-16). Se movilizan en Argentina en reclamo de mejoras salariales. telesurtv.net "El salario no puede ser una medida de ajuste. Cuando se discute el salario se discute la vida de la gente", precisó el líder del Polo Obrero, Eduardo Belliboni.

krish-rad_ind (2024-02-16). What's at Stake if the U.S. OK's Building This Gas Pipeline to Mexico. desmog.com

Ramya Vijaya (2024-02-16). Immigrants do Work that Might Not Otherwise Get Done, Bolstering the US economy. counterpunch.org Although Congress is failing to pass laws to restrict the number of migrants arriving in the U.S., a majority of Americans — about 6 in 10 — believe there's an immigration crisis along the Mexico-U.S. border. Politicians who want fewer people to move here often cast those arriving without prior authorization as a burden on

Sara Sneath, DeSmog. (2024-02-16). What's At Stake If The US OK's Building This Gas Pipeline To Mexico. popularresistance.org In a rural area of West Texas, near the Mexico border, a cluster of geothermal springs once served as an oasis to the Carrizo/Comecrudo Tribe of Texas. Carpeted in grasses and shrubs, the land is home to rare aoudad sheep, deer, wild cats, and bobwhite quail. The muted tans and greens in the small valley and surrounding exposed rock mountains quiet the mind. | The pristine site is in the proposed pathway of the 48-inch-diameter Saguaro Connector Pipeline, which would send natural gas produced in Texas's Permian Basin 155 miles west, across the U.S.-Mexico border, to a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facility i…

teleSUR, nbb, JDO (2024-02-16). México ha decomisado 50.000 armas ingresadas ilegalmente desde EE.UU. telesurtv.net López Obrador afirma que tanto los republicanos como los demócratas están desplazándose hacia la derecha al abordar la migración en un intento por asegurar votos.

teleSUR (2024-02-15). AU Call For Inclusive Education, Violence Prevention in Africa. telesurenglish.net While addressing the meeting, Bankole Adeoye, AU commissioner for political affairs, peace and security, underscored the critical importance of prioritizing and investing in peace education in Africa. | African leaders are set to meet on Feb. 17-18 for the 37th Ordinary Session of the AU Assembly of the Heads of State and Government. Feb. 15, 2024.

teleSUR (2024-02-15). Australian Parliament Asks US to Stop Action Against Assange. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday night, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and 85 lawmakers supported a motion to urge the United States and the United Kingdom to end the legal proceedings against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and allow him to return to Australia. | RELATED: | This motion, presented by independent legislator Andrew Wilkie in the Lower Chamber, garnered 86 votes in favor and 42 against in a legislative ses…

teleSUR (2024-02-15). Brazil Toughens Conditions in Maximum Security Prisons. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Andre Garcia, the secretary of Penal Policies of the Justice Ministry, announced that the conditions of confinement in Brazilian federal prisons will be tightened. | RELATED: | After the escape of two inmates from a maximum-security prison, authorities decided to suspend visits to federal prisons and keep prisoners in their cells for the next five days. | On Wednesday, two inmates escaped from the Mossoro federal prison. These…

teleSUR (2024-02-15). Electoral Ban Begins in the Dominican Republic. telesurenglish.net Silence surrounds the Dominican Republic this Thursday, where the electoral ban decreed 72 hours before next Sunday's municipal elections has been in force since the first minute of this day. | RELATED: | In contrast to the last few weeks, in which the media echoed the electoral campaign and the loudspeakers in the streets exalted the promises of the candidates, now the cities are calm as all proselytizing activities are prohibited…

teleSUR (2024-02-15). Haiti: Police Seek Killers of SWAT Officer. telesurenglish.net Haiti's National Police Union reported that 1,800 police officers fled the country last year, another factor that makes it impossible to provide an effective response to criminal gangs. | Lector Roobens, a member of the 31st class of the Haitian National Police, was killed at the hands of gang members. Feb. 15, 2024.

teleSUR (2024-02-15). Israel Fosters Disinformation Campaign Against UNRWA: Ireland. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Irish Deputy Prime Minister Micheál Martin accused Israel of launching a "disinformation" campaign against the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and called on donor countries not to suspend their aid to this humanitarian institution. | RELATED: | Martin made these statements after meeting in Dublin with UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini, whom he confirmed that th…

teleSUR (2024-02-15). Israeli Forces Storm Nasser Hospital in Gaza's Khan Younis. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Israeli occupation forces stormed Nasser Hospital in the city of Khan Younis after demolishing its southern wall. | RELATED: | The Gaza-based Health Ministry denounced that the Israeli forces ordered medics to move all patients into an older building of the hospital which was not properly equipped for treatment. | Palestinian Health Minister Mai al-Kaila said the Israeli attacks on Nasser Hospital repeated "the…

teleSUR (2024-02-15). Lebanese Civilians Killed by Israeli Aggression Denounced. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Presidential candidate Suleiman Frangieh denounced the killing of civilians in Lebanon as a result of the persistent Israeli aggression in the south of the nation. | RELATED: | In his X account, the Marada Current leader lamented the death of eight people and seven wounded following the Israeli attack targeting a residential building in Nabatieh. | According to the former minister, "killing unarmed civi…

teleSUR (2024-02-15). New Campaign to Fight Malaria in Kenya. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, a coalition backed by the Kenyan Ministry of Health launched a new campaign to fight malaria in the country. | RELATED: | The new Zero Malaria Starts With Me campaign, dubbed "The Power of EveryOne," which was launched by the Zero Malaria Campaign Coalition (ZMCC) under the auspices of the Ministry of Health's National Malaria Control Program, gives every Kenyan the opportunity to play their part in ach…

teleSUR (2024-02-15). Russia Is on the Verge of Creating Anti-Cancer Vaccines: Putin. telesurenglish.net

teleSUR (2024-02-15). Ukrainian Rocket Attack Leaves 5 Russians Dead in Belgorod. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Belgorod Governor Viacheslav Gladkov confirmed that at least five people died in a Ukrainian artillery attack on the city of Belgorod. | RELATED: | "According to preliminary data, 5 people died, including a child, and 18 others were injured, including five minors," he said on his Telegram channel. | According to the RIA Novosti agency, the attack severely affected a shopping center housing a supermarket and a pharmacy. | "Take…

teleSUR (2024-02-15). UN Rapporteur Demands Lifting of Sanctions Against Venezuela. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, Michael Fakhri, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, asked for the lifting of sanctions against Venezuela. | RELATED: | During a press conference held in Caracas, he highlighted the efforts made by President Nicolas Maduro's administration to ensure the right to food. However, Venezuelans continue to face difficulties in accessing sufficient good and healthy food. | "During my visit, I was able…

teleSUR (2024-02-15). US Super Bowl Victory Parade Shooting Leaves 1 Dead, 22 Injured. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, at least one person was killed and 22 others injured by gunfire in a shooting during the Kansas City Chiefs' Super Bowl victory parade. | RELATED: | Stacey Graves, chief of the Kansas City Missouri Police Department, detailed the shooting's toll at a news conference and said three people had been taken into custody. She added that fans may have been involved in apprehending a suspect. | "I'm angry at what happen…

teleSUR (2024-02-15). Venezuela Supports Trinidad & Tobago in Controlling Oil Spill. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, Foreign Affairs Minister Yvan Gil announced that Venezuela is willing to collaborate with Trinidad and Tobago in controlling the serious oil spill that has affected the coasts of this island nation and involves at least two vessels. | RELATED: | "We are at the disposal of the government of Trinidad and Tobago to cooperate in whatever is required," he said, adding that Venezuelan technicians have held me…

teleSUR (2024-02-15). Venezuela Suspends OHCHR's Advisory Activities in Caracas. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, Foreign Affairs Minister Yvan Gil announced that Venezuelaz decided to suspend the activities of the Technical Advisory Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Caracas. | RELATED: | In the next 30 days, the Venezuelan government will carry out a comprehensive review of the terms of technical cooperation described in the Letter of Understanding signed with the OHCHR.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-16). Australia llama a cesar persecución contra Julian Assange. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con medios locales, la iniciativa legislativa fue presentada por el diputado Andrew Wilkie y recibió 86 votos a favor.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-16). Asciende a 28.663 cifra de palestinos asesinados por ataques israelíes en Gaza. telesurtv.net Ministerio de Salud gazatí informó que 68.395 palestinos han resultado heridos desde que inició la ofensiva de las fuerzas de ocupación.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-16). Presidente brasileño insta a reformar mecanismos multilaterales. telesurtv.net El mandatario suramericano destacó que las ONU "no tiene actualmente fuerzas suficientes" para evitar un conflicto.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-16). Al menos seis muertos por ataque ucraniano a Bélgorod, Rusia. telesurtv.net El asesor del ministro de Salud ruso, Alexéi Kuznetsov, confirmó la cifra producto del bombardeo de un centro comercial por las fuerzas armadas de Ucrania.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-16). Venezuela coopera para enfrentar derrame de crudo trinitense. telesurtv.net "Se han sostenido reuniones a nivel técnico con nuestros vecinos a fin de evaluar los impactos", indicó el canciller.

teleSUR, hvh, JGN (2024-02-16). Conozca acciones para reducir riesgo de cáncer desde la infancia. telesurtv.net La OPS indica que la detección oportuna del cáncer alarga y mejora la calidad de vida de los niños e incluso poder curarlos.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-16). Rechazan juicio sumario contra opositora en Paraguay. telesurtv.net El pasado 14 de febrero, mediante este juicio exprés, González fue promovida de su cargo como senadora.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-16). Revelan fecha de juicio contra expresidente Trump en Nueva York. telesurtv.net El juez Juan Merchan denegó la acción de la defensa de Trump que propuso desestimar la denuncia.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN (2024-02-16). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Son más de 130 días de ataques constantes de las fuerzas de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-16). Corte de EE.UU. endurece cargos contra pastor vinculado a magnicidio en Haití. telesurtv.net El pastor Christian Emmanuel Sanon fue imputado con nuevo cargo de conspiración para secuestrar y matar al expresidente haitiano Jovenel Moïse.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-16). Sube a 12 cifra de muertos tras ataques israelíes contra Líbano. telesurtv.net La entidad sionista atacó una zona residencial en la ciudad de Nabatieh, donde perdieron la vida ocho personas.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-16). Venezuela suspende actividades de oficina técnica de asesoría del Alto Comisionado de ONU para DD.HH. telesurtv.net Caracas realizará una revisión integral de los términos de cooperación técnica descritos en la Carta de Entendimiento firmada con dicha oficina.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2024-02-16). Reportan movilización frente al Ministerio de Agricultura de España. telesurtv.net Ante las medidas propuestas, los agricultores que llevan alrededor de diez días de protesta consecutiva, reafirmaron que continuarán con las manifestaciones.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-16). Cuba solicitará a la CIJ pronunciamiento sobre genocidio en Palestina. telesurtv.net Al ratificar la postura del presidente cubano, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, la viceministra agregó que "Cuba jamás estará entre los indiferentes.

teleSUR, MER (2024-02-16). Presidente de Venezuela rechaza robo del avión de Emtrasur. telesurtv.net El Gobierno venezolano previamente había emitido un comunicado para repudiar el robo del avión por parte de EE.UU. con la participación de Argentina.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-16). Ataque israelí al hospital de Khan Younis, Gaza, deja un muerto. telesurtv.net Las fuerzas israelíes ingresaron al patio del complejo sanitario y comenzaron a disparar contra sus secciones.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-16). Panamá reporta naufragio con varios migrantes muertos. telesurtv.net El incremento de migrantes que atraviesan el Darién en su camino hacia Estados Unidos o Canadá ha sido constante desde el año 2021.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-16). Putin revela que Rusia está a punto de crear vacunas anticáncer. telesurtv.net Putin no proporcionó detalles sobre los tipos de cáncer a los que se dirigen las vacunas propuestas ni sobre cómo funcionarían.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-16). Ministra de Salud palestina advierte de catástrofe en hospital Nasser. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Salud manifestó que las fuerzas de ocupación de Israel obligan a las personas permanecer en el antiguo edificio Nasser en condiciones duras y aterradoras.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-16). Siria y Mauritania exploran vías para ampliar cooperación científica. telesurtv.net El ministro sirio resaltó la importancia de trabajar para renovar e impulsar el programa científico junto a Mauritania.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-16). Sismo de magnitud 5.4 sacude Lima, Perú. telesurtv.net El epicentro se localizó a 36 kilómetros de la ciudad de Huaral y tuvo una profundidad de 57 kilómetros.

teleSUR, ord, YSM (2024-02-16). Pronostican lluvias significativas por El Niño en Costa, Ecuador. telesurtv.net Los expertos pronosticaron inundaciones y desbordamientos en la Costa de Ecuador, así como el registro de precipitaciones por encima de lo habitual.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-02-16). Inauguran XXXII Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana en Cuba. telesurtv.net En esta edición, la feria está dedicada a los intelectuales cubanos Isabel Monal y Francisco López Sacha.

Peoples Dispatch (2024-02-16). Petro condemns "institutional rupture" and attacks on Colombian democracy by the right-wing. peoplesdispatch.org The delay in the election of the Attorney General at the center of the ongoing tensions with the right, was highlighted by the United Nations Human Rights office and IACHR…

Médecins du Monde (2024-02-15). Colombia: The Darién Gap: a migrant crisis in the green hell. reliefweb.int Countries: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Haiti, Panama, Peru, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), World | Source: Médecins du Monde | Between January and September 2023, more than 457,000 people crossed the "green hell," a dense tropical forest, the natural border between Colombia and Panama. Mainly of Venezuelan origin, but also Colombian, Haitian, Peruvian, Ecuadorian, Cuban, Chilean, Afghan, Cameroonian and even Chinese, they undertake this migratory journey in search of a dignified life, security or freedom. If so many people use this passage known for its dangerousness, thi…

Maria Calvo (2024-02-15). Cubano Eliades Ochoa recibirá premio La Mar de Músicas en España. radiohc.cu Madrid, 15 feb (RHC) El músico cubano Eliades Ochoa, uno de los fundadores del Buena Vista Social Club, recibirá en julio próximo el premio La Mar de Músicas, en el festival de Cartagena (España), anunció hoy la alcandesa de esa ciudad de la región de Murcia, Noelia Arroyo.

Maria Calvo (2024-02-15). Presidente cubano resalta propuestas de Feria del Libro de La Habana. radiohc.cu La Habana, 15 feb (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, resaltó hoy en su cuenta en X, el variado y excelente programa que presenta la 32 Feria Internacional de Libro de La Habana para las familias de la nación caribeña.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-15). Inauguran muestra de gran formato en Bellas Artes de Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 15 feb (RHC) El Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Cuba, en La Habana, inauguró este jueves la exposición ´Los muertos llaman al alba ª, del artista cubano de la plástica Enrique Martínez Celaya, integrada por ocho obras de gran formato.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-15). Participa presidente cubano en inauguración de Feria del Libro. radiohc.cu La Habana, 15 feb (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, participa hoy en la inauguración de la 32 Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana, que tiene a Brasil como país invitado de honor.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-15). Presidente cubano realiza visita de trabajo a Artemisa. radiohc.cu La Habana, 15 feb (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, visitó este jueves el central 30 de Noviembre y la estación de alevinaje La Paila, en el municipio artemiseño de San Cristóbal, a fin de contribuir a la solución de diversos problemas.

newarab (2024-02-15). Egypt currency crisis: Nigerian migrants fear detention. newarab.com

Staff (2024-02-15). "Obscene": Biden Pushes House to Approve Bill with $14B in Military Aid to Israel, Cuts UNRWA Funding. democracynow.org The U.S. Senate has approved a $95 billion foreign aid package that includes $14 billion in military funding to Israel, despite the finding by the International Court of Justice that it is plausible Israel has committed acts of genocide in Gaza. The Senate bill passed on a 70-29 vote, though its fate remains uncertain in the Republican-controlled House, where Speaker Mike Johnson is demanding the inclusion of new anti-immigrant and border enforcement measures before scheduling a vote. William Hartung, a national security and foreign policy expert at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, says the massiv…

ZOA (2024-02-15). ZOA – Informe sobre datos de participantes de migrantes en tránsito – Colombia. reliefweb.int Country: Colombia | Source: ZOA | Please refer to the linked Interactive Content. | Descripción general del proyecto | ZOA ha desarrollado un

ZOA (2024-02-15). ZOA — Participant Profile For Mixed Migrants In Transit – Colombia. reliefweb.int Country: Colombia | Source: ZOA | Please refer to the linked Interactive Content. | Project Overview | ZOA has developed a robust

infobrics (2024-02-16). Westerners more afraid of migrants and radical Islam than Russia, finds poll. infobrics.org Trump's son questions validity of "Russian threat" after US warning to Congress.

newarab (2024-02-16). Egypt currency crisis: Nigerian migrants fear detention. newarab.com

Eduardo Rodriguez (2024-02-15). Argentina is NOT for sale! Argentinians rise up against Milei's neoliberal plunder. liberationnews.org Like all far-right populists, Milei came to power on a platform of brash, inflammatory rhetoric, culture war talking points, and vague anti-government policies.

Mehmet àñzbaƒücƒ± (2024-02-15). The Economics Teacher of the New Generation: Cryptocurrency Ideology. mronline.org The widespread ownership of crypto currencies in countries like Turkey and Argentina has created the grounds for a very reactionary economic understanding among broad social segments, especially among young people.

Maria Calvo (2024-02-15). Avanzan Cuba y Bolivia en el fortalecimiento de sus nexos. radiohc.cu La visita a La Habana de la ministra de Relaciones Exteriores de Bolivia, Celinda Sosa Lunda, reafirmó el buen estado de las relaciones existentes entre las dos naciones, retomadas con fuerza tras el retorno al poder del MàÅS, Movimiento al Socialismo, y que se habían interrumpido tras el golpe de estado de 2019 contra el entonces presidente Evo Morales.

Brasil de Fato (2024-02-15). "There's no explanation for Israel to be killing women and children," says Lula in Egypt. peoplesdispatch.org President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva made harsh criticisms of Israel during a meeting with his Egyptian counterpart, Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, on Thursday, February 15. | "Brazil was a country that strongly condemned Hamas' position in the attack on Israel and the kidnapping of hundreds of people. And we condemn it and call it a terrorist act. But there is no explanation for Israel's behavior, under the pretext of defeating Hamas, to be killing women and children, something that has never been seen in any war that I know of," said Lula. | The Brazilian president's statement was made amid Israel's attack on the city of…

Brasil de Fato (2024-02-15). "There's no explanation for Israel to be killing women and children," says Lula in Egypt. peoplesdispatch.org President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva made harsh criticisms of Israel during a meeting with his Egyptian counterpart, Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, on Thursday, February 15. | The Brazilian president's statement was made amid Israel's attack on the city of Rafah, on the border with Egypt, where about 1.4 million Palestinians, many of them refugees, are sheltered. On Tuesday, February 13,

Food, Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2024-02-15). World: Director-General reaffirms FAO's commitment to support G20 Brazilian Presidency, urges action on food security and climate. reliefweb.int Country: World | Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | QU Dongyu participated in a high-level event in Rome to highlight the need for financing to transform agrifood systems | 15/02/2024 | Rome– At a High-Level event organized by the Permanent Delegation of Brazil to the United Nations Rome-based agencies and In a keyn…

presstv.ir (2024-02-16). Brazil: No explanation for Israel's behavior in Gaza. presstv.ir Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva says Israel's behavior in Gaza, which is enduring a genocidal war by the occupying regime, is beyond explanation.

Pan American Health Organization (2024-02-15). Brazil: Natural Hazards Monitoring – 14 February 2024. reliefweb.int

albawaba (2024-02-16). Barcelona eyeing Arsenal star Gabriel Martinelli. albawaba.com Barcelona have set their sights on Arsenal attacker Gabriel Martinelli, according to Mundo Deportivo.The Catalan giants are looking for a new striker with specific traits and believe the Brazil international fits the bill.Barca understand they must sell first if they were to submit an accptable offer for the Arsenal star.He has seven goals and three assists in 28 appearances this season so far.The 22-year-old's deal with the Gunners runs to 2027.

WSWS (2024-02-16). Amazon worker in Canada, forced outside in freezing conditions during fire alarm, dies of heart attack. wsws.org According to his obituary, Paulo DeSouza Bezerra succumbed to a heart attack shortly after standing outside in the bitter cold. Bezerra, 50, who emigrated from Brazil, leaves behind his wife of 25 years and a young son.

albawaba (2024-02-15). Al-Hilal star Neymar set for Santos return?>. albawaba.com Al-Hilal star Neymar is being linked with a potential return to Brazil after having an "effective" conversation with Santos club president.The striker left Santos in 2013 to pursue a career in Europe and went on to join Barcelona where he had his best spell.He then moved to Paris Saint-Germain in a world record move in 2017, but failed to live up to expectations.Neymar left the French club last summer to play alongside the likes of Aleksandar Mitrovic at Saudi Arabia's Al-Hilal.However, he suffered an unexpected ACL injury that in October that should keep him out of action until the end of the season.The 32-year-…

presstv.ir (2024-02-16). Chile bids farewell to ex-president Pinera in state funeral. presstv.ir Chile holds a state funeral for former president Sebastian Pinera, who died this week when the helicopter he was piloting plummeted into a lake.

Andrés Madrid, Andrés Tapia (2024-02-16). Capitalism and drug trafficking in Ecuador: Two sides of the same coin. cadtm.org

Andrés Madrid, Andrés Tapia (2024-02-15). Capitalism and drug trafficking in Ecuador: Two sides of the same coin. cadtm.org

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-15). En suspenso votación sobre reformas al código penal en Ecuador. radiohc.cu Quito, 15 feb (RHC) La Asamblea Nacional -Parlamento-, de Ecuador dejó este jueves en suspenso la votación de un proyecto de ley para reformar el Código Orgánico Integral Penal, una iniciativa que causa polémica entre los legisladores.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-15). Cuba celebrates anniversary of a famous cocktail. plenglish.com It was a celebration from Wednesday, Valentine's Day or Love and Friendship Day, when the workers of the facility celebrated three decades of the creation of the Arcoiris Plaza. | This drink is the signature cocktail of this establishment belonging to the Gran Caribe Hotel Group. | During a simple ceremony to reproduce the drink, its producer, multi-awarded bartender Eloy Hernández, recalled that with that mixture he won a cocktail competition held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of La Bodeguita del Medio Restaurant-Bar in the 1990s. | Later, he took the recipe to a contest in Peru, where it became internation…

Andrew Green (2024-02-17). Obituary] Susan Abarca Salazar. thelancet.com Infectious diseases consultant and doctoral student. She was born on Sept 7, 1986, in Cusco, Peru, and died on Aug 15, 2023, in Zimbabwe, aged 36 years.

Roger D. Harris (2024-02-16). Why the US Is Reimposing Sanctions on Venezuela. dissidentvoice.org Even the US business magazine Forbes expressed surprise at the reimposition of US sanctions on Venezuela's gold sales and its threat to do the same with oil. The oil sanctions especially, if reinstated, would precipitate higher gas prices and further debilitate the Venezuelan economy, forcing more people to leave the country out of economic necessity. …

mforinoco (2024-02-15). Iran Slams US Over Illegal Seizure of Venezuelan Plane. orinocotribune.com Iran has censured the United States for the illegal seizure of a Venezuelan cargo plane formerly owned by an Iranian firm, saying the move amounts to "hijacking." | In a statement on Monday, the US Justice Department said the government had seized a Boeing 747-300 cargo plane officials said was previously sold by the banned Iranian airline Mahan Air to Venezuelan state airline Emtrasur, likewise under US sanctions. | It claimed the American-built plane was seized since it breached American export control laws, adding that the Venezuelan-flagged plane had arrived in Florida and would be disposed of. | The freighte…

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-15). Oficina de Derechos Humanos de ONU mantiene diálogo con autoridades venezolanas. radiohc.cu Naciones Unidas, 15 feb (RHC) La Oficina del alto comisionado de la ONU para Derechos Humanos confirmó este jueves que mantiene conversaciones con las autoridades de Venezuela y otros actores tras la solicitud de retirada de su personal en ese país.

Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect (2024-02-15). Atrocity Alert No. 382: Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory, DR Congo and Venezuela. reliefweb.int Countries: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Israel, occupied Palestinian territory, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | Source: Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect | Atrocity Alert is a weekly publication by the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect highlighting situations where populations are at risk of, or are enduring, mass atrocity crimes. | ISRAEL'S MOUNTING ASSAULT ON RAFAH WILL LEAD TO FURTHER ATROCITY CRIMES | On 9 February

Maria Calvo (2024-02-15). Celebran en Cuba aniversario de famoso cóctel. radiohc.cu La Habana, 15 feb (RHC) El reconocido Hotel Plaza de La Habana celebró este miércoles, el aniversario de uno de sus cócteles emblemáticos, el Arcoiris.

Maria Calvo (2024-02-15). Ciudad francesa dona equipos para preparación de atletas de Cuba. radiohc.cu París, 15 feb (RHC) La ciudad de Tremblay-en-France donó hoy equipos de musculación al Instituto Nacional de Deportes, Educación Física y Recreación de Cuba (Inder), como parte de un proyecto destinado a apoyar la preparación de atletas clasificados para París-2024.

Maria Calvo (2024-02-15). Otorgan Orden de la Solidaridad a embajadora de Cuba en Cambodia. radiohc.cu Phnom Penh, 15 feb (RHC) La embajadora de Cuba en Cambodia, Liurka Rodríguez Barrios, recibió hoy aquí, la Orden de la Solidaridad en Grado de Gran Oficial, concedido por el rey de Cambodia, Norodom Sihamoni, como reconocimiento a su encomiable labor en pos de fortalecer los lazos de amistad y cooperación.

Maria Calvo (2024-02-15). Primer ministro de Cuba visitó ciudad sostenible y mezquita de EAU (+Fotos). radiohc.cu Abu Dhabi, 15 feb (RHC) El primer ministro de Cuba, Manuel Marrero, recorrió hoy la ciudad sostenible Masdar, ubicada en Abu Dhabi, capital de Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos, como parte de su última jornada de trabajo en el país árabe.

Maria Calvo (2024-02-15). Cuba saluda fiesta nacional de Serbia. radiohc.cu La Habana, 15 feb (RHC) El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba felicitó hoy a través de la cuenta oficial en X, al pueblo y Gobierno de Serbia, en ocasión de celebrarse la fiesta nacional de ese país europeo.

Maria Calvo (2024-02-15). Juicio contra coordinador de Cubainformación con ánimos injustos. radiohc.cu Madrid, 15 feb (RHC) Casi un centenar de personas expresó hoy su apoyo al periodista español José Manzaneda, coordinador del medio digital Cubainformación, y la asociación Euskadi-Cuba, con pancartas de denuncia y solidaridad con Cuba.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-15). Feria del Libro en Cuba propone variada agenda al público. radiohc.cu La Habana, 15 feb (RHC) La 32 Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana, la cual quedó inaugurada oficialmente en Cuba este jueves, propone al público una amplia y variada agenda cultural en su sede principal y 17 subsedes.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-15). Prestigioso flautista alemán imparte talleres en Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 15 feb (RHC) El flautista y profesor alemán Michael Faust impartió el taller educativo "Enseñar a enseñar" a los estudiantes de la enseñanza artística en Cuba, informó este jueves el Centro Nacional de Escuelas de Arte -CNEArt.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-15). Cuba reelecta en Comité Especial de Descolonización de ONU. radiohc.cu Naciones Unidas, 15 feb (RHC) Cuba fue reelecta este jueves como vicepresidente de la Mesa del Comité Especial de Descolonización de la ONU, lo que confirma la renovada confianza depositada, de acuerdo con el viceministro primero de Relaciones Exteriores, Gerardo Peñalver.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-15). Cuba: Ministra brasileña agradece acogida en Feria del Libro (+Foto). radiohc.cu La Habana, 15 feb (RHC) La ministra de Cultura de Brasil, Margareth Menezes, agradeció este jueves en nombre del presidente de su país, Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva, y de artistas e intelectuales la acogida de Cuba en su mayor feria literaria.

World Food Programme (2024-02-15). Haiti: WFP solicita acceso humanitario mientras la violencia y el desorden causan estragos en Haití. reliefweb.int Country: Haiti | Source: World Food Programme | PUERTO PRÂNCIPE — Ante los continuos ataques a civiles por parte de grupos armados, el aumento de los desplazamientos y el desorden civil en Haití, el Programa Mundial de Alimentos de las Naciones Unidas (WFP) solicita acceso sin restricciones para las agencias de ayuda y el libre flujo de productos alimenticios para evitar que los ya graves niveles de hambre se vuelvan catastróficos. | WFP continúa entregando asistencia alimentaria de emergencia en Haití junto con programas que ayudan a abordar las causas de raíz del hambre. Sin embargo, el reciente aument…

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-15). Unesco preocupada por violencia contra periodistas en Haití. radiohc.cu Puerto Príncipe, 15 feb (RHC) La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura -Unesco-, mostró su preocupación por la violencia y las presiones que deben soportar los periodistas este jueves en Haití para realizar su trabajo diario.

albawaba (2024-02-16). Kuwait's National Assembly dissolved over constitutional violations. albawaba.com ALBAWABA-: Kuwait's Amiri decree dissolves the National Assembly due to constitutional breaches, as reported by Kuwait News Agency.Notably, the current National Assembly members were elected on June 6, 2023, commencing their session on June 20, 2023, six months before the passing of the late Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Nawaf AlAhmed AlSubah, who died on December 16, 2023. The new Emir, Sheikh Mishal al-Ahmad al-Sabah, was formally sworn in before parliament on December 20, 2023, marking the beginning of his rule over the affluent Gulf monarchy.ÿπÿßÿ¨ŸÑ | ŸàŸ&Eac…

Dave DeCamp (2024-02-15). Heavy US and British Bombing Reported in Yemen's Hodeidah Province. news.antiwar.com A series of US and British airstrikes were reported in Yemen's western Red Sea province of Hodeidah on Wednesday as the US continues its heavy bombing campaign against the Houthis. A correspondent for Al Mayadeen reported that Hodeidah was hit at least nine times throughout the day. Yemen's Saba news agency reported that US and …

newarab (2024-02-15). Houthis: More than 400 US, UK airstrikes in Yemen since Jan. newarab.com Yemen's In an official statement via the Saba news agency linked to the group, the Houthi spokesperson Dhaifallah Al-Shami reported the attacks by US and UK forces as strikes continued on other areas in "The total number of American and British airstrikes, both aerial and reconn…

newarab (2024-02-16). Houthis: More than 400 US, UK airstrikes in Yemen since Jan. newarab.com Yemen's In an official statement via the Saba news agency linked to the group, the Houthi spokesperson Dhaifallah Al-Shami reported the attacks by US and UK forces as strikes continued on other areas in "The total number of American and British airstrikes, both aerial and reconn…

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2024-02-14: News Headlines

Franc Contreras (2024-02-13). Mexico City's world-famous Art Week. america.cgtn.com Mexico City's world-famous Art Week ended on a high-note over the weekend, with attendance up from last year, and a grand prize of 100 thousand dollars awarded to the winner of one of the world's most prestigious art fairs. | Franc Contreras was there rubbing elbows with some of the biggest names in Latin America's art scene.

aa.com.tr (2024-02-14). Di≈ü fƒ±ràßasƒ± ithalatƒ±nda aà߃±lan tarife kontenjanƒ±na ili≈ükin esaslar belli oldu. aa.com.tr Di≈ü fƒ±ràßasƒ± ithalatƒ±nda uygulanan korunma à∂nleminden muafiyet saƒülanmasƒ± amacƒ±yla aà߃±lan tarife kontenjanƒ±nƒ±n kullanƒ±mƒ±na ili≈ükin usul ve esaslar tespit edildi.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-14). Enjoy Travel Group to operate new flight to Cuba. plenglish.com Havana, Feb 14 (Prensa Latina) The Spanish accessible tourism firm Enjoy Travel Group (ETG) informed that as of next June, it will operate a new direct flight from Madrid to Havana.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-14). Seven girls got pregnant in Guatemala every day in 2023. plenglish.com Guatemala, Feb 14 (Prensa Latina) Seven girls got pregnant in Guatemala every day as a result of sexual abuse in 2023, an official source warned here, in reference to a recent incident that set off alarms on social media.

Ariadna Eljuri, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-02-14). Venezuela Denounces Argentina And US For Theft Of EMTRASUR Boeing 747. popularresistance.org Venezuela reported that it will file complaints against Argentina and the United States before the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for violating international regulations following the brazen theft of the EMTRASUR Boeing 747 cargo jet. This was announced on Monday, February 12, after the United States stole the Venezuelan state cargo airline's jet in collusion with Argentina. The plane had been illegally and arbitrarily retained for over 20 months in Argentina while a barrage of fake news was directed against Venezuela to criminalize the nation and legalize the theft by the US.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-14). Fires killed 54 people in Cambodia in 2023. plenglish.com Phnom Penh, Feb 14 (Prensa Latina) An estimated 761 fires were reported in Cambodia in 2023, and 54 people were killed due to those incidents, according to official figures released in this capital.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-14). Brazil reports more than 500,000 dengue cases in 2024. plenglish.com Brasilia, Feb 14 (Prensa Latina) Brazil has reported 512,353 probable cases of dengue, 75 confirmed deaths and 340 under investigation, so far in 2024, according to the latest report from the Ministry of Health.

newarab (2024-02-14). How escalating US-Iran tensions could play out next. newarab.com

Steve Kelly (2024-02-14). Psychic Totalitarian Madness Infects Rural Montana. counterpunch.org The line it is drawn, the curse it is cast The slowest now will later be fast As the present now will later be past The order is rapidly fadin' And the first one now will later be last 'Cause the times, they are a-changin'. — Bob Dylan On Tuesday, January 30, the Gallatin County Commission

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-13). Cuban province to host National English Workshop. plenglish.com Matanzas, Cuba, Feb 13 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban province of Matanzas will host the National English Workshop from February 13 to 16, with the participation of teachers and methodologists from primary to high school levels.

Ben Wray, Jacobin. (2024-02-13). In Europe, Platform Workers Are Winning Limited Protections. popularresistance.org As the European Parliament heads toward fresh elections in June, there's one unresolved file on the desk of Brussels's politicians and technocrats. The European Union (EU) Platform Work Directive, an attempt to establish a unified set of labor standards for workers on digital platforms like Uber and Deliveroo, has turned out to be a thorny issue. | The EU's various institutions have been banging heads over platform work regulation for years now, unable to bridge conflicting interests and ideologies. If passed, the Platform Work Directive would establish a whole set of new rights relating to algorithmic management…

Chris Walker (2024-02-13). Trump Files Request to Supreme Court for Stay on "Presidential Immunity" Ruling. truthout.org Lawyers for former President Donald Trump filed a brief to the U.S. Supreme Court asking for a stay of a recent appellate court ruling against his "presidential immunity" claims in his election subversion case. Trump faces four federal charges in the case relating to his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election and his actions on January 6, 2021, when a mob of his loyalists attacked the… |

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-13). Climate change, hunger and war, devastating combination. plenglish.com Geneva, February 13 (Prensa Latina) The combination between climate change, hunger and war is devastating, denounced today the Secretary General of the UN, António Guterres, in light of the current conflicts and the increase in military expenditures.

teleSUR, rzr, MS (2024-02-14). Desconocidos asesinan a líder transportista en Iguala, México. telesurtv.net El líder del gremio de transportistas, de 38 años de edad, recibió nueve impactos de bala, mientras que los peritos de la Fiscalía General de Guerrero encontraron en el lugar de los hechos múltiples casquillos percutidos del calibre 9 mm.

geo.tv (2024-02-13). Man killed after plane carrying skydivers crashes on Mexico beach. geo.tv Four others injured are in "stable" condition, according to Oaxaca state civil defence office…

teleSUR, dcdc, SH (2024-02-14). Brasil supera el medio millón de casos de dengue en el 2024. telesurtv.net Según el Ministerio, las cifras de dengue pueden batir un récord este 2024, con hasta 4.2 millones de infecciones frente a los 1.6 millones del 2023.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-02-14). Suben a 132 los muertos por incendios en Valparaíso, Chile. telesurtv.net El organismo señaló haber identificado un total de 89 cuerpos, mientras 64 han sido entregados a sus familias.

teleSUR, dcdc (2024-02-14). Bombardeos israelíes destruyen 200 edificios históricos en Gaza. telesurtv.net Según el Ministerio de Cultura de Palestina, los bombardeos israelíes han afectado a nueve sitios patrimoniales y diez mezquitas e iglesias históricas.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-14). Agricultores indios reinician protestas contra leyes agrarias. telesurtv.net Esta marcha se produce justo después que la Policía en Nueva Delhi se enfrentaron con manifestantes el lunes y les lanzaron gases lacrimógenos en las afueras de la ciudad.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-14). Irán rechaza el robo estadounidense del avión venezolano. telesurtv.net Venezuela "dará una respuesta contundente, directa y proporcionada a este ataque, para lo cual utilizará todos los recursos disponibles".

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2024-02-14). Continúan protestas de agricultores españoles en octava jornada. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con medios locales, lo trabajadores rurales han bloqueado esta jornada la entrada al puerto de Tarragona.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2024-02-14). Ataque de Azerbaiyán contra Armenia deja cuatro muertos. telesurtv.net La Guardia Fronteriza de Azerbaiyán asumió la agresión, que, apuntó, es una respuesta a un ataque armenio previo.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2024-02-14). Al menos nueve mineros sepultados por alud en mina de Türkiye. t.co De acuerdo con medios internacionales, el corrimiento fue reportado sobre las 14H30 hora local (11H30 GMT).

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2024-02-14). Buenos Aires, Argentina será sede de la final de la Copa Libertadores 2024. telesurtv.net El campeón de la Copa Libertadores representará a la zona en el Mundial de Clubes de 2025 y la Copa Intercontinental de 2024.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2024-02-14). Rusia destruye dron ucraniano en provincia de Briansk. telesurtv.net El gobernador de la provincia de Briansk, Alexánder Bogomaz señaló que el derribó del dron no causó daños a la infraestructura ni víctimas.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN (2024-02-14). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Son más de 120 días de ataques constantes de las fuerzas de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-14). Inician audiencias de presentación por caso Brazalete Blanco en Venezuela. telesurtv.net A los acusados se les garantiza el respeto a los derechos humanos para preservar la paz y la convivencia ciudadana.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-14). Cancillería: EE.UU. es cómplice de actos de terrorismo contra Venezuela. telesurtv.net El canciller Yván Gil denunció que la CIA y la DEA han estado conspirando desde Miami y Colombia, junto a opositores de la extrema derecha venezolana.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2024-02-14). Celebran el carnaval en Argentina en medio de recortes sociales. telesurtv.net Miles de argentinos salieron a las calles a disfrutar del carnaval, aunque reconocen que esta fiesta cultural está atravesada por las políticas de ajustes del Gobierno.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-14). Asesinan a otro líder social en Tolima, Colombia. telesurtv.net Indepaz acotó que este líder fue asesinado por hombres armados que llegaron a su finca.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-14). Presidente Lula da Silva asistirá a encuentro de Unión Africana. telesurtv.net Brasil y África comparten una herencia cultural común, dijo el vicepresidente brasileño Geraldo Alckmin.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-14). Combates entre el Gobierno colombiano y paramilitares se redujeron. telesurtv.net El informe publicado el martes por OCHA propició una disminución del 17 por ciento, en el número de emergencias relacionadas con el desplazamiento forzado o el confinamiento.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-14). Israel secuestra en sus cárceles a más de 7.000 palestinos. telesurtv.net Entidades palestinas indicaron que Israel detuvo ilegalmente a 53 periodistas, 36 de los cuales aún siguen tras las rejas y 21 en detención administrativa, sus delitos no son más que informar la realidad de la causa palestina.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-14). Hassan Nasrallah: Israel implementa una política de impotencia. telesurtv.net El secretario general de la Resistencia Libanesa aseguró que las acciones a favor de Gaza son una respuesta honesta a la responsabilidad moral y religiosa de su pueblo.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-14). ONU advierte situación de hacinamiento en Rafah, Palestina. telesurtv.net La población hacinada "tiene poco para comer, apenas acceso a atención médica, ningún lugar donde dormir, ningún lugar seguro adonde ir".

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-14). Realizan protestas por aplazamiento de elecciones en Senegal. telesurtv.net Las marchas se realizaron a pesar de las prohibiciones de las autoridades de Dakar (capital).

teleSUR, rzr, MS (2024-02-14). Cuba condena bombardeos israelíes contra ciudad palestina de Rafah. telesurtv.net El presidente cubano, Miguel Díaz-Canel también se unió a la denuncia de la comunidad internacional contra el genocidio sionista de Israel que diezma a los ciudadanos Palestinos.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-14). ELN levanta paro armado en departamento colombiano del Chocó. telesurtv.net El Frente de Guerra Occidental Omar Gómez del ELN aseguró que el objetivo del paro armado era el de salvaguardar la vida e integridad de la población no combatiente.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-14). Presidenta peruana renueva parte de su Gabinete de Ministros. telesurtv.net La presidenta Dina Boluarte anunció el cambió del ministro de Defensa, Jorge Chávez Cresta, por Walter Astudillo Chávez.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-13). Humorista gráfico cubano gana premio en festival de caricatura en Siria (+Fotos). radiohc.cu Damasco, 13 feb (RHC) El caricaturista y humorista gráfico cubano Javier Cubero Torres ganó este martes el tercer lugar en la vigésima edición del Festival Internacional de Caricatura, que se celebra en la àìpera de Damasco.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-13). Impartirán curso de Intérpretes de Lengua de Señas Cubana. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 feb (RHC) El Centro Nacional de Superación y Desarrollo de la Persona Sorda -CENDSOR-, convoca al curso para formación de intérpretes de Lengua de Señas Cubana.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-13). Educación primaria en Cuba perfecciona proceso docente educativo. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 feb (RHC) Como parte de la estrategia del aprendizaje, la educación primaria en la provincia cubana de Camagàºey cumple con el objetivo de desarrollar el proceso docente educativo a partir de los eventos de la clase y los concursos de conocimientos y habilidades.

albawaba (2024-02-14). At least 1,300 migrants dead or missing off Tunisia in 2023. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – A Tunisian rights group said on Tuesday that at least 1,300 illegal migrants have died or went missing in 2023 trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe seeking asylum. The United Nations International Organization for Migration (IOM) said 2,498 people died or went missing while trying to cross the central Mediterranean last year, rising 75% more than in 2022.Tunisia and Libya are the primary north African departure destinations for thousands of illegal migrants who risk their lives each year in the hope of finding better lives in Europe.More than 1,300 irregular migrants died at sea or wen…

newarab (2024-02-14). Libya's polluted coastline is a symptom of state failure. newarab.com In the 13 years since the downfall of Muammar Gaddafi, Libya has become a byword for the perils of Western military intervention. | The country's political dysfunction and on-and-off civil war have consumed most of the attention that the international community dedicates to Libya, even as the environmental issues that stem from these problems grow worse and go all but unaddressed. | Libya's hundreds of kilometres of coastline — the launchpad for boats carrying African migrants to Europe and Libyan oil to the rest of the world —offers a prime example. | "Amid the countless immediate political challe…

Carlos Aznarez (2024-02-14). Argentina: His Name Was Cristian Díaz and His Crime Was Supporting Palestine. orinocotribune.com Carlos Aznárez — 10 Feb, 2024 | Cristian Díaz is a key name in Argentina's solidarity with Palestine. If you have not heard of him, it is simply because, in this type of society, there is an attempt to make invisible all those who put their body or intellect at the service of a just cause. Let us remember that exactly eight months ago, Cristian was detained in the Marcos Paz prison, accused of neither more nor less than "racial hatred." He is there against all judicial logic, since time and again the request of his lawyers was rejected—a request that while waiting for his trial he could enjoy freedom o…

presstv.ir (2024-02-14). Iran slams US over illegal seizure of Venezuelan plane. presstv.ir The Venezuelan cargo plane was formerly owned by an Iranian firm.

Lucrecia Franco (2024-02-13). Samba school celebrate indigenous people during Brazilian Carnival. america.cgtn.com In Rio de Janeiro, they call it "the greatest show on earth", a parade featuring the top 12 samba schools. The city's main tourist attraction is more than a show, the parade also serves as a platform for Brazilians to showcase their culture and address human rights issues. | CGTN's Lucrecia Franco followed Salguerio, a traditional samba school, which chose to spotlight Brazil's indigenous peoples.

newarab (2024-02-14). COP hosts UAE, Azerbaijan, Brazil announce climate 'troika'. newarab.com Past and future UN climate talk hosts the The UAE hosted last year's

WSWS (2024-02-14). Police raids against former president Bolsonaro and generals expose coup plot in Brazil. wsws.org The raids stem from investigations into Bolsonaro's plans to overthrow the 2022 presidential elections and remain in power as a dictator.

presstv.ir (2024-02-14). Chile bids farewell to ex-president Pinera in state funeral. presstv.ir Chile holds a state funeral for former president Sebastian Pinera, who died this week when the helicopter he was piloting plummeted into a lake.

Michelle Begue (2024-02-13). Colombia's ELN rebel group announces the temporary suspension of kidnappings. america.cgtn.com Colombia made important advancements this month in their efforts to attain what the country's president calls a 'Total Peace' agenda. One of the peace talks underway is with the leftist rebel group known as the ELN, which has maintained a war with the government since the 1960's. | Michelle Begue reports from Bogota, Colombia.

Adriaan Alsema (2024-02-13). IACHR urges Colombia's Supreme Court to pick chief prosecutor. colombiareports.com The human rights office of the Organization of American States (OAS) pressured Colombia's Supreme Court to pick a chief prosecutor. In a statement, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)…

Andrés Madrid, Andrés Tapia (2024-02-14). Capitalism and drug trafficking in Ecuador: Two sides of the same coin. cadtm.org

Andrés Madrid, Andrés Tapia (2024-02-13). Capitalism and drug trafficking in Ecuador: Two sides of the same coin. cadtm.org

Atilio Borón (2024-02-14). María Corina Machado and the Betrayal of Venezuela. orinocotribune.com Atilio Borón — 11 Feb, 2024 | Senility is not only a problem for President Joe Biden but for the empire as a whole. Days ago, the United States government announced new sanctions against Venezuela following the decision of Venezuela's Supreme Court of Justice to ratify the disqualification of Mrs. María Corina Machado from running as a candidate in the next presidential elections. | It was enough for the news to be known for the media sewer—the one that completely silences the ongoing genocide in Gaza or the Dina Boluarte massacres in Peru—to immediately lose its temper and begin to launch all ki…

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-13). Segunda encuesta de febrero adversa a presidenta de Perú. radiohc.cu Lima, 13 feb (RHC) Una segunda encuesta privada adversa a la presidenta peruana, Dina Boluarte, fue difundida hoy y consigna una aprobación a la mandataria de nueve por ciento y una desaprobación de 83 por ciento, con solo tres por ciento de abstención.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-13). Segunda encuesta de febrero adversa a presidenta de Perú. radiohc.cu Lima, 13 feb (RHC) Una segunda encuesta privada adversa a la presidenta peruana, Dina Boluarte, fue difundida este martes y consigna una aprobación a la mandataria de nueve por ciento y una desaprobación de 83 por ciento, con solo tres por ciento de abstención.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-13). Venezuela: ministro tilda de delincuente proceder para robo de avión. radiohc.cu Caracas, 13 feb (RHC) El ministro para el Transporte de Venezuela, Ramón Velázquez, tildó de delincuente el proceder utilizado para perpetrar el robo del avión de la Empresa de Transporte Aerocargos del Sur -Emtrasur-, este lunes en Estados Unidos.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-13). Denuncia Cuba ilegal apropiación de un avión venezolano. radiohc.cu La Habana, 12 feb (RHC) El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, denunció este lunes la ilegal apropiación, por Estados Unidos de una aeronave perteneciente a la venezolana Empresa de Transporte Aerocargo del Sur -Emtrasur.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-13). Rinden homenaje en Cuba al político panameño Omar Torrijos. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 feb (RHC) Representantes del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, del Instituto de Amistad con los Pueblos y de la Embajada de Panamá en esta capital rindieron homenaje este martes al general Omar Torrijos, en el 95 aniversario de su natalicio.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-13). Cuba llama a unidad de la izquierda frente a ofensiva imperialista. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 feb (RHC) El primer secretario del Partido Comunista de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, llamó este martes a la unidad de acción de la izquierda del mundo ante los intentos de colonización cultural y la ofensiva mediática del imperialismo.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-13). Destaca presidente de Cuba pertinencia de nueva Operación Verdad. radiohc.cu La Habana, 13 feb (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, expresó este martes la urgencia de articular a las fuerzas de izquierda del mundo para desarrollar acciones revolucionarias contra la ofensiva ideológica del capitalismo, en una nueva Operación Verdad.

The Independent (2024-02-14). Fort Portal leaders demands transfer of RCC after Mayor verbally assaulted. independent.co.ug Fort Portal, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Fort Portal city council authorities are demanding the immediate transfer of the Resident City Commissioner, Hellen Kamwine, and her two deputies following a heated standoff between the mayor, Edson Asaba Ruyonga, and the Fort Portal City North Division Deputy Resident City Commissioner, Andrew Ntange, on Friday. The city …

yenisafak (2024-02-14). MEB'den ara tatil kararƒ±: Tatil sàºresi kƒ±salƒ±yor, okul sàºresi artƒ±yor. yenisafak.com Milyonlarca veli ve à∂ƒürencinin merakla beklediƒüi ara tatillerin devam edip etmeyeceƒüine yà∂nelik detaylar belli oluyor. | Milli Eƒüitim Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ± (MEB) ara tatillerle ilgili herhangi bir deƒüi≈üiklik yapmayacak. Kasƒ±m ve nisan aylarƒ±ndaki ara tatiller uygulanmaya devam edecek. Ancak Sabah gazetesinde yer alan habere gà∂re MEB eƒüitim-à∂ƒüretim yapƒ±lan i≈ü gàºnlerini uzatmak iàßin bir àßalƒ±&asymp…

Alexandra Jacobo (2024-02-13). Trinidad and Tobago faces historic environmental crisis with massive oil spill. nationofchange.org The spill, emanating from a ship named Gulfstream, has wreaked havoc on over 25 miles of pristine coastline, endangering the coral reefs, Atlantic beaches, and the livelihoods dependent on these natural resources.

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2024-02-13: News Headlines

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-13). Cuban province to host National English Workshop. plenglish.com Matanzas, Cuba, Feb 13 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban province of Matanzas will host the National English Workshop from February 13 to 16, with the participation of teachers and methodologists from primary to high school levels.

Ben Wray, Jacobin. (2024-02-13). In Europe, Platform Workers Are Winning Limited Protections. popularresistance.org As the European Parliament heads toward fresh elections in June, there's one unresolved file on the desk of Brussels's politicians and technocrats. The European Union (EU) Platform Work Directive, an attempt to establish a unified set of labor standards for workers on digital platforms like Uber and Deliveroo, has turned out to be a thorny issue. | The EU's various institutions have been banging heads over platform work regulation for years now, unable to bridge conflicting interests and ideologies. If passed, the Platform Work Directive would establish a whole set of new rights relating to algorithmic management…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-13). Some 300 firearms seized every day in Brazil in 2023. plenglish.com Brasilia, Feb 13 (Prensa Latina) At least 279 firearms were seized on average every day in Brazil in 2023, according to statistics from the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, quoted by the web portal R7. In total, 101,841 weapons were located by the security forces in the states and the Federal District.

yenisafak (2024-02-13). Bakanlƒ±ktan spekàºlatif fiyat hareketlerine yà∂nelik yeni adƒ±m: Ye≈üil mercimek ithalatƒ±nda gàºmràºk vergisi sƒ±fƒ±ra indirildi. yenisafak.com ƒ∞thalat Rejimi Kararƒ±nda Deƒüi≈üiklik Yapƒ±lmasƒ±na ƒ∞li≈ükin Cumhurba≈ükanƒ± Kararƒ±, Resmi Gazete'de yayƒ±mlanarak yàºràºrl຃üe girdi. | Karar ile ye≈üil mercimek ithalatƒ±nda gàºmràºk vergisi 30 Haziran'a kadar yàºzde sƒ±fƒ±r oldu. | ƒ∞HTƒ∞YAàá HALƒ∞NDE GEREKEN TEDBƒ∞RLER HIZLA ALINIYOR: | Bakanlƒ±ktan yapƒ&plusm…

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-12). Destacan felicitación de Putin a Bukele. radiohc.cu San Salvador, 12 feb (Prensa Latina) El presidente de Rusia, Vladimir Putin, felicitó hoy al mandatario salvadoreño, Nayib Bukele, por su reelección y manifestó su esperanza de continuar las relaciones de cooperación entre ambos países.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-12). Vietnam/ Fascinating natural landscape. plenglish.com By Moisés Pérez Mok | Hanoi, Feb 11 (Prensa Latina) The Vietnamese province of Ninh Binh, in the north of the country, has enough natural attributes to be among the five best virgin tourist destinations in Southeast Asia, experts in the field agree. | Body: Located just 90 kilometers from the capital and considered an ideal place for nature and adventure lovers, Ninh Binh constitutes one of the four central areas of the Trang An complex, recognized by the United Nations Educational Organization , Science and Culture as World Heritage of Humanity. | Imposing limestone mountains predominant in its landscape make it…

Saheli Chowdhury (2024-02-13). President of Mexico Proposes 20 Constitutional Reforms With Focus on Social Justice and Democracy. orinocotribune.com By Saheli Chowdhury — Feb 12, 2024 | The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, announced a package of 20 constitutional reforms, with a focus on social justice, participatory democracy, and combating "white-collar crime." | The president

teleSUR, dcdc, MS (2024-02-13). Manifestaciones en Reino Unido exige fin del genocidio en Gaza. telesurtv.net Las acciones abarcaron el sector universitario, a los que se unieron los sindicatos de los medios de comunicación, la educación y la administración pública.

teleSUR, dcdc, SH (2024-02-13). Suben a 68 los muertos tras deslizamiento de tierra en Filipinas. telesurtv.net Los cuerpos de rescate filipinos indicaron que más de una decena de cuerpos fueron extraídos de entre el barro y 51 personas siguen todavía desaparecidas.

teleSUR, dcdc, SH (2024-02-13). Israel dispara contra trabajadores de la Unrwa en Gaza. telesurtv.net El jefe de la Unrwa indicó que soldados israelíes atacaron una de sus escuelas en la ciudad gazatí de Khan Younis.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-02-13). Muere periodista palestina por bombardeo israelí en Gaza. telesurtv.net Alrededor de 83 profesionales de la comunicación han perdido la vida en medio de los ataques de Israel contra Gaza.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-13). Resistencia palestina y libanesa llaman a luchar contra Israel. telesurtv.net Tanto la Resistencia palestina como la libanesa han prometido mantener sus operaciones de represalia mientras el régimen de Tel Aviv continúe su ataque contra Gaza.

teleSUR, HIM, JGN (2024-02-13). Conozca ventajas de la radio sobre otros medios de comunicación. telesurtv.net La invención de la radio se le atribuye al italiano Guillermo Marconi, quien logró propagar las señales sonoras en 1.896 hasta 20 kilómetros de distancia.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2024-02-13). Siria condena ofensiva de Israel contra Rafah, Gaza. telesurtv.net Siria añadió que el apoyo de Estados Unidos a estas acciones son una prueba más de la amenaza que constituye la nación norteña para la región.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN (2024-02-13). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Son más de 120 días de ataques constantes de las fuerzas de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania.

teleSUR, JCM, MER (2024-02-13). Venezuela rechaza robo de aeronave de Emtrasur por parte de EE.UU. telesurtv.net La aeronave ya se encuentra en Florida, EE.UU., luego de realizar una parada en Haití, concretándose el despojo bajo el pretexto de las sanciones unilaterales.

teleSUR, lv, SH (2024-02-13). Denuncian nueva masacre en el Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net Indepaz informó también que en la vereda Brasilia, departamento del Cauca fue atacado un bus escolar, dejando a dos menores heridos.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2024-02-13). Empresa rusa dona 23.000 toneladas de fertilizantes a Zimbabwe. telesurtv.net La empresa rusa, Uralchem ha aportado más de 134.000 toneladas de fertilizantes al continente africano de forma gratuita.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-13). Reportan 177 distritos peruanos con transmisión activa del dengue. telesurtv.net La enfermedad se está agravando en los departamentos de Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque y La Libertad (ubicados en la costa norte), entre otros.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-13). ONU revela primer informe sobre estado de especies migratorias. telesurtv.net Una de cada cinco de las especies incluidas en la lista de la Conservación de las Especies Migratorias de Animales Silvestres (CMS) están amenazadas de extinción.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-13). Asesinan a un exalcalde de Edomex en Veracruz. telesurtv.net Andrés Valencia Ríos es esposo de Eloísa Zetina, es actual burgomaestre del ayuntamiento san Juan Evangelista, que es gobernado por Morena.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-13). Suspenden juicio a escuadrón de la muerte en El Salvador. telesurtv.net La suspensión del proceso se debió a que uno de los procesados, en estos momentos en detención, no fue trasladado por las autoridades judiciales al lugar donde se iba a llevar a cabo la vista pública.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-13). Israel asesina siete palestinos en el Complejo Médico Nasser de Gaza. telesurtv.net Los equipos sanitarios se encontraban inmovilizados por los continuos disparos de francotiradores de las fuerzas de ocupación.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-13). Presidente de Cuba sostiene encuentro con canciller de Bolivia. telesurtv.net El presidente cubano agradeció el amor y la solidaridad inquebrantable de Bolivia.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-13). Presidente Putin afirma que el PIB de Rusia creció un 3,6 por ciento. telesurtv.net El mandatario señaló que el crecimiento económico del año pasado en Rusia resultó mayor de lo previsto.

teleSUR, RDL (2024-02-13). Paquistaníes bloquean vías tras saberse resultados electorales. telesurtv.net El partido Pakistán Tehreek-e-Insaf del ex primer ministro Imran Khan y sus afiliados obtuvieron la mayor cantidad de escaños en el recuento final publicado el domingo.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-13). ONU califica de aterradora posible incursión israelí contra Rafah. telesurtv.net El comisionado de DD.HH. de la ONU, advirtió que la incursión militar contra la ciudad fronteriza podría significar el fin de la ayuda humanitaria.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-13). Llevan a la justicia a implicados en plan contra Nicolás Maduro. telesurtv.net El fiscal venezolano afirmó que la detención de los seis ciudadanos se realizo en estricto apego al respeto de los derechos humanos.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-02-13). Investigan a exfiscal general venezolana Luisa Ortega en EE.UU. telesurtv.net La investigación contra Ortega se desarrolla "por encabezar un esquema de pago de sobornos para no desarrollar investigaciones contra empresarios y funcionarios corruptos.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-02-13). Declaran estado de emergencia carcelaria en Colombia. telesurtv.net La declaración permitirá incorporar a efectivos de la Policía y el Ejército para garantizar el orden en las prisiones.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-02-13). Sobreviven pasajeros de avioneta que cayó en Punta Carola, Ecuador. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con medios locales, ECU 911 informó que el incidente fue reportado sobre las 09H01 (hora local).

teleSUR- jaa, MS (2024-02-13). Tres bomberos heridos en gran incendio en Lima, Perú. telesurtv.net El fuego arrancó en un local que albergaba productos químicos de limpieza como lejía, thinner, entre otros.

midwesternmarx (2024-02-13). Nicaragua to take western states to ICJ for 'facilitating genocide By: News Desk. midwesternmarx.com The Central American nation has called on Germany, the UK, the Netherlands, and Canada to stop sending arms to IsraelThe Nicaraguan government has started legal proceedings to take Germany, the UK, the Netherlands, and Canada to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for complicity in the Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and other violations of international law. In a statement, Managua said it has informed the governments of "the [UK], Germany, the Netherlands, …

EDWIN (2024-02-12). Operation Shanela makes gains in Northern Cape. sanews.gov.za Operation Shanela makes gains in Northern Cape | Police in the Northern Cape have arrested 173 suspects for an array of crimes through Operation Shanela. | The suspects were nabbed for crimes including illicit dealing in liquor, dealing in drugs, robberies, murder, attempted murder, housebreaking and theft, malicious damage to property, assault common and assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. Undocumented persons were also part of those arrested during the weekly police operations. | The operations were conducted from Thursday until Sunday, and included stop and searches, vehicle checkpoints (VCPs),…

Ana Perdigón, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-02-12). Nicaragua Formally Applies To Join ICJ Genocide Case Against 'Israel'. popularresistance.org The government of Nicaragua has filed a formal application with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to join South Africa in its genocide case against "Israel." | The ICJ announced in a press release on Thursday, February 8, that Nicaragua referred to Article 62 of the Statute of the Court to file in the Registry of the Court an application for permission to "intervene as a party in the case concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel)." | In its filing, Nicaragua stated that it considers the conduct of Israel is…

Staff (2024-02-13). Venezuela Denounces Argentina and US for Theft of EMTRASUR Boeing 747. orinocotribune.com

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-12). Cancilleres de Cuba y Bolivia expresan voluntad de cooperación. radiohc.cu La Habana, 12 feb (RHC) El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, reiteró este lunes el apoyo incondicional de su país y la voluntad de cooperación mutua hacia el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia.

Larry Johnson (2024-02-13). Putin, Ukraine and the Unfolding Disaster in the Middle East. sonar21.com A couple of worthwhile discussions — today with Judge Napolitano and a Friday conversation with Nima Alhkorshid in Brazil. If you have not done so already please subscribe to my Tucker is killing it on Twitter, YouTube and TikTok. On X/Twitter alone he is over 198 million impressions. That is more than CNN, MSNBC and FoxNews get in three months. We are in a vast, new me…

presstv.ir (2024-02-13). Chile bids farewell to ex-president Pinera in state funeral. presstv.ir Chile holds a state funeral for former president Sebastian Pinera, who died this week when the helicopter he was piloting plummeted into a lake.

Acción contra el Hambre España (2024-02-12). Colombia: Ficha de Cierre de Emergencias – Antioquia, Cáceres – MIRE+ (04/12/2023). reliefweb.int Country: Colombia | Sources: Acción contra el Hambre España, Médecins du Monde, Norwegian Refugee Council | Please refer to the attached file. | Municipio: Antioquia, Cáceres., Comunidades: Penitas, Las Conchas, San Pablo, El Carmen, Peladero, Malabrigo, Alto Vaquero y La tinta. | Inicio de atención de la emergencia: 5 octubre de 2023 | Fin de atenciones en la emergencia: 4 diciembre de 2023 | DEPARTAMENTO DE ANTIOQUIA | El Bajo Cauca antioqueño es una de las regiones de Colombia donde el conflicto armado ha tenido una intensidad notable. Desde la década de 1970, diversos grupos armados como el EPL, ELN y l…

Andrés Madrid, Andrés Tapia (2024-02-13). Capitalism and drug trafficking in Ecuador: Two sides of the same coin. cadtm.org

Andrés Madrid, Andrés Tapia (2024-02-12). Capitalism and drug trafficking in Ecuador: Two sides of the same coin. cadtm.org

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-12). Superan los 90 mil operativos por conflicto armado en Ecuador. radiohc.cu Quito, 12 feb (RHC) Más de 90 mil operativos realizaron ya en Ecuador militares y policías desde que el presidente Daniel Noboa declaró la existencia de un conflicto armado interno en el país, según el balance oficial divulgado este lunes.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-13). Venezuela: ministro tilda de delincuente proceder para robo de avión. radiohc.cu Caracas, 13 feb (RHC) El ministro para el Transporte de Venezuela, Ramón Velázquez, tildó de delincuente el proceder utilizado para perpetrar el robo del avión de la Empresa de Transporte Aerocargos del Sur -Emtrasur-, este lunes en Estados Unidos.

krish-rad_ind (2024-02-13). Washington Sets Stage For Delegitimizing The Venezuelan Presidential Election. popularresistance.org

Roger Harris (2024-02-13). Washington Promotes Opposition Candidate Setting the Stage for Delegitimizing the Venezuelan Presidential Election. counterpunch.org

yenisafak (2024-02-13). ABD kargo uàßaƒüƒ±na el koydu Venezuela'dan ilk tepki geldi: Utanàß verici bir operasyon. yenisafak.com ABD Adalet Bakanlƒ±ƒüƒ±ndan yapƒ±lan aà߃±klamada, Amerika'nƒ±n yaptƒ±rƒ±m uyguladƒ±ƒüƒ± ƒ∞ranlƒ± ≈üirketlerden Mahan Hava Yollarƒ±'nƒ±n Venezuelalƒ± kargo ≈üirketine sattƒ±ƒüƒ± Boeing 747 kargo uàßaƒüƒ±nƒ±n, Arjantin'den ABD'ye getirildiƒüi belirtildi. | Aà߃±klamada, Haziran 2022'de, ABD'nin talebiyl…

Roger D. Harris (2024-02-12). Washington Promotes Opposition Candidate Setting the Stage for Delegitimizing the Venezuelan Presidential Election. dissidentvoice.org Despite continuous US-led hybrid warfare to overthrow the socialist project, this month marks the 25th anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution. The Venezuelan government of President Nicolás Maduro has successfully forced the US to de facto engage with it, although Washington still maintains the fiction that the defunct 2015 National Assembly is the "last remaining democratic …

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-13). Denuncia Cuba ilegal apropiación de un avión venezolano. radiohc.cu La Habana, 12 feb (RHC) El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, denunció este lunes la ilegal apropiación, por Estados Unidos de una aeronave perteneciente a la venezolana Empresa de Transporte Aerocargo del Sur -Emtrasur.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-12). Llama presidente de Cuba a más transparencia contra la corrupción. radiohc.cu La Habana, 12 feb (RHC) El Presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, pidió este lunes a la Contraloría General de la República, en su enfrentamiento al delito, las ilegalidades y la corrupción, a defender la integridad, la transparencia y la participación popular.

aa.com.tr (2024-02-12). ƒ∞stanbul'da yaƒüƒ±≈ülƒ± havanƒ±n etkisiyle trafik yoƒüunluƒüu yàºzde 81'e à߃±ktƒ±. aa.com.tr ƒ∞stanbul'da, sabah saatlerinde trafik yoƒüunluƒüu yaƒüƒ±≈ülƒ± havanƒ±n da etkisiyle yàºzde 81'e kadar yàºkseldi.

Editor (2024-02-12). Trinidad and Tobago Mulls Historic Disaster Declaration After 'Ghost Ship' Oil Spill. scheerpost.com

2024-02-13 14:42:28 | 14:42 EST | by | 54 | 0 | 13 | 40 | 0 

2024-02-12: News Headlines

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-12). Vietnam/ Fascinating natural landscape. plenglish.com By Moisés Pérez Mok | Hanoi, Feb 11 (Prensa Latina) The Vietnamese province of Ninh Binh, in the north of the country, has enough natural attributes to be among the five best virgin tourist destinations in Southeast Asia, experts in the field agree. | Body: Located just 90 kilometers from the capital and considered an ideal place for nature and adventure lovers, Ninh Binh constitutes one of the four central areas of the Trang An complex, recognized by the United Nations Educational Organization , Science and Culture as World Heritage of Humanity. | Imposing limestone mountains predominant in its landscape make it…

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-12). Cuba congratulates Iran on 45th anniversary of Islamic Revolution. plenglish.com Havana, Feb 11 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez on Sunday congratulated Iranian people and government on the 45th anniversary of the triumph of the Islamic Revolution.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-12). How to build socialism? Zapatista experience: Success or failure? plenglish.com Guatemala City (Prensa Latina) On January 1, 1994, the same day the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) came into effect, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) made its public appearance.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-12). Joe Biden could lose his reelection if he stops no genocide in Gaza. plenglish.com Washington, Feb 11 (Prensa Latina) Whether President Joe Biden wants to stop his electoral support loss, all he has to do nowadays is to call for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza, a media outlet warned.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-12). NSW League and FCBS to ink baseball MoU. plenglish.com Canberra, Feb 11 (Prensa Latina) A valuable opportunity for baseball collaboration opens between Australia and Cuba after the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between baseball institutions of both nations.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-12). US 2024 election cycle: Most futile and expensive show worldwide. plenglish.com Connecticut, U.S.A. (Prensa Latina) The enormous and damaging expenditures on armaments in the United States, which reach mind-boggling figures and will soon reach a trillion dollars in the direct budget of the Department of Defense, are often mentioned. Much less mentioned are the expenditures on advertising of all kinds, in which the political modality plays a major role, especially in general election years (such as 2024) and to a lesser extent in mid-term election years.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-12). Woman who opened fire at Houston church killed by off-duty police. plenglish.com Washington, Feb 11 (Prensa Latina) A female shooter opened fire on Sunday afternoon at pastor Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church in Houston, which has one of the nation's largest congregations. She was fatally shot by off-duty officers. No one else at the church died.

WSWS (2024-02-12). HBO drops Serb actor Miloš Biković from The White Lotus, capitulating to Ukrainian Foreign Ministry's anti-Russia campaign. wsws.org HBO has dropped the actor from the acclaimed series over allegations that he supported Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-11). Arab League condemns imminent Israeli ground offensive. plenglish.com Ramallah, February 11 (Prensa Latina) The general secretary of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, warned on the consequences of a ground offensive by the Israeli army against the south of Gaza, where 1.5 million Palestinians are refugees.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-11). Argentine Nobel Prize winner called for the release of Julian Assange. plenglish.com Buenos Aires, February 11 (Prensa Latina) The Nobel Peace Prize winner and Argentine fighter, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, today urged the international community to demand the release of cyberactivist Julian Assange and to speak out against his possible extradition to USA.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-11). Cuban Prime Minister highlights relevance of Government Summit. plenglish.com Dubai, February 11 (Prensa Latina) The Prime Minister of Cuba, Manuel Marrero, highlighted today the topicality of the issues to be discussed at the World Summit of Governments starting tomorrow and until February 14 in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-11). Hollywood Academy opens new category for the Oscars. plenglish.com Los Angeles, February 11 (Prensa Latina) The United States Academy of Motion Pictures, Arts and Sciences already has a new section today in its stand of competitive categories to win the Oscar, that of Best Casting.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-11). Increase in seismic activity in underwater volcano reported in Grena. plenglish.com Saint George, February 11 (Prensa Latina) Grenada authorities today maintain monitoring of the underwater volcano Kick'em Jenny, located eight kilometers from the northern coast, after reports of an increase in its seismic activity.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-11). Russian defense shoots down 30 Ukrainian drones on the day. plenglish.com Moscow, February 11 (Prensa Latina) Russian anti-aircraft defense systems shot down 30 drones of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the last 24 hours, the Ministry of Defense reported today.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-11). Venezuela denounces campaign by US oil company Exxon Mobil. plenglish.com Caracas, February 11 (Prensa Latina) Venezuela denounced today before the international community what it called a malicious campaign prepared and financed by Exxon Mobil and supported by the Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, a statement indicated.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-11). Cuba to host international leftist media meeting. plenglish.com Havana, Feb 11 (Prensa Latina) The 2nd International Meeting of Theoretical Publications of Leftist Parties and Movements will be take place in Havana's International Conference Center from February 12 to 14.

WSWS (2024-02-12). Workers at Audi plant in Mexico vote to continue strike as company plans EV transition. wsws.org The so-called Audi Independent Union, its pseudo-left backers and most of the media are ignoring the announcement of plans to transition the plant completely to electric vehicle production, which implies major job cuts.

teleSUR, jaa, JDO (2024-02-12). ALBA-TCP condena robo de avión venezolano en Argentina. telesurtv.net Califica esta agresión como otra consecuencia de las medidas coercitivas unilaterales de EE.UU. contra el pueblo venezolano.

teleSUR, jaa, JDO (2024-02-12). Argentina y Paraguay consiguen boleto para París 2024. telesurtv.net La selección guaraní terminó la fase cuadrangular con siete puntos y Argentina obtuvo cinco, mientras Brasil y Venezuela se agenciaron tres y uno, respectivamente.

teleSUR, jaa, JDO (2024-02-12). Denuncian asesinato de firmante de paz en Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net Con el asesinato de Eywar Yamid Moran, suman 18 los líderes sociales y cinco los firmantes de paz asesinados en lo transcurrido de 2024.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-12). Conservador Alex Stubb gana presidenciales en Finlandia. telesurtv.net Stubb, con el 51.7 por ciento de los votos, derrotó a su rival, el ecologista Pekka Haavisto, quien logró el 48.3 por ciento.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH (2024-02-12). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Son ya 128 días de ataques constantes de las fuerzas de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-12). Papa Francisco se reúne con presidente de Argentina en el Vaticano. telesurtv.net El encuentro lima asperezas entre el papa y Javier Milei, quien antes de ser investido presidente llamó al obispo de Roma representante del maligno en la tierra.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-12). Advierte Hamás que ofensiva israelí en Rafah dejará miles de muertos. telesurtv.net La resistencia palestina (Hamás), que gobierna la Franja desde 2007, advirtió del riesgo de "una catástrofe y una masacre que podría conllevar decenas de miles de mártires y heridos".

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-12). Aumentan a más de 28.100 los palestinos asesinados por Israel. telesurtv.net Al menos 112 palestinos han muerto en las últimas 24 horas y otros 173 han resultado heridos en ataques israelíes contra la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-12). Liga àÅrabe advierte contra la ofensiva israelí en Rafah. telesurtv.net El secretario general de la Liga Árabe advierte contra una ofensiva israelí en Rafah, Gaza, sumándose a una serie de llamamientos internacionales para que Tel Aviv no incursione en la ciudad.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-12). Seguidores del PTI reivindican su triunfo electoral en Pakistán. telesurtv.net El recuento final se publicó este domingo más de 60 horas después de que concluyera la votación en las elecciones nacionales del jueves, un retraso que ha planteado dudas sobre el proceso.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-12). Varias zonas de Trinidad y Tobago afectadas por derrame de petróleo. telesurtv.net El secretario jefe de la Asamblea de Tobago, Farley Augustine, urgió al Gobierno de Trinidad y Tobago a designar el accidente como desastre de nivel 3, que es el más alto.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-12). Venezuela denuncia campaña de la Exxon Mobil, secundada por Guyana. telesurtv.net "Venezuela deja en evidencia ante la Celac que las acciones de la Exxon Mobil y del Gobierno de Guyana, contravienen los principios fundamentales del derecho internacional.

teleSUR, JDO, JGN (2024-02-12). Piden fin de genocidio contra palestinos en entrega de los Goya. telesurtv.net La actriz Alba Flores pidió paz para Palestina. Otros referentes de la cultura mostraron su rechazo al asedio sionista.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-12). Reportan un fallecido tras tiroteo en iglesia de Texas, EE.UU. telesurtv.net Agentes policiales fuera de servicio, que se hallaban en el lugar, abatieron a la atacante, cuyos móviles aún no se han identificado.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-12). Hamás informa muerte de dos cautivos por bombardeos de Israel. telesurtv.net Los ataques del ente sionista también provocaron ocho heridos entre los rehenes, con condición crítica por la imposibilidad de tratarlos adecuadamente.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-12). Israel ataca Rafah, único lugar seguro para millones de palestinos en Gaza. telesurtv.net Se ejecutaron 50 ataques que tuvieron a viviendas y mezquitas como objetivos y asesinaron a decenas de personas.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-12). Denuncian falta de transparencia en comicios en El Salvador. telesurtv.net Partidos de oposición consideran pedir nulidad de elecciones a partir de irregularidades detectadas.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-02-12). Fuerzas israelíes asesinan a más de 100 palestinos en ciudad gazatí de Rafah. telesurtv.net Autoridades hospitalarias alertaron que no poseen suficientes insumos para atender a la gran cantidad de lesionados.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-02-12). Iraníes celebran el 45 aniversario de la Revolución Islámica. telesurtv.net En la capital iraní la multitud recorrió las principales avenidas hasta congregarse en la emblemática Plaza de Azadi.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-02-12). Presidente Maduro afirma que verdad de Venezuela triunfa sobre manipulación de medios. telesurtv.net El Gobierno venezolano y el propio presidente Maduro reclamaron una corrección de lo que afirmaron era una campaña de manipulación por parte de AP.

teleSUR, nbb, JCM (2024-02-12). Incendio deja sin suministro eléctrico a miles de usuarios en Buenos Aires. telesurtv.net La empresa estatal anunció la implementación de un plan de contingencia para mantener el suministro de energía…

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-12). Denuncian proyecto para derogar la ley del aborto en Argentina. telesurtv.net El proyecto fue presentado en la Cámara de Diputados el lunes, pero se hizo público el miércoles por la noche.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-12). Aumenta a dos cifra de muertos durante protestas en Senegal. telesurtv.net En Dakar, agentes de policía equipados con equipos antidisturbios lanzaron gases lacrimógenos contra multitudes de manifestantes que incendiaron neumáticos y arrojaron piedras.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-12). Reportan siete detenidos en protesta antigubernamental en Tel Aviv, Israel. telesurtv.net Las detenciones ocurrieron después de que algunos manifestantes bloquearan una parte de la autopista Ayalon.

teleSUR- jaa, JCM (2024-02-12). Aumentan a 54 los fallecidos por deslizamiento en Maco, Filipinas. telesurtv.net En total se han recuperado 19 cuerpos en los escombros en Masara, según indicó la municipalidad de Maco en Facebook.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Orquesta cubana activa Modo Van Van en nuevo concierto. radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 feb (RHC) La emblemática orquesta de Cuba Los Van Van ofrecerá un concierto este domingo en el Centro Cultural Fábrica de Arte Cubano, evento de gran relevancia por ser primera vez que una agrupación bailable conforma el programa de esa institución.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Jardines del Rey, clasifica como paraíso de Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 feb (RHC) En la zona centro-norte cubana existe hoy un área de cayos de gran desarrollo turístico a partir de los encantos de la naturaleza, emblemático escenario sumamente conocido en el mundo y que clasifica como Paraíso.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Primer Ministro cubano llegó a Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos. radiohc.cu Abu Dabi, 11 feb (RHC) El primer ministro de Cuba, Manuel Marrero, llegó a Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos, nación árabe unida en la amistad con Cuba hace más de 20 años. Su propósito: cumplimentar una vista de trabajo que incluye la participación en la Cumbre Mundial de Gobiernos, la cual comienza sus sesiones este lunes.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Destaca primer ministro cubano relevancia de Cumbre de Gobiernos. radiohc.cu Dubai, 11 feb (RHC) El primer ministro de Cuba, Manuel Marreo, destacó este dominmgo la actualidad de los asuntos a tratar en la Cumbre Mundial de Gobiernos a partir de mañana y hasta el próximo día en Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos -EUA.

Ali Azgar (2024-02-11). ~!*(LIVE!-STREAM) Ireland vs Italy Live FreE On TV Channel. muslimnews.co.uk The match will be broadcast live on ITV1 and ITVX in the UK. In the Republic of Ireland, Virgin Media have the rights for the live broadcast. ‚û§‚ñ∫ gamedays.live/rugby ‚û§‚ñ∫ gamedays.live/rugby The issue being pushed onto the global stage forced the FMF to take action. A statement last month read: "The Mexican Football Federation reiterates …

Ali Azgar (2024-02-11). LIVE@STREAMs!]] Ireland vs Italy LIVE Coverage ON Rugby TV Channel 11 february 2024. muslimnews.co.uk The match will be broadcast live on ITV1 and ITVX in the UK. In the Republic of Ireland, Virgin Media have the rights for the live broadcast. ‚û§‚ñ∫ gamedays.live/rugby ‚û§‚ñ∫ gamedays.live/rugby The issue being pushed onto the global stage forced the FMF to take action. A statement last month read: "The Mexican Football Federation reiterates …

EDWIN (2024-02-12). Operation Shanela makes gains in Northern Cape. sanews.gov.za Operation Shanela makes gains in Northern Cape | Police in the Northern Cape have arrested 173 suspects for an array of crimes through Operation Shanela. | The suspects were nabbed for crimes including illicit dealing in liquor, dealing in drugs, robberies, murder, attempted murder, housebreaking and theft, malicious damage to property, assault common and assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. Undocumented persons were also part of those arrested during the weekly police operations. | The operations were conducted from Thursday until Sunday, and included stop and searches, vehicle checkpoints (VCPs),…

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Ballet de Cuba entre grandes ofertas culturales en El Salvador. radiohc.cu San Salvador, 11 feb (RHC) La presentación en El Salvador el día 29 de este mes del Ballet Clásico de Cuba (de Camagàºey) aparece hoy como una de las grandes ofertas culturales en ese país.

Ana Perdigón, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-02-12). Nicaragua Formally Applies To Join ICJ Genocide Case Against 'Israel'. popularresistance.org The government of Nicaragua has filed a formal application with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to join South Africa in its genocide case against "Israel." | The ICJ announced in a press release on Thursday, February 8, that Nicaragua referred to Article 62 of the Statute of the Court to file in the Registry of the Court an application for permission to "intervene as a party in the case concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel)." | In its filing, Nicaragua stated that it considers the conduct of Israel is…

Javier Belda (2024-02-12). Milei government and communication policies/Freedom was not for expression. pressenza.com "Consequently, the role of the press has changed radically. It no longer consists essentially of debating, but of interpreting and helping to underpin government decisions with the arguments it can bring to bear." | Max Ruchner, Neue Zàºrcher Zeitung, October 1933 | The sentence in the epigraph is not taken from Decree 117/2024 with which Milei has intervened in Argentina's public media. It belongs to the commentator of a Swiss newspaper, who explains with these words the German Law for Publishers, condemned a few months after Hitler had succeeded in utilizing the Enabling Law in March 1933 in transferrin…

Ariadna Eljuri (2024-02-11). US on the Verge of Stealing Venezuelan Cargo Plane in Collusion With Argentina. orinocotribune.com This weekend, the United States will illegally take possession of the Venezuelan cargo aircraft belonging to the state cargo airline EMTRASUR. The aircraft was illegally seized by Argentina in 2022 and grounded in the Ezeiza international airport of Buenos Aires since then. | According to At the beginning of…

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Canciller de Bolivia realizará visita de trabajo a Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 feb (RHC) Celinda Sosa Lunda, ministra de Relaciones Exteriores del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, llegará este domingo a Cuba para realizar una visita de trabajo hasta el próximo día 13.

tvbrics (2024-02-12). Electricity production from renewable sources reached more than 92 per cent in Brazil. tvbrics.com The Minister of Mines and Energy described the breakthrough as a demonstration of the reliability of the industry's system…

albawaba (2024-02-11). Al-Hilal star Neymar set for Santos return?>. albawaba.com Al-Hilal star Neymar is being linked with a potential return to Brazil after having an "effective" conversation with Santos club president.The striker left Santos in 2013 to pursue a career in Europe and went on to join Barcelona where had his best spell.He then moved to Paris Saint-Germain in a world record move in 2017, but failed to live up to expecations.Neymar left the French club last summer to play alongside the likes of Aleksandar Mitrovic at Saudi Arabia's Al-Hilal.However, he suffered an unexpected ACL injury that in October that should keep him out of action until the end of the season.The 32-year-old…

Partido Humanista de Chile (2024-02-12). PH Chile Congress: Political direction for 12 years, collectively defined. pressenza.com The Self-Convened Groups, of the first congress of the Humanist Party Chile All the militants were called to constitute the self-convened groups, in the context of the Congress of the Humanist Party of Chile, to build a joint look with a projection to 12 years. | By affinity, proximity, themes (disabilities, feminism, ecology, dissidence, regionalism, etc.), action fronts, territoriality, and all the looks, and sensitivities that interact its the interior of our party with the stamp of universalist humanism. | The hope, the force, the FORCE, the "ñeque" sustaining the work of a meaningful, experiential project th…

Pavel López Lazo (2024-02-12). Ecuador, ninth nation worldwide in legalizing euthanasia. plenglish.com The CC's ruling responded to a lawsuit filed by Ecuadorian Paola Roldán, who suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a catastrophic, degenerative and incurable disease that has destroyed the nerve cells controlling muscles that execute voluntary movements. | Euthanasia is also legal in Spain (2021), Colombia (2014), New Zealand (2021), Portugal (2023), the Netherlands (2002), Canada (2016), Luxembourg (2009) and Belgium (2022). | In the Court's ruling, issued past Wednesday, the CC pointed out that the right to life, understood as subsistence, is inviolable. | However, in the analyzed case, the conduct…

Andrés Madrid, Andrés Tapia (2024-02-12). Capitalism and drug trafficking in Ecuador: Two sides of the same coin. cadtm.org

Andrés Madrid, Andrés Tapia (2024-02-11). Capitalism and drug trafficking in Ecuador: Two sides of the same coin. cadtm.org

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Sondeo ratifica rechazo a presidenta y desgaste ministerial en Perú. radiohc.cu Lima, 11 feb (RHC) La ratificación de la desaprobación a la presidenta peruana, Dina Boluarte, y al primer ministro, Alberto Otárola, destacó este domingo en una encuesta que, además, evidencia el desgaste del gabinete ministerial.

Roger D. Harris, Popular Resistance. (2024-02-12). Washington Sets Stage For Delegitimizing The Venezuelan Presidential Election. popularresistance.org Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution marks its 25th anniversary this month, despite continuous US-led hybrid warfare to overthrow the socialist project. The Venezuelan government of President Nicolás Maduro has successfully forced the US to de facto engage with it, although Washington still maintains the fiction that the defunct 2015 National Assembly is the "last remaining democratic institution" there. | The US has been relegated to vetting candidates for the upcoming Venezuelan presidential election. While still egregiously interventionist, the imperial power has failed to achieve outright regime change. The appe…

Staff (2024-02-12). Venezuela's Authorities Arrest Far-Right NGOist Rocío San Miguel. orinocotribune.com Caracas ( The arrest was reported this Sunday, February 11, by the attorney general of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab. In a statement, Saab explained that the goal of the terrorist plot was to assassinate President Nicolás Maduro and other top Venezuelan officials, as w…

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Capturan en Venezuela a presunta implicada en acto conspirativo (+ Foto). radiohc.cu Caracas, 11 feb (RHC) El fiscal general de Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, anunció este domingo la captura de Rocío del Carmen San Miguel Sosa, por estar presuntamente implicada en una de las operaciones conspirativas e intento de magnicidio contra autoridades nacionales.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Agencia caribeña de Salud insta a tomar medidas por polvo sahariano. radiohc.cu Puerto España, 11 feb (RHC) La Agencia de Salud Pública del Caribe -Carpha-, instó a los ciudadanos a protegerse frente a una columna de polvo del Sahara que cubre hoy muchas zonas de la región.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Presidente de Cuba felicita a gobierno y pueblo de china por Nuevo Año Lunar. radiohc.cu Beijing, 11 feb (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, envió una felicitación al pueblo chino y al mandatario Xi Jinping por el Nuevo Año Lunar, trascendió este domingo en Beijing.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Cibernética en Cuba cree en protagonismo femenino en la ciencia. radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 feb (RHC) Yuley Sosa, una joven informática destaca hoy en el universo de la ciencia y las tecnologías en Cuba a pesar de las cifras desalentadoras que revelan la escasa presencia en el área a nivel nacional e internacional.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Gobierno de Cuba felicita a Irán por 45 aniversario de Revolución Islámica. radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 feb (RHC) El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, felicitó hoy al pueblo y gobierno de Irán en el 45 aniversario del triunfo de la Revolución Islámica.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Presidente de Cuba lamenta muerte del revolucionario Felipe Guerra. radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 feb (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, ofreció sus condolencias este domingo a familiares y amigos del destacado revolucionario e impulsor del deporte nacional Felipe Guerra, quien falleció la víspera a la edad de 98 años.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Cuba: Sesiona Consejo Nacional de la Federación Estudiantil Universitaria. radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 feb (RHC) Desde este sábado sesiona de forma virtual en el país el Consejo Nacional de la Federación Estudiantil Universitaria (FEU), que revisa temas y documentos trascendentes para el funcionamiento de la organización.

aa.com.tr (2024-02-12). ƒ∞stanbul'da yaƒüƒ±≈ülƒ± havanƒ±n etkisiyle trafik yoƒüunluƒüu yàºzde 81'e à߃±ktƒ±. aa.com.tr ƒ∞stanbul'da, sabah saatlerinde trafik yoƒüunluƒüu yaƒüƒ±≈ülƒ± havanƒ±n da etkisiyle yàºzde 81'e kadar yàºkseldi.

Dave DeCamp (2024-02-11). Houthis Hold Funeral for 17 Killed in Recent US and British Strikes. news.antiwar.com The Houthis held a funeral on Saturday for 17 of its members who were killed by recent US and British strikes on Yemen. "In a dignified funeral procession, the bodies of several martyrs of the nation, armed forces, and security forces who were martyred in the American-British aggression airstrikes, were mourned," Yemen's Saba news agency …

2024-02-12 15:38:27 | 15:38 EST | by | 74 | 0 | 28 | 44 | 0 

2024-02-11: News Headlines

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-11). Arab League condemns imminent Israeli ground offensive. plenglish.com Ramallah, February 11 (Prensa Latina) The general secretary of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, warned on the consequences of a ground offensive by the Israeli army against the south of Gaza, where 1.5 million Palestinians are refugees.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-11). Argentine Nobel Prize winner called for the release of Julian Assange. plenglish.com Buenos Aires, February 11 (Prensa Latina) The Nobel Peace Prize winner and Argentine fighter, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, today urged the international community to demand the release of cyberactivist Julian Assange and to speak out against his possible extradition to USA.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-11). Hollywood Academy opens new category for the Oscars. plenglish.com Los Angeles, February 11 (Prensa Latina) The United States Academy of Motion Pictures, Arts and Sciences already has a new section today in its stand of competitive categories to win the Oscar, that of Best Casting.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-11). Increase in seismic activity in underwater volcano reported in Grena. plenglish.com Saint George, February 11 (Prensa Latina) Grenada authorities today maintain monitoring of the underwater volcano Kick'em Jenny, located eight kilometers from the northern coast, after reports of an increase in its seismic activity.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-11). Russian defense shoots down 30 Ukrainian drones on the day. plenglish.com Moscow, February 11 (Prensa Latina) Russian anti-aircraft defense systems shot down 30 drones of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the last 24 hours, the Ministry of Defense reported today.

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-02-11). Venezuela denounces campaign by US oil company Exxon Mobil. plenglish.com Caracas, February 11 (Prensa Latina) Venezuela denounced today before the international community what it called a malicious campaign prepared and financed by Exxon Mobil and supported by the Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, a statement indicated.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-11). Cuba to host international leftist media meeting. plenglish.com Havana, Feb 11 (Prensa Latina) The 2nd International Meeting of Theoretical Publications of Leftist Parties and Movements will be take place in Havana's International Conference Center from February 12 to 14.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-02-11). Cuba's Zapata Swamp enchants foreign tourists. plenglish.com Matanzas, Cuba, Feb 11 (Prensa Latina) One of the most surprising trips to Cuba today is related to the Zapata Swamp (Cienaga de Zapata), a relevant wetland and attractive tourist scenario.

teleSUR (2024-02-11). Venezuela Denounces Exxon Mobil's Campaign. telesurenglish.net Venezuelan Government denounced a campaign prepared and financed by Exxon Mobil, supported by Guyana, against the constitutional obligation of its State to establish a comprehensive policy on land, island and maritime border areas, to preserve, through the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB). | RELATED: | "Venezuela makes it clear to the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States that the actions of Exxon Mobile and the Governm…

Juan M. Garcia (2024-02-10). Earthquake shakes Haiti, no deaths or material damage reported. plenglish.com Port-au-Prince, Feb 10 (Prensa Latina) The Civil Protection Directorate of Haiti reported that deaths have been reported as a result of a 4.3-magnitude earthquake on the Richter scale that shook this Caribbean country on Saturday.

María Candela (2024-02-10). Latinoamérica y el Caribe necesitan paz para su desarrollo afirma presidente del Parlatino. radiohc.cu Naciones Unidas, 10 feb (RHC) La paz para América Latina y el Caribe es, además de una anhelada meta, una condición indispensable para su desarrollo, de acuerdo con el presidente del Parlamento de la región (Parlatino), Rolando González Patricio.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-02-10). Bolivia sends humanitarian aid to wildfire victims in Chile. plenglish.com La Paz, Feb 10 (Prensa Latina) Bolivia sent 70 tons of humanitarian aid to Chile to help the victims of wildfires in Viña del Mar, Minister of Foreign Affairs Celinda Sosa noted on Saturday.

R4V (2024-02-10). World: 5W Monitoring and Reporting Guide for the 2024 RMRP. reliefweb.int Countries: Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), World | Source: R4V | Please refer to the attached file. | WHAT IS THE MONITORING AND REPORTING MECHANISM OF THE RMRP (5Ws)? | The RMRP is a comprehensive response plan responsive to the identified needs of refugees and migrants from Venezuela(1) and their affected host communities in 17 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. The objective of monitoring activities included in this response plan is to ensure that transparent and regular updates on the status of implementation of the RMRP are available to governments, donors, RMRP partners, and beneficiary…

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2024-02-10). Dawn Is Breaking Out All Over, And The World Is Waking Up. popularresistance.org On 2 February 2024, the people of Venezuela celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution. On that day in 1999, Hugo Chávez took office as the president of Venezuela and began a process of Latin American integration that — because of US intransigence — accelerated into an anti-imperialist process. Chávez's government, understanding that it would not be able to govern on behalf of the people and address their needs if it remained tied to the 1961 Constitution, pushed for deeper and deeper democratisation. In April 1999, a referendum was held to set up a Constituent Assembly, task…

WSWS (2024-02-10). Rank-and-file committees must be built at Australian universities against genocide, war, cuts and corporate control. wsws.org In 2024, tertiary education staff and students face huge political issues, above all, the escalating Israeli genocide in Gaza and the rising danger of wider disastrous US-instigated wars against Iran, Russia and China.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH (2024-02-11). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Son ya 128 días de ataques constantes de las fuerzas de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-11). Corte Internacional de Justicia anuncia fecha de debate sobre Israel. telesurtv.net Las audiencias públicas para escuchar a 52 países y tres organismos transcurrirán entre el 19 y el 23 de este mes.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-11). Papa Francisco se reúne con presidente de Argentina en el Vaticano. telesurtv.net El encuentro lima asperezas entre el papa y Javier Milei, quien antes de ser investido presidente llamó al obispo de Roma representante del maligno en la tierra.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-11). Advierte Hamás que ofensiva israelí en Rafah dejará miles de muertos. telesurtv.net La resistencia palestina (Hamás), que gobierna la Franja desde 2007, advirtió del riesgo de "una catástrofe y una masacre que podría conllevar decenas de miles de mártires y heridos".

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-11). Aumentan a más de 28.100 los palestinos asesinados por Israel. telesurtv.net Al menos 112 palestinos han muerto en las últimas 24 horas y otros 173 han resultado heridos en ataques israelíes contra la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-11). Presidencia palestina condena planes israelíes de atacar Rafah. telesurtv.net Condena internacional por los planes de extender el ataque terrestre israelí a la superpoblada provincia de Rafah, en el extremo más lejano al sur de la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-11). Presidenta de Hungría dimite tras escándalo sobre abuso infantil. telesurtv.net Este anuncio es consecuencia directa del indulto presidencial que Novak otorgó a un hombre que fue sentenciado por encubrir varios incidentes pedófilos en una escuela húngara.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-11). Canciller iraní se reúne con líderes de la resistencia palestina. telesurtv.net El Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores iraní, Hossein Amirabdollahian, que se encuentra de viaje en Beirut, la capital libanesa, también se reunió con el líder de Hezbolá.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-11). Liga àÅrabe advierte contra la ofensiva israelí en Rafah. telesurtv.net El secretario general de la Liga Árabe advierte contra una ofensiva israelí en Rafah, Gaza, sumándose a una serie de llamamientos internacionales para que Tel Aviv no incursione en la ciudad.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-11). Nicaragua felicita a Irán por 45 aniversario de la Revolución Islámica. telesurtv.net "Nuestros Pueblos Hermanos de Irán y Nicaragua han recorrido un camino común en defensa de sus Derechos Fundamentales", indica el presidente Daniel Ortega en su felicitación.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-11). Seguidores del PTI reivindican su triunfo electoral en Pakistán. telesurtv.net El recuento final se publicó este domingo más de 60 horas después de que concluyera la votación en las elecciones nacionales del jueves, un retraso que ha planteado dudas sobre el proceso.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-02-11). Venezuela denuncia campaña de la Exxon Mobil, secundada por Guyana. telesurtv.net "Venezuela deja en evidencia ante la Celac que las acciones de la Exxon Mobil y del Gobierno de Guyana, contravienen los principios fundamentales del derecho internacional.

teleSUR, JDO, JGN (2024-02-11). Piden fin de genocidio contra palestinos en entrega de los Goya. telesurtv.net La actriz Alba Flores pidió paz para Palestina. Otros referentes de la cultura mostraron su rechazo al asedio sionista.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-11). Canciller iraní: política de guerra EE.UU.-Israel ha fracasado. telesurtv.net Hosein Amir Abdullahian alertó que cualquier paso que dé la entidad sionista para ampliar su agresión contra Líbano determinará el fin de Netanyahu.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-11). Denuncian a opositor por incitar a nuevas agresiones contra Venezuela. telesurtv.net El prófugo de la justicia Julio Borges llamó a la comunidad internacional a presionar al Gobierno de Nicolás Maduro y entorpecer las elecciones presidenciales.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-02-11). Iraníes celebran el 45 aniversario de la Revolución Islámica. telesurtv.net En la capital iraní la multitud recorrió las principales avenidas hasta congregarse en la emblemática Plaza de Azadi.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-02-11). Presidente Maduro afirma que verdad de Venezuela triunfa sobre manipulación de medios. telesurtv.net El Gobierno venezolano y el propio presidente Maduro reclamaron una corrección de lo que afirmaron era una campaña de manipulación por parte de AP.

teleSUR, lvm, JDO (2024-02-11). Bombardeos israelíes asesinan a tres personas en sur de Líbano. telesurtv.net Los ataques de los ocupantes ocurrieron en el contexto del enfrentamiento entre Israel y el movimiento Hezbolá, en medio de la visita a Líbano del Canciller iraní.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2024-02-11). Arabia Saudita advierte a Israel sobre repercusión por incursión en Rafah. telesurtv.net Al alertar sobre la incursión en el último refugio de cientos de miles de palestinos, Arabia Saudita manifestó su rechazo contundente a la deportación forzada.

teleSUR, nbb, JCM (2024-02-11). Incendio deja sin suministro eléctrico a miles de usuarios en Buenos Aires. telesurtv.net La empresa estatal anunció la implementación de un plan de contingencia para mantener el suministro de energía…

teleSUR, nbb, JCM (2024-02-11). Sube a 35 la cifra de muertos por deslizamiento en Filipinas. telesurtv.net La provincia, ubicada en la isla de Mindanao, ha experimentado fuertes lluvias desde finales de enero debido al monzón y una zona de bajas presiones…

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-11). Denuncian proyecto para derogar la ley del aborto en Argentina. telesurtv.net El proyecto fue presentado en la Cámara de Diputados el lunes, pero se hizo público el miércoles por la noche.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-11). Aumenta a dos cifra de muertos durante protestas en Senegal. telesurtv.net En Dakar, agentes de policía equipados con equipos antidisturbios lanzaron gases lacrimógenos contra multitudes de manifestantes que incendiaron neumáticos y arrojaron piedras.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-11). Reportan siete detenidos en protesta antigubernamental en Tel Aviv, Israel. telesurtv.net Las detenciones ocurrieron después de que algunos manifestantes bloquearan una parte de la autopista Ayalon.

teleSUR- lvm, JCM (2024-02-11). Presidente de Ecuador convoca a referéndum y consulta popular. telesurtv.net El Decreto 162, de consulta popular, contiene seis preguntas.

teleSUR (2024-02-10). El Salvador: 56% of Voters did not Supported Bukele. telesurenglish.net The Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) of El Salvador held a press conference on Friday in which it formalized the results of the presidential elections of February 4, while political parties denounced irregularities in the elections. | RELATED: | Dora Esmeralda Martínez, president of the TSE, reported that Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele was reelected, despite a constitutional ban, with a total of 2,701,725 votes, and…

teleSUR (2024-02-10). Gaza: Death Toll Passes 28,000. telesurenglish.net The Ministry of Health, during its daily assessment of the Israeli siege in the Gaza Strip, reported that a total of 28,064 Palestinians have been killed and another 67,611 injured, after 117 people were killed in Gaza in the last 24 hours. | RELATED: | News agencies report as Israel still intensifying its attacks on Rafah, city in the southern Gaza Strip, people are now escaping to the central part of the Strip about 20km (eight mi…

teleSUR (2024-02-10). Hungarian President Katalin Novák Resigns. telesurenglish.net Katalin Novák, the Hungarian president since 10 May 2022, dismissed this Saturday after a week of controversy over a pardon granted to a manager of a children's home who tried to hide cases of pederasty. | RELATED: | "I issued a pardon that caused bewilderment and unrest for many people. I made a mistake," said the now former president of Hungary. | Today I resigned from my office as President of Hungary. Thank you for everyt…

teleSUR (2024-02-10). Nicaraguan Governments Congrats Iran by Islamic Revolution Anniversary. telesurenglish.net "On the commemoration of the Glorious 45th Anniversary of the Iranian Islamic Revolution we wish on behalf of the People and Government of Reconciliation and National Unity of Nicaragua, our most sincere congratulations to you, your Heroic People and Government", says the official statement of the Nicaraguan government. | RELATED: | The document remembered the brotherly Peoples of Iran and Nicaragua have traveled a common pa…

teleSUR (2024-02-10). Venezuela Rejects Accusations of Argentine Newspaper Clarín. telesurenglish.net The Venezuelan embassy in Argentina categorically repudiates the accusations published on February 9 by the media outlet Clarín, against a diplomat of this mission. | RELATED: | In the statement, he points out that "this diplomatic mission reiterates its absolute rejection of this shameful publication that lacks all credibility and requires a public apology, as well as a rectification of this means". | The newspaper Clarín ma…

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Jardines del Rey, clasifica como paraíso de Cuba. radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 feb (RHC) En la zona centro-norte cubana existe hoy un área de cayos de gran desarrollo turístico a partir de los encantos de la naturaleza, emblemático escenario sumamente conocido en el mundo y que clasifica como Paraíso.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Primer Ministro cubano llegó a Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos. radiohc.cu Abu Dabi, 11 feb (RHC) El primer ministro de Cuba, Manuel Marrero, llegó a Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos, nación árabe unida en la amistad con Cuba hace más de 20 años. Su propósito: cumplimentar una vista de trabajo que incluye la participación en la Cumbre Mundial de Gobiernos, la cual comienza sus sesiones este lunes.

Orlando González Cruz (2024-02-11). Unión de Reyes y Trinidad a final beisbolera. radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 feb (JIT) El equipo de Unión de Reyes venció hoy dos veces a Mantua y Trinidad hizo lo mismo ante Campechuela para avanzar a la gran final del Torneo de Clubes Campeones del Beisbol Cubano 2024.

Luis Chirino (2024-02-10). Cuba celebrates Lunar New Year. america.cgtn.com In Cuba, Havana's Chinatown serves as the center of Lunar New Year celebrations. Its lively community of Cubans, Chinese citizens and Cubans of Chinese descent come together to mark the special occasion and express their hopes for the coming year.

María Candela (2024-02-10). Cuba y Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos por afianzar relaciones. radiohc.cu La Habana, 10 feb (RHC) La próxima visita de Manuel Marrero Cruz, Primer Ministro cubano, a Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos (EAU), en el contexto de la Cumbre Mundial de Gobiernos que se desarrollará en Dubai del 12 al 14 febrero, busca fortalecer aún más las relaciones políticas y económicas entre ambos países, con la firma de importantes acuerdos que promuevan la inversión y la cooperación mutua.

María Candela (2024-02-10). Presidente cubano acoge en La Habana a creadores de monumento a Fidel (+Foto). radiohc.cu La Habana, 10 feb (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, recibió este sábado en el Palacio de la Revolución al escultor Alexey Dmitrevich Chebanenko y al arquitecto Andrey Beliy, creadores del monumento a Fidel en Moscú.

National Single Payer, Popular Resistance. (2024-02-10). What The US Can Learn From The Cuban Health Care System. popularresistance.org David Ramirez Alvarez is Second Secretary in the Cuban Embassy, representing Cuba's cultural and political forces sectors. He will be presenting an historical and current analysis of the Cuban health care system, how it differs from our profit-driven system, how Cuba provides comprehensive primary and quaternary health services in the face of a decades' long illegal and brutal U.S. blockade and still has better outcomes than ours. Ramirez Alvarez will also address how the training of health care providers and scientists in Cuba is intimately connected to the socialist culture derived from the Cuban Revolution. Is…

GDTSPRYM (2024-02-10). Ecuador: Reporte de situación – diciembre 2023. reliefweb.int Countries: Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Haiti, Nicaragua, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), World | Sources: Grupo de Trabajo sobre Personas Refugiadas y Migrantes, R4V | Please refer to the attached file. | CONTEXTO NACIONAL | En el proceso de registro y regularización llevado a cabo por el gobierno nacional, hasta el 31 de diciembre 2023, registra que 201,7 mil personas han recibido un certificado de permanencia temporal, 87.7 mil obtuvieron una visa VIRTE y 72.3 cuentan con cédula de identidad. | El Sistema de Monitoreo de Fronteras y Caracterización de Flujos registra, para diciembre, un ligero incremento…

Acción contra el Hambre España (2024-02-10). Programa RUK'U'X A' culmina su intervención en Sololá, Guatemala. reliefweb.int

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-02-10). South Africa v. Israel: Nicaragua Requests Permission to Intervene in the Proceedings Under Article 62 of the Statute. libya360.wordpress.com The International Court of Justice (ICJ) Nicaragua requests permission to intervene in the proceedings under Article 62 of the ICJ Statute — Application of the Genocide Convention in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel) Case: 192 — Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza…

mforinoco (2024-02-10). World Court Israel Ruling and the 1986 Judgment Against the US in the Nicaragua Case. orinocotribune.com By Nat Parry — Feb 8, 2024 | Nat Parry is the author of the forthcoming book Samuel Adams and the Vagabond Henry Tufts: Virtue Meets Vice in the Revolutionary Era. He is editor of American Dispatches: A Robert Parry Reader. | Now that the International Court of Justice has ruled that South Africa's claims of genocide against Israel are plausible and ordered Israel to "take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope" of the U.N. Convention on Genocide, the question is how Israel and its backers will respond. | Israel has one month to submit a report on the steps it is…

scorinoco (2024-02-10). Nicaragua Formally Applies to Join ICJ Genocide Case Against 'Israel'. orinocotribune.com The government of Nicaragua has filed a formal application with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to join South Africa in its genocide case against "Israel." | The ICJ announced in a In its fil…

Pan American Health Organization (2024-02-10). World: Evaluación de Riesgos para la salud pública relacionada con el virus Oropouche (OROV) en la Región de las Américas – 9 de febrero 2024. reliefweb.int Countries: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana (France), Panama, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), World | Source: Pan American Health Organization | Please refer to the attached file. | Fecha de la evaluación de riesgo: 7 de febrero de 2024 | Declaración de riesgo general | Ante la alerta emitida por la Organización Panamericana de la Salud / Organización Mundial de la Salud (OPS/OMS), el pasado 2 de febrero del 2024, debido al incremento en la detección de casos de infección por el virus Oropouche (OROV), en algunos países de la Región de las Américas en los últimos meses…

Pan American Health Organization (2024-02-10). World: Actualización Epidemiológica – Encefalitis Equina del Oeste en la Región de las Américas – 8 de febrero del 2024. reliefweb.int Countries: Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, World | Source: Pan American Health Organization | Please refer to the attached file. | La presente es una nueva actualización de la información epidemiológica, a la cual se añaden orientaciones para la vigilancia y las definiciones de casos de EEO en humanos. | Hasta el 9 de enero del 2024, se habían reportado 1.314 brotes en animales (1.258 en Argentina y 56 en Uruguay) y se habían confirmado 21 casos de este virus en humanos, incluyendo un fallecido, todos ellos en Argentina. | Hasta el 5 de febrero del 2024, se han notificado un total de 2.438 brotes en animales (1…

WSWS (2024-02-10). Argentina's fascistic president Milei embraces Netanyahu in Jerusalem. wsws.org The Argentine ruling class is drenching its hands with the blood of Gazans as a means of renewing its historic counter-revolutionary relationship with the Israeli bourgeoisie.

albawaba (2024-02-11). Al-Hilal star Neymar set for Santos return?>. albawaba.com Al-Hilal star Neymar is being linked with a potential return to Brazil after having an "effective" conversation with Santos club president.The striker left Santos in 2013 to pursue a career in Europe and went on to join Barcelona where had his best spell.He then moved to Paris Saint-Germain in a world record move in 2017, but failed to live up to expecations.Neymar left the French club last summer to play alongside the likes of Aleksandar Mitrovic at Saudi Arabia's Al-Hilal.However, he suffered an unexpected ACL injury that in October that should keep him out of action until the end of the season.The 32-year-old…

Lise Alves (2024-02-10). World Report] Health in Brazil: 1 year of Lula. thelancet.com 12 months after his return to the presidential palace, Brazil's Lula has focused on resurrecting and restrengthening health programmes. Lise Alves reports from Sao Paulo.

tvbrics (2024-02-10). Fossils of a giant sloth that lived during the Ice Age are studied in Brazil. tvbrics.com Two years after the discovery, scientists have been able to identify the remains of the ancient animal…

Joel Richards (2024-02-10). Chile held state funeral for former President Piñera. america.cgtn.com Chile held a state funeral for Sebastian Piñera on Friday. The country's two-time former president was killed in a helicopter accident on Tuesday.

UN Verification Mission in Colombia (2024-02-10). Colombia: El Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas visitó Agua Bonita, en Caquetá, para conocer procesos de reincorporación con enfoque comunitario. reliefweb.int Country: Colombia | Source: UN Verification Mission in Colombia | Febrero 9 de 2024. El Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas continuó el día de hoy su visita en Colombia, conociendo el antiguo Espacio Territorial de Capacitación y Reincorporación (ETCR) de Agua Bonita, en el municipio de La Montañita, Caquetá, donde viven alrededor de 500 personas, entre firmantes de paz y comunidad local, comprometidos con el proceso de reincorporación y reconciliación. | En Agua Bonita, los miembros del Consejo conocieron de primera mano las iniciativas productivas que se llevan a cabo. "Agua Bonita ha sido un proceso muy…

UN Verification Mission in Colombia (2024-02-10). Colombia: Firmantes de paz del Meta ya tienen tierra propia para proceso de reincorporación integral. reliefweb.int Country: Colombia | Source: UN Verification Mission in Colombia | 200 firmantes de paz que hacían su proceso de reincorporación en el antiguo Espacio Territorial de Capacitación y Reincorporación- Antiguo ETCR- La Cooperativa, en el municipio de Vista Hermosa, departamento del Meta, y que tuvieron que salir por razones de seguridad, recibieron por parte del Gobierno del presidente Gustavo Petro 1.047 hectáreas de tierra. | Las personas en proceso de reincorporación llegaron a finales del 2023 al predio denominado Hato Rondón, ubicado en San Juan de Arama, Meta. La Misión de Verificación de las Naciones Unidas…

Andrés Madrid, Andrés Tapia (2024-02-11). Capitalism and drug trafficking in Ecuador: Two sides of the same coin. cadtm.org

Editor (2024-02-10). Much like Prison Visiting Rules, The Use of the Espionage Act is Arbitrary and Punitive. scheerpost.com By Jeffrey Sterling / Progressive Hub In Mid-December 2023, Charles Glass, the esteemed writer, journalist, broadcaster, and publisher visited with Julian Assange, an inmate at Belmarsh Prison in the U.K. Assange has been confined there since April, 2019. He is awaiting his final appeal to quash U.S. efforts to extradite him to face some of …

Joe Emersberger (2024-02-10). Political Analyst David Villamar on Violence in Ecuador: After 7 Years of Neoliberalism the Disastrous Consequences are Obvious (Interview). orinocotribune.com

Kevin Gosztola (2024-02-10). Countdown To Day X: CIA Reportedly Plotted To Kill Assange. thedissenter.org Editor's Note: Ahead of a major hearing before the British High Court of Justice on February 20 and 21, the "Countdown To Day X" series will highlight key aspects of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's request to appeal his extradition to the United States. Extradition should be blocked because the CIA allegedly plotted to kidnap, poison, or kill WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange while he was living under political asylum in the Ecuador embassy in London. | According to Assange's legal team, extradition would undermine his right to life and right to be free from "torture or inhuman or degrading tr…

Andrés Madrid, Andrés Tapia (2024-02-10). Capitalism and drug trafficking in Ecuador: Two sides of the same coin. cadtm.org

Pressenza New York (2024-02-11). Washington Promotes Opposition Candidate Setting the Stage for Delegitimizing the Venezuelan Presidential Election. pressenza.com Despite continuous US-led hybrid warfare to overthrow the socialist project, this month marks the

Staff (2024-02-11). Venezuela Wins Caribbean Series 2024 Baseball Tournament. orinocotribune.com Caracas (

Ariadna Eljuri, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-02-10). Venezuela Presents Anti-Blockade Policies To Burkina Faso Delegation. popularresistance.org This Wednesday, Venezuelan vice minister for anti-blockade policy, William Castillo, made a presentation to the visiting delegation from Burkina Faso. Castillo's presentation covered the impact on Venezuela's economy of the illegal coercive measures—euphemistically referred to as "sanctions"—imposed by the US and its vassals and spoke about how Venezuela has overcome them. | In a statement, Castillo wrote that both parties agreed that "the sanctions are part of an illegal and criminal foreign policy and of a model of neocolonialism that uses attacks on the economy as a spearhead for the geopolitical c…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-02-10). Washington Promotes Opposition Candidate Setting the Stage for Delegitimizing the Venezuelan Presidential Election. libya360.wordpress.com Roger D. Harris Image: HFAC Roundtable: "The Fight for Freedom in Venezuela: A Conversation with María Corina Machado" Despite continuous US-led hybrid warfare to overthrow the socialist project, this month marks the 25th anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution. The Venezuelan government of President Nicolás Maduro has successfully forced the US to de facto engage with…

Ociel Ali Lopez (2024-02-10). US Ponders on Venezuela: Repeat the Mistake of 'Guaidó experience' or Consent to Another Candidate? orinocotribune.com By Ociel Alí López — Feb 9, 2024 | The Venezuelan extreme-right politician María Corina Machado, who created the phrase "until the end," has come up with a new mantra: "there can be no elections without me." She has been one of the biggest proponents of voting abstention and foreign intervention. She also supposedly This time she has taken the electoral route, although it seems that…

Owen Schalk (2024-02-10). Canada and Venezuela Step Toward Diplomatic Normalization, but Risks Remain. orinocotribune.com

scorinoco (2024-02-10). Venezuela Condemns US Interference in Internal Affairs (+Fake Attack on Machado). orinocotribune.com The foreign affairs minister of Venezuela, Yván Gil, condemned another attempt by the government of the United States to interfere in the internal affairs of Venezuela, and advised the US under secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Brian A. Nichols, "to distance himself from such position." | "Mr. Nichols not only shows cynicism in speaking of violence from the bloodiest empire ever known, but he is also a great liar who shamelessly reproduces any bullshit from his failed protégés in our country," Minister Gil wrote in a Twitter post. "I advise him to move away from such position and avoid creating a…

Staff (2024-02-10). Venezuela's National Assembly Condemns European Parliament's Interventionist Resolution (+Persona Non Grata). orinocotribune.com Caracas ( In a new example of imperial interference, on Thursday, February 8, the European…

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Agencia caribeña de Salud insta a tomar medidas por polvo sahariano. radiohc.cu Puerto España, 11 feb (RHC) La Agencia de Salud Pública del Caribe -Carpha-, instó a los ciudadanos a protegerse frente a una columna de polvo del Sahara que cubre hoy muchas zonas de la región.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Presidente de Cuba felicita a gobierno y pueblo de china por Nuevo Año Lunar. radiohc.cu Beijing, 11 feb (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, envió una felicitación al pueblo chino y al mandatario Xi Jinping por el Nuevo Año Lunar, trascendió este domingo en Beijing.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-11). Cibernética en Cuba cree en protagonismo femenino en la ciencia. radiohc.cu La Habana, 11 feb (RHC) Yuley Sosa, una joven informática destaca hoy en el universo de la ciencia y las tecnologías en Cuba a pesar de las cifras desalentadoras que revelan la escasa presencia en el área a nivel nacional e internacional.

María Candela (2024-02-10). Turismo en Cuba se recupera, afirmó canciller Rodríguez Parrilla. radiohc.cu La Habana, 10 feb (ACN) La llegada del crucero británico Marella Explorer 2 al puerto de La Habana evidencia la recuperación del turismo en Cuba, afirmó este sábado Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, titular de Relaciones Exteriores de la mayor de las Antillas.

María Candela (2024-02-10). Alcalde de ciudad serbia aboga por fortalecer nexos con Cuba. radiohc.cu Belgrado, 10 feb (RHC) El alcalde de la norteña ciudad serbia de Novi Sad, Milan ƒêuriƒá, abogó este sábado por ampliar la cooperación con Cuba en diversos sectores, en diálogo con el embajador Leyde Ernesto Rodríguez.

María Candela (2024-02-10). Felicitan en Cuba a comandante de la Revolución por su cumpleaños. radiohc.cu La Habana, 10 feb (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, felicitó este sábado al comandante de la Revolución, Guillermo García Frías, quien está celebrando sus 96 años.

María Candela (2024-02-10). Embajadora de Cuba en Italia destaca colaboración médica en Calabria (+Foto). radiohc.cu Roma, 10 feb (RHC) "La experiencia de nuestros médicos en Calabria es una página más en el glorioso libro de la colaboración internacionalista", destacó este sábado la embajadora de Cuba en Italia, Mirta Granda, en declaraciones al diario Il Quotidiano del Sud.

María Candela (2024-02-10). Presidente de Cuba asiste a presentación de libro sobre La Colmenita (+Fotos). radiohc.cu La Habana, 10 feb (RHC) El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, asistió este sábado a la presentación del libro La Colmenita °mi vida!, de Carlos Alberto "Tin" Cremata, y de una obra de teatro homónima, para celebrar más de tres décadas de esa agrupación.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-02-10). Dr. Jemima Pierre: Haiti Doesn't Have a 'Gang' Problem, It Has a US Imperialism Problem. libya360.wordpress.com Haiti doesn't have a 'gang' problem, it has a US imperialism problem, says Dr. Jemima Pierre, Professor of Global Race in the Institute of Race, Gender, Sexuality and Social Justice (GRSJ) at the University of British Columbia and a member of Black Alliance for Peace. Pierre joins hosts Eugene and Rania to discuss the nationwide…

UN Children's Fund (2024-02-10). Haiti: UNICEF insta a todas las partes a proteger a la infancia frente a la escalada de la violencia en Haití. reliefweb.int Country: Haiti | Source: UN Children's Fund | Declaración de Bruno Maes, Representante de UNICEF en Haití | PUERTO PRÂNCIPE, 8 de febrero de 2024 — A raíz de los últimos informes que revelan la violencia que están sufriendo y presenciando los niños y las niñas de Haití en el contexto de los acontecimientos sociopolíticos actuales, UNICEF manifiesta su profunda preocupación e insta a todas las partes a velar por el bienestar de la infancia, sea cual sea su situación. | La protección de la infancia debe ser la prioridad. UNICEF exige que todas las partes protejan a los niños y las niñas y tomen las medidas…

2024-02-11 17:33:16 | 17:33 EST | by | 91 | 1 | 45 | 44 | 0 

2024-02-10: News Headlines

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. (2024-02-10). Dawn Is Breaking Out All Over, And The World Is Waking Up. popularresistance.org On 2 February 2024, the people of Venezuela celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution. On that day in 1999, Hugo Chávez took office as the president of Venezuela and began a process of Latin American integration that — because of US intransigence — accelerated into an anti-imperialist process. Chávez's government, understanding that it would not be able to govern on behalf of the people and address their needs if it remained tied to the 1961 Constitution, pushed for deeper and deeper democratisation. In April 1999, a referendum was held to set up a Constituent Assembly, task…

Ahmed Abdulkareem (2024-02-09). Yemen's Unending Nightmare: The Hidden Consequences of US and UK Airstrikes. mintpressnews.com MintPress spoke to Yemeni leaders, academics, and ordinary citizens about the effects of the US-led bombing campaign in the country and the prospect of an all-out war amid escalating tension between Western Powers and Ansar Allah.

Andrew Laverdiere (2024-02-09). The Ghost of United Fruit Still Haunts Latin America (Part 1). dissidentvoice.org A brief note from the author on the accelerated border crisis: In the few months that I was putting together the information for this article, things have spiraled out of control in Texas which is getting the majority of refugees. Texas Governor Greg Abbott in addition to bussing tens of thousands of refugees to sanctuary …

Andrew Laverdiere (2024-02-09). The Ghost of United Fruit Still Haunts Latin America. globalresearch.ca

International Crisis Group (2024-02-09). Peru: Conflictividad perpetua: una ruta hacia la estabilidad en el Perú. reliefweb.int Country: Peru | Source: International Crisis Group | Please refer to the attached file. | Ningún país de América Latina sufre mayores índices de insatisfacción con la democracia y las instituciones gubernamentales que el Perú. Si no hay avances para frenar la polarización política y la disfunción estatal, las protestas masivas que sacudieron al país a finales de 2022 podrían repetirse fácilmente, generando acciones represivas igual de violentas. | øQué hay de nuevo? Las protestas que envolvieron a Perú tras la detención del presidente Pedro Castillo a finales de 2022 llevaron al país al momento de m…

International Crisis Group (2024-02-09). Unrest on Repeat: Plotting a Route to Stability in Peru. reliefweb.int Country: Peru | Source: International Crisis Group | Please refer to the attached file. | No country in Latin America suffers higher rates of dissatisfaction with democracy and government institutions than Peru. Absent remedies for political polarisation and state dysfunction, the mass protests that rocked the country in late 2022 could easily recur, bringing comparably violent crackdowns. | Principal Findings | What's new? The protests that engulfed Peru after the arrest of the president in late 2022 marked its largest outbreak of instability in recent times. Although peace has returned, public grievances…

Alasdair Baverstock (2024-02-09). TikTok launches music streaming service. america.cgtn.com TikTok is one of the world's most popular social media platforms and has boosted the careers of numerous artists. Today, it's unveiling a new platform: TikTok Music — which will compete directly with other streaming services to offer new and favorite artists to audiences everywhere. One of its first countries to launch is Mexico. CGTN's Alasdair Baverstock reports.

albawaba (2024-02-09). Biden's blunder: President mistakes Egypt for Mexico in press conference. albawaba.com

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-09). Médica Sur marks 10th anniversary as member of Mayo Clinic Care Network. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MEXICO CITY and ROCHESTER, Minn. — Ten years ago, Médica Sur became the first international member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network, a select group of institutions worldwide that have access to Mayo Clinic knowledge, expertise and resources. That relationship became the starting point for a collaboration that has grown over time. After becoming a care network member, Médica Sur began accessing Mayo's expertise so they could provide patients with more of the care they…

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-09). Asesinan a activista de búsqueda de desaparecidos en México. telesurtv.net El presidente de la Comisión Estatal de los Derechos Humanos de Baja California exigió a las autoridades a investigar y esclarecer el asesinato de la activista Angelita León.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH (2024-02-09). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Son más de 120 días de ataques constantes de las fuerzas de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2024-02-09). Pueblos originarios de Bolivia festejan el Anata Andino en Oruro. telesurtv.net La celebración del Anata Andino se efectúa tradicionalmente dos días previos al sábado de la entrada del carnaval.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-09). Gobierno argentino afectará transporte público por recortes. telesurtv.net La Secretaría de Transporte decidió anular las tarifas que habían sido establecidas por el Gobierno anterior en trenes y ómnibus del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA).

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-09). Indepaz denuncia masacre en Magdalena, Colombia. telesurtv.net El organismo colombiano acotó que una quinta persona habría resultado herida en el hecho.

teleSUR, MER (2024-02-09). AN de Venezuela rechaza resolución del Parlamento Europeo. telesurtv.net El Parlamento venezolano recalcó que esta acción viola y desconoce flagrantemente principios del derecho internacional.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-09). 400 personas fueron desalojadas tras incendio en Rusia. telesurtv.net El incendio comenzó en el tejado de un edificio residencial ubicado cerca del Aeropuerto de Moscú.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-09). Asesinan a líder social de la comunidad LGBTIQ+ en Colombia. telesurtv.net Se trató del asesinato de Aldinebin Ramos, reconocido integrante y uno de los co-fundadores de la Asociación LGBTIQ+ Chaparral Diversa.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-09). Jefe de la ONU advierte que la Unrwa no puede ser reemplazada. telesurtv.net Estados Unidos, Gran Bretaña, Alemania y Japón suspendieron sus donaciones para el programa de la ONU de los refugiados palestinos.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-09). àöltima fecha de infarto para el Preolímpico Venezuela 2024. telesurtv.net Las cuatro selecciones del cuadrangular final se verán las caras el domingo en el Estadio Nacional Brígido Iriarte para jugarse la vida por el pase a los Juegos Olímpicos Brasil 2024.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-09). Ataque con dron israelí deja un civil muerto en Khan Yunis. telesurtv.net Personas de la población civil se encontraban en la parte superior del centro médico Nasser y fueron impactados por disparos de un dron de procedencia israelí.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-09). Brasil: Salvador de Bahía inicia carnaval con desfile de carrozas. telesurtv.net El Carnaval también conocido como el Carnaval de Salvador es considerado uno de los más importantes de Brasil.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-09). Identifican 50 cuerpos de fallecidos por incendios en Chile. telesurtv.net El servicio forense detalló que los cuerpos se han identificado gracias a la colaboración de sus familiares.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2024-02-09). Casi 11.000 ecuatorianos afectados por lluvias de El Niño. telesurtv.net De allí la recomendación al Gobierno nacional de mantener la "Alerta Naranja" decretada a finales de septiembre de 2023.

teleSUR, rzr, MS (2024-02-09). Presidente Gabriel Boric activa fondo nacional para damnificados. telesurtv.net El mandatario destacó que ese fondo fue creado tras el terremoto de febrero de 2010, durante el primer mandato del expresidente Sebastián Piñera.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-09). Designan a Luis Gilberto Murillo como nuevo canciller colombiano. telesurtv.net El embajador Luis Gilberto Murillo es reconocido por su labor en las relaciones diplomáticas entre Colombia y Estados Unidos.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-09). Abren investigación por asesinato de una Concejal ecuatoriana. telesurtv.net La concejal del movimiento Revolución Ciudadana, Diana Carnero fue asesinada a tiros en la ciudad de Naranjal, provincia del Guayas.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-09). TSE Salvadoreño concluirá escrutinio de comicios presidenciales. telesurtv.net Organizaciones y movimientos políticos salvadoreños han denunciado una serie de irregularidades cometidas durante la celebración del proceso comicial.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-09). Al menos 300 mil palestinos están al borde del hambre en Gaza. telesurtv.net El representante de la Unrwa añadió que desde el 23 de enero se han vistos impedidos de entrega ayuda y alimentos en el norte del territorio palestino.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-09). Arranca el celebre carnaval de El Callao en Venezuela. telesurtv.net Los carnavales de El Callao cuentan con características propias, debido a la mezcla de los migrantes que han llegado a la región por la explotación de oro.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-09). Venezuela y Dominicana jugarán la final de la Serie del Caribe. telesurtv.net Los Tigres del Licey aspiran a conseguir su décima segunda Serie del Caribe, por su parte los Tiburones de La Guaira buscará su primer campeonato.

teleSUR- jaa, MS (2024-02-09). Aumentan a 11 los fallecidos por deslave en Filipinas. telesurtv.net El Estado anunció el envío de ayuda a más de 9,500 familias de la región de Maco.

teleSUR- jaa, MS (2024-02-09). Presidentes de China y Rusia realizaron reunión de alto nivel. telesurtv.net El Kremlin a través de su cuenta de Telegram detalló que en el encuentro telefónico, ambos líderes intercambiaron sobre varios temas de la actualidad internacional y sus relaciones mutuas.

teleSUR- jaa, MS (2024-02-09). Revelan secreto de medallas olímpicas de París 2024. telesurtv.net Las medallas fueron presentadas el jueves 8 de febrero en la sede central del Comité Organizador de París 2024.

teleSUR- jaa, MS (2024-02-09). Volcán en Islandia erupciona por tercera vez en menos de un mes. telesurtv.net Según la oficina meteorológica local, un pequeño sismo se sintió en la región de Sýlingarfell.

teleSUR (2024-02-09). Colombian State and Segunda Marquetalia Start Peace Process. telesurenglish.net On Friday, the Colombian government and the "Second Marquetalia," a dissident group of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), announced the beginning of peace negotiations. | RELATED: | "We agree on the need to carry out an orderly, agile, rigorous, and respectful peace process, which provides tranquility and certainty to Colombian society in the genuine commitment to political solution and peacebuilding," says a join…

teleSUR (2024-02-09). Russia Sought Peaceful Solution to Problems in Ukraine: Putin. telesurenglish.net On Thursday night, former FOX host Tucker Carlson published a two-hour interview with President Vladimir Putin in which the Russian leader addressed issues related to the Ukrainian conflict, the expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO), and the explosion of the Nord Stream pipeline. | RELATED: | NATO expansion: | Putin recounted the main moments of NATO's expansion through the countries o…

National Single Payer, Popular Resistance. (2024-02-10). What The US Can Learn From The Cuban Health Care System. popularresistance.org David Ramirez Alvarez is Second Secretary in the Cuban Embassy, representing Cuba's cultural and political forces sectors. He will be presenting an historical and current analysis of the Cuban health care system, how it differs from our profit-driven system, how Cuba provides comprehensive primary and quaternary health services in the face of a decades' long illegal and brutal U.S. blockade and still has better outcomes than ours. Ramirez Alvarez will also address how the training of health care providers and scientists in Cuba is intimately connected to the socialist culture derived from the Cuban Revolution. Is…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-09). Interviene Primer Ministro cubano en evento anual de la COTAL. radiohc.cu La Habana, 9 de feb (RHC) El miembro del Buró Político y primer ministro, Manuel Marrero Cruz, encabeza la delegación cubana que asistirá a la Cumbre Mundial de Gobiernos, que tendrá lugar en Dubái, Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos (EAU).

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-09). Abanderan delegación de Santiago de Cuba a XI Congreso de la FMC. radiohc.cu La Habana, 9 de feb (RHC) La delegación de Santiago de Cuba al XI Congreso de la Federación de Mujeres Cubanas (FMC), a efectuarse el próximo mes de marzo en La Habana, fue abanderada en el Cementerio Patrimonial de Santa Ifigenia.

Last Real Indians. (2024-02-09). Ghost Nation Responds To Governor Kristi Noem: 'She Must Apologize'. popularresistance.org Wanagi Oyate (Ghost Nation) of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation has issued the following statement, condemning South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem's misguided and misinformed rhetoric regarding sacred Lakota practices and allegations of criminal activity. | Chief Bear Cross of Wanagi Oyate (Ghost Nation) expressed his concerns over Noem's statements, saying "The only people on Pine Ridge Reservation affiliated with the name 'Ghost' is Ghost Nation. We are not and have never been associated with violence, drugs, trafficking or the Mexican Cartel. Governor Noem's remarks are damaging and dangerous."

Maria Calvo (2024-02-09). Naufraga Biden en el Senado. radiohc.cu El presidente de Estados Unidos, Joseph Biden, recibió un duro revés cuando el Senado rechazó un acuerdo negociado durante meses por demócratas y republicanos destinado a endurecer las condiciones de los migrantes en la frontera sur, como nunca se había visto antes.

Jeff Abbott (2024-02-09). El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele Easily Wins Second Term. progressive.org Bukele wins in a landslide, even though El Salvador's constitution prohibits the re-election of a president.

Adam Fishbein (2024-02-09). Once the US's "Good Friend" in Honduras; Now on Trial for Drug Trafficking. cepr.net The trial of Juan Orlando Hernández, once the seemingly untouchable and authoritarian president of Honduras, is officially set to begin on February 12 in New York. Hernández, who faces drug-trafficking and weapons charges, was to be tried at the same time as Juan Carlos "El Tigre" Bonilla, formerly the feared head of Honduras's National Police. …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-02-10). South Africa v. Israel: Nicaragua Requests Permission to Intervene in the Proceedings Under Article 62 of the Statute. libya360.wordpress.com The International Court of Justice (ICJ) Nicaragua requests permission to intervene in the proceedings under Article 62 of the ICJ Statute — Application of the Genocide Convention in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel) Case: 192 — Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza…

scorinoco (2024-02-10). Nicaragua Formally Applies to Join ICJ Genocide Case Against 'Israel'. orinocotribune.com The government of Nicaragua has filed a formal application with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to join South Africa in its genocide case against "Israel." | The ICJ announced in a In its fil…

ARG Medios (2024-02-09). Right to abortion in Argentina under attack by government of libertarian Javier Milei. peoplesdispatch.org

Misión Verdad (2024-02-09). Setback for Milei: Argentina Ruling Party's 'Own Goal' Torpedoes Omnibus Law. orinocotribune.com By Misión Verdad — Feb 8, 2024 | The ultra-neoliberal party led by President Javier Milei, La Libertad Avanza (LLA), had to backtrack by The lack of consensus on crucial aspects, such as authorizing the president to make decisions in economic, financial, security, energy tariffs and administrative areas without the need to go through Congress, has been a determining factor in this situation for Milei, whose ambitions…

newarab (2024-02-09). Argentina's President Javier Milei wraps-up Israel visit. newarab.com

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-02-09). Hamas Denounces Argentina's Decision To Move Embassy to Al-Quds. orinocotribune.com The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has strongly denounced Argentina's plan to move his country's embassy to the occupied al-Quds. | In a statement released on Tuesday, Hamas said the move constitutes "an infringement of the rights of our Palestinian people to their land and a violation of the rules of international law considering al-Quds as occupied Palestinian land". | Argentina'sPresident Javier Mileidelighted his Israeli hosts on Tuesday by announcing moves to shift his country's embassy to al-Quds, almost as soon as he touched down in the occupied territories. | Argentina would become one of only a ha…

Redacción Mar del Plata (2024-02-09). Argentina: Life before debt. pressenza.com Jubilee South/Americas expresses solidarity with the people of Argentina: | Jubilee South/Americas expresses its solidarity and support to the people of Argentina, we join the rejection of the economic adjustment, as well as the reforms promoted by the newly elected president Javier Milei. | In Argentina, a process is underway that aims to further deepen the levels of deregulation of capital, dismantle the state, and advance along a line agreed with financial institutions such as the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, among others. | The dismantling of the institutions and role of the state…

Lise Alves (2024-02-10). World Report] Health in Brazil: 1 year of Lula. thelancet.com 12 months after his return to the presidential palace, Brazil's Lula has focused on resurrecting and restrengthening health programmes. Lise Alves reports from Sao Paulo.

Brasil de Fato (2024-02-09). Federal Police investigate Bolsonaro and allies for January 8 coup attempt. peoplesdispatch.org On February 8, Brazil's Federal Police (PF) carried out an operation to officially open the investigation into the involvement of former president Jair Bolsonaro, as well as some of his former ministers and advisers, in a criminal organization that allegedly planned a The country's Federal Police carried o…

tvbrics (2024-02-09). Brazilian authorities to invest US$20 billion in the automotive sector by 2029. tvbrics.com Several new plants will be built due to the investments…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-09). Concluye funeral de Estado al expresidente chileno Sebastián Piñera. radiohc.cu La Habana, 9 de feb (RHC) El funeral en memoria del expresidente chileno Sebastián Piñera concluye hoy con una misa en la Catedral Metropolitana de Santiago y un homenaje en la Plaza de la Constitución del Palacio de La Moneda.

UN Resident Coordinator in Chile (2024-02-09). Chile: Incendios forestales, 2024 Sistema de Naciones Unidas, Reporte de Situación No. 2. reliefweb.int Country: Chile | Source: UN Resident Coordinator in Chile | Please refer to the attached file. | Este reporte es producido por la Oficina de la Coordinadora Residente en Chile con los aportes de las Agencias, Fondos y Programas del Sistema de Naciones Unidas que integran ONU Chile e información oficial del SENAPRED, CONAF y otras entidades gubernamentales., Cubre del 5 al 7 de febrero de 2024 | Descripción de la emergencia y respuesta inicial | Desde el 29 de enero de 2024 una ola de calor extendida por seis regiones del país, Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Metropolitana (donde se encuentra la capital, Santiago de C…

WSWS (2024-02-09). Chile's deadly forest fires, climate change and the need for socialism. wsws.org The worst fire disaster in Chile's history is primarily a consequence of a capitalist-made climate crisis that is with increased frequency devastating populations in every corner of the planet.

Adriaan Alsema (2024-02-09). Colombia's government and FARC's former political chief announce peace talks. colombiareports.com Colombia's government and former FARC commander "Ivan Marquez" of guerrilla group "Segundo Marquetalia" announced formal peace talks. In a joint press statement, Marquez and Peace Commissioner Otty Patiño said they…

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-09). Colombia's exports to Venezuela grew 6.5 percent. plenglish.com According to a press release from the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, of the total in value, 95 percent corresponded to non-mining energy goods, or 640.2 million dollars, for a growth of 6.3 percent compared to 2022. | Through all borders, airports and ports, 370,090 tons were dispatched, a growth of 8.4 percent in volume of goods, the statement added. | Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism Germán Umaña emphasized that we are moving forward in a purposeful and positive way in the process of reestablishing our relationship with Venezuela. | "We have the deepening of the Partial Scope Trade Agree…

Editor (2024-02-10). Much like Prison Visiting Rules, The Use of the Espionage Act is Arbitrary and Punitive. scheerpost.com By Jeffrey Sterling / Progressive Hub In Mid-December 2023, Charles Glass, the esteemed writer, journalist, broadcaster, and publisher visited with Julian Assange, an inmate at Belmarsh Prison in the U.K. Assange has been confined there since April, 2019. He is awaiting his final appeal to quash U.S. efforts to extradite him to face some of …

Kevin Gosztola (2024-02-10). Countdown To Day X: CIA Reportedly Plotted To Kill Assange. thedissenter.org Editor's Note: Ahead of a major hearing before the British High Court of Justice on February 20 and 21, the "Countdown To Day X" series will highlight key aspects of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's request to appeal his extradition to the United States. Extradition should be blocked because the CIA allegedly plotted to kidnap, poison, or kill WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange while he was living under political asylum in the Ecuador embassy in London. | According to Assange's legal team, extradition would undermine his right to life and right to be free from "torture or inhuman or degrading tr…

Andrés Madrid, Andrés Tapia (2024-02-09). Capitalism and drug trafficking in Ecuador: Two sides of the same coin. cadtm.org

scorinoco (2024-02-09). Russia Warns Ecuador About Giving Russian Military Equipment to the US. orinocotribune.com The Russian government warned Ecuador about the negative consequences on bilateral relations if the Ecuadorian government transfers Russian-made military equipment to the United States. If transferred, the equipment would ultimately be sent from the United States to the Ukrainian Armed Forces for use against Russia. | In a press conference on Wednesday, February 7, the spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, stated that the transfer of military equipment "obtained within the framework of bilateral military-technical cooperation to third parties is inadmissible without the prior written cons…

Andrés Madrid, Andrés Tapia (2024-02-10). Capitalism and drug trafficking in Ecuador: Two sides of the same coin. cadtm.org

UN Secretary-General (2024-02-09). South Sudan: Security Council Press Statement on Peacekeeper Deaths in Abyei. reliefweb.int Countries: South Sudan, Sudan | Source: UN Secretary-General | SC/15584, | 8 FEBRUARY 2024 | The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett (Guyana): | The members of the Security Council strongly condemned the reported series of attacks in the Abyei Administrative Area on 27 and 28 January that resulted in the deaths of two peacekeepers — one Ghanaian and one Pakistani — as well as injuries to several other United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) personnel and wider civilian casualties. | The members of the Security C…

Ariadna Eljuri, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-02-10). Venezuela Presents Anti-Blockade Policies To Burkina Faso Delegation. popularresistance.org This Wednesday, Venezuelan vice minister for anti-blockade policy, William Castillo, made a presentation to the visiting delegation from Burkina Faso. Castillo's presentation covered the impact on Venezuela's economy of the illegal coercive measures—euphemistically referred to as "sanctions"—imposed by the US and its vassals and spoke about how Venezuela has overcome them. | In a statement, Castillo wrote that both parties agreed that "the sanctions are part of an illegal and criminal foreign policy and of a model of neocolonialism that uses attacks on the economy as a spearhead for the geopolitical c…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-02-10). Washington Promotes Opposition Candidate Setting the Stage for Delegitimizing the Venezuelan Presidential Election. libya360.wordpress.com Roger D. Harris Image: HFAC Roundtable: "The Fight for Freedom in Venezuela: A Conversation with María Corina Machado" Despite continuous US-led hybrid warfare to overthrow the socialist project, this month marks the 25th anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution. The Venezuelan government of President Nicolás Maduro has successfully forced the US to de facto engage with…

Ociel Ali Lopez (2024-02-10). US Ponders on Venezuela: Repeat the Mistake of 'Guaidó experience' or Consent to Another Candidate? orinocotribune.com By Ociel Alí López — Feb 9, 2024 | The Venezuelan extreme-right politician María Corina Machado, who created the phrase "until the end," has come up with a new mantra: "there can be no elections without me." She has been one of the biggest proponents of voting abstention and foreign intervention. She also supposedly This time she has taken the electoral route, although it seems that…

scorinoco (2024-02-10). Venezuela Condemns US Interference in Internal Affairs (+Fake Attack on Machado). orinocotribune.com The foreign affairs minister of Venezuela, Yván Gil, condemned another attempt by the government of the United States to interfere in the internal affairs of Venezuela, and advised the US under secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Brian A. Nichols, "to distance himself from such position." | "Mr. Nichols not only shows cynicism in speaking of violence from the bloodiest empire ever known, but he is also a great liar who shamelessly reproduces any bullshit from his failed protégés in our country," Minister Gil wrote in a Twitter post. "I advise him to move away from such position and avoid creating a…

Staff (2024-02-10). Venezuela's National Assembly Condemns European Parliament's Interventionist Resolution (+Persona Non Grata). orinocotribune.com Caracas ( In a new example of imperial interference, on Thursday, February 8, the European…

Ana Perdigón (2024-02-09). Diosdado Cabello: Chavismo Ready for Presidential Elections Whenever CNE Chooses. orinocotribune.com The vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, has stated that the party is ready for presidential elections to be held whenever the National Electoral Council (CNE) calls them. | During the broadcast of his television program Con el Mazo Dando this Thursday, February 8, Cabello said that the forces of Chavismo are prepared to take part in the electoral process whenever it is determined and convened by the CNE. "The ones who decide are the CNE, but I'm going to tell you something," he noted, "if the Electoral Power determines that the elections are in March, then we are re…

UOFCHA (2024-02-09). Venezuela: Contactos de Coordinación Humanitaria (Febrero, 2024). reliefweb.int Country: Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs | Please refer to the attached file.

Vijay Prashad (2024-02-09). Dawn is breaking out all over, and the World is waking up: The Sixth Newsletter (2024). mronline.org On 2 February 2024, the people of Venezuela celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-09). Sancionar países por ´terrorismo ª va contra el derecho internacional. radiohc.cu La Habana, 9 de feb (RHC) Expertos de Naciones Unidas se han comunicado con el Gobierno de Estados Unidos para exhortarlo una vez más a revisar su marco nacional, que suscita sanciones específicas contra los Estados designados como patrocinadores del terrorismo, lista en la que está incluida Cuba.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-09). Concluye en Cuba XIV Congreso Internacional de Educación Superior. radiohc.cu La Habana, 9 de feb (RHC) El XIV Congreso Internacional de Educación Superior Universidad 2024 llega hoy a su última jornada, tras cuatro días de intensos debates enfocados en como estimular una enseñanza más pertinente, de calidad y con compromiso social.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-09). Estrechan Cuba y Francia alianzas en el ámbito educativo. radiohc.cu La Habana, 9 de feb (RHC) Representantes de Cuba y Francia abordaron experiencias y oportunidades en la internacionalización de la educación superior en las universidades de la isla, en un taller celebrado en el contexto del XIV Congreso Universidad 2024.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-02-10). Dr. Jemima Pierre: Haiti Doesn't Have a 'Gang' Problem, It Has a US Imperialism Problem. libya360.wordpress.com Haiti doesn't have a 'gang' problem, it has a US imperialism problem, says Dr. Jemima Pierre, Professor of Global Race in the Institute of Race, Gender, Sexuality and Social Justice (GRSJ) at the University of British Columbia and a member of Black Alliance for Peace. Pierre joins hosts Eugene and Rania to discuss the nationwide…

Abayomi Azikiwe, Black Agenda Report. (2024-02-09). Impact Of The Haitian Revolution On Resistance History. popularresistance.org This year represents the 98th anniversary of the launching of "Negro History Week" in 1926, later named Black History Month in 1976, after the federal government issued a proclamation in recognition of the contributions of African American people under the administration of President Gerald R. Ford. | The commemoration was founded by Dr. Carter G. Woodson, a pioneering scholar and public intellectual who founded the Journal of Negro History in 1915 and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History the following year, 1916. | Woodson's origins within the African American working class is a demonstration…

Adam Fishbein (2024-02-09). Haiti News Round-Up No. 12: US Backs De Facto Prime Minister Amid Increasing Protests Calling for His Resignation. cepr.net Around 1 a.m. on February 8, de facto prime minister Ariel Henry addressed the nation, calling for calm and making clear that he would not resign. Henry's remarks came after several weeks of demonstrations calling for the leader to relinquish power, which culminated in large protests in Port-au-Prince and across the country this week. Various …

UOFCHA (2024-02-09). Haiti: Impact of civil unrest on the humanitarian response – Flash Update (7 to 9 February 2024). reliefweb.int Country: Haiti | Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs | Please refer to the attached file. | Highlights | ‚Ä¢ Since the last update on 7 February, the situation across the country has remained volatile, continuing to affect humanitarian operations. Suspension or a slow down of activities have been noted across the country, both from UN agencies, international and national NGOs. | ‚Ä¢ In Gonaives, a handful of cases of looting and arson have been reported, with food storages being targeted. | ‚Ä¢ Humanitarian organisations are concerne…

UOFCHA (2024-02-09). Haiti: Impact des manifestations sur la réponse humanitaire – Flash Update (du 7 au 9 février 2024). reliefweb.int Country: Haiti | Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs | Please refer to the attached file. | Points saillants | ‚Ä¢ Depuis la dernière mise à jour du 7 février, la situation dans le pays est restée volatile et continue d'affecter les opérations humanitaires. Des suspensions ou des ralentissements d'activités ont été constatés dans tout le pays, tant de la part des agences des Nations Unies que des ONG internationales et nationales. | ‚Ä¢ Au GonaàØves, des cas de pillages et d'incendies ont été signalés, des entrepà¥ts de nourriture ont été…

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2024-02-09: News Headlines

Ahmed Abdulkareem (2024-02-09). Yemen's Unending Nightmare: The Hidden Consequences of US and UK Airstrikes. mintpressnews.com MintPress spoke to Yemeni leaders, academics, and ordinary citizens about the effects of the US-led bombing campaign in the country and the prospect of an all-out war amid escalating tension between Western Powers and Ansar Allah.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-02-08). Setbacks in the European Union's steel industry are noted. plenglish.com Brussels, Feb 8 (Prensa Latina) The steel industry of the European Union (EU) continues without seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, although the demand for steel could grow this year by 5.6 percent, the productive organization Eurofer considered today.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-02-08). UN: Israeli escalation in Rafah increases overcrowded population risk. plenglish.com United Nations, Feb 8 (Prensa Latina) The UN Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs, Martin Griffiths, warned today of the escalation of attacks in the governorate of Rafah, Gaza, where half of the enclave's population remains.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-02-08). Zaluzhny is dismissed as head of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. plenglish.com Kiev, Feb 8 (Prensa Latina) The Ukrainian Minister of Defense, Rustem Umerov, confirmed today that it was decided to change the leadership of the country's Armed Forces and thanked General Valeri Zaluzhny for his dedication in that position.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-08). Debates could become mandatory in Dom Rep. plenglish.com Santo Domingo, Feb 8 (Prensa Latina) A Commission of the Central Electoral Board (JCE) at the Dominican Republic Chamber of Deputies reportedly approved a document on a bill that would oblige the candidates for elective posts to participate in debates.

Jordan Atwood (2024-02-08). Breaking the chain: Tlaib's crusade against congressional war profiteering. nationofchange.org This move comes amidst escalating scrutiny over the potential conflicts of interest posed by lawmakers' investments in companies that profit from military engagements.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-02-08). DPRK says the US and the West influence the Middle East. plenglish.com Pyongyang, Feb 8 (Prensa Latina) The Secretary General of the Korea-Arab Association Yang Myong Song affirmed here on Thursday that the situation in the Middle East can only be solved by putting an end to the double standards of both the United States and the West.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-02-08). Ecuadorian authorities open file into Carnero's assassination. plenglish.com Quito, Feb 8 (Prensa Latina)Ecuador's Attorney General's Office opened on Thursday an investigation into the assassination of the councilwoman Diana Carnero, belonging to the Naranjal town, Guayas province, who was a member of the Citizen Revolution Movement (RC) as well.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-02-08). Guatemala's Gov't launches Special Group against Extortions. plenglish.com Guatemala City, Feb 8 (Prensa Latina) Guatemala's President Bernardo Arevalo and Interior Minister Francisco Jimenez launched on Thursday the Special Group Against Extortion (GECE), aimed at cracking down this scourge with serious social aftermaths.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-02-08). Political consensus on energy transition in Uruguay. plenglish.com Montevideo, Feb 8 (Prensa Latina) The energy transition in Uruguay is a subject of consensus among the political forces that dispute the electoral campaign for the October elections, the head of the Ministry of Energy Fitzgerald Cantero granted on Thursday.

Prensa Latina (2024-02-08). France and the anger of the countryside. pressenza.com The impact of inflation, low wages, unfair competition, bureaucracy, income inequality and European environmental standards that they describe as too severe were at the centre of the complaints from the second half of January to the beginning of February, mobilisations that counted on the blocking of motorways with tractors as their main tool, although it was not the only one. | By Waldo Mendiluza | The obstruction on 18 January of the A64 road linking the southern cities of Toulouse and Bayonne (French Basque Country) marked the start of the protests, which escalated to an average of at least 10,000 protesters a…

teleSUR (2024-02-08). Blinken's Latest Mideast Visit Fail to Ease Regional Turmoil. telesurenglish.net At the end of U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's fifth visit to the Middle East since the outbreak of the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict, many in the region are explicit that the U.S. top diplomat has hardly made any progress de-escalating tensions there. | RELATED: | Like its predecessors, the latest visit was marked by lofty rhetoric, but little headway in resolving the Gaza crisis. | WHAT DID BLINKEN DO?

The Independent (2024-02-08). Why Blinken's latest Mideast visit is failing to ease regional turmoil. independent.co.ug CAIRO | Xinhua | At the end of U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's fifth visit to the Middle East since the outbreak of the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict, many in the region are explicit that the U.S. top diplomat has hardly made any progress de-escalating tensions there. Like its predecessors, the latest visit was marked …

Vijay Prashad (2024-02-08). Dawn Is Breaking out All Over, and the World Is Waking Up. dissidentvoice.org Sheroanawe Hakihiiwe (Venezuela), Hema ahu (Spider Web with Dew in the Morning), 2021. On 2 February 2024, the people of Venezuela celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution. On that day in 1999, Hugo Chávez took office as the president of Venezuela and began a process of Latin American integration that — because of …

WSWS (2024-02-08). Philippine president angers Beijing by congratulating Taiwan's president-elect. wsws.org Manila is lining up with US war plans against China hoping to gain access to resources in the South China Sea while also seeking to direct domestic social tensions outwards.

albawaba (2024-02-09). Biden's blunder: President mistakes Egypt for Mexico in press conference. albawaba.com

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-09). Médica Sur marks 10th anniversary as member of Mayo Clinic Care Network. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MEXICO CITY and ROCHESTER, Minn. — Ten years ago, Médica Sur became the first international member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network, a select group of institutions worldwide that have access to Mayo Clinic knowledge, expertise and resources. That relationship became the starting point for a collaboration that has grown over time. After becoming a care network member, Médica Sur began accessing Mayo's expertise so they could provide patients with more of the care they…

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-09). Asesinan a activista de búsqueda de desaparecidos en México. telesurtv.net El presidente de la Comisión Estatal de los Derechos Humanos de Baja California exigió a las autoridades a investigar y esclarecer el asesinato de la activista Angelita León.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-08). México se incorpora a alianza mundial de empresas para refugiados. radiohc.cu Ciudad de México, 8 feb (RHC) México se incorporó este jueves a la Tent Partnership for Refugee, una alianza mundial de empresas cuyo objetivo es integrar económicamente a las personas refugiadas, informó la Secretaía de Relaciones Exteriores en un comunicado.

midwesternmarx (2024-02-08). The American Political System and the 2024 Elections. By: Carlos L. Garrido. midwesternmarx.com A short note before we start.​The paper below was presented on October 23rd, 2023, at the Autonomous University of Mexico City (UACM in Spanish), a school on the outskirts of the capital in one of the poorer regions of the country. I was asked to give an overview of the foundation of the American state, its structure, and my views on the upcoming 2024 elections. It kicked off the Congress on Interculturality, Juridical Pluralism, Human Rights and Critique of Law, hosted by the …

WSWS (2024-02-08). Seeking war funding, Biden embraces far-right anti-immigrant policies. wsws.org In remarks at the White House, the Democratic president said he would put the blame on the Republicans for the supposed "crisis" at the US-Mexico border.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH (2024-02-09). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Son más de 120 días de ataques constantes de las fuerzas de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2024-02-09). Pueblos originarios de Bolivia festejan el Anata Andino en Oruro. telesurtv.net La celebración del Anata Andino se efectúa tradicionalmente dos días previos al sábado de la entrada del carnaval.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-09). Gobierno argentino afectará transporte público por recortes. telesurtv.net La Secretaría de Transporte decidió anular las tarifas que habían sido establecidas por el Gobierno anterior en trenes y ómnibus del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA).

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-09). Indepaz denuncia masacre en Magdalena, Colombia. telesurtv.net El organismo colombiano acotó que una quinta persona habría resultado herida en el hecho.

teleSUR, MER (2024-02-09). AN de Venezuela rechaza resolución del Parlamento Europeo. telesurtv.net El Parlamento venezolano recalcó que esta acción viola y desconoce flagrantemente principios del derecho internacional.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-09). 400 personas fueron desalojadas tras incendio en Rusia. telesurtv.net El incendio comenzó en el tejado de un edificio residencial ubicado cerca del Aeropuerto de Moscú.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-09). Asesinan a líder social de la comunidad LGBTIQ+ en Colombia. telesurtv.net Se trató del asesinato de Aldinebin Ramos, reconocido integrante y uno de los co-fundadores de la Asociación LGBTIQ+ Chaparral Diversa.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-09). Jefe de la ONU advierte que la Unrwa no puede ser reemplazada. telesurtv.net Estados Unidos, Gran Bretaña, Alemania y Japón suspendieron sus donaciones para el programa de la ONU de los refugiados palestinos.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-09). àöltima fecha de infarto para el Preolímpico Venezuela 2024. telesurtv.net Las cuatro selecciones del cuadrangular final se verán las caras el domingo en el Estadio Nacional Brígido Iriarte para jugarse la vida por el pase a los Juegos Olímpicos Brasil 2024.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-09). Ataque con dron israelí deja un civil muerto en Khan Yunis. telesurtv.net Personas de la población civil se encontraban en la parte superior del centro médico Nasser y fueron impactados por disparos de un dron de procedencia israelí.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-09). Brasil: Salvador de Bahía inicia carnaval con desfile de carrozas. telesurtv.net El Carnaval también conocido como el Carnaval de Salvador es considerado uno de los más importantes de Brasil.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-09). Identifican 50 cuerpos de fallecidos por incendios en Chile. telesurtv.net El servicio forense detalló que los cuerpos se han identificado gracias a la colaboración de sus familiares.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2024-02-09). Casi 11.000 ecuatorianos afectados por lluvias de El Niño. telesurtv.net De allí la recomendación al Gobierno nacional de mantener la "Alerta Naranja" decretada a finales de septiembre de 2023.

teleSUR, rzr, MS (2024-02-09). Presidente Gabriel Boric activa fondo nacional para damnificados. telesurtv.net El mandatario destacó que ese fondo fue creado tras el terremoto de febrero de 2010, durante el primer mandato del expresidente Sebastián Piñera.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-09). Designan a Luis Gilberto Murillo como nuevo canciller colombiano. telesurtv.net El embajador Luis Gilberto Murillo es reconocido por su labor en las relaciones diplomáticas entre Colombia y Estados Unidos.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-09). Abren investigación por asesinato de una Concejal ecuatoriana. telesurtv.net La concejal del movimiento Revolución Ciudadana, Diana Carnero fue asesinada a tiros en la ciudad de Naranjal, provincia del Guayas.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-09). TSE Salvadoreño concluirá escrutinio de comicios presidenciales. telesurtv.net Organizaciones y movimientos políticos salvadoreños han denunciado una serie de irregularidades cometidas durante la celebración del proceso comicial.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-09). Al menos 300 mil palestinos están al borde del hambre en Gaza. telesurtv.net El representante de la Unrwa añadió que desde el 23 de enero se han vistos impedidos de entrega ayuda y alimentos en el norte del territorio palestino.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-09). Arranca el celebre carnaval de El Callao en Venezuela. telesurtv.net Los carnavales de El Callao cuentan con características propias, debido a la mezcla de los migrantes que han llegado a la región por la explotación de oro.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-09). Venezuela y Dominicana jugarán la final de la Serie del Caribe. telesurtv.net Los Tigres del Licey aspiran a conseguir su décima segunda Serie del Caribe, por su parte los Tiburones de La Guaira buscará su primer campeonato.

teleSUR- jaa, MS (2024-02-09). Aumentan a 11 los fallecidos por deslave en Filipinas. telesurtv.net El Estado anunció el envío de ayuda a más de 9,500 familias de la región de Maco.

teleSUR- jaa, MS (2024-02-09). Presidentes de China y Rusia realizaron reunión de alto nivel. telesurtv.net El Kremlin a través de su cuenta de Telegram detalló que en el encuentro telefónico, ambos líderes intercambiaron sobre varios temas de la actualidad internacional y sus relaciones mutuas.

teleSUR- jaa, MS (2024-02-09). Revelan secreto de medallas olímpicas de París 2024. telesurtv.net Las medallas fueron presentadas el jueves 8 de febrero en la sede central del Comité Organizador de París 2024.

teleSUR- jaa, MS (2024-02-09). Volcán en Islandia erupciona por tercera vez en menos de un mes. telesurtv.net Según la oficina meteorológica local, un pequeño sismo se sintió en la región de Sýlingarfell.

teleSUR (2024-02-09). Colombian State and Segunda Marquetalia Start Peace Process. telesurenglish.net On Friday, the Colombian government and the "Second Marquetalia," a dissident group of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), announced the beginning of peace negotiations. | RELATED: | "We agree on the need to carry out an orderly, agile, rigorous, and respectful peace process, which provides tranquility and certainty to Colombian society in the genuine commitment to political solution and peacebuilding," says a join…

teleSUR (2024-02-09). Russia Sought Peaceful Solution to Problems in Ukraine: Putin. telesurenglish.net On Thursday night, former FOX host Tucker Carlson published a two-hour interview with President Vladimir Putin in which the Russian leader addressed issues related to the Ukrainian conflict, the expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO), and the explosion of the Nord Stream pipeline. | RELATED: | NATO expansion: | Putin recounted the main moments of NATO's expansion through the countries o…

teleSUR (2024-02-08). Bolton Obstructed US-Venezuela Relations: President Maduro. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro revealed that former Secretary of State John Bolton blocked a meeting with then-President Donald Trump at the United Nations General Assembly in 2018. | RELATED: | "Trump and I almost met. Both of us wanted to see each other, and I was ready to go meet with Trump. However, we received a call announcing that the meeting was postponed, even though the coordination of the encounter was already in place," the…

teleSUR (2024-02-08). Colombian Teachers March in Support of President Petro. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, the Colombian Federation of Education Workers (FECODE) called on citizens to mobilize in support of President Gustavo Petro. | RELATED: | In Bogota, teachers will hold a protest near the Attorney General's Office, an institution that, along with the Supreme Court, is investigating alleged irregularities in the donation of funds for Petro's presidential campaign. | People are rallying under the slogan "

teleSUR (2024-02-08). DR Congo: UN Peacekeeping Chief Urges M23 To Stop Hostilities. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, UN Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix called on the rebellion of the March 23 Movement (M23) for an immediate cessation of hostilities in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). | RELATED: | He made this remark during a press conference following his trip from Feb. 2 to 5 to the eastern part of the country, notably in Goma, Beni and Bukavu, where the security situa…

teleSUR (2024-02-08). DR: Electoral Debates Could Be Mandatory. telesurenglish.net The five congressmen authors of this idea argue that Law 20-23 itself attributes to the JCE the responsibility of promoting the realization of debates on the programs presented by the parties. | More than eight million Dominicans are summoned to the polls this February 18 for the municipal elections. Feb. 8, 2024.

teleSUR (2024-02-08). Drone Strike Pushes Iraq to End US-Led Coalition Mission. telesurenglish.net The U.S. drone strike in Baghdad on Wednesday evening pushed the Iraqi government more than ever to end the mission of the U.S.-led coalition forces. | RELATED: | The drone bombarded a sport utility vehicle of paramilitary Hashd Shaabi Forces in the al-Mashtal neighborhood, killing three people, including Abu Baqir al-Saadi, a commander of Kataib Hezbollah, an Iran-backed armed group in Iraq that has links to Hashd Shaabi Forces. | Yahya Rasoul,…

teleSUR (2024-02-08). Ethiopia: Parliament Approves New Cabinet Members. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, the Ethiopian House of Peoples' Representatives (HoPR), the lower chamber of the parliament, approved the appointment of new cabinet members upon the endorsement of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. | RELATED: | The newly-introduced cabinet members include Temesgen Tiruneh as the East African country's deputy prime minister, replacing the departing veteran Ethiopian politician Demeke Mekonnen, who was the country's d…

teleSUR (2024-02-08). Four Colombians Are Shot to Death in the Magdalena Department. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, the police reported that four Colombians were murdered in Fundacion, a town located at the foothills of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in the Madgalena department. | RELATED: | The massacre occurred on Wednesday night while the victims were chatting on a street and were surprised by two individuals who arrived on a motorcycle and began shooting. | Magdalena Police Commander Colonel Javier Duarte descri…

teleSUR (2024-02-08). Fukushima Leak Exposes Failures in Nuclear Crisis Management. telesurenglish.net In a chilling revelation that sent shockwaves through the world, a new nuclear waste leak has unearthed the gaping crack in Japan's professed claim of responsible handling the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. | RELATED: | The leakage of about 5.5 tons of water containing radioactive materials from the plant also highlights the need for international supervision of Japan's controversial discharge of…

teleSUR (2024-02-08). Gaza Strip: Israel Shells Major Cities. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, the Israeli army shelled the cities of Gaza, Khan Yunis and Rafah as part of its war campaign against the Strip, where dozens of dead and wounded were reported in the last hours. | RELATED: | Fighter jets struck the Gaza neighborhoods of Al-Rimal, Al-Sabra, Tal Al-Hawa and Al-Zaytoun at dawn, causing numerous civilian casualties, the official Wafa news agency reported. | Several squares and public places in the wester…

teleSUR (2024-02-08). Haiti: People Demand Resignation of Prime Minister. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, Haitians went to bed without the satisfaction of seeing Prime Minister Ariel Henry resign, but on Thursday they took to the streets to continue their efforts to force him to hand over power. | RELATED: | The riots have almost paralyzed this capital city, where the demonstrators erected dozens of barricades with tires and set them on fire. | Stores, schools, public and private institutions closed their doors, while traffic was practically…

teleSUR (2024-02-08). Israel Must Be Held Accountable, Sinn Fein Leader Says. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, Sinn Fein party president Mary Lou McDonald called for an immediate and lasting ceasefire in Gaza. | RELATED: | The Irish nationalist leader expressed her concern about the absolute "impunity" with which the Israeli occupation forces are acting in the Palestinian territories. | "We want to make a mention of Palestine. We are very concerned about the continued bombings, we are concerned that Israel contin…

teleSUR (2024-02-08). Mama Antula To Become the First Argentine Saint. telesurenglish.net On Thursday, representatives from the Argentine Church arrived in Rome to participate in the canonization of Maria Antonia de Paz y Figueroa, popularly known as "Mama Antula." She will be canonized on Sunday in a ceremony at St. Peter's Basilica. | RELATED: | Maria Antonia was born in Santiago del Estero in 1730 into a wealthy family that provided her with a good religious education and cultural training. | While she was…

teleSUR (2024-02-08). Milei's Party Presents Bill to Ban Legal Abortion in Argentina. telesurenglish.net On Monday, the "Freedom Advances" party submitted a bill to the Lower Chamber to repeal the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy Law approved on December 30, 2020. | RELATED: | The far-right party's proposal also includes the request that abortion be a criminal offense for both the woman and those who participate in the process. | On Thursday, Manuel Adorni, the spokesperson for the Argentine Presidency, went to the media to cl…

teleSUR (2024-02-08). Venezuela Rejects Threats from ExxonMobil. telesurenglish.net On Wednesday, Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez rejected statements made by ExxonMobil President Alistair Routledge regarding Guyana's alignment with the United States on security matters. | RELATED: | "Venezuela rejects the threatening statements of ExxonMobil's president, Alistair Routledge. This energy multinational not only usurps Guyana's sovereignty but also influences the highest authorities of that country,…

Peoples Dispatch (2024-02-08). Colombian government and ELN agree to extend bilateral ceasefire. peoplesdispatch.org

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-09). Interviene Primer Ministro cubano en evento anual de la COTAL. radiohc.cu La Habana, 9 de feb (RHC) El miembro del Buró Político y primer ministro, Manuel Marrero Cruz, encabeza la delegación cubana que asistirá a la Cumbre Mundial de Gobiernos, que tendrá lugar en Dubái, Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos (EAU).

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-09). Abanderan delegación de Santiago de Cuba a XI Congreso de la FMC. radiohc.cu La Habana, 9 de feb (RHC) La delegación de Santiago de Cuba al XI Congreso de la Federación de Mujeres Cubanas (FMC), a efectuarse el próximo mes de marzo en La Habana, fue abanderada en el Cementerio Patrimonial de Santa Ifigenia.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-08). Visita presidente cubano bioeléctrica de región central del país. radiohc.cu La Habana, 8 feb (RHC) El presidente cubano, Miguel Díaz-Canel, dialogó este jueves con los trabajadores de la bioeléctrica aledaña al central azucarero Ciro Redondo, en Ciego de àÅvila, donde conoció de las principales dificultades que frenan su adecuado funcionamiento.

Last Real Indians. (2024-02-09). Ghost Nation Responds To Governor Kristi Noem: 'She Must Apologize'. popularresistance.org Wanagi Oyate (Ghost Nation) of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation has issued the following statement, condemning South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem's misguided and misinformed rhetoric regarding sacred Lakota practices and allegations of criminal activity. | Chief Bear Cross of Wanagi Oyate (Ghost Nation) expressed his concerns over Noem's statements, saying "The only people on Pine Ridge Reservation affiliated with the name 'Ghost' is Ghost Nation. We are not and have never been associated with violence, drugs, trafficking or the Mexican Cartel. Governor Noem's remarks are damaging and dangerous."

Maria Calvo (2024-02-09). Naufraga Biden en el Senado. radiohc.cu El presidente de Estados Unidos, Joseph Biden, recibió un duro revés cuando el Senado rechazó un acuerdo negociado durante meses por demócratas y republicanos destinado a endurecer las condiciones de los migrantes en la frontera sur, como nunca se había visto antes.

Democracy Now! (2024-02-08). Democracy Now! 2024-02-08 Thursday. democracynow.org Headlines for February 08, 2024; Ex-UNRWA Official: Funding Cuts Make Donor Countries Complicit in Starvation of Gaza; Senegal's "Unraveling": President's Delay of Election Is Latest in String of Anti-Democratic Actions; "Io Capitano": Oscar-Nominated Film Dramatizes Perilous Migrant Journey from West Africa to Europe | Headlines for February 08, 2024; Ex-UNRWA Official: Funding Cuts Make Donor Countries Complicit in Starvation of Gaza; Senegal's "Unraveling": President's Delay of Election Is Latest in String of Anti-Democratic Actions; "Io Capitano&…

Editor (2024-02-08). What They Were Hiding: Increased Solitary Confinement in Immigrant Detention Facilities. scheerpost.com

Sarah Mehta (2024-02-08). Senate Rejects Deal Threatening Protections for Asylum Seekers. aclu.org The Senate voted on Wednesday against a bill that would have been the first major overhaul of asylum and immigration law in a generation — and would have been a disastrous retreat from basic principles of fairness. As our elected leaders continue to debate immigration reforms, they must instead advance humane and sensible solutions that help manage the border without compromising our nation's values and the safety of people fleeing danger. | Although branded as a compromise bipartisan "border security" package, this bill would have been a major rewrite of our nation's long-standing asylum laws. To make m…

Staff (2024-02-08). "Io Capitano": Oscar-Nominated Film Dramatizes Perilous Migrant Journey from West Africa to Europe. democracynow.org The new Oscar-nominated film Io Capitano follows young Senegalese migrants on their journey from West Africa to Europe. "We wanted to … give visual form to a part of the journey that we don't see," says director Matteo Garrone. We are also joined by Mamadou Kouassi, whose journey from the Ivory Coast to Italy inspired the movie. Nearly 200,000 migrants traveled to Europe via the Mediterranean Sea last year. Thousands have died or gone missing during the perilous journey. "We wanted to try to humanize this number," says Garrone. For migrants like Kouassi, who face increasingly xenop…

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-08). Preparan extensa gira de Ballet de Camagàºey por Centroamérica. radiohc.cu San Salvador, 8 feb (RHC) El Teatro Presidente de la capital de El Salvador acogerá al Ballet de Clásico de Cuba que iniciará este mes una gira por Centroamérica, informaron hoy los organizadores.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-02-08). Nicaragua Taking Germany, Canada, UK, Netherlands to ICJ for Genocide. orinocotribune.com Nicaragua issued a memorandum urging Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Canada to stop backing the Israeli occupation and supplying it with arms. | The Nicaraguan government started Monday proceedings to take Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Canada to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for their complicity in the genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza by providing the Israeli occupation with the weapons and means to carry out the horrendous act. | The executive authority in Nicaragua published an official statement in which it revealed that it warned the governments…

newarab (2024-02-09). Argentina's President Javier Milei wraps-up Israel visit. newarab.com

Redacción Mar del Plata (2024-02-09). Argentina: Life before debt. pressenza.com Jubilee South/Americas expresses solidarity with the people of Argentina: | Jubilee South/Americas expresses its solidarity and support to the people of Argentina, we join the rejection of the economic adjustment, as well as the reforms promoted by the newly elected president Javier Milei. | In Argentina, a process is underway that aims to further deepen the levels of deregulation of capital, dismantle the state, and advance along a line agreed with financial institutions such as the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, among others. | The dismantling of the institutions and role of the state…

Staff (2024-02-08). Argentina: Controversial Omnibus Law Returns to Committee Due to Lack of Consensus (+Public Celebrates). orinocotribune.com The Chamber of Deputies of Argentina has returned the controversial omnibus law back to committee, following deputies' approval of six of the articles when the session was adjourned due to the lack of consensus between the ruling party and its allies. | The omnibus law, a set of ultra-neoliberal economic reforms, was sent back for debate this Tuesday, February 6, meaning the project promoted by the government of far-right president Javier Milei will have to be discussed again. | The decision was adopted because the ruling party did not have the votes to approve key articles of the law, such as the privatization o…

Steven Hail (2024-02-08). Using MMT to solve Argentina's economic crisis. independentaustralia.net

Lise Alves (2024-02-10). World Report] Health in Brazil: 1 year of Lula. thelancet.com 12 months after his return to the presidential palace, Brazil's Lula has focused on resurrecting and restrengthening health programmes. Lise Alves reports from Sao Paulo.

tvbrics (2024-02-09). Brazilian authorities to invest US$20 billion in the automotive sector by 2029. tvbrics.com Several new plants will be built due to the investments…

Editor (2024-02-08). MST's Commitment to the Struggle and to the Brazilian People. socialistproject.ca The "We reaffirm the commitment we made forty years [founded January 1984] ago: we will fight until the evils of the latifundio (large land hold…

tvbrics (2024-02-08). Beijing symposium discusses development of BRICS remote sensing satellite constellation. tvbrics.com Experts see great prospects for aerospace co-operation between China and Brazil…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-09). Concluye funeral de Estado al expresidente chileno Sebastián Piñera. radiohc.cu La Habana, 9 de feb (RHC) El funeral en memoria del expresidente chileno Sebastián Piñera concluye hoy con una misa en la Catedral Metropolitana de Santiago y un homenaje en la Plaza de la Constitución del Palacio de La Moneda.

WSWS (2024-02-09). Chile's deadly forest fires, climate change and the need for socialism. wsws.org The worst fire disaster in Chile's history is primarily a consequence of a capitalist-made climate crisis that is with increased frequency devastating populations in every corner of the planet.

Benjamin Zinevich (2024-02-08). Pinochet-apologist and neoliberal pundit: the legacy of Sebastián Piñera. peoplesdispatch.org On Tuesday, February 6, Chilean news outlets reported that former president Sebastián Piñera died in a helicopter crash in Lake Ranco in the Los Ríos region in southern Chile. He was 74 years old. The ex-president was a controversial figure in Chilean politics having led the most severe police crackdown on protests and social movement since the military dictatorship ruled over the country. However, less is widely known about Piñera's own links to the politics and political figures of the Pinochet era Chile. | From Harvard to the World Bank: | Piñera began building his public profile in the 1970s, in the e…

Dan Collyns (2024-02-08). Impact of climate change on Chile's wildfires. america.cgtn.com Hundreds of people are still missing after wildfires destroyed homes in Chile's Valparaiso region. More than 130 people have been killed. Scientists say this would not have happened without climate change.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-09). Colombia's exports to Venezuela grew 6.5 percent. plenglish.com According to a press release from the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, of the total in value, 95 percent corresponded to non-mining energy goods, or 640.2 million dollars, for a growth of 6.3 percent compared to 2022. | Through all borders, airports and ports, 370,090 tons were dispatched, a growth of 8.4 percent in volume of goods, the statement added. | Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism Germán Umaña emphasized that we are moving forward in a purposeful and positive way in the process of reestablishing our relationship with Venezuela. | "We have the deepening of the Partial Scope Trade Agree…

Adriaan Alsema (2024-02-08). Unrest in Bogota after Colombia's Supreme Court fails to pick new chief prosecutor. colombiareports.com Protesters who had been mobilized by President Gustavo Petro blocked entrances of Colombia's Palace of Justice to demand a new chief prosecutor. The unrest in the capital broke out after…

Andrés Madrid, Andrés Tapia (2024-02-09). Capitalism and drug trafficking in Ecuador: Two sides of the same coin. cadtm.org

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-08). Consulta popular y referendo en Ecuador serían a finales de abril. radiohc.cu Quito, 8 feb (RHC) El Consejo Nacional Electoral de Ecuador detalló este jueves que la consulta popular y el referendo en esta nación sudamericana podrían realizarse a finales del próximo mes de abril.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-08). Fiscalía inicia investigación por asesinato de concejal en Ecuador. radiohc.cu Quito, 8 feb (RHC) La Fiscalía General de Ecuador inició este jueves una investigación por el asesinato de la concejal de la localidad Naranjal, provincia de Guayas, Diana Carnero, quien era miembro del movimiento Revolución Ciudadana -RC.

W. T. Whitney Jr. (2024-02-08). A 'war on drugs' in Ecuador is the cover for U.S. intervention. peoplesworld.org Joined by other U.S. officials, Laura Richardson, commander of the U.S. Army's Southern Command, was in Ecuador from January 22 to 25. She was conferring with President Daniel Noboa—recently elected and very wealthy—and other government leaders about U.S. military assistance. Richardson mentioned to reporters an "investment portfolio…worth $93.4 million, including not only military equipment…[but also] …

W. T. Whitney Jr. (2024-02-08). Una 'guerra contra las drogas' en Ecuador es la fachada de la intervención de EE.UU. peoplesworld.org Acompañada de otros funcionarios estadounidenses, Laura Richardson, comandante del Comando Sur del Ejército de Estados Unidos, estuvo en Ecuador del 22 al 25 de enero. Estaba conferenciando con el presidente Daniel Noboa —recientemente electo y muy rico— y otros líderes gubernamentales sobre la asistencia militar estadounidense. Richardson mencionó a los periodistas una "cartera de inversiones… …

Ariadna Eljuri (2024-02-08). ExxonMobil Threatens Trespassing Venezuela's Territorial Waters, Vice President and Defense Minister Respond. orinocotribune.com The vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, has condemned the recent statements of the president of ExxonMobil, Alistair Routledge, who confirmed that the oil conglomerate will continue their operations in Guyana, even in waters yet to be delimited, including the disputed Essequibo territory. | The vice president said that these statements "violate the Argyle Agreements and international legality," and emphasized that "Venezuela will not rest in its defense of the Essequibo territory and will assert its rights in any circumstances that may arise," issuing her condemnation via social media this Wednesday, Fe…

Richard S. Dunn (2024-02-08). Guyana Is Being Used As A "Pawn" Against Venezuela. covertactionmagazine.com The current border impasse between Guyana and Venezuela is yet another example of United States imperialism's design to expand and usurp countries' natural resources around the world and reinforce its geopolitical agenda. The hegemonic stranglehold of the United States and its multinationals are challenged by China and Russia mainly, with Saudi Arabia following as "runner …

Martha Ríos (2024-02-08). Expresidente de Perú denuncia que fue víctima de un golpe de Estado. radiohc.cu La Habana, 8 feb (RHC) El expresidente de Perú, Pedro Castillo se declaró víctima de un golpe de Estado "lento y multidimensional" y de la vulneración de sus derechos humanos, en una carta al secretario general de las Naciones Unidas difundida este jueves en Lima.

Staff (2024-02-08). Venezuela & Burkina Faso Sign 20 Cooperation Agreements. orinocotribune.com During the visit to Caracas by a delegation from Burkina Faso headed by Foreign Minister Jean-Marie Traoré, 20 agreements were signed in various sectors. The first Joint Commission between the two nations saw them forge partnerships in aeronautics, agriculture, civil protection, culture, sports, oil, education, university education, science, and technology. | Cooperation ties were strengthened in various strategic areas for the development of both nations, stated Venezuela's Minister for Foreign Affairs Yván Gil during the signing ceremony held this Wednesday, February 7, at the Casa Amarilla, headquarters of the…

Staff (2024-02-08). Venezuela Presents Anti-Blockade Policies to Burkina Faso Delegation. orinocotribune.com This Wednesday, Venezuelan vice minister for anti-blockade policy, William Castillo, made a presentation to the visiting delegation from Burkina Faso. Castillo's presentation covered the impact on Venezuela's economy of the illegal coercive measures—euphemistically referred to as "sanctions"—imposed by the US and its vassals and spoke about how Venezuela has overcome them. | In a statement, Castillo wrote that both parties agreed that "the sanctions are part of an illegal and criminal foreign policy and of a model of neocolonialism that uses attacks on the economy as a spearhead for the geopolitical c…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-09). Sancionar países por ´terrorismo ª va contra el derecho internacional. radiohc.cu La Habana, 9 de feb (RHC) Expertos de Naciones Unidas se han comunicado con el Gobierno de Estados Unidos para exhortarlo una vez más a revisar su marco nacional, que suscita sanciones específicas contra los Estados designados como patrocinadores del terrorismo, lista en la que está incluida Cuba.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-09). Concluye en Cuba XIV Congreso Internacional de Educación Superior. radiohc.cu La Habana, 9 de feb (RHC) El XIV Congreso Internacional de Educación Superior Universidad 2024 llega hoy a su última jornada, tras cuatro días de intensos debates enfocados en como estimular una enseñanza más pertinente, de calidad y con compromiso social.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-09). Estrechan Cuba y Francia alianzas en el ámbito educativo. radiohc.cu La Habana, 9 de feb (RHC) Representantes de Cuba y Francia abordaron experiencias y oportunidades en la internacionalización de la educación superior en las universidades de la isla, en un taller celebrado en el contexto del XIV Congreso Universidad 2024.

Martha Ríos (2024-02-08). No solo teoría en Universidad 2024 (+Podcast). radiohc.cu La Habana, 8 feb (RHC) Más que un asunto para jornadas teóricas en el XIV Congreso internacional de Educación Superior, el tema de la Universidades y su necesaria contribución al desarrollo es también parte de la experiencia práctica que muestra Cuba en esa cita.

Abayomi Azikiwe, Black Agenda Report. (2024-02-09). Impact Of The Haitian Revolution On Resistance History. popularresistance.org This year represents the 98th anniversary of the launching of "Negro History Week" in 1926, later named Black History Month in 1976, after the federal government issued a proclamation in recognition of the contributions of African American people under the administration of President Gerald R. Ford. | The commemoration was founded by Dr. Carter G. Woodson, a pioneering scholar and public intellectual who founded the Journal of Negro History in 1915 and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History the following year, 1916. | Woodson's origins within the African American working class is a demonstration…

Ryan Cristián (2024-02-08). Haiti Fights To End Western Exploitation, Congo Continues To Be Manipulated & Israel Defeated Itself. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/8/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

UN Children's Fund (2024-02-08). UNICEF urges all parties to safeguard children amid latest unrest in Haiti. reliefweb.int Country: Haiti | Source: UN Children's Fund | Statement attributable to Bruno Maes, UNICEF Representative in Haiti | PORT-AU-PRINCE, 8 February 2024 — UNICEF is deeply concerned by recent reports highlighting the violence faced and witnessed by children during the current socio-political events in Haiti. We urge all stakeholders to ensure that children are protected, regardless of their situation. | Protecting children should be the priority. UNICEF calls on everyone to protect children and take all necessary measures to prevent their exposure to violent events, which could jeopardize their safety and li…

2024-02-09 19:25:03 | 19:25 EST | by | 106 | 0 | 59 | 45 | 1