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2024-03-11: News Headlines

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-03-11). México: Nuestros cuerpos y territorios no son mercancía!

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-03-11). Argentina: Declaración feminista 8 Marzo 2024.

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-03-11). Palestina y los bienes comunes: la Musha'a.

albawaba (2024-03-11). Is Maher Assad in Russia for treatment after Israeli airstrike?>. ALBAWABA – Maher Assad, brother of Syrian President Bashar Assad, was reportedly transferred to Russia for treatment after allegedly being targeted and injured in an Israeli strike in Damascus, Syria.Lebanese website Lebanon Debate reported on Sunday that news circulating the injury of Maher Assad, a Syrian general and commander of the Syrian Army's elite 4th Armoured Divisio, in an Israeli strike is "true".No official Syrian reports were made to clarify or deny the injury of Syrian commander Maher Assad in an Israeli strike and that he is now in Russia to get medical treatment.ÿߟÑÿ&n…

Azad Essa (2024-03-11). New Jersey real estate fair marketing land in occupied West Bank draws charged protests. New Jersey real estate fair marketing land in occupied West Bank draws charged protests | The event held by an Israeli firm outside a synagogue descended into scuffles as protesters accused organisers of violating international law | | Several hundred protest outside a synagogue in Teaneck, New Jer…

teleSUR (2024-03-10). Haiti: Education of Resilience. The increase in the number of schools that do not comply with the Ministry of Education's operating standards has hindered the work of professionals who, since the end of the last century, have been striving to provide young people with a comprehensive education. | Haiti is the poorest country in Latin America and the Caribbean, with almost 77% of its citizens living on less than $2 a day. Mar. 10, 2024.

David Bacon (2024-03-11). A New Life for Mexico's Oldest Union. Humberto Montes de Oca is the Secretary for Internal Relations of the Mexican Union of Electrical Workers (SME). He was originally a working-class art student who became active in the left-wing political movements of the period of Mexico's Dirty War (1970s to early 1980s). He joined the SME as a political act to become part

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-10). Presidente argentino deroga decreto que aumentaba su salario. Milei responsabilizó a la expresidenta Cristina Kirchner del incremento del 48% de su salario, pero varios políticos señalaron que la medida lleva su firma.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-10). Asciende a 31.045 cifra de palestinos asesinados en Gaza por Israel. Un total de 85 palestinos murieron en ocho masacres perpetradas por las fuerzas de ocupación israelíes durante las últimas 24 horas en la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-10). Suman 21 los muertos tras inundaciones en el oeste de Indonesia. Días de lluvias torrenciales provocaron inundaciones repentinas y un deslizamiento de tierra en la isla indonesia de Sumatra.

teleSUR, JGN, JCM (2024-03-10). Avanzan con normalidad elecciones parlamentarias en Portugal. Los centros electorales de esta nación europea comenzaron sus actividades a las 08H0 hora local (misma hora GMT) y cerrarán a las 19H00 horas.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-03-10). Critican a presidente Milei por aumentarse el sueldo un 48%. La diputada peronista Victoria Tolosa Paz fue quien difundió el decreto 206/24, firmado por Milei y su jefe de gabinete, Nicolás Posse, el pasado 29 de febrero.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-03-10). Nicaragua expresa solidaridad con Zimbabue ante agresión de EE.UU. El Gobierno nicaragüense reiteró que "condena enérgicamente la continuidad de la política agresiva, injerencista e intervencionista de los Estados Unidos".

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-10). Presuntos delincuentes abatidos durante ataque a Palacio Nacional en Haití. La tensión y la violencia en la capital han incrementado considerablemente desde que se anunciara el compromiso del primer ministro de celebrar elecciones para 2025.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-10). Hamás llama a detener asedio israelí y proteger mezquita de Al-Aqsa. El dirigente de Hamas también exhortó a intensificar los esfuerzos para responsabilizar a Israel, exponer sus crímenes y aislarlo políticamente.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-10). Médicos palestinos denuncian un ataque israelí contra una multitud. Israel ha admitido que sus militares abrieron fuego contra grupos que identificó como "alborotadores" que representaban una amenaza para los soldados.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-11). Agricultores europeos protestan contra política agraria de la UE. Los agricultores de toda la Unión Europea han estado pidiendo cambios en las restricciones que les impone el plan del Acuerdo Verde del bloque para abordar el cambio climático.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-11). Asesinan a otro firmante de la paz en Colombia. La Defensoría del Pueblo ya había emitido una alerta temprana que incluía al municipio de Docello, por el riesgo al que se encontraban expuestos varios sectores de la población.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-11). Palestinos inician el Ramadán en medio de genocidio sionista. En las ruinas de la propia Gaza, donde la mitad de los 2.3 millones de habitantes están hacinados en la ciudad sureña de Rafah se espera el Ramadán.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-11). Reportan empate técnico durante comicios generales en Portugal. Unos 10.8 millones de votantes estaban llamados a las urnas este domingo en Portugal.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-11). Rusia dice haber avanzado en tres sectores del frente ucraniano. Asimismo, Rusia lanzó nuevamente anoche un ataque masivo con drones con un total de 39 de esos aparatos.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-03-11). Conoce las obras más icónicas del pintor Oswaldo Guayasamín. La mayor parte de la obra de Oswaldo Guayasamín está transversalisada por la temática de la vida del indígena, el negro y mestizo en el continente.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN, JDO (2024-03-11). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. Suman cinco meses de ataques constantes de las fuerzas sionistas contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania, en medio de la parálisis de la ONU y el apoyo occidental al genocidio.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-11). Presidente argentino deroga decreto que aumentaba su salario. Milei responsabilizó a la expresidenta Cristina Kirchner del incremento del 48% de su salario, pero varios políticos señalaron que la medida lleva su firma.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-11). Asciende a 31.045 cifra de palestinos asesinados en Gaza por Israel. Un total de 85 palestinos murieron en ocho masacres perpetradas por las fuerzas de ocupación israelíes durante las últimas 24 horas en la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-11). Suman 21 los muertos tras inundaciones en el oeste de Indonesia. Días de lluvias torrenciales provocaron inundaciones repentinas y un deslizamiento de tierra en la isla indonesia de Sumatra.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-11). Más de 200 desplazados por combates al sur de Cauca, Colombia. Los combates han ocurrido en áreas rurales del municipio de Balboa, concretamente en las veredas 81, La Zulia, Cruce de Guadalito y Cerro Blandito.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-11). Reportan tres muertos tras tiroteo en Arkansas, EE.UU. Cinco personas resultaron heridas durante un tiroteo ocurrido en la madrugada de este domingo durante una fiesta en el centro de la ciudad de Jonesboro.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-11). Sánchez propondrá a Parlamento español reconocer el Estado palestino. Aseguró que lo hará en la actual legislatura. Consideró que es la única manera que convivan en paz dos Estados, Palestina e Israel.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-11). Papa Francisco llama a la paz y la reconciliación en Haití. El obispo de Roma expresó este domingo que sigue con preocupación y dolor la grave crisis que afecta a Haití y los violentos episodios de los últimos días.

teleSUR, JGN, JCM (2024-03-11). Avanzan con normalidad elecciones parlamentarias en Portugal. Los centros electorales de esta nación europea comenzaron sus actividades a las 08H0 hora local (misma hora GMT) y cerrarán a las 19H00 horas.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-03-11). Conservadores portugueses ganan elecciones parlamentarias anticipadas. Tras la finalización del escrutinio de los votos emitidos, la AD recibió el 29.49 por ciento de los sufragios, con lo que tendrá 79 de los 230 escaños.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-03-11). Critican a presidente Milei por aumentarse el sueldo un 48%. La diputada peronista Victoria Tolosa Paz fue quien difundió el decreto 206/24, firmado por Milei y su jefe de gabinete, Nicolás Posse, el pasado 29 de febrero.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-03-11). Nicaragua expresa solidaridad con Zimbabue ante agresión de EE.UU. El Gobierno nicaragüense reiteró que "condena enérgicamente la continuidad de la política agresiva, injerencista e intervencionista de los Estados Unidos".

teleSUR, JGN (2024-03-11). Palestina recibe muestras de solidaridad en marco de los Oscar. En las horas previas al evento, decenas de personas marcharon en las calles cercanas al Teatro Dolby para pedir un cese al fuego por parte de Israel.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-03-11). Película Oppenheimer es la ganadora de la ceremonia de los Oscar. Oppenheimer se llevó siete estatuillas, entre ellas la de mejor película, mejor dirección y mejor actor principal.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-11). Naciones Unidas alerta sobre multiplicación del hambre en Gaza. Según declaraciones del experto de las Naciones Unidas, Michael Fakhri, Israel destruyó el sistema alimentario en Gaza.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-11). Presuntos delincuentes abatidos durante ataque a Palacio Nacional en Haití. La tensión y la violencia en la capital han incrementado considerablemente desde que se anunciara el compromiso del primer ministro de celebrar elecciones para 2025.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-11). Reportan al menos 15.000 desplazados por la violencia en Haití. Branchat dijo que las personas que huyen no pueden llegar a sus familiares y amigos en otras partes del país para encontrar refugio.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-11). Hamás llama a detener asedio israelí y proteger mezquita de Al-Aqsa. El dirigente de Hamas también exhortó a intensificar los esfuerzos para responsabilizar a Israel, exponer sus crímenes y aislarlo políticamente.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-11). Médicos palestinos denuncian un ataque israelí contra una multitud. Israel ha admitido que sus militares abrieron fuego contra grupos que identificó como "alborotadores" que representaban una amenaza para los soldados.

teleSUR (2024-03-10). Cuban Ozonated Soaps: Another Achievement of Science in Cuba.

teleSUR (2024-03-10). Four Dead And Other Four Still Missing by Storm in France. The French authorities raised the number of dead by the storm to four this Sunday, after two dead bodies were discovered inside a vehicle in Goudargues, where they look for two women reported missing since this morning. | RELATED: | Rescue teams are still searching for the remaining four missing persons, all in the south-east of the country, in the departments of Gard and Ardèche. in the Dions area: two minors, aged 4…

teleSUR (2024-03-10). Javier Milei Repeals Decree Increasing Presidential Salary. The government of the Argentinian President Javier Milei repealed a strongly criticised decree that seeks to incresing his and Senators salary, official sources reported late this Saturday. | RELATED: | "The increases to the hierarchical staff of the National Public Administration, including president, vice president, ministers and secretaries, are annulled," said the communiqué published by the Office of the President…

teleSUR (2024-03-10). Parliamentary Elections in Portugal With 51.96% Turnout. Portuguese citizens go to the polls this Sunday to elect the 230 deputies of the Assembly of the Republic, which in turn, will elect the Prime Minister, in a day that has developed normally. | RELATED: | Main candidates in Sunday's legislative elections in Portugal are Luís Montenegro, the head of the centre-right opposition, Pedro Nuno Santos, the new leader of the Socialist Party, and André Ventura, the founde…

teleSUR (2024-03-10). Right-Wing Wins Portugal's Elections. With 95,04% of the votes counted, the conservative coalition Democratic Alliance (AD, center-right) leads with 30,8% of the votes this Sunday's legislative elections in Portugal, which defines it as a clear winner. | RELATED: | In second place is positioned with 28,5% the Socialist Party (PS), led by Nuno Santos, and as third force appears the André Ventura's ultra-right party Chega ("Enough"), with 19.23% of the support, accor…

teleSUR (2024-03-10). Venezuela Joins in "Deep Prayer" for Palestine at Ramadan Month. A released statement by the Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gil, expresses the joy and congratulations to the entire Muslim community for the beginning of the Ramadan, the holy month for Muslim people this Sunday, March 10. | RELATED: | "Venezuela joins in the hope of a holy Ramadan, standing in solidarity, in a special way and in deep prayer, with the Palestinian People, so that the Gracious and Merciful God covers them with abunda…

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-03-11). Confirman 25 muertes por desnutrición y deshidratación en Gaza bajo asedio israelí. Una niña de dos meses falleció en el Hospital Kamal Adwan y una mujer de 20 años en el Complejo Médico al Shifa.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-03-11). Delcy Rodríguez rechaza supuesta deflación en Venezuela. Rodríguez apuntó que la inflación en febrero, como lo informó el Banco Central de Venezuela, fue de 1,22 por ciento.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-11). Piden alto el fuego temporal en Sudán durante mes de Ramadán. Instan al Ejército sudanés y al grupo paramilitar Fuerzas de Apoyo Rápido a cesar los combates para permitir la llegada de ayuda humanitaria y evitar una hambruna.

Staff (2024-03-11). US Intelligence Operation Against Cuban Finances Unveiled. The US intelligence community is carrying out a strategy to distort Cuban finances, as part of the US economic war against the Caribbean nation. | Recently leaked information shows a series of maneuvers carried out to induce inflation within the Cuban market. The strategy is divided into four stages: shortages, induced inflation, supply boycott, and financial blockade. | In the first stage, they limit to the maximum the entry of foreign currency into the country, fundamentally dollars. The restrictive measures of the blockade make it difficult for the Cuban government to use this currency, which hinders the Cuban…

Martha Ríos (2024-03-11). Raúl Castro Ruz, líder del Segundo Frente Oriental Frank País. La Habana, 11 marzo (RHC) El líder de la Revolución cubana, Raúl Castro Ruz organizó y dirigió, hace 66 años, el Segundo Frente Oriental 'Frank País', por orientaciones del Comandante en Jefe, Fidel Castro Ruz (1926-2016).

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-11). Rumba de alta factura, así se comportó la Fiesta cubana del Tambor. La Habana, 11 mar (RHC) Con la gala de clausura en el teatro América, de esta capital, concluyó la edición XXI de la Fiesta del Tambor en la cual confluyeron los mejores exponentes de la rumba y sus variantes cubanas.

infobrics (2024-03-11). Expansion of BRICS, Geopolitical Implications and Prospect for Bangladesh. The recent BRICS 15th summit held in Johannesburg, has garnered more attention compared to previous gatherings. The focal point of this summit was the announcement of new member nations. Notably, six countries—namely, Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and UAE got invitation to join this influential economic coalition…

tvbrics (2024-03-11). Lula da Silva: Brazil experiences golden moment in economy. The Brazilian president made an announcement on investment in the Brazilian economy…

albawaba (2024-03-11). Did Dani Alves commit suicide in jail?>. ALBAWABA – Activists online allegedly reported that former Brazilian football player Dani Alves had committed suicide in jail.In February, a Spanish court sentenced the famous player Dani Alves to four years and a half in jail for rape. The star, who is a former Barcelona player, was found guilty of nightclub sexual assault and was sentenced to four years and six months in jail.Alves, 40, was accused of sexually assaulting a woman in the early hours of Dec. 31, 2022. However, the player denied the accusations.The Barcelona Court after reviewing the case sentenced Dani Alves to four and a half years in prison for…

infobrics (2024-03-11). Russia-Brazil Relations Bolster BRICS Influence, Eye Future Economic Growth. Explore the outcomes of the recent Russia-Brazil Commission meeting, focusing on strengthening bilateral and multilateral relations, enhancing government and business contacts, and its implications for BRICS and global economic dynamics…

tvbrics (2024-03-11). The date of elections is set in Venezuela. It was announced by the National Electoral Council…

Andreína Chávez Alava (2024-03-11). US sanctions are killing Venezuelans. Andreína Chávez Alava writes that while it is not possible to fully grasp the damage caused by United States sanctions against the Venezuelan people, all the evidence points to one simple truth: sanctions kill and will continue to do so.

Staff (2024-03-11). CNE Announces Permanent Electoral Registration Access Points For Upcoming Presidential Elections. The Venezuelan National Electoral Council (CNE) announced the locations of permanent access points available throughout the country for registration and/or updating in the Electoral Registry, amid the presidential election scheduled for July 28, 2024. | The information was released by the Venezuelan electoral authority through a post published on its official account on

albawaba (2024-03-11). EU evacuates all diplomatic personnel from Haiti. ALBAWABA – European Commission (EU) spokesman Peter Stano stated that all diplomatic personnel stationed in Haiti have been evacuated because of "the dramatic deterioration of the security situation"."Currently we have removed and moved, evacuated all the EU staff from Haiti," Stano stated. "We are, of course, assessing the situation and will be adjusting the ways how we operate as the situation, as the security situation develops," he added.The EU statement comes as a number of diplomatic missions begin to evacuate workers from Haiti, as gang violence in the Caribbean nation's capital, Port-au-Prince, escalates.

Amy Goodman (2024-03-11). The World Is Participating in the Occupation of Haiti Unwittingly, Scholar Says. Caribbean leaders are holding an emergency meeting in Jamaica today to discuss the crisis in Haiti, where armed groups are calling for the resignation of unelected Prime Minister Ariel Henry. Haiti is under a state of emergency, with tens of thousands displaced amid the fighting, and United Nations officials warn the country's health system is nearing collapse. Ariel Henry was appointed prime… |

infobrics (2024-03-11). Missiles near Russia, F-35s with thermonuclear bombs… Is NATO ready for war?>. The possibility of large-scale NATO deployment in Finland and the Baltic states gives the US premier strike capabilities, far greater than Russia ever had in Cuba 60 years ago. What's more, both high-ranking officials in Moscow and independent experts regularly warn about the development of new thermonuclear weapons in America, including the so-called "nuclear super-fuse" technology that the US has been testing for decades.

Martha Ríos (2024-03-11). Presidente de Cuba destaca desempeño de trabajadores de recursos hidráulicos. La Habana, 10 mar (RHC) El primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel calificó al Instituto Nacional de Recursos Hidráulicos (INRH) como un organismo que trabaja fuerte para garantizar uno de los servicios vitales a la población.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-11). Concluido el pozo petrolero de mayor longitud horizontal en Cuba. La Habana, 11 mar (RHC) La Unión Cuba Petróleo (Cupet) y la empresa china Gran Muralla ejecutaron, en 546 días, el pozo Varadero 1012, entre los horizontales, el más largo ahora, con 8 047 metros de longitud.

María Candela (2024-03-11). Cuba y Egipto abren caminos. La cooperación entre Cuba y Egipto en la salud abre nuevos horizontes a las relaciones en términos generales.

María Candela (2024-03-11). Presidente del Parlamento de Cuba en Sancti Spíritus: " øQué más hacer por el ser humano que atenderlo bien?" (+Fotos). " øQué más hacer por el ser humano que atenderlo bien?", manifestó el miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido, Esteban Lazo Hernández, presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular, durante la reapertura el sábado de la Sala de Hemodiálisis, del Hospital Provincial General Camilo Cienfuegos, de Sancti Spíritus.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-11). Saluda Cuba inicio del mes del Ramadán. La Habana, 11 mar (RHC) El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, expresó hoy fraternales deseos y felicitaciones a los musulmanes de su país y del mundo, a propósito del inicio del mes sagrado del Ramadán.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-03-11). Alejandro Claro peleará por boleto en Preolímpico de Boxeo. La Habana, 11 mar (JIT).- Victoria de Alejandro Claro y revés de Jorge Cuéllar dejaron un sabor agridulce para Cuba en la jornada dominical del Torneo Preolímpico de Boxeo de Busto Arzizio, Italia.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-03-11). Cinco invictos en inicio de Serie Nacional de Beisbol. La Habana, 11 mar (PL).- Cinco barridas y nada menos que 126 carreras anotadas en ocho juegos signaron la jornada dominical en la 63 Serie Nacional de Beisbol.

albawaba (2024-03-11). Video of Haitian 'cannibal' gang eating human body parts goes viral. ALBAWABA – A video has gone viral in the last couple of hours on the X platform (formerly Twitter) showing members of a Haitian gang eating human body parts in footage that took the internet by storm. The video went viral in a short time and emerged along with the unrest in Haiti which started in March 2024, after armed gangs stormed the two largest prisons in Haiti, releasing 3,700 inmates. Following the prison incident, the gangs called on Prime Minister Ariel Henry to resign.A disturbing video then emerged online showing members of the Haitian 'cannibal' gang on camera eating human body parts after setting the…

Democracy Now! (2024-03-11). Democracy Now! 2024-03-11 Monday. Headlines for March 11, 2024; "Empire's Laboratory": How 2004 U.S.-Backed Coup Destabilized Haiti & Led to Current Crisis; Guilty: U.S.-Backed Former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández Convicted of Drug Trafficking; "The Trauma Is Immeasurable": Palestinian Writer Susan Abulhawa on Israeli Violence in Gaza | Headlines for March 11, 2024; "Empire's Laboratory": How 2004 U.S.-Backed Coup Destabilized Haiti & Led to Current Crisis; Guilty: U.S.-Backed Former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández Convicted of Drug Trafficking; "The Trauma Is Immeasurable&…

Justin Pearson (2024-03-11). Cities Are Quietly Waging War on Marginalized Food Truck and Street Vendors. Married business partners Theslet Benoir and Clemene Bastien immigrated from Haiti and settled in Parksley, Virginia, in 2005. They followed the law when they opened a brick-and-mortar store and expanded with the town's first food truck in June 2023. Local officials should have celebrated the couple's entrepreneurial spirit. Instead, they punished it: A Town Council member came to the restaurant… |

Agence France-Presse (2024-03-11). Haiti crisis: US embassy staff, German ambassador evacuated as gang violence spirals. The US operation was the latest sign of Haiti's troubles as gang violence threatens to bring down the government.

2024-03-11 19:20:44 | 19:20 EST | tr | 76 | 4 | 33 | 60 | 0 

2024-03-10: News Headlines

albawaba (2024-03-10). Is Maher Assad in Russia for treatment after Israeli airstrike?>. ALBAWABA – Maher Assad, brother of Syrian President Bashar Assad, was reportedly transferred to Russia for treatment after allegedly being targeted and injured in an Israeli strike in Damascus, Syria.Lebanese website Lebanon Debate reported on Sunday that news circulating the injury of Maher Assad, a Syrian general and commander of the Syrian Army's elite 4th Armoured Divisio, in an Israeli strike is "true".No official Syrian reports were made to clarify or deny the injury of Syrian commander Maher Assad in an Israeli strike and that he is now in Russia to get medical treatment.ÿߟÑÿ&n…

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-03-10). This Is What Our Ruling Class Has Decided Will Be Normal. US airman Aaron Bushnell said the words "This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal" before self-immolating in protest of the genocide in Gaza.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-03-10). Russia destroys Patriot systems supplied to Ukraine. Moscow, Mar 10 (Prensa Latina) Two Patriot air defense systems in service with the Ukrainian Armed Forces were destroyed near Pokrovsk, in the Donetsk region, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-03-10). Allende's grandson calls for enhancing solidarity with Gazans. Santiago de Chile, Mar 10 (Prensa Latina) The late Chilean President Salvador Allende's grandson Pablo Sepulveda Allende called on Monday to enhance solidarity with Gazans so that humanity raise awareness of the ongoing genocide committed by Israel against the Palestinian population.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-03-10). AU's Peace and Security Council worried over insecurity in DRC. Kinshasa, Mar 10 (Prensa Latina) African Union (AU)'s Peace and Security Council (PSC) is worried over the insecurity situation in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Radio Okapi reported on Sunday.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-03-10). Brazil records 19,700 dengue cases per day. Brasilia, Mar 10 (Prensa Latina) Brazil recorded an average of 19,700 dengue cases per day from January 1 to March 8, and in that period the nation counted up 1.3 million dengue patients, local press revealed on Sunday.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-03-10). Dominican Gov't speeds up delivery of works before March 20. Santo Domingo, Mar 10 (Prensa Latina) The Dominican Government is speeding up the opening of social works on Sunday, just 10 days previous to the entry into force of article 210 of the electoral regime, which prohibits such acts led by President Luis Abinader.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-03-10). Mexico to face heat wave reaching up to 45 degrees Celsius. Mexico City, Mar 10 (Prensa Latina) Mexico will be facing an intense heat wave reaching up to 45 degrees Celsius in six states, and very likely to have over 32 degrees Celsius across the rest of the territory, the National Water Commission (CONAGUA) warned on Sunday.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-03-10). News outlets stand out President Bukele's bet on Haiti. San Salvador, Mar 10 (Prensa Latina) Local and international news outlets on Sunday, stood out the statement of Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele that he could fix the situation in Haiti.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-03-10). Panama and Colombia to preserve audiovisual and sound heritage. Panama City, Mar 10 (Prensa Latina) The Governments of Panama and Colombia are promoting the preservation of the audiovisual and sound heritage of both nations, a current challenge posed to their cultural authorities' management.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-03-10). Panamanian builders on strike against financial harassment. Panama City, Mar 10 (Prensa Latina) Panamanian builders will go on general strike on March 19th against the arbitrary closing of their bank accounts in the state-owned Caja de Ahorros, a measure of a political nature, local press unfolded on Sunday.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-03-10). Red Cross denounces "Israel's out of its senses" Five months have passed by since the onset of the escalating conflict, and Palestinians' situation "is deteriorating every hour, and there is no safe place to go," the agency stated in a dispatch. | The Red Cross warned that Israel, as the occupying power, must ensure the basic needs of the Gazan population or allow the safe and unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid. However, it pointed out that a large and regular flow of vital goods is only part of the solution. | In that regard, the health agency urged the warring sides to launch their military operations in a way to avoid harming the civilian population and…

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-03-10). México: Nuestros cuerpos y territorios no son mercancía!

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-03-10). Argentina: Declaración feminista 8 Marzo 2024.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-03-10). Study assesses effect of climate change at early ages in Cuba. Ciego de Avila, Cuba, Mar 10 (Prensa Latina) The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is currently developing a study to determine the effect of climate change on children and adolescents in communities on Cuba's southern coast.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-03-10). President of Cuba highlights work of telecommunications sector. Havana, Mar 9 (Prensa Latina) The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, described telecommunications as a sector with highly qualified and decisive personnel in the economic and social development of the country.

teleSUR (2024-03-10). Haiti: Education of Resilience. The increase in the number of schools that do not comply with the Ministry of Education's operating standards has hindered the work of professionals who, since the end of the last century, have been striving to provide young people with a comprehensive education. | Haiti is the poorest country in Latin America and the Caribbean, with almost 77% of its citizens living on less than $2 a day. Mar. 10, 2024.

Telesur English. (2024-03-10). Former Honduran President Convicted Of Drug Trafficking. The former president of Honduras Juan Orlando Hernández was found, this Friday, guilty of international drug trafficking by a jury in New York. | His tax process, considered historic, concluded in his guilt of three crimes imposed by the US prosecutor, the former president may even face life imprisonment for their charges. | According to the prosecutor's office, Hernández created a narco-state during his eight-year presidency, 2014-2022. He was also convicted of arms trafficking and weapons possession.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-03-10). Supremo brasileño condena a 15 imputados en actos golpistas. Los jueces aplicaron penas de entre 14 a 17 años de prisión por el delito de asociación para delinquir, entre otros considerados graves.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-03-10). Irlanda rechaza cambios sobre conceptos de mujer y familia. "Creo que a estas alturas está claro que las enmiendas han sido rechazadas", señaló el premier en rueda de prensa.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-03-10). Confirman 25 muertes por desnutrición y deshidratación en Gaza bajo asedio israelí. Una niña de dos meses falleció en el Hospital Kamal Adwan y una mujer de 20 años en el Complejo Médico al Shifa.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-03-10). Delcy Rodríguez rechaza supuesta deflación en Venezuela. Rodríguez apuntó que la inflación en febrero, como lo informó el Banco Central de Venezuela, fue de 1,22 por ciento.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-03-10). Conoce las obras más icónicas del pintor Oswaldo Guayasamín. La mayor parte de la obra de Oswaldo Guayasamín está transversalisada por la temática de la vida del indígena, el negro y mestizo en el continente.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN, JDO (2024-03-10). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. Suman cinco meses de ataques constantes de las fuerzas sionistas contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania, en medio de la parálisis de la ONU y el apoyo occidental al genocidio.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-10). Presidente argentino deroga decreto que aumentaba su salario. Milei responsabilizó a la expresidenta Cristina Kirchner del incremento del 48% de su salario, pero varios políticos señalaron que la medida lleva su firma.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-10). Asesinan a líder social en una zona rural del oeste de Colombia. Este crimen se registró en medio de los combates que se registran entre grupos armados al margen de la ley en la zona rural de este municipio.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-10). Asciende a 31.045 cifra de palestinos asesinados en Gaza por Israel. Un total de 85 palestinos murieron en ocho masacres perpetradas por las fuerzas de ocupación israelíes durante las últimas 24 horas en la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-10). Guerra en Gaza rompe cualquier sentido de humanidad compartida. "La única manera de lograrlo es que las partes respeten estrictamente el derecho internacional humanitario", afirmó Mirjana Spoljaric.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-10). Israel ataca emblemática torre residencial en sur de Rafah. El edificio de 12 plantas, situado a unos 500 metros de la frontera entre Rafah con Egipto, resultó dañado en el ataque, según los residentes.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-10). Violencia escala en Haití cuando Caricom busca una salida negociada. La tensión y la violencia en Haití crecieron exponencialmente cuando las bandas delincuenciales ayudaron en la huida de más de 3.000 presos.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-10). Suman 21 los muertos tras inundaciones en el oeste de Indonesia. Días de lluvias torrenciales provocaron inundaciones repentinas y un deslizamiento de tierra en la isla indonesia de Sumatra.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-10). Parlamento elige a Asif Ali Zardari nuevo presidente de Pakistán. Zardari se convierte en el primer político elegido por segunda vez para un alto cargo constitucional en el país del sur de Asia.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-10). Sánchez propondrá a Parlamento español reconocer el Estado palestino. Aseguró que lo hará en la actual legislatura. Consideró que es la única manera que convivan en paz dos Estados, Palestina e Israel.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-10). Piden alto el fuego temporal en Sudán durante mes de Ramadán. Instan al Ejército sudanés y al grupo paramilitar Fuerzas de Apoyo Rápido a cesar los combates para permitir la llegada de ayuda humanitaria y evitar una hambruna.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-10). Yemen lanza operación sin precedentes contra buques de EE.UU. Ratificó que esta operación, en la que utilizaron 37 drones y numerosos misiles navales, respalda la causa palestina y la resistencia en Gaza.

teleSUR, JGN, JCM (2024-03-10). Avanzan con normalidad elecciones parlamentarias en Portugal. Los centros electorales de esta nación europea comenzaron sus actividades a las 08H0 hora local (misma hora GMT) y cerrarán a las 19H00 horas.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-03-10). Critican a presidente Milei por aumentarse el sueldo un 48%. La diputada peronista Victoria Tolosa Paz fue quien difundió el decreto 206/24, firmado por Milei y su jefe de gabinete, Nicolás Posse, el pasado 29 de febrero.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-03-10). Nicaragua expresa solidaridad con Zimbabue ante agresión de EE.UU. El Gobierno nicaragüense reiteró que "condena enérgicamente la continuidad de la política agresiva, injerencista e intervencionista de los Estados Unidos".

teleSUR, nbb, JCM (2024-03-10). TSE de El Salvador ofrece resultados de elecciones municipales. La presidenta del TSE, Dora Esmeralda Martínez, presento en rueda de prensa en la capital salvadoreña los resultados de las 44 alcaldìas en consideración.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-10). Presuntos delincuentes abatidos durante ataque a Palacio Nacional en Haití. La tensión y la violencia en la capital han incrementado considerablemente desde que se anunciara el compromiso del primer ministro de celebrar elecciones para 2025.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-10). Hamás llama a detener asedio israelí y proteger mezquita de Al-Aqsa. El dirigente de Hamas también exhortó a intensificar los esfuerzos para responsabilizar a Israel, exponer sus crímenes y aislarlo políticamente.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-10). Médicos palestinos denuncian un ataque israelí contra una multitud. Israel ha admitido que sus militares abrieron fuego contra grupos que identificó como "alborotadores" que representaban una amenaza para los soldados.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-03-10). Fuerzas de Nigeria se movilizan por secuestro masivo. "Confío en que las víctimas serán rescatadas", señaló el presidente del país, Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-03-09). Canciller de Venezuela recibe a embajador de Guyana. La reunión tuvo como objetivo "fortalecer la diplomacia de paz y fomentar el diálogo entre nuestras naciones para resolver nuestras diferencias".

teleSUR, JGN (2024-03-09). Reportan tiroteos en alrededores del Palacio Nacional de Haití. Periodistas informaron de un aumento por parte de grupos armados de ataques contra el Palacio Nacional, sede del Gobierno.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-09). Nicaragua rechaza decisión del Secretariado del Fondo Verde del Clima. El Gobierno de Nicaragua denuncia las medidas agresivas, coercitivas y unilaterales de esta institución…

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-09). Presidenta hondureña aborda caso de exmandatario Hernández. Castro subrayó que es "esencial desarticular la organización delictiva que continúa activa y fue establecida por los líderes condenados en el extranjero".

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-10). Cifra de palestinos muertos por agresión israelí a Gaza llega a casi 31 mil. De acuerdo con el ente de salud, durante las últimas 24 horas, las tropas sionistas cometieron 10 masacres, cobrando la vida de 82 palestinos y dejando heridos a otros 122.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-03-10). Comienzan elecciones parlamentarias en Portugal. Los centros electorales de esta nación europea comenzaron sus actividades a las 08: 00 hora local (misma hora GMT) y cerrarán a las 19: 00 horas.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-10). Presidenta hondureña aborda caso de exmandatario Hernández. Castro subrayó que es "esencial desarticular la organización delictiva que continúa activa y fue establecida por los líderes condenados en el extranjero".

teleSUR, odr, JGN (2024-03-10). La Revolución Bolivariana visibilizó a la mujer venezolana. Fue la Revolución Bolivariana la que se visibilizó y empoderó a la mujer; antes la mujer era puesta de lado, discriminada, cero a la izquierda, dijo el mandatario.

Staff (2024-03-09). Nicaragua Shows Solidarity With Zimbabwe Over US Aggressions. Nicaraguan Foreign Ministry presented its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Republic of Zimbabwe, on the occasion of regarding the 6th March 2024 Illegal Sanctions of the United States against Zimbabwe. | RELATED: | The United States government sanctioned the Zimbabwean president, Emmerson Mnangagwa last March 4th, by allegedly finding that "serious abuses of political, economic and human rights" continue to be co…

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-09). Cifra de palestinos muertos por agresión israelí a Gaza llega a casi 31 mil. De acuerdo con el ente de salud, durante las últimas 24 horas, las tropas sionistas cometieron 10 masacres, cobrando la vida de 82 palestinos y dejando heridos a otros 122.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-09). Israel ataca emblemática torre residencial en sur de Rafah. El edificio de 12 plantas, situado a unos 500 metros de la frontera entre Rafah con Egipto, resultó dañado en el ataque, según los residentes.

teleSUR (2024-03-09). Brazilian Supreme Court Sentences 15 People Accused of Coup. The Supreme Federal Court (STF) of Brazil condemned on Friday 15 other defendants to participate in the coup acts that took place on January 8, 2023 in order to prevent the swearing in of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as president of the South American nation. | RELATED: | By majority of votes, the ministers (judges) applied penalties ranging from 14 to 17 years in prison to the defendants, who are guilty for crimina…

teleSUR (2024-03-09). Death Toll From Famine in the Gaza Strip Rises to 25. According to the Palestinian medical authorities, 25 people have died in the Gaza Strip as a result of malnutrition and dehydration, most of them babies, but also a 20-year-old girl who has died in the last few hours at the Shifa hospital in Gaza City. | RELATED: | The Gaza Ministry of Health today reported the death of a two-month-old girl at the Kamal Adwan hospital in the northern Gaza Strip, as well as that of a 20-year-old girl…

teleSUR (2024-03-09). Mossad & CIA Chiefs Meet To Discuss Ceasefire Agreement in Gaza. This Saturday the office of the Prime Minister of Israel reported that the head of the Zionist counterintelligence, Institute of Intelligence and Special Operations (Mossad) David Barnea and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Bill Burns met yesterday to try to push for a truce agreement in Gaza. | RELATED: | Hamas demands a commitment to an end to hostilities and the total withdrawal of the Zionist occupation troops from the Palestinian territ…

teleSUR (2024-03-09). Qatar Announces Airlift To Send Aid to Sudan. The Qatari government today announced an airlift with food and medicine to Sudan, while calling for humanitarian corridors and efforts for a ceasefire in the Sudanese civil war, which has left nearly 14,000 dead and millions displaced in less than a year. | RELATED: | The airlift, expected to last the whole month of Ramadan, "will transport food, tents and ambulances", said in his account of X the Qatari Minister of Cooperation,…

teleSUR (2024-03-09). Shooting Around the Haitian National Palace.

teleSUR (2024-03-09). Sudanese Women Bear the Brunt of War. It is the women of Sudan, who have long endured marginalization, harassment and sexual violence, that are now bearing the brunt of the war that began on April 15, 2023 between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF). | RELATED: | Since the fighting started in mid-April, nearly 6 million people have fled their homes, seeking refuge elsewhere within Sudan or in neighboring countries. Of the…

teleSUR (2024-03-09). Venezuela Celebrates 'National Anti-Imperialism Day'. "Every March 9 we commemorate the Day of Bolivarian Anti-Imperialism, in tribute to the patriotism and courage of the Venezuelan people who, faced with the threat of US imperialism, maintained a position worthy of defense of national sovereignty, historical legacy of our ancestors". | RELATED: | That was what the Venezuelan head of state Nicolás Maduro Moros said in his X account as message to the people, and calling to…

Lynda Carson (2024-03-10). Thanks To The Migrants For Sharing Music And Food, etc… Thanks To The Art, Culture, Music, Food, and Grace Shared By The Migrants Coming To America! The Painting On My Wall, Is Called "The Woman With The Yellow and Green Hair."

Becca Renk (2024-03-10). We Won't Go Back Into Our Cages: Celebrating Women's Day in Nicaragua. By Becca Renk — Mar 7, 2024 | "We have painful stories, stories of marginalization, a history of being trampled because we are women and even more because we are rural peasant women, campesinas," says Rosibel Ramos, bright eyes belying her age. | "What were women's spaces?" she asks. "The kitchen, taking care of kids, taking care of everyone else. We were supposed to just sit quietly in a corner." Rosibel, now in her 60s, is telling the story of the founding of the Rural Feminist Ecological Cooperative Las Diosas which means The Goddesses. The co-op is made up of hundreds of women from northern Nicaragua who…

infobrics (2024-03-11). Expansion of BRICS, Geopolitical Implications and Prospect for Bangladesh. The recent BRICS 15th summit held in Johannesburg, has garnered more attention compared to previous gatherings. The focal point of this summit was the announcement of new member nations. Notably, six countries—namely, Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and UAE got invitation to join this influential economic coalition…

albawaba (2024-03-10). Did Dani Alves commit suicide in jail?>. ALBAWABA – Activists online allegedly reported that former Brazilian football player Dani Alves had committed suicide in jail.In February, a Spanish court sentenced the famous player Dani Alves to four years and a half in jail for rape. The star, who is a former Barcelona player, was found guilty of nightclub sexual assault and was sentenced to four years and six months in jail.Alves, 40, was accused of sexually assaulting a woman in the early hours of Dec. 31, 2022. However, the player denied the accusations.The Barcelona Court after reviewing the case sentenced Dani Alves to four and a half years in prison for…

Misión Verdad (2024-03-10). Dispute Between Chevron and ExxonMobil Over Stabroek Block in Undelimited Waters of Essequibo. ExxonMobil and Chevron are in a dispute over the control of almost a third of the stakes in the Stabroek block, located in the territorial waters of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana and in the undelimited waters between Guyana and Venezuela. | In October 2023, the US oil company Chevron reached a purchase agreement with another US oil company, Hess, to acquire 30% of the shares in the Stabroek block. The offshore oil block is administered by the US oil multinational ExxonMobil illegally, since a significant part of this block is located off the Atlantic coast of the Essequibo region, whose territorial waters ar…

Martha Ríos (2024-03-10). En Venezuela no hay deflación, afirma vicepresidenta. La Habana, 10 mar (RHC) La vicepresidenta de Venezuela y ministra de Economía y Finanzas, Delcy Rodríguez desmintió, en Caracas, que el país atraviese por una deflación, como había señalado el medio estadounidense Bloomberg.

Martha Ríos (2024-03-10). Díaz-Canel resalta labor del sector de las telecomunicaciones en Cuba (+Foto). La Habana, 10 mar (RHC) El primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel calificó al Ministerio de las Comunicaciones (Mincom) como un sector con un personal altamente calificado y decisivo en el desarrollo económico y social del país.

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2024-03-08: News Headlines

albawaba (2024-03-08). Hezbollah escalates attacks, Israel responds: Southern Lebanon tensions rise. ALBAWABA- Hezbollah fighters have claimed responsibility for multiple attacks in Southern Lebanon. They targeted the Ruwaisat al-Alam site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills and achieved a direct hit. Additionally, Hezbollah launched two unmanned drones to attack the Maale Golan barracks and targeted a force of enemy soldiers in the Metula colony, resulting in casualties.In response, Israeli artillery shelled the vicinity of the town of Kafr Shuba and conducted raids in the Wadi Al-Azziya area, both in southern Lebanon. The situation is rapidly escalating, with Hezbollah launching one of its heaviest missi…

Martin Hacthoun (2024-03-08). Cuba investigates fr deputy prime minister and minister of Economy. Havana, Mar 7 (Prensa Latina) The First Secretary of the Communist Party and President of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, told the nation today about mistakes made by former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Planning, Alejandro Gil, in the performance of his duties.

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-03-08). Enlaces de Red Latina sin fronteras 06.03.2024. ENLACES de Red Latina sin fronteras 06.03.2024 | comunicaciones e información para la liberación…

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-03-08). México: Nuestros cuerpos y territorios no son mercancía!

teleSUR (2024-03-07). Venezuelan Authorities Summon International Electoral Observers. On Thursday, Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE) called on international organizations to act as observers in the presidential elections scheduled for July 28th. | RELATED: | CNE President Elvis Amoroso confirmed that invitations have been sent to institutions such as the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), the African Union (AU), the European Union (EU),…

albawaba (2024-03-08). When and where will the first solar eclipse occur in 2024?>. ALBAWABA – Does the space capture your interest? Regardless of what your answer is, you don't need to be someone who has a love for outer space to find a total solar eclipse an interesting event to witness. Now that we are in the year 2024, when will the first total solar eclipse take place?April 8 is the date to keep an eye on, it should be when this phenomenon will take place. The moon will cover the sun as it moves from Mexico to the United States and up to Canada, creating a spectacular sight.In Mexico, the United States, and Canada, the eclipse will look like the sun has disappeared completely, while in some…

Robert Hunziker (2024-03-08). Coastal Cities at High Noon. Antarctica, the massive continent of ice, the size of the continental US and Mexico combined, is breaking apart more and more as a recent scientific expedition discovered unambiguous signals of considerably more danger than previously realized. "The changes to the sea-ice indicate that in the coming decades coastal cities will need to be reconfigured because

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-03-08). Claudia Sheinbaum recibe apoyo de pueblos indígenas mexicanos. Sheinbaum destacó la necesidad de darle continuidad a los planes de justicia a favor de las comunidades indígenas.

WSWS (2024-03-08). 10 people, including children, seriously injured while attempting to cross San Diego border wall, in "mass casualty" event. After portions of the deadly US-Mexico border wall were raised to 30 feet beginning in 2019, severe injuries and death have increased by "five-fold," according to a University of California, San Diego, study.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-03-08). Corte Suprema de Colombia no logra elegir fiscal general. El presidente de la corte anunció que el próximo 12 de marzo se hará una sala extraordinaria para tomar una decisión.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-03-08). Vicepresidenta dominicana afirma disposición de ayudar a Haití. Ante la ola de violencia e inseguridad que se vive en el territorio haitiano, instó a los dominicanos a no tener temor.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2024-03-08). Lava de volcán en Islas Galápagos, Ecuador, alcanza 8 mil metros. Según el Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional de Ecuador, el flujo avanzó al menos 100 metros en las últimas 24 horas.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2024-03-08). FMI confirmó solicitud de préstamo por el Gobierno ecuatoriano. El equipo del FMI sostiene contacto activo con las autoridades ecuatorianas para brindar asistencia económica y apoyar las reformas del Ejecutivo.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2024-03-08). Suman más de 9.000 las mujeres asesinadas por Israel en Gaza. De los cerca de dos millones de palestinos que salieron de sus hogares en Gaza, al menos la mitad son mujeres.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN, JDO (2024-03-08). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. Suman cinco meses de ataques constantes de las fuerzas sionistas contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania, en medio de la parálisis de la ONU y el apoyo occidental al genocidio.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-08). Gobierno de Honduras ratifica que se desvinculará del Ciadi. A juicio del Gobierno, el Ciadi se ha convertido en un sistema que "socava la soberanía (…), desplaza la función de los tribunales de la República y limita el cumplimiento de las decisiones del Gobierno democrático".

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-08). Presidente de Venezuela llama a rescatar historia insurgente. Nicolás Maduro expresó: "Quieren borrar la memoria histórica" porque "un pueblo sin historia, sin identidad, sin puntos de encuentro, sin orgullo por lo que fue y es, es un pueblo fácil de dominar, de colonizar".

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2024-03-08). Rechazan intención de aumentar edad de jubilación en Ecuador. De igual manera los congregantes denunciaron el interés del Gobierno de aumentar la aportación que realizan los pensionados.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-03-08). Indepaz denuncia asesinato de líder social en Córdoba, Colombia. Indepaz refirió que Deivi Junco Hernández fue asesinado con arma de fuego.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-03-08). Sindicato argentino convoca a nueva movilización por salarios. El sindicalista Rodolfo Aguiar corroboró que tienen que "resistir el cierre de organismos públicos e impedir que el Estado Nacional retire su presencia de las provincias".

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-03-08). Suecia ingresa a la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte. "Gracias a todos los aliados por darnos la bienvenida como el miembro número 32", dijo el primer ministro de Suecia, Ulf Hjalmar Ed Kristersson.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-08). Parlamento hondureño aprueba ley para proteger a las mujeres. buscarán "prevenir y reducir" los efectos de la violencia, ya que en el país centroamericano cada 23 horas muere una mujer.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-08). Seis personas de Sri Lanka fueron asesinadas en Canadá. El homicidio múltiple fue ocasionado por un joven de 19 años que era amigo de la familia asesinada.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-08). Corea del Norte realiza ejercicios militares con sus artilleros. Estos ejercicios involucraron a un gran componente del Ejército Popular de Corea que trabajaron en maniobras combinadas con sus artilleros.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-08). Ecuador decreta 30 días más de Estado de Excepción. Esta extensión del estado de excepción aplicará a nivel nacional por lo que la normativa del toque de queda permanecerá igual.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-08). China: agresión a Gaza es una vergàºenza para la civilización. El canciller chino calificó la agresión israelí como "una tragedia para la humanidad".

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-08). Omán condena construcción de asentamientos israelíes en Cisjordania. Omán califica la decisión de Israel como "una nueva y flagrante violación de las normas del derecho internacional".

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-08). Rusia convoca a la embajadora de EE.UU. para ser requerida. A la embajadora se le entregó una nota oficial demandando que cese cualquier colaboración con las actividades de ONGs.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-08). Venezuela anuncia 3er Festival Internacional de Teatro Progresista. Cuba es el país invitado de honor en esta edición.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-08). Discurso del estado de la Unión se centró en Ucrania y Gaza. Al principio del discursó del estado de la unión, Joe Biden apuntó a Rusia como el centro de las amenazas contra EE.UU. y contra el mundo.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-08). Gobierno de Haití prolonga por un mes el estado de emergencia. Varias bandas armadas mantienen los enfrentamientos contra las autoridades del primer ministro haitiano Ariel Henry, cuya dimisión exigen.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-08). Presidente Maduro inaugura la primera Zona Juventud de la GMVJ. Durante su visita a la capital del estado Falcón, el mandatario venezolano puso en servicio el gran Complejo Deportivo, Recreativo y Cultural Hugo Chávez.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-08). Congreso peruano aprueba inhabilitación de dos miembros de la JNJ. El actual vicepresidente de la JNJ, Aldo Vásquez y la magistrada Inés Tello recibieron 67 votos a favor de la inhabilitación.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-03-08). Investigan a exministro de Economía de Cuba, Alejandro Gil. "El implicado ha reconocido graves imputaciones" desde el inicio de las investigaciones.

Jose R. Cabañas Rodriguez (2024-03-07). Biden 2.0 or Trump 2.0? That is the Question. During the current year, a great deal of energy is being invested in trying to predict who will be the winner of the presidential elections next November in the United States, which party will win the majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate, allowing or not the President to have the necessary support to develop his agenda for the next four years. | RELATED: | The 2025-2029 period will be one of the most complex in the recent history of that cou…

teleSUR (2024-03-07). 20,000 Pastors Join the Venezuelan Social Protection System. On Wednesday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro held a meeting with over 17,000 Christian pastors on the Puerto Cabello boardwalk in Carabobo state. | RELATED: | During that massive meeting, the Bolivarian leader made several announcements related to policies to strengthen this South American country's welfare system. Among them is the incorporation of 20,000 pastors into the Homeland System's social protection plan. | "I pr…

teleSUR (2024-03-07). Chad: Submission of Candidates for Presidential Election Started. The political and military situation in Chad has deteriorated since 2021 following the death of former President Idriss Deby Itno, the father of Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno. | The first round of the presidential election is scheduled in the Central African country on May 6, with a possible second round on June 22. Mar. 7, 2024.

teleSUR (2024-03-07). Chilean Senate Begins Processing the Pension Reform. On Wednesday, the Senate's Labor Committee began to study the bill for pension reform presented by Chilean President Gabriel Boric. | RELATED: | "The dialogue has just begun. The president has instructed us to be open to seeking formulas that allow us to increase the amount of pensions, which is the objective of this reform," Labor Minister Jeannete Jara said. | Presented in November 2022, the bill proposes the creation of a m…

teleSUR (2024-03-07). Egypt Joins International Operation to Airdrop Aid to Gaza. On Thursday, Egyptian military joined an international operation to airdrop humanitarian aid to the Palestinian Gaza Strip which is currently facing ongoing Israeli siege and bombardment. | RELATED: | "Members of the Egyptian Air Force participate in the international coalition to airdrop aid into Gaza from Jordan," the Egyptian Army said, noting that Jordan, the U.S. France, the Netherlands, and Belgium also took part in the operation. | A…

teleSUR (2024-03-07). EPP Proposes Transfer of Asylum Seekers to Safe Third Countries. The European People's Party (EPP), the European Parliament's main center-right grouping, has proposed major changes to the European Union (EU)'s asylum system, including the possibility of deporting asylum seekers to "safe third countries." | RELATED: | Presented during their Congress in Bucharest, Romania, the EPP manifesto emphasizes the right for the EU and its member states to determine where and to whom asylum is granted. | Unde…

teleSUR (2024-03-07). Habano Festival, A Luxury Opportunity. Throughout the years, the Habano Festival continues to be the ideal scenario and the largest international gathering for lovers of what is considered the best cigar in the world: the Habano. | RELATED: | Created in 1999, the Festival is held annually in the last week of February in Cuba's capital, Havana, keeping intact its spirit of celebration and homage to the best tobacco in the world. Not only has it become the best exponent of Habanos' fundamentals of excellence and qua…

teleSUR (2024-03-07). Haiti: Gang Attacks and Burns Police Station in Capital City. On Thursday, a police station in Haiti was attacked and burned down by a gang operating in the capital, where insecurity continues to be rife. | RELATED: | Before setting fire to the police station located in Marché Salomón, the thugs looted its premises, but also set fire to houses and businesses in the area. | Recently, the National Union of Haitian Policemen reported the death of four policemen in an attack on two sub-stations, which were…

teleSUR (2024-03-07). Israel Killed 127 Palestinian Journalists Since October. Israeli troops killed 11 Palestinian journalists in February, bringing to 127 the death toll since the start of the aggression against Gaza on October 7, an industry source said today. | RELATED: | The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate's Freedoms Committee said in a statement that last month Israeli forces killed 10 journalists in Gaza and another in the West Bank. | In at least seven cases, the drone attacks resulted in limb amputations of reporters…

teleSUR (2024-03-07). NATO Drills Spark Tensions and Shake Global Stability: Russia. On Thursday, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev said that the ongoing NATO Steadfast Defender military exercises escalate tensions and undermine global stability. | RELATED: | The large-scale war game going on in Europe is a way for NATO to rehearse "a scenario of armed confrontation with Russia," he said. | "The destructive role of the United States in recent history is evident. No other country…

teleSUR (2024-03-07). Peruvians Take to the Streets to Defend National Justice Board. On Thursday, Peruvian social and political organizations took to the streets of Lima to support the National Justice Board (JNJ). | RELATED: | The citizens marched peacefully to Congress, where a plenary session is scheduled to debate the disqualification of several judges. If that happens, some JNJ members will be banned from holding public office for the next ten years. | Previously, far-right legislator Esdras Medina filed a…

teleSUR (2024-03-07). The Ayotzinapa Case to Be Attended, Mexican President AMLO Vows. On Wednesday, citizens broke down one of the doors of the National Palace, where Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) was holding his daily press conference. | RELATED: | They were angered by the slow pace of justice in the 10-year-old Ayotzinapa case, which involves 43 missing students in the southern state of Guerrero in September 2014. | Although President Lopez Obrador described the protest as inappropriate, he promised to meet…

teleSUR (2024-03-07). The Current World Order Denies Equal Conditions for All: Putin. On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin participated in the closing ceremony of the World Youth Festival, which took place in the city of Sochi on the Black Sea. | RELATED: | In his speech before hundreds of young people from around the world, Putin emphasized the importance of "traditional values" in shaping contemporary Russian society. | "There is something that unites us all. Today, in Russia, it is ou…

teleSUR (2024-03-07). UK Cuts National Insurance Contributions for Workers. On Wednesday, the United Kingdom's Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt announced that National Insurance contributions would be cut for 27 million British workers. | RELATED: | From April 6, employees' National Insurance, a payroll tax, will be cut from 10 percent to 8 percent. Meanwhile, self-employed national insurance will be cut from 8 percent to 6 percent, said Hunt when delivering this year's budget speech in the House of Comm…

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-03-08). Liga àÅrabe elogia heroica firmeza de las mujeres palestinas. Pidió que se brinde protección a las mujeres y niñas palestinas y que se ponga fin a todas las formas de violencia contra ellas.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-08). CNE venezolano convoca a observadores internacionales para 28J. El CNE publicó el cronograma para las elecciones presidenciales del 28 de julio.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-03-08). Congresista demócrata de EE.UU. abandona carrera y apoya a Biden. Phillips convidó a movilizarse en aras de "mantener a un hombre decente e íntegro en la Casa Blanca".

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-03-08). Unos tres muertos por ataque yemení contra barco en mar Rojo. De acuerdo con medios internacionales, se trata de las primeras muertes desde que iniciaron las agresiones desde Yemen.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-08). En la prevención social, las mujeres son líderes. La Habana, 8 mar (RHC) Cuando se habla de igualdad de género y su relación estrecha con la prevención social, la Federación de Mujeres Cubanas (FMC) es la instancia preponderante para formar a las personas en este sentido.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-08). Médicos cubanos en Djibouti atienden heridos de buque True Confidence. La Habana, 8 mar (RHC) Médicos de la brigada cubana que labora en Djibouti atendieron a los heridos del buque portacontenedores True Confidence, el cual navegaba con bandera de Barbados y fue atacado por hutíes el miércoles, se conoció hoy.

WSWS (2024-03-08). Ayotzinapa students and parents protest state killings as Mexican presidential candidates promise military build-up. While president López Obrador and his hand-picked presidential candidate Claudia Sheinbaum denounced the protest as a "provocation," the right-wing opposition candidate Xóchitl Gálvez stressed her "respect for the Army."

Azione Nonviolenta (2024-03-08). Immigration and the cruelty of politics. At the opening of the XXIII Congress of the Nonviolent Movement (Brescia, 2010), Daniele Lugli, the outgoing president, pointed to nonviolence as the key to overcoming conflicts both near and far. Among the closest are those related to the management of the migratory phenomenon, and it is no coincidence that this Congress was entitled "Nonviolence for the open city". | By Daniele Lugli | Today we offer another extract from this report, aware that in the last fourteen years the conditions of migrants who choose Italy, whether to live there or to cross it, are far from improving. In the following passage, Daniele r…

Lynda Carson (2024-03-08). Thanks To The Migrants For Sharing Music And Food, etc… Thanks To The Art, Culture, Music, Food, and Grace Shared By The Migrants Coming To America! The Painting On My Wall, Is Called "The Woman With The Yellow and Green Hair."

Mike Ludwig (2024-03-08). Florida Budgets $558,000 to Surveil Immigrants When They Go to the Doctor. Florida is budgeting nearly $558,000 to surveil patients who are still navigating the immigration system when they visit the doctor. Republican lawmakers and Gov. Ron DeSantis are allocating the funding to enforce a harsh new anti-immigrant law that is spreading fear and confusion and pushing people to forgo medical treatment — including an alarming number of pregnant women. |

Ruth Conniff (2024-03-08). Middle America: What Venomous GOP Attacks on Immigrants Really Mean. Immigrant workers, crucial to the American agriculture industry, are extremely vulnerable to labor exploitation and human trafficking, writes Ruth Conniff.

Angelina de los Santos (2024-03-08). Argentines Take Feminist Strike to the Streets on International Women's Day. Argentinian women from all walks of life will take to the streets nationwide on 8 March, International Women's Day, as part of a feminist strike calling for an end to the country's growing poverty, which already affects 57% of the population of 46 million. The protesters' "most important demand" is a solution to Argentina's "food emergency", said María Claudia Albornoz, an activist from La… |

Lise Alves (2024-03-09). World Report] Brazil's first Indigenous hospital met with mixed reaction. The facility is aiming to provide better care to Indigenous people in Roraima, but some think the money can be better spent. Lise Alves reports from Sà£o Paulo.

albawaba (2024-03-08). Can natural predators help in reducing pesticides?>. ALBAWABA – Researchers have recently highlighted that using natural predators, such as birds, beetles, and bugs could be a sustainable solution to dealing with crop-devouring pests and reducing the use of chemical pesticides. These creatures have shown promising results in controlling pest populations, with the potential to reduce crop losses and increase yields.Analyses conducted by researchers from Brazil, the United States, and the Czech Republic revealed that natural predators could decrease pest populations by over 70% while simultaneously boosting crop yields by 25%. ShutterstockLead author Gabriel Boldorin…

tvbrics (2024-03-08). Applications for the Carbon Neutralisation Programme are extended In Brazil. Those wishing to participate can apply for registration until 17 March…

Ana Perdigón (2024-03-08). Notorious Venezuelan Gang Leader Killed in Police Operation. One of Venezuela's ten most wanted criminals, Deiber Johan González, leader of the criminal gang Carlos Capa, was killed in a police operation. | The incident occurred during a police operation carried out on Thursday, March 7, in Ocumare del Tuy, Miranda state. | Officers from the Bolivarian National Police (PNB), Miranda state police (Polimiranda), and the Scientific, Criminal and Criminalistic Investigation Corps (CICPC) were part of the deployment that surrounded Carlos Capa's main hideout. The special deployment was launched by the Venezuelan Ministry of Interior, Justice and Peace after receiving informatio…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-08). Nueva ruta aérea enlazará Venezuela con el oriente de Cuba. La Habana, 8 mar (RHC) La Aerolínea Venezolana Rutaca inaugurará hoy una nueva ruta comercial para enlazar el aeropuerto internacional Simón Bolívar, de Maiquetía, Venezuela, con la terminal aérea internacional Frank País, en la provincia de Holguín, Cuba.

Victoria Torres (2024-03-08). Venezuela's Presidential Elections 2024: CNE Invites International Observers.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-08). Celebran en Cuba Día Internacional de la Mujer con desafíos. La Habana, 8 mar (RHC) Con una presencia significativa en todos los sectores de la sociedad, las féminas de Cuba arriban hoy al Día Internacional de la Mujer con nuevos desafíos en términos de género.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-03-08). Ariel Henry: An Itinerant Ex-Prime Minister Without a Country.

Natalia Torres Garzón (2024-03-08). Informal Settlements on the Front Lines of Wildfire Risk in Bogotá. "Don't worry I will build a better house for you, a house made out of bricks," said the owner of the house to her son while hugging him, almost in tears, as they looked out at a pile of debris and ashes. Their house in an informal settlement of Ciudad Bolívar, on the outskirts of

2024-03-08 21:33:51 | 21:33 EST | tr | 71 | 0 | 38 | 53 | 1 

2024-03-06: News Headlines

albawaba (2024-03-06). Airport personnel push private jet to start at Cappadocia airport. ALBAWABA – A video circulating on social media in the final days has caused a stir for five employees at Kapadokya Airport located in Nev≈üehir's Gàºl≈üehir district in Turkey as they were seen manually pushing a private plane in an attempt to launch it after failing to do so, rather than troubleshooting or conducting maintenance, according to footage aired by show TV channel.What's peculiar about the incident is that the private aircraft in question is a Private Cessna 680 Sovereign TC-ATP, and its engines roared to life shortly after being manually pushed by airport personnel for a fe…

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-03-06). Cuban films to be screened in the United Kingdom. London, Mar 6 (Prensa Latina) With the title 'Cuba Screen: Films to Change the World,' several motion pictures from the Caribbean island will be screened in this capital from March 9 to 22, the official website of the event reported.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-03-06). France praised for including right to abortion in its Constitution. Geneva, Mar 6 (Prensa Latina) The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Tàºrk, praised the inclusion of the right to abortion in the Constitution of France on Monday.

Jason Ditz (2024-03-06). Four Lebanese Civilians Reported Killed in Israeli Attack on House in Village of Houla. Israel continued escalating strikes against southern Lebanon today, hitting a three-story house in the southern village of Houla. Initially, a couple and their 25-year-old son were reported killed, but subsequent reports said four members of the same family were killed in the attack. Israel noted the attack on Houla, but did not address the civilian …

albawaba (2024-03-06). Kim Kardashian 78M dress and facial changes stir controversy. Kim Kardashian has found herself at the center of a whirlwind of criticism.The reality TV star and socialite's latest public appearances have sparked widespread debate and disapproval. At the heart of the controversy are two main issues: her noticeable facial change, attributed to the use of slimming drugs, and a bold fashion statement involving a Balenciaga dress with a visible price tag.Facial Changes: The Ozempic DebateKim Kardashian's altered facial appearance has raised eyebrows, with many speculating that it is the result of using weight-loss drugs like Ozempic. Originally intended for Type 2 diabetes patie…

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-03-06). Cuban films to be screened in the United Kingdom (+Photo). London, Mar 6 (Prensa Latina) With the title 'Cuba Screen: Films to Change the World,' several motion pictures from the Caribbean island will be screened in this capital from March 9 to 22, the official website of the event reported.

Katya Schwenk (2024-03-06). The Lie That's Inflating Your Credit Card Bills.

latintimes (2024-03-06). Asian Stocks Advance After Global Markets Fall On Tech Sell-off. Gold prices and bitcoin hit all-time highs Tuesday before reversing gains, while the sell-off in some technology stocks hit many markets around the world.

latintimes (2024-03-06). Biden Calls On Hamas To Accept Ceasefire By Ramadan. As famine threatens Gazans, US and Jordanian planes again airdropped food aid into the besieged territory of 2.4 million people in a joint operation with Egypt and France.

latintimes (2024-03-06). Buried Clothes, Bones And DNA Help Identify Colombia's Missing. Across Colombia, efforts have intensified to find, exhume, and identify those who have gone missing during the country's six decades of armed conflict.

latintimes (2024-03-06). Icy Reception For Plan To 'Save' Venezuela's Last Glacier. While glacier melt is a global phenomenon blamed on climate change, Venezuela is the first country in the Andes mountain range — which stretches all the way to Chile in the south — to lose all its glaciers.

latintimes (2024-03-06). Messi's Promised Barca Contract, On A Napkin, Up For Auction. The napkin has gone on show in New York to drum up interest, ahead of the start of bidding on March 18, against a backdrop of soaring interest in soccer memorabilia.

latintimes (2024-03-06). OpenAI Rejects Musk's Accusations Of 'Betrayal'. The boss of Tesla, SpaceX and X was one of the co-founders of OpenAI in 2015 along with Sam Altman but left the organization in 2018 and is now one of its most vocal critics.

latintimes (2024-03-06). Peru PM Resigns Over Influence-peddling Claims. Otarola has denied any violation of Peruvian labor laws or other wrongdoing.

latintimes (2024-03-06). Top Haitian Gang Leader Warns Of Civil War, Genocide. As the latest crisis in the violence-wracked Caribbean nation spiraled, gunfire shut down some flights at Toussaint Louverture International Airport in Haiti's capital.

latintimes (2024-03-06). Trump Seeks Reduction In $83.3 Million Jury Award In Carroll Defamation Case. "This Court's erroneous decision to dramatically limit the scope of President Trump's testimony almost certainly influenced the jury's verdict, and thus a new trial is warranted," the lawyers wrote in court filings on Tuesday…

latintimes (2024-03-06). Venezuela Will Hold Presidential Elections On July 28: Official. The date was chosen by the ruling-party aligned National Electoral Council (CNE), after Maduro's government and the opposition agreed in Barbados last year to hold a free and fair vote in 2024 with international observers present.

Rhoda Wilson (2024-03-06). Covid injections can cause kidney injury and renal damage. In April 2023, an exhaustive review of the scientific literature relating to renal complications following covid vaccination was published in the Indian Journal of Community Medicine. It described 28 mechanisms of kidney …

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-03-05). México y Venezuela impulsan proyectos cooperación internacional. De acuerdo al comunicado, con estas mesas de trabajo se refleja que, "al fortalecer y ampliar la cooperación entre nuestros países, se contribuye al desarrollo de una región más próspera". (2024-03-06). Texas, Arizona migrant laws for border are dealt setbacks. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito issued an order Monday to temporarily block a Texas law that would make illegal crossing of the U.S.-Mexico border a state crime starting this Saturday.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-03-06). Ayuda humanitaria de EE.UU. no llega a los palestinos en Gaza. Residentes en el lugar informaron que parte de los paquetes cayeron en las costas del asentamiento Zikim, donde se sitúan colonos israelíes, al norte del territorio palestino.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-03-06). Fiscalía de Perú abre investigación contra primer ministro. Esto ocurre por los hechos vinculados a la contratación de Vadire Pinedo Vázquez, una mujer con la que tuvo una relación sentimental, en el Ministerio de Defensa y por la gestión realizada para su contratación en la Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-03-06). Facebook e Instagram restablecen servicios tras caída global. Dificultades en el inicio de sesión, en la carga de contenidos y en la propia web son los principales fallos detectados en las plataformas.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-06). Presidente boliviano realiza cambios en su gabinete ministerial. El mandatario puntualizó que "luego de varias reuniones que hemos tenido con diferentes organizaciones sociales, hemos escuchado a nuestras organizaciones sociales".

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-06). Hallan muerto a líder indígena Merong Kamaka Mongoió en Brasil. La nota de la Articulación de los Pueblos Indígenas (Apib) de Brasil afirma que encontraron al cacique "inconsciente" con "señales de ahorcamiento" y que llegaron a darle socorro, pero "no resistió y falleció".

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-06). Haití vive ola de violencia mientras Ariel Henry esté ausente. El secretario general de la ONU, António Guterres, expresó su profunda preocupación sobre el deterioro de la situación de seguridad en Puerto Príncipe…

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-06). OMS denuncia crisis humanitaria en la Franja de Gaza. La organización sanitaria informó de que al menos 15 menores de edad han muerto por falta de alimentos hasta ahora, de acuerdo al subjefe de la oficina de la OMS, Ahmed Dahir.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-06). República Dominicana cierra el espacio aéreo con Haití. Las autoridades dominicanas mantienen la frontera abierta, permitiendo solo el retorno a su país de los haitianos.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2024-03-06). Excomandantes brasileños señalan nexos de Bolsonaro con golpe. De acuerdo con medios locales, Freire Gomes compareció el pasado viernes ante la Policía Federal por más de siete horas.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-03-06). UEFA cambia formato de Liga de Campeones para próxima temporada. El nuevo formato será en forma de 'liguilla' en la que participarán 36 conjuntos (el formato actual es de 32).

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2024-03-06). Aumentan a 1.171 los damnificados por lluvias en Ecuador. El número de afectados subió a 121.627, según informó este lunes la Secretaría de Gestión de Riesgos (SGR).

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN, JDO (2024-03-06). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. Suman casi cinco meses de ataques constantes de las fuerzas sionistas contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania, en medio de la parálisis de la ONU y el apoyo occidental al genocidio.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-06). Asamblea Popular de China realizan segunda sesión de trabajos. Zhao Leji, presidente ejecutivo del presidium de la sesión, presidió la reunión. El primer ministro chino, Li Qiang, presentó el informe sobre la labor del Gobierno.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-03-06). Anuncian el lanzamiento de nueva Gran Misión en Venezuela. El mandatario brindó detalles sobre la puesta en práctica de la misión, la cual cuenta con 10 vértices y 40 acciones a ejecutar.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2024-03-06). Descienden los flujos de lava del volcán La Cumbre en Ecuador. Este volcán se encuentra en la cúspide de la isla Fernandina, la más occidental del archipiélago de las Galápagos.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-03-06). Alertan sobre el secuestro de 45 mujeres por el grupo Daesh. "Las mujeres habían abandonado el campamento de desplazados internos en Ngala para ir a buscar leña", sostuvo Muhammad Goni.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-03-06). Indepaz denuncia nuevo asesinato de líder social en Cauca, Colombia. Indepaz refirió que "la imposición de normas y otras formas de control social por parte de los grupos armados significan un permanente riesgo de violación de los derechos de la población".

teleSUR, MER (2024-03-06). CNE de Venezuela fija para el próximo 28 de julio las elecciones presidenciales. El rector del CNE afirmó que el procedimiento se efectuó cumpliendo lo establecido en la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-06). Docentes inician paro de tres días en Montevideo, Uruguay. Para el miércoles, el paro será en las escuelas del centro de la capital y el jueves, en las del este.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-06). Renuncia al cargo primer ministro de Perú, Alberto Otárola. Alberto Otárola agradeció a la presidenta de Perú, Dina Ercilia Boluarte, por la confianza en la gestión que lideró 440 días.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-06). Siria denuncia ante ONU vetos de EE.UU. para resguardar a Israel. El representante de la nación árabe indicó que EE.UU. tiene la finalidad de detener el Consejo de Seguridad e imposibilitar que haga lo que le corresponde.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-06). Presidentes de Palestina y Türkiye sostienen encuentro. Discutieron sobre las acciones para poner fin de inmediato a la agresión del Ejército de ocupación de Israel contra la población civil de Palestina.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-03-06). Realizan elecciones primarias en 15 estados de EE.UU. Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Carolina del Norte, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah y Virginia son algunos estados donde tiene lugar el supermartes.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-03-06). Corea del Norte rechaza maniobras de Washington y Seúl. Pyongyang señaló que los ejercicios aumentan "la imprevisibilidad de la situación en la zona del estado de armisticio".

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-03-06). Hamás rechaza acusaciones de la ONU sobre violación sexual. Según el grupo de la resistencia palestina en Gaza, las acusaciones de la ONU son "infundadas" y buscan "demonizar" a la organización.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-03-05). Ayuda humanitaria de EE.UU. no llega a los palestinos en Gaza. Residentes en el lugar informaron que parte de los paquetes cayeron en las costas del asentamiento Zikim, donde se sitúan colonos israelíes, al norte del territorio palestino.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-03-05). Gran movilización conmemora 11 años de la siembra de Hugo Chávez. El Comandante Eterno Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías pasó a la eternidad un 5 de marzo de 2013.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-03-05). Fiscalía de Perú abre investigación contra primer ministro. Esto ocurre por los hechos vinculados a la contratación de Vadire Pinedo Vázquez, una mujer con la que tuvo una relación sentimental, en el Ministerio de Defensa y por la gestión realizada para su contratación en la Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros.

teleSUR, dcdc (2024-03-05). Ayuda humanitaria de EE.UU. no llega a los palestinos en Gaza. Residentes en el lugar informaron que parte de los paquetes cayeron en las costas del asentamiento Zikim, donde se sitúan colonos israelíes, al norte del territorio palestino.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-05). Presidente boliviano realiza cambios en su gabinete ministerial. El mandatario puntualizó que "luego de varias reuniones que hemos tenido con diferentes organizaciones sociales, hemos escuchado a nuestras organizaciones sociales".

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-05). Hallan muerto a líder indígena Merong Kamaka Mongoió en Brasil. La nota de la Articulación de los Pueblos Indígenas (Apib) de Brasil afirma que encontraron al cacique "inconsciente" con "señales de ahorcamiento" y que llegaron a darle socorro, pero "no resistió y falleció".

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-05). Haití vive ola de violencia mientras Ariel Henry esté ausente. El secretario general de la ONU, António Guterres, expresó su profunda preocupación sobre el deterioro de la situación de seguridad en Puerto Príncipe…

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-05). OMS denuncia crisis humanitaria en la Franja de Gaza. La organización sanitaria informó de que al menos 15 menores de edad han muerto por falta de alimentos hasta ahora, de acuerdo al subjefe de la oficina de la OMS, Ahmed Dahir.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-05). República Dominicana cierra el espacio aéreo con Haití. Las autoridades dominicanas mantienen la frontera abierta, permitiendo solo el retorno a su país de los haitianos.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2024-03-05). Excomandantes brasileños señalan nexos de Bolsonaro con golpe. De acuerdo con medios locales, Freire Gomes compareció el pasado viernes ante la Policía Federal por más de siete horas.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-03-05). Descubren valioso tesoro en tumba de 1300 años en Panamá. Un equipo del Ministerio de Cultura panameño y la Fundación El Caño trabaja en esta estructura para encontrar detalles sobre el señorío prehispánico de Río Grande.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-03-05). Incendios forestales provocan dos muertes en Texas, EE.UU. El gobernador texano Greg Abbott señaló que al menos 500 estructuras han sido damnificadas y todavía faltan daños por evaluar.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-03-05). Nicaragua ratifica posición sobre Derechos Humanos ante ONU. La delegación denunció que estos son informes preparados desde la manipulación, lejos de la objetividad y la sensatez.

teleSUR, JCM, YSM (2024-03-05). Venezuela conmemora aniversario de la partida de Hugo Chávez. En conmemoración de los 11 años de la siembra del Comandante Eterno, se le rendirá un sentido homenaje en el Cuartel de la Montaña a partir de las 09H00.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-05). Asamblea Popular de China realizan segunda sesión de trabajos. Zhao Leji, presidente ejecutivo del presidium de la sesión, presidió la reunión. El primer ministro chino, Li Qiang, presentó el informe sobre la labor del Gobierno.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-05). Venezuela conmemora el 11 aniversario de la partida del comandante Hugo Chávez. En conmemoración de los 11 años de la siembra del Comandante Eterno, se le rendirá un sentido homenaje en el Cuartel de la Montaña a partir de las 09H00.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-03-05). Presidente Maduro expresa que Venezuela rechaza colonialismos judiciales. "Una decisión de la CIJ pudiera parar inmediatamente el genocidio israelí ¿y qué hace? nada, porque la CIJ está en manos del imperio global de occidente", dijo el mandatario.

teleSUR, MER (2024-03-05). CNE de Venezuela fija para el próximo 28 de julio las elecciones presidenciales. El rector del CNE afirmó que el procedimiento se efectuó cumpliendo lo establecido en la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

teleSUR, nbb, DRL (2024-03-05). El presidente palestino llega a Türkiye en visita oficial. En el aeropuerto, el presidente fue recibido por diversos funcionarios turcos, embajadores árabes acreditados en Türkiye y personal de la Embajada del Estado de Palestina.

teleSUR, nbb, DRL (2024-03-05). Presidente palestino llega a Türkiye en visita oficial. En el aeropuerto, el presidente fue recibido por diversos funcionarios turcos, embajadores árabes acreditados en Türkiye y personal de la Embajada del Estado de Palestina.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-05). Frente Sandinista gana elecciones regionales en Nicaragua. La presidenta del Consejo Supremo Electoral felicitó nuevamente a las familias caribeñas por su participación en estas Elecciones Victoriosas Caribe 2024.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-05). Inhabilitan a expresidente Martinelli como candidato en Panamá. El presidente del TE, Alfredo Juncá, afirmó que la decisión se tomó en cumplimiento del mandato constitucional y las normas del Código Electoral.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-05). Situación de emergencia en Perú tras intensas lluvias. Los aguaceros han provocado graves daños en viviendas, carreteras y la infraestructura de escuelas, centros sanitarios y desagües en las regiones norteñas de Piura y Tumbes.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-05). Siria denuncia ante ONU vetos de EE.UU. para resguardar a Israel. El representante de la nación árabe indicó que EE.UU. tiene la finalidad de detener el Consejo de Seguridad e imposibilitar que haga lo que le corresponde.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-03-05). Realizan elecciones primarias en 15 estados de EE.UU. Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Carolina del Norte, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah y Virginia son algunos estados donde tiene lugar el supermartes.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-03-05). Corea del Norte rechaza maniobras de Washington y Seúl. Pyongyang señaló que los ejercicios aumentan "la imprevisibilidad de la situación en la zona del estado de armisticio".

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-03-05). Hamás rechaza acusaciones de la ONU sobre violación sexual. Según el grupo de la resistencia palestina en Gaza, las acusaciones de la ONU son "infundadas" y buscan "demonizar" a la organización.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-03-05). Sube a 30.631 cifra de palestinos asesinados en Gaza por Israel. El ejército israelí cometió 10 masacres en Gaza en las últimas 24 horas, matando a 97 personas e hiriendo a otras 123, dice el Ministerio de Salud.

teleSUR, nbb, DRL (2024-03-05). El presidente Abbas llega a Türkiye en visita oficial. En el aeropuerto, el presidente fue recibido por diversos funcionarios turcos, embajadores árabes acreditados en Türkiye y personal de la Embajada del Estado de Palestina.

teleSUR (2024-03-05). US Holds 'Super Tuesday' Primaries. Polls begin to open in more than a dozen U.S. states on the so-called "Super Tuesday" as part of the 2024 presidential primaries, with voters concerned about the leading candidates of both parties. | RELATED: | Fifteen states, including California, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Texas, as well as the U.S. territory of American Samoa, are scheduled to hold primary elections on "Super Tuesday" while Iowa Democrats will…

teleSUR (2024-03-05). Venezuela Holds Events in Honor of Hugo Chavez. On Tuesday, the young people of the United Socialist Party (PSUV) will lead a solemn event at the "Mountain Barracks," where the remains of former President Hugo Chavez, the historical leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, rest. | RELATED: | "Eleven years after Commander Chavez's sowing, we ratify his legacy: a powerful revolutionary identity that brings together the forces of the emancipatory deeds in our Amerca's history. Chavez lives and…

teleSUR (2024-03-05). Venezuela Rejects Judicial Colonialism: President Maduro. On Monday, President Nicolas Maduro asserted that Venezuela "does not accept judicial colonialism from anyone, especially at a time when the entire humanity is questioning the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC)." | RELATED: | "All these organizations are exhausted and cornered. We are witnessing a genocide broadcasted live on social media, and what do they do? Nothing, they turn a blind eye. They are in…

teleSUR (2024-03-05). Wildfires Ravage Russia's Southern Primorye Territory. On Tuesday, local media reported that wildfires that swept Russia's southern Primorye Territory over the weekend has expanded to 7,400 hectares, while a new fire breaking out in the Land of the Leopard National Park. | RELATED: | Over the past weekend, large-scale wildfires ignited in the Khasansky District of southern Primorye. As of Monday morning, the firefighters had increased to 300 persons. | "As of this…

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-06). Joven palestino muere tras ser herido por las fuerzas israelíes. A pesar de haber sido sometido a varias cirugías, el joven no logró sobrevivir a sus graves heridas y falleció la noche del martes.

Peoples Health Dispatch (2024-03-06). Migrant health and care workers in the UK face new threats by immigration policy. The health and care sectors in the UK depend on migrant health workers, yet Rishi Sunak's government is preparing to introduce even harsher immigration policies…

Staff (2024-03-06). UAE ranks 5th globally in 'Women in Parliament 2023': IPU report. Abu Dhabi : The UAE ranks fifth in the IPU's latest 'Women in Parliament 2023' report, which is based on parliamentary renewals in 66 chambers in 52 countries in 2023. Rwanda continues to lead the IPU world ranking with women accounting for 61.3% of seats in the Chamber of Deputies, followed by Cuba and Nicaragua …

tvbrics (2024-03-06). Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to provide funds to boost Brazil's development. The parties discussed long-term co-operation…

infobrics (2024-03-06). BRICS Green Cooperation: Pioneering Sustainable Development for a Greener Future. The BRICS nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – represent a formidable coalition of emerging economies united by a shared commitment to sustainable development and environmental protection. Collaborating under BRICS, these countries have embarked on a collective path to promote green initiatives and advance environmental sustainability on a global scale…

WSWS (2024-03-06). Steward Health Care: Massachusetts hospital chain held hostage to private equity parasitism. The Steward affair is one of the most insidious instances of putting profit maximization before human need. The health care provider is the third-largest hospital owner in Massachusetts and has dozens of hospitals across nine states plus facilities in Colombia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

kwjorinoco (2024-03-06). President Maduro: Guyana Must Sit Down with Venezuela to Find a Solution. The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, said this Monday that Guyana must settle the Essequibo controversy with Venezuela and without interference from external organizations such as the International Criminal Court (ICC). | During a broadcast of Con Maduro+, he commented on the ruling issued last Friday, March 1, by the Preliminary Chamber of the ICC, which authorized the ICC to pursue an investigation into crimes against humanity allegedly committed in Venezuela. | In this regard, the head of state said, "The people established the historical position that Venezuela does not recognize the International Cour…

Ana Perdigón (2024-03-06). Date for Venezuela's Presidential Election Set by National Electoral Council. On Tuesday, the president of Venezuela's National Electoral Council (CNE), Elvis Amoroso, announced the electoral schedule for the 2024 presidential elections, setting July 28 as the official date for the vote. | During a press conference, Amoroso reported that the national electoral board evaluated all the proposals presented by the board of directors of the National Assembly (AN) on the general principles, the calendar, and the expansion of electoral guarantees. | On February 28, the AN and representatives of various sectors within Venezuela signed the "Caracas Agreement," which presented proposals to the CNE r…

Staff (2024-03-06). Headlines for March 6, 2024. Biden & Trump Nearly Sweep Super Tuesday Primaries; Haley to Drop out, Schiff and Garvey Advance in California in Senate Race to Fill Feinstein's Seat, Mark Robinson, Holocaust-Denying, Gay-Bashing Candidate, Wins NC Gubernatorial Primary, Israel Blocks World Food Programme Aid Delivery to Northern Gaza as Agency Attempts to Avert Famine, Hamas Demands Permanent Ceasefire Before More Hostages Are Released, Lebanon: Israel Kills Hezbollah Fighter Along with His Wife & Son, World Food Programme: Sudan Could Soon Face "World's Largest Hunger Crisis", Gang Leader Jimmy Chérizier: Haiti Is Head…

2024-03-06 12:57:19 | 12:57 EST | tr | 89 | 0 | 57 | 54 | 0 

2024-03-05: News Headlines

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2024-03-05). Bolivarian Revolution Celebrates 25th Year Anniversary. By Jeremy Kuzmarov — Feb 27, 2024 | Revolution Has Survived and Flourished Despite U.S. Attempts to Destroy It | February 2 marked the 25th anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution. On that day in 1999, Hugo Chávez, a left-wing Venezuelan army officer, assumed power and initiated a socialist revolution that had ripple effects across the region and world. | Invoking the legacy of Simón Bolívar, who had led much of Latin America's liberation from Spanish colonization in the 1820s, Chávez's government enacted measures to retake national control over Venezuela's oil resources and to use the revenues to fund soci…

Bárbara Gómez (2024-03-05). Líderes de la Celac por abordar desafíos estructurales de la migración. Kingstown, 4 mar (RHC) Líderes de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (Celac) reiteraron su interés en fortalecer la cooperación y coordinación para abordar los desafíos estructurales de la migración en la región y su relación con el desarrollo sostenible.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-03-05). Aleida Guevara and Mandela's grandson call to end genocide in Gaza. Santiago, Chile, Mar 5 (Prensa Latina) Aleida Guevara, Che's daughter, and Nkosi Zwelivelile Mandela, Mandela's grandson, called on the international community to take actions to stop the massacre Israel is currently committing in the Gaza Strip, where more than 30,000 Palestinians have already died.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-03-05). Planet celebrates World Energy Efficiency Day. Vienna, Mar 5 (Prensa Latina) World Energy Efficiency Day is celebrated every March 5 to reflect and raise awareness of the importance of rational energy use, as its waste would have irreparable consequences.

jamanetwork (2024-03-05). Medical Student Intent to Practice in Underserved Areas. To the Editor A recent research letter by Dyrbye and colleagues evaluated medical students' intent to practice in underserved areas by race, ethnicity, sex, and sexual orientation between 2019 and 2021. Dyrbye and colleagues found that American Indian or Alaska Native; Black or African American; Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin; and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander medical students were significantly more likely to report intent to practice in underserved areas. As Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander physicians and researchers, we commend the authors on abiding by federal race standards, incl…

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-03-05). Cuba criticizes some nations' lack of commitment on culture. Abu Dhabi, Mar 5 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Culture Minister Alpidio Alonso criticized some nations' lack of commitment on culture at the World Culture Summit, which is in session on Monday in this city.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-03-05). Cuba criticizes some nations' lack of commitment on culture. Abu Dhabi, Mar 4 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Culture Minister Alpidio Alonso criticized some nations' lack of commitment on culture at the World Culture Summit, which is in session since Monday in this city.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-03-05). Cuba criticizes some nations' lack of commitment towards culture. Abu Dhabi, Mar 4 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Culture Minister Alpidio Alonso criticized some nations' lack of commitment on culture at the World Culture Summit, which is in session on Monday in this city.

Redacción Perú (2024-03-05). Venezuela and Mexico sign agreement on migration. A solution to the migration crisis. In an attempt to find a solution to the migration crisis in the Americas, as in the rest of the world, the countries of Venezuela and Mexico have signed a comprehensive migration agreement to ensure dignified treatment for Venezuelan migrants. This initiative could be replicated and improve the inhumane conditions suffered by millions of migrants around the world. | The signing took place during the VIII Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and was attended by President Nicolás Maduro, Bolivarian Foreign Ministe…

Staff (2024-03-05). Haiti: Ariel Henry's U.S.-Backed "Criminal Regime" Faces Gang Uprising; U.N. Set to Deploy Kenyan Police. Haiti is under a state of emergency after the country's gangs freed thousands of people from the country's largest prisons and are reportedly uniting to bring down Haiti's de facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry, who has yet to return to the country since he traveled to Kenya last week to discuss a deal to bring a U.N. force of 1,000 Kenyan police to the island. "It is a desolation that we are feeling. It is a terror that we are living," says Haitian pro-democracy advocate Monique Clesca about escalating gang violence that has already displaced thousands of Haitians. "We have been…

teleSUR (2024-03-04). Bahamas for Greater Cooperation in Face of Climate Change. On Saturday, the Prime Minister of the Bahamas, Philip Davis, stressed the urgency of greater multilateral cooperation to address climate change at the VIII Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). | RELATED: | "We have reached a stage where, as a community of states and as a regional bloc, we must think differently about the structure of our multilateral cooperation, as we have a unique opportunity to participate collectivel…

albawaba (2024-03-05). Rita Moreno opens up about her struggles with Hispanic identity. Rita Moreno, the legendary actor who has won an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar, and a Tony, has revealed that she did not always love being a Hispanic person.In an interview with TODAY show host Hoda Kotb, Moreno said that she felt "unworthy and without value" as a Puerto Rican immigrant in New York."For many years, I didn't like being a Hispanic person," Moreno said. "It took a very long time to get over the feeling that I was an unworthy person, that I wasn't pretty, or that I was a Latina."Today in History. On April 9, 1962, Puerto Rican actress Rita Moreno becomes the first Hispanic and Puerto Rican woman to win an…

GABIK (2024-03-05). Task team established to clear alien invasive plants in Vaal River. Task team established to clear alien invasive plants in Vaal River | The Ministers of Water and Sanitation, Senzo Mchunu, and Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Barbara Creecy, have established a Technical Task Team to identify interventions with clear outcomes to manage the clearing of alien invasive plants at the Vaal River. | This follows public concerns relating to the use of the chemical, glyphosate, to clear alien invasive plants from the Vaal River by Rand Water. | In a joint statement, the departments said the task team, led by the Directors-General of the two departments and Chief Executive Officer…

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-03-05). México y Venezuela impulsan proyectos cooperación internacional. De acuerdo al comunicado, con estas mesas de trabajo se refleja que, "al fortalecer y ampliar la cooperación entre nuestros países, se contribuye al desarrollo de una región más próspera".

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-04). Cuatro muertos y varios heridos tras balacera en Guanajuato, México. En la escena dos hermanos, propietarios de una tienda, fallecieron estos fueron identificados como José "N" y Reyna "N". Asimismo dos menores de edad perdieron la vida por impactos de bala.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-05). Cuatro muertos y varios heridos tras balacera en Guanajuato, México. En la escena dos hermanos, propietarios de una tienda, fallecieron estos fueron identificados como José "N" y Reyna "N". Asimismo dos menores de edad perdieron la vida por impactos de bala.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-03-05). Gran movilización conmemora 11 años de la siembra de Hugo Chávez. El Comandante Eterno Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías pasó a la eternidad un 5 de marzo de 2013.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-03-05). Fiscalía de Perú abre investigación contra primer ministro. Esto ocurre por los hechos vinculados a la contratación de Vadire Pinedo Vázquez, una mujer con la que tuvo una relación sentimental, en el Ministerio de Defensa y por la gestión realizada para su contratación en la Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros.

teleSUR, dcdc (2024-03-05). Ayuda humanitaria de EE.UU. no llega a los palestinos en Gaza. Residentes en el lugar informaron que parte de los paquetes cayeron en las costas del asentamiento Zikim, donde se sitúan colonos israelíes, al norte del territorio palestino.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-05). Presidente boliviano realiza cambios en su gabinete ministerial. El mandatario puntualizó que "luego de varias reuniones que hemos tenido con diferentes organizaciones sociales, hemos escuchado a nuestras organizaciones sociales".

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-05). Hallan muerto a líder indígena Merong Kamaka Mongoió en Brasil. La nota de la Articulación de los Pueblos Indígenas (Apib) de Brasil afirma que encontraron al cacique "inconsciente" con "señales de ahorcamiento" y que llegaron a darle socorro, pero "no resistió y falleció".

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-05). Haití vive ola de violencia mientras Ariel Henry esté ausente. El secretario general de la ONU, António Guterres, expresó su profunda preocupación sobre el deterioro de la situación de seguridad en Puerto Príncipe…

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-05). OMS denuncia crisis humanitaria en la Franja de Gaza. La organización sanitaria informó de que al menos 15 menores de edad han muerto por falta de alimentos hasta ahora, de acuerdo al subjefe de la oficina de la OMS, Ahmed Dahir.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-05). República Dominicana cierra el espacio aéreo con Haití. Las autoridades dominicanas mantienen la frontera abierta, permitiendo solo el retorno a su país de los haitianos.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2024-03-05). Excomandantes brasileños señalan nexos de Bolsonaro con golpe. De acuerdo con medios locales, Freire Gomes compareció el pasado viernes ante la Policía Federal por más de siete horas.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-03-05). Cinco obras de Rosa Luxemburgo para recordar su legado. Luxemburgo se sumó a las filas del Partido Socialdemócrata de Alemania (SPD), pero en 1914 alzó su voz contra ese colectivo por dar fondos para financiar la Primera Guerra Mundial.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-03-05). Descubren valioso tesoro en tumba de 1300 años en Panamá. Un equipo del Ministerio de Cultura panameño y la Fundación El Caño trabaja en esta estructura para encontrar detalles sobre el señorío prehispánico de Río Grande.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-03-05). Incendios forestales provocan dos muertes en Texas, EE.UU. El gobernador texano Greg Abbott señaló que al menos 500 estructuras han sido damnificadas y todavía faltan daños por evaluar.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-03-05). Nicaragua ratifica posición sobre Derechos Humanos ante ONU. La delegación denunció que estos son informes preparados desde la manipulación, lejos de la objetividad y la sensatez.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN, JDO (2024-03-05). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. Suman casi cinco meses de ataques constantes de las fuerzas sionistas contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania, en medio de la parálisis de la ONU y el apoyo occidental al genocidio.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-05). Asamblea Popular de China realizan segunda sesión de trabajos. Zhao Leji, presidente ejecutivo del presidium de la sesión, presidió la reunión. El primer ministro chino, Li Qiang, presentó el informe sobre la labor del Gobierno.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-05). Venezuela conmemora el 11 aniversario de la partida del comandante Hugo Chávez. En conmemoración de los 11 años de la siembra del Comandante Eterno, se le rendirá un sentido homenaje en el Cuartel de la Montaña a partir de las 09H00.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-03-05). Presidente Maduro expresa que Venezuela rechaza colonialismos judiciales. "Una decisión de la CIJ pudiera parar inmediatamente el genocidio israelí ¿y qué hace? nada, porque la CIJ está en manos del imperio global de occidente", dijo el mandatario.

teleSUR, nbb, DRL (2024-03-05). El presidente palestino llega a Türkiye en visita oficial. En el aeropuerto, el presidente fue recibido por diversos funcionarios turcos, embajadores árabes acreditados en Türkiye y personal de la Embajada del Estado de Palestina.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-05). Frente Sandinista gana elecciones regionales en Nicaragua. La presidenta del Consejo Supremo Electoral felicitó nuevamente a las familias caribeñas por su participación en estas Elecciones Victoriosas Caribe 2024.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-05). Inhabilitan a expresidente Martinelli como candidato en Panamá. El presidente del TE, Alfredo Juncá, afirmó que la decisión se tomó en cumplimiento del mandato constitucional y las normas del Código Electoral.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-05). Situación de emergencia en Perú tras intensas lluvias. Los aguaceros han provocado graves daños en viviendas, carreteras y la infraestructura de escuelas, centros sanitarios y desagües en las regiones norteñas de Piura y Tumbes.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-03-05). Corea del Norte rechaza maniobras de Washington y Seúl. Pyongyang señaló que los ejercicios aumentan "la imprevisibilidad de la situación en la zona del estado de armisticio".

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-03-05). Hamás rechaza acusaciones de la ONU sobre violación sexual. Según el grupo de la resistencia palestina en Gaza, las acusaciones de la ONU son "infundadas" y buscan "demonizar" a la organización.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-03-05). Sube a 30.631 cifra de palestinos asesinados en Gaza por Israel. El ejército israelí cometió 10 masacres en Gaza en las últimas 24 horas, matando a 97 personas e hiriendo a otras 123, dice el Ministerio de Salud.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-04). Asesinan a candidato a alcalde en estado mexicano de Guerrero. En el procedimiento del investigación, trabajaron elementos de la Policía Investigadora, Ministerial y personal de los Servicios Periciales de la Fiscalía.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-04). Gremios del sector educativo de Argentina inician paro. Los gremios tratan de que el gobierno apruebe una mejora salarial que pueda sostener el consumo ante la creciente inflación.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-04). Habitantes de California afectados por tormentas de nieve inusuales. Estas tormentas de nieve han dificultado el tránsito y los viajes de los pobladores locales, sobre todo a los que viven en la zona de Sierra Nevada…

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-04). Diálogos para un cese al fuego en Gaza la continúan en Egipto. Fuentes egipcias señalaron que se han conseguido "avances" en las conversaciones para lograr un acuerdo justo para un cese al fuego en la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-04). Gobierno colombiano y disidencia de las FARC instalan cuarto ciclo de diálogos. La Oficina del Alto Comisionado para la Paz detalló que la ronda de diálogos se centrará en transformaciones territoriales, participación social, pedagogía y comunicaciones entre otros.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-04). Gobierno de Haití decreta estado de emergencia y toque de queda. El Gobierno haitiano indicó que el toque de queda regirá el lunes, el martes y el miércoles próximos desde las 18H00 a las 05H00 horas.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-04). Israel mata a decenas de personas que esperaban ayuda en Gaza. El Ministerio de Salud en la Franja de Gaza denunció que Israel está llevando a cabo un genocidio contra cientos de miles de personas hambrientas en el territorio palestino.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-04). Presidente salvadoreño reacciona a derrota en varias alcaldías. Aún sin conocerse los resultados oficiales y preliminares del TSE, el presidente Nayib Bukele reclamó la victoria en 43 de las 44 alcaldías del país.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-05). Intercambio de fuego entre Israel y Líbano deja un muerto. En casi cinco meses de ataques cruzados, al menos 314 personas han muerto, la mayoría en el lado libanés y dentro de las filas de Hezbolá, grupo que ha confirmado 228 bajas, algunas de ellas en Siria.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-05). Presidente brasileño recibe a gerente general del FMI. El presidente brasileño añadió que, además, conversaron sobre "la necesaria reforma del FMI", para hacerlo "más representativo del mundo actual".

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-05). Tiroteo en una fiesta deja 4 muertos en California, EE.UU. El presidente Joe Biden, ha invocado a actuar contra la violencia armada, porque "hiere profundamente el alma estadounidense", según repite tras cada nuevo tiroteo masivo.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2024-03-05). Gobierno surcoreano retirará licencia a 7.000 médicos en huelga. De acuerdo con medios asiáticos, unos 9.000 doctores en prácticas han dejado de trabajar desde el pasado 20 de febrero.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2024-03-05). Supremo de EE.UU. habilita participación de Trump en comicios. El máximo tribunal tomó la decisión en la víspera de las primarias republicanas fijadas para el denominado "supermartes".

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-05). Rusia considera de provocadoras maniobras de la OTAN en el àÅrtico. "Cualquier ejercicio militar, especialmente cerca de la línea de combate, aumenta el riesgo de incidentes militares", señaló el viceministro Alexander Grushko.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-03-05). Parlamento francés aprueba el aborto en su Constitución. De acuerdo a medios locales, alrededor del 85 por ciento de la población apoya la reforma.

teleSUR, nbb, DRL (2024-03-05). El presidente Abbas llega a Türkiye en visita oficial. En el aeropuerto, el presidente fue recibido por diversos funcionarios turcos, embajadores árabes acreditados en Türkiye y personal de la Embajada del Estado de Palestina.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-05). Gremios docentes realizan paro nacional por 24 horas en Argentina. Los gremios rechazaron las decisiones tomadas por el Ejecutivo de Javier Milei de eliminar los fondos destinados al sector.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-05). Presidente Maduro se reúne con Alto Mando Político Ampliado de la Revolución. En el encuentro se revisó el desarrollo y la ampliación del trabajo de las Siete Transformaciones (7T) rumbo al 2030.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-05). Realizan marcha en solidaridad con Palestina en Canadá. La marcha juntó a cientos de personas en el Monumento a los Derechos Humanos en Elgin Street, en el centro de Ottawa.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-05). Trabajadores denuncian precarización laboral en Uruguay. El exministro ha llevado una gestión muy cuestionada por la pérdida salarial de los trabajadores.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-03-05). Entra en erupción volcán La Cumbre en Galápagos, Ecuador. Hasta el momento, la actividad de La Cumbre no representa un peligro para los turistas ni para la vida de la región.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-03-05). Trabajadores ferroviarios alemanes anuncian nuevas huelgas. El Sindicato de Maquinistas Alemanes (GDL) señaló que el próximo miércoles comenzará la primera huelga.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-03-05). Rusia convoca a embajador alemán tras filtración de audio. En el audio cuatro altos oficiales alemanes analizan bombardear el denominado en la conversación como "puente del este".

teleSUR (2024-03-05). US Holds 'Super Tuesday' Primaries. Polls begin to open in more than a dozen U.S. states on the so-called "Super Tuesday" as part of the 2024 presidential primaries, with voters concerned about the leading candidates of both parties. | RELATED: | Fifteen states, including California, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Texas, as well as the U.S. territory of American Samoa, are scheduled to hold primary elections on "Super Tuesday" while Iowa Democrats will…

teleSUR (2024-03-05). Venezuela Holds Events in Honor of Hugo Chavez. On Tuesday, the young people of the United Socialist Party (PSUV) will lead a solemn event at the "Mountain Barracks," where the remains of former President Hugo Chavez, the historical leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, rest. | RELATED: | "Eleven years after Commander Chavez's sowing, we ratify his legacy: a powerful revolutionary identity that brings together the forces of the emancipatory deeds in our Amerca's history. Chavez lives and…

teleSUR (2024-03-05). Venezuela Rejects Judicial Colonialism: President Maduro. On Monday, President Nicolas Maduro asserted that Venezuela "does not accept judicial colonialism from anyone, especially at a time when the entire humanity is questioning the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC)." | RELATED: | "All these organizations are exhausted and cornered. We are witnessing a genocide broadcasted live on social media, and what do they do? Nothing, they turn a blind eye. They are in…

teleSUR (2024-03-05). Wildfires Ravage Russia's Southern Primorye Territory. On Tuesday, local media reported that wildfires that swept Russia's southern Primorye Territory over the weekend has expanded to 7,400 hectares, while a new fire breaking out in the Land of the Leopard National Park. | RELATED: | Over the past weekend, large-scale wildfires ignited in the Khasansky District of southern Primorye. As of Monday morning, the firefighters had increased to 300 persons. | "As of this…

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-04). Presidente argentino cierra agencia de prensa Télam. Los trabajadores de la agencia de noticias recibieron una comunicación que les informa que fueron "dispensados" de cumplir con sus tareas por un plazo de siete días.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-04). Intercambio de fuego entre Israel y Líbano deja un muerto. En casi cinco meses de ataques cruzados, al menos 314 personas han muerto, la mayoría en el lado libanés y dentro de las filas de Hezbolá, grupo que ha confirmado 228 bajas, algunas de ellas en Siria.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-04). Presidente brasileño recibe a gerente general del FMI. El presidente brasileño añadió que, además, conversaron sobre "la necesaria reforma del FMI", para hacerlo "más representativo del mundo actual".

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-04). Tiroteo en una fiesta deja 4 muertos en California, EE.UU. El presidente Joe Biden, ha invocado a actuar contra la violencia armada, porque "hiere profundamente el alma estadounidense", según repite tras cada nuevo tiroteo masivo.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2024-03-04). Gobierno surcoreano retirará licencia a 7.000 médicos en huelga. De acuerdo con medios asiáticos, unos 9.000 doctores en prácticas han dejado de trabajar desde el pasado 20 de febrero.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2024-03-04). Supremo de EE.UU. habilita participación de Trump en comicios. El máximo tribunal tomó la decisión en la víspera de las primarias republicanas fijadas para el denominado "supermartes".

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-04). Nikki Haley supera a Trump en las primarias republicanas en D.C. La victoria de Haley impulsa su campaña en la recta final de las primarias del Partido Republicano (PR) cuando mañana martes se celebra el llamado "Supermartes".

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-04). Sube a 30.534 cifra de palestinos asesinados por Israel en Gaza. El número de niños palestinos asesinados en la ofensiva de las fuerzas armadas sionistas ascendió a 13.430, y el de mujeres a 8.900, desde el comienzo de la actual agresión en Gaza.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-04). Rusia considera de provocadoras maniobras de la OTAN en el àÅrtico. "Cualquier ejercicio militar, especialmente cerca de la línea de combate, aumenta el riesgo de incidentes militares", señaló el viceministro Alexander Grushko.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-03-04). Parlamento francés aprueba el aborto en su Constitución. De acuerdo a medios locales, alrededor del 85 por ciento de la población apoya la reforma.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-04). Gremios del sector educativo de Argentina iniciarán paro. Los gremios tratan de que el gobierno apruebe una mejora salarial que pueda sostener el consumo ante la creciente inflación.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-04). Gremios docentes realizan paro nacional por 24 horas en Argentina. Los gremios rechazaron las decisiones tomadas por el Ejecutivo de Javier Milei de eliminar los fondos destinados al sector.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-04). Presidente Maduro se reúne con Alto Mando Político Ampliado de la Revolución. En el encuentro se revisó el desarrollo y la ampliación del trabajo de las Siete Transformaciones (7T) rumbo al 2030.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-04). Realizan marcha en solidaridad con Palestina en Canadá. La marcha juntó a cientos de personas en el Monumento a los Derechos Humanos en Elgin Street, en el centro de Ottawa.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-04). Trabajadores denuncian precarización laboral en Uruguay. El exministro ha llevado una gestión muy cuestionada por la pérdida salarial de los trabajadores.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-04). Diálogos para un cese al fuego en Gaza continúan en Egipto. Fuentes egipcias señalaron que se han conseguido "avances" en las conversaciones para lograr un acuerdo justo para un cese al fuego en la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-03-04). Entra en erupción volcán La Cumbre en Galápagos, Ecuador. Hasta el momento, la actividad de La Cumbre no representa un peligro para los turistas ni para la vida de la región.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-03-04). Trabajadores ferroviarios alemanes anuncian nuevas huelgas. El Sindicato de Maquinistas Alemanes (GDL) señaló que el próximo miércoles comenzará la primera huelga.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-03-04). Asamblea General de la ONU abordará genocidio israelí en Gaza. Durante la mañana se realizará una sesión para tratar el más reciente veto aplicado en febrero pasado por Washington.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-03-04). Rusia convoca a embajador alemán tras filtración de audio. En el audio cuatro altos oficiales alemanes analizan bombardear el denominado en la conversación como "puente del este".

teleSUR (2024-03-04). Argentine President Milei Shuts Down Press Agency TELAM. In the early hours of Monday, the administration of far-right President Javier Milei shut down the state news agency TELAM and completely disabled its website. | RELATED: | Telam journalists and workers were "dismissed" from their duties for a period of seven days and are not allowed to enter the editorial building, which is currently surrounded by fences. | Since late Sunday, TELAM'S website has displayed the image of the Argentine national coat of arms an…

teleSUR (2024-03-04). Argentine Teachers Start National Strike. On Monday, the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) led a national strike to demand salary improvements and other demands. | RELATED: | Previously, the administration of far-right President Javier Milei announced the elimination of the Teacher Incentive Fund (FONID). | In response to these and other measures aimed at reducing the public sector, the unions demand that the government finance public education and approve a sala…

teleSUR (2024-03-04). Depriving Gaza of Aid is Tantamount to a Death Sentence: AL. On Sunday, Arab League (AL) Secretary Ahmed Aboul Gheit said that depriving the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip of basic life-saving aid is tantamount to a "death sentence and collective punishment." | RELATED: | The AL chief made the remarks during his meeting with Sigrid Kaag, United Nations senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator for Gaza, at the league's headquarters in Cairo, the pan-Arab organization said in a statement. | Ab…

Asieh Namdar (2024-03-01). The Heat: Israel-Hamas Conflict. More than 100 people were killed and hundreds more have been injured in Gaza while trying to get food from aid trucks. According to the United Nations, more than half a million people are at risk of famine. | To discuss the ongoing conflict, joining us: |

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-05). Presidente argentino cierra agencia de prensa Télam. Los trabajadores de la agencia de noticias recibieron una comunicación que les informa que fueron "dispensados" de cumplir con sus tareas por un plazo de siete días.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-05). Nikki Haley supera a Trump en las primarias republicanas en D.C. La victoria de Haley impulsa su campaña en la recta final de las primarias del Partido Republicano (PR) cuando mañana martes se celebra el llamado "Supermartes".

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-05). Sube a 30.534 cifra de palestinos asesinados por Israel en Gaza. El número de niños palestinos asesinados en la ofensiva de las fuerzas armadas sionistas ascendió a 13.430, y el de mujeres a 8.900, desde el comienzo de la actual agresión en Gaza.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-05). Gremios del sector educativo de Argentina iniciarán paro. Los gremios tratan de que el gobierno apruebe una mejora salarial que pueda sostener el consumo ante la creciente inflación.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-05). Diálogos para un cese al fuego en Gaza continúan en Egipto. Fuentes egipcias señalaron que se han conseguido "avances" en las conversaciones para lograr un acuerdo justo para un cese al fuego en la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-05). Gobierno de Haití decreta estado de emergencia y toque de queda. El Gobierno haitiano indicó que el toque de queda regirá el lunes, el martes y el miércoles próximos desde las 18H00 a las 05H00 horas.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-05). Presidente salvadoreño reacciona a derrota en varias alcaldías. Aún sin conocerse los resultados oficiales y preliminares del TSE, el presidente Nayib Bukele reclamó la victoria en 43 de las 44 alcaldías del país.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-03-05). Asamblea General de la ONU abordará genocidio israelí en Gaza. Durante la mañana se realizará una sesión para tratar el más reciente veto aplicado en febrero pasado por Washington.

María Candela (2024-03-05). Obvio, predecible y terrible. De centenario castigo colonialista, Haití pasa a convertirse en "novela negra", en medio del terror de las pandillas y el toque de queda. Walther Voltaire, el juez que investiga el asesinato del presidente haitiano, Jovenel MoàØse, acusó a su viuda, Martine MoàØse, de "complicidad y asociación criminal" en la investigación para esclarecer lo sucedido en julio de 2021, cuando un comando de mercenarios colombianos asaltó su residencia y lo asesinó.

Maria Calvo (2024-03-05). Chávez, un verdadero revolucionario. Chávez es un verdadero revolucionario, pensador profundo, sincero, valiente e incansable trabajador…", diría el líder histórico de la revolución cubana, Fidel Castro, sobre el fallecido presidente venezolano, quien cambiaría la realidad de su querida Venezuela.

Maria Calvo (2024-03-05). Cuba denuncia masacre del pueblo palestino en Cumbre de Abu Dhabi. La Habana, 5 mar (RHC) El ministro cubano de Cultura Alpidio Alonso denunció la masacre del pueblo palestino ante los ojos de la comunidad internacional, al intervenir en la sexta Cumbre Cultural que concluye hoy en Abu Dhabi, Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos.

David Bacon (2024-03-05). A strategic cross-border labor alliance. A relationship between a U.S. and a Mexican union, forged in the face of NAFTA, has borne fruit over decades of struggle. Two leaders reflect on the importance of international solidarity.

WSWS (2024-03-05). After 50 percent hike in his wealth, Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim hails the president as "good for business" As of March 2024, Forbes lists 14 Mexican billionaires with a combined wealth of $184 billion, a 47 percent increase in their wealth under the current administration.

WSWS (2024-03-05). After 50 percent hike in his wealth, Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim hails AMLO as "good for business" As of March 2024, Forbes lists 14 Mexican billionaires with a combined wealth of $184 billion, a 47 percent increase in their wealth under the current administration.

Staff (2024-03-05). Narco-State: U.S.-Backed Fmr. Honduran Pres. Juan Orlando Hernández on Trial in NY for Drug Trafficking. Federal prosecutors in New York have rested their case against former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández, who is accused of turning the Central American country into a narco-state. Hernández is on trial for cocaine trafficking and weapons charges and is the first former head of state to stand trial in the United States since Panamanian dictator and U.S. ally Manuel Noriega was also tried on drug charges after a U.S.-led ouster. Prosecutors accuse Hernández, a longtime U.S. ally accused of human rights violations throughout his presidency, of accepting millions of dollars in bribes from cocaine traffickers…

WSWS (2024-03-05). Migrant worker exploitation escalates in New Zealand. Migrant exploitation, with tens of thousands brought into the country often to work as virtual slave labour, is an entrenched feature of New Zealand capitalism.

WSWS (2024-03-05). Migrant worker exploitation escalates in New Zealand. Migrant exploitation, with tens of thousands brought into the country, often to work as virtual slave labour, is an entrenched feature of New Zealand capitalism.

EDWIN (2024-03-05). Operation Shanela nets 1 154 suspects in North West. Operation Shanela nets 1 154 suspects in North West | The South African Police Service's Operation Shanela has nabbed 1 154 suspects for numerous crimes between Monday, 26 February and Sunday, 3 March 2024 in the North West province. | Of the total arrests made, 58 were drug related offences, 31 were for illegal dealing in liquor, 17 for driving under the influence of liquor, eight for illegal possession of firearms and ammunition, 37 for burglaries, 53 for malicious damage to property, while 67 suspected undocumented persons were handed over to the Department of Home Affairs for further processing. | On Tuesday,…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-05). Triunfo sandinista, la voluntad del pueblo costeño en Nicaragua. La Habana, 5 mar (RHC) El triunfo de la alianza del Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN), Unida Nicaragua Triunfa, en los comicios regionales del domingo último, patentizó la voluntad del pueblo costeño de continuar hoy la defensa de su autonomía.

Staff (2024-03-05). Argentina: President Milei Closes Télam News Agency. The news agency workers received a letter informing them they were "excused" from their duties for seven days. | After announcing the closure of the press agency Télam early this Monday, March 4, the Argentinian government of President Javier Milei proceeded to suspend Télam's website while the building from where the newsroom operates was fenced off. | Meanwhile, all workers were "excused" from their duties for seven days and could not enter the building to carry out their journalistic work. | Télam's public website was taken down in the late hours of Sunday. Upon entering the site, an Argentine national coat of…

Aram Aharonian (2024-03-05). Argentina: Fears of spillover discontent. Before his speech opening the legislative sessions, Argentina's far-right president Javier Milei argued that "as long as Congress has its current composition, we believe it will be difficult to pass reforms," leaving the impression that he plans to rule by decree, bypassing the institutions.Milei played down the impact of his adjustment by trying to dispel doubts about the stability that international organizations insist on: "There is no chance of a social uprising unless there is a politically motivated event or foreign infiltrators". | For a week, Argentina witnessed an unprecedented escalation that pitted the…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-03-05). Tramway workers hold strike in Argentina. According to the UTA, the protest occurs after two months of hearings at the Labor Secretariat without a proposal for salary increases. | This action also includes similar procedures carried out by the education and railway sectors, in which participants denounced the Government's refusal to update payments in a context marked by adjustment and high inflation. | They also condemned eliminating funds for those sectors, especially in the provinces. | Last week, members of the Construction Workers' Union (UOCRA) in Buenos Aires gathered outside the Secretariat to denounce thousands of layoffs due to the interruptio…

Reuters (2024-03-05). Brazil's top soybean city seeks to lure Chinese investments in grain-crushing industry. Sorriso mayor Ari Lafin noted that while the Chinese were receptive to his delegation's proposals, COFCO tends to prefer processing soybeans in China…

tvbrics (2024-03-05). Several sectors in Brazil show positive dynamics under Lula's government. Among them are the economy, education and health care…

Redacción Perú (2024-03-05). Peruvians say inequality between men and women has worsened. On the occasion of International Women's Day, CALANDRIA reveals that almost 50% of Peruvians believe that inequality between men and women has worsened. | The survey Percepciones ciudadanas: las cifras de la desigualdad, carried out by the Asociación de Comunicadores Sociales — CALANDRIA in Lima, Piura, and Cusco, shows worrying results in terms of gaps and inequalities. In Lima, 42% of men said that the situation of women had remained the same in recent years and 47% of women said that it had worsened. | When asked about the rights that women have, there are discrepancies: the most recognized right is the r…

Staff (2024-03-05). Venezuela Condemns Smear Campaign of Germany's Deutsche Welle Outlet. The Venezuelan Minister for Communication and Information Freddy àëáñez denounced the German news outlet Deutsche Welle (DW) for the lies, defamation, and smear campaign it is carrying out, in its Spanish edition, against Venezuela. àëáñez cited a DW

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-05). Recuerdan en Venezuela a Hugo Chávez a 11 años de su siembra. La Habana, 5 mar (RHC) El onceno aniversario de la partida física a la inmortalidad del comandante Hugo Chávez (1954-2013) será recordado hoy en Venezuela con diversas actividades políticas, culturales y movilizaciones.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-05). Mesa Redonda: Chávez y las batallas del pueblo venezolano. La Habana, 5 mar (RHC) A 11 años de su fallecimiento, la Mesa Redonda recuerda al Comandante Hugo Chávez Frías a través del testimonio del embajador de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela en Cuba Orlando Maneiro Gaspar, quién conversarà también sobre las batallas actuales del proceso bolivariano.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-05). Cuba agradece gesto solidario de organización de Reino Unido. La Habana, 5 mar (RHC) Como noble gesto de agradecimiento, estudiantes de la Escuela Nacional de Música ofrecieron en el capitalino Teatro Miramar una gala artística a los integrantes de la Campaña de Solidaridad con Cuba en Reino Unido.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-05). Inicia en Cuba Jornada por el Día de la Prensa. La Habana, 5 mar (RHC) La Jornada por el Día de la Prensa en Cuba inicia hoy y se extenderá hasta el próximo día 20 del mes en curso, con diversas actividades enfrascadas en el debate sobre los principales problemas de la comunicación.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-05). Regresa la percusión a Cuba, °que suenen los tambores! La Habana, 5 mar (RHC) La edición XXI de la Fiesta del Tambor comienza hoy en esta capital desde horas muy tempranas con clases magistrales, y competencias eliminatorias de casino y batería.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-05). Consigna Patria o Muerte vigente en Cuba por más de seis décadas. La Habana, 5 mar (RHC) Cuba mantiene hoy la voluntad de resistir las agresiones externas y los intentos de subvertir su proceso revolucionario alzando la consigna Patria o Muerte, pronunciada por primera vez hace 64 años por Fidel Castro.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-05). Chequea Tapia Fonseca accionar en polo productivo La Cuba. La Habana, 5 mar (RHC) El aprovechamiento de los sistemas de riego en áreas del polo productivo La Cuba, en Ciego de àÅvila, fue chequeado por Jorge Luis Tapia Fonseca, vice primer ministro de la República, durante una visita a ese enclave, perteneciente a la empresa agropecuaria de igual nombre, ubicada en el municipio de Baraguá.

Associated Press (2024-03-05). Gangs in Haiti try to seize control of main airport as violence grips capital. Attack on airport occurred just hours after authorities in Haiti ordered a nighttime curfew following violence in which armed gang members overran the two biggest prisons.

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2024-03-04: News Headlines

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-04). Celac contra bloqueo a Cuba e inclusión en lista terrrorista. La Habana, 4 mar (RHC) La Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (Celac) exigió a Estados Unidos levantar el bloqueo económico, financiero y comecial contra Cuba, y también excluirla del listado de patrocinadores de terrorismo, confirmó la Declaración de Kingstown.

Brad Wolf (2024-03-04). Restoring Human Dignity on the U.S. Southern Border. In one of the most violent cities in the Western hemisphere, we meet with immigrants in a shelter trying to make their way to safety in the United States. Reynosa, Mexico is just across the border from McAllen, Texas, and currently garners a Level 4 Travel Warning from the U.S. State Department: Do Not Travel.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-04). Cuatro muertos y varios heridos tras balacera en Guanajuato, México. En la escena dos hermanos, propietarios de una tienda, fallecieron estos fueron identificados como José "N" y Reyna "N". Asimismo dos menores de edad perdieron la vida por impactos de bala.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-03). Accidente de tránsito en México deja nueve muertos y dos heridos. El accidente ocurrió en la carretera Ciudad Victoria-Monterrey, Tamaulipas. Se trató de un choque entre un camión de carga y una camioneta de pasajeros.

teleSUR, dcdc -JCM (2024-03-04). Celac insta a resolver mediante el diálogo crisis en Haití. La declaración de Kingstown reflejó que los países y organizaciones de la región reconocen su papel en apoyar el diálogo político en Haití.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2024-03-04). Continúa registro de la Gran Misión Viva Venezuela. En el estado Bolívar, Falcón, Anzoátegui, Caracas, Trujillo, Cojedes, entre otros, los cultores y cultoras se dieron cita para formalizar su inscripción en la misión creada por el presidente venezolano.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-03-04). Bolivia entrega ayudas a pobladores afectados por lluvias. Pata atender la emergencia, se movilizó al Comando Conjunto a 20 municipios con 2.163 militares; mientras, se ejecutaron 20 operaciones.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-03-04). Nueva masacre en Colombia deja cuatro muertos y tres heridos. Los heridos reciben los "primeros auxilios" en una institución hospitalaria y uno de ellos está "en estado reservado de salud".

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-03-04). Defensa rusa derriba casi 180 drones de Ucrania esta jornada. Según el Ministerio de defensa ruso, durante la última jornada las pérdidas de Kiev en todos los frentes de Ucrania ascendieron a 1.025 soldados.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN, JDO (2024-03-04). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. Suman casi cinco meses de ataques constantes de las fuerzas sionistas contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania, en medio de la parálisis de la ONU y el apoyo occidental al genocidio.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-04). Hombres armados ejecutan a 170 personas en Burkina Faso. Burkina Faso ha estado luchando durante años contra el terrorismo y los levantamientos de grupos militantes vinculados a Al Qaeda y Estado Islámico.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-04). Médicos surcoreanos protestan contra plan para aumentar matrícula. Los médicos veteranos han celebrado varias marchas en apoyo de sus colegas en formación, pero no se han sumado a la huelga.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-04). Avanzan comicios municipales en El Salvador con baja afluencia. Durante las primeras horas de la jornada electoral se registraron disturbios en el centro de votación Universidad Albert Einstein, en Antiguo Cuscatlán.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-04). Número de asesinados por ataques israelíes en Gaza aumenta a 30.410. Los esfuerzos de rescate siguen viéndose obstaculizados porque las víctimas permanecen bajo los escombros y se niega el acceso a las ambulancias y a los equipos de defensa civil.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-04). Líderes de pandillas haitianas escapan de prisión tras asalto. De un total de 3.696 reclusos, menos de 100 se encuentran actualmente presentes en el interior del centro penitenciario.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-04). Parlamento elige a Shehbaz Sharif primer ministro de Pakistán. Sharif regresa al cargo que ocupó hasta agosto del año pasado, cuando el parlamento fue disuelto antes de las elecciones del 8 de febrero.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-04). Bolivia e Irán consolidan cooperación estratégica. Presidentes de ambas naciones examinan agenda bilateral y acuerdan potenciar la cooperación en salud, educación, agricultura y telecomunicaciones.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-04). Denuncian muerte de 15 niños en Gaza por hambruna generada por Israel. El vocero de la cartera de Sanidad, Ashraf Al-Qidra, expresó que temen por la vida de otros seis niños que sufren desnutrición y deshidratación.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-04). Países de OPEP+ reducirán producción para estabilizar precios de crudo. Tras el anuncio de Kazajistán y Rusia, se unieron Iraq, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Argelia y Arabia Saudí. Aspiran a estabilizar los precios.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-04). Reportan fuertes lluvias e inundaciones en Corrientes y Montevideo. Ambas ciudades fueron afectadas por severas tormentas, aunque de diferente duración. Las precipitaciones provocaron inundaciones de consideración.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-04). Asesinan a candidato a alcalde en estado mexicano de Guerrero. En el procedimiento del investigación, trabajaron elementos de la Policía Investigadora, Ministerial y personal de los Servicios Periciales de la Fiscalía.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-04). Gremios del sector educativo de Argentina inician paro. Los gremios tratan de que el gobierno apruebe una mejora salarial que pueda sostener el consumo ante la creciente inflación.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-04). Habitantes de California afectados por tormentas de nieve inusuales. Estas tormentas de nieve han dificultado el tránsito y los viajes de los pobladores locales, sobre todo a los que viven en la zona de Sierra Nevada…

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-04). Diálogos para un cese al fuego en Gaza la continúan en Egipto. Fuentes egipcias señalaron que se han conseguido "avances" en las conversaciones para lograr un acuerdo justo para un cese al fuego en la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-04). Gobierno colombiano y disidencia de las FARC instalan cuarto ciclo de diálogos. La Oficina del Alto Comisionado para la Paz detalló que la ronda de diálogos se centrará en transformaciones territoriales, participación social, pedagogía y comunicaciones entre otros.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-04). Gobierno de Haití decreta estado de emergencia y toque de queda. El Gobierno haitiano indicó que el toque de queda regirá el lunes, el martes y el miércoles próximos desde las 18H00 a las 05H00 horas.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-04). Israel mata a decenas de personas que esperaban ayuda en Gaza. El Ministerio de Salud en la Franja de Gaza denunció que Israel está llevando a cabo un genocidio contra cientos de miles de personas hambrientas en el territorio palestino.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-04). Presidente salvadoreño reacciona a derrota en varias alcaldías. Aún sin conocerse los resultados oficiales y preliminares del TSE, el presidente Nayib Bukele reclamó la victoria en 43 de las 44 alcaldías del país.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-03). Dos muertos y tres heridos tras derrumbe en una mina de Perú. El trágico incidente se debe a las lluvias que están afectando a la región peruana de Junín, donde además hay familias afectadas por las inundaciones.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-03). Israel asesina a 11 palestinos y deja otros 50 heridos en Gaza. La ofensiva terrestre israelí se concentró en causar actos terroristas en campamentos de refugiados que previamente fueron desplazados de sus hogares. Las víctimas estaban en un refugio afuera de un hospital.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-03). Bandas armadas toman penitenciaria de la capital haitiana. El objetivo de los grupos pandilleros sería ganar fuerza antes de la posible llegada a Haití de la misión multinacional de apoyo a la seguridad.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-03). Ejército israelí ataca a civiles mientras esperaban ayuda en Gaza. Este sería el segundo ataque a civiles que esperaban la entrega de ayuda humanitaria, tras el perpetrado el jueves pasado que dejó al menos 117 muertos.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-03). Salvadoreños participarán en elecciones municipales. Analistas han señalado que los resultados de los comicios municipales terminarán de confirmar la concentración de poder del presidente Nayib Bukele.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-03). Inician comicios municipales en El Salvador. Durante las primeras horas de la jornada electoral se registraron disturbios en el centro de votación Universidad Albert Einstein, en Antiguo Cuscatlán.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-03). Parlamento elige a Shehbaz Sharif primer ministro de Pakistán. Sharif regresa al cargo que ocupó hasta agosto del año pasado, cuando el parlamento fue disuelto antes de las elecciones del 8 de febrero.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-03). Despiden a más de 100 trabajadores de la Radio Nacional de Argentina. 100 profesionales recibieron la noticia de que sus contratos que vencieron a finales de febrero y marzo no serán renovados por el director ejecutivo de Radio Nacional, Héctor Cavallero.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-03). Israel hiere gravemente a periodista de la ONU tras atacar Gaza. El fotoperiodista es un colaborador directo de la Unrwa, la agencia de la ONU para los refugiados palestinos.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-03). Retomarán en Egipto conversaciones sobre tregua en Gaza. El objetivo de los negociadores es lograr un cese el fuego en la Franja de Gaza antes del inicio del mes sagrado del ramadán.

teleSUR (2024-03-03). At Least 170 'Executed' on Attacks in Northern Burkina Faso. About 170 people were killed in attacks on three villages in northern Burkina Faso a week ago, a regional prosecutor revealed this Sunday as violence by extremist religious organizations continues to increase in the African country. | RELATED: | "My Office was informed that mass murderous attacks were allegedly committed in the villages of Komsilga, Nodin and Soro, all of them in the department of Thiou, province of Yatenga, region North," said the prosecutor of Yatenga, Aly Benjamin Coulibaly. | Coulibaly pointed out that "the overall provisional balance is approximately one hundred and seventy (170) executed…

teleSUR (2024-03-03). At Least Ten Children Dead by Starvation in Gaza. According to UNICEF, at least 10 children have died in recent days from dehydration and malnutrition in a hospital in the northern Gaza Strip, where almost 16% of children under two suffer from acute malnutrition. | RELATED: | UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa Adele Khodr said that "The child deaths we feared are here, as malnutrition is raging in the Gaza Strip," noting that the ten children died in the Kamal Adwan hospital, in th…

teleSUR (2024-03-03). El Salvador Held Municipal Elections This Sunday. The polling stations opened at 7: 00 seven o'clock in the morning until 5: 00 PM in El Salvadorn this Sunday, to elect 44 mayors and 20 representatives to the Central American Parliament (Parlacen). | RELATED: | According to the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) of El Salvador about 6.2 million people are called to participate in the municipal elections, after presidential and legislative elections plagued by allegations of…

teleSUR (2024-03-03). Haiti: More Than 3,600 Prisoners Released After Prison Attack. Without official data yet, it is expected that more than a dozen inmates have died, and almos 4,000 were scaped after the attack on a prison by criminal gangs seeking to overthrow the current de facto government of Prime Minister Ariel Henry. | RELATED: | Although the government has not yet ruled on the matter, reporters from the Spanish news agency EFE found that around 12 corpses lie outside the prison, most of th…

teleSUR, lvm, JGN, SH (2024-03-04). Conoce algunas acciones para conservar la vida silvestre. El Día Mundial de la Vida Silvestre se celebrará esta jornada bajo el lema "Asociaciones para la conservación de la vida silvestre", en honor a las personas que marcan la diferencia.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-04). Despiden a más de 100 trabajadores de la Radio Nacional de Argentina. 100 profesionales recibieron la noticia de que sus contratos que vencieron a finales de febrero y marzo no serán renovados por el director ejecutivo de Radio Nacional, Héctor Cavallero.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-04). Israel hiere gravemente a periodista de la ONU tras atacar Gaza. El fotoperiodista es un colaborador directo de la Unrwa, la agencia de la ONU para los refugiados palestinos.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-04). Retomarán en Egipto conversaciones sobre tregua en Gaza. El objetivo de los negociadores es lograr un cese el fuego en la Franja de Gaza antes del inicio del mes sagrado del ramadán.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-04). Anuncian actividades centrales por Día de la Prensa Cubana. La Habana, 4 mar (RHC) Las jornadas centrales por el Día de la Prensa Cubana comienzan el martes 5 de marzo con una peregrinación y colocación de ofrenda floral ante la tumba de Juan Gualberto Gómez (1854-1933) en el aniversario 91 de su muerte.

newarab (2024-03-04). Libya coast guard 'prevented' migrant rescue in Med Sea. A German charity has accused the The German charity SOS Humanity, which operates the rescue ship Humanity 1, said the

Chris Walker (2024-03-04). Data Disproves Right-Wing Talking Points About Migrant Crime. As Republicans — including likely GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump — continue to push the racist belief that immigrants are bringing crime to the United States, a new analysis has shown that such claims are outright false. In recent weeks, Trump and his Republican allies have latched on to the story of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student from Athens, Georgia, who was murdered late last… |

Thomas Kennedy (2024-03-04). Democrats Are Embracing Border Policies They Repeatedly Condemned Under Trump. In 2019, I stood outside a for-profit child migrant jail in the city of Homestead, Florida. I was watching then-presidential hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris speak out against the facility, initially opened under the Obama administration and reopened under former President Donald Trump. "It's a human rights abuse being committed by the United States government," Harris said at the time… |

Kate Litman (2024-03-04). The Weekly Round-Up: High Court disapplies Legacy Act provisions and Nicaragua files ICJ proceedings. In international news Nicaragua has filed an application to the International Court of Justice instituting proceedings against Germany for alleged violations of its obligations under the Genocide Convention and other norms of international law in relation to the Gaza Strip. Nicaragua's application argues that by providing political, financial and military support to Israel and withdrawing …

Staff, Palestine Chronicle. (2024-03-04). Nicaragua Sues Germany At ICJ Over Support To Israel. In a statement on Friday, the government of Nicaragua said that "it presented a lawsuit before the International Court of Justice against the Federal Republic of Germany for violations of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crime of Genocide." | According to the statement, Germany has provided political, financial, and military support to Israel knowing that it would be used to commit "serious violations of international law." | The statement also highlighted that Germany cut off assistance to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), despite being…

krish-rad_ind (2024-03-04). Nicaragua Sues Germany at ICJ over Support to Israel — BREAKING.

Misión Verdad (2024-03-04). Bolivia's Plurinational Project at the Crossroads. By Misión Verdad — Mar 3, 2024 | Evo Morales and Luis Arce are engaged in a suicidal battle for the leadership of what once was a solid and mostly unblemished process. Both leaders started getting distant from each other once the cycle of institutional actions that led to the judicialization of key actors in the 2019 coup, namely Jeanine àÅñez and Luis Fernando Camacho, had been exhausted. | The Bolivian political landscape has become distorted because àÅñez and Camacho were the visible political figures of the Bolivian opposition. Their trial and sentencing resulted in a crisis of leadership and…

Sam Pizzigati (2024-03-04). Can Brazil Convince the World to Tax Billionaire Wealth? Recent weeks have brought three more eye-popping glimpses of our world's unconscionable concentration of income and wealth . . . The fabled luxury automaker Lamborghini, for the first time ever, has sold over 10,000 vehicles in a single year. Lamborghini's current 2024 Revuelto model starts at $608,358 . . . Google co-founder Larry Page has

_____ (2024-03-04). Dengue Fever Surges by 400% in Brazil after Bill Gates-Backed Gene-Edited Mosquitos Released. 26 Feb 2024 – Money and Weaponized Mosquitos: The dramatic spike in dengue cases has prompted Brazil to purchase millions of doses of the dengue vaccine.

infobrics (2024-03-04). Venezuela to Be Part of BRICS Soon: Maduro. Venezuela will join BRICS in the near future, the country's President Nicolas Maduro said…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-04). Cuba reanuda servicios consulares presenciales en Estados Unidos. La Habana, 4 mar (RHC) La oficina Consular de Cuba en Estados Unidos reanudará a partir de hoy los servicios presenciales, dio a conocer el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la nación caribeña.

Editor (2024-03-04). Liberation through reading in Cuba. Literacy campaigns targeting African (Black) youth in Africa and across the diaspora have played a crucial role in fostering educational empowerment.

Luis Chirino (2024-03-04). China and Cuba hope to tighten bilateral relations. China and Cuba have enjoyed close political, trade and cooperation relations based on a long-standing friendship between the two peoples, and strong links between the two communist parties. | Over the past few years, both nations have deepened their bilateral relationship. | CGTN's Luis Chirino reports.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-04). Cuba rememora sabotaje a vapor francés La Coubre. La Habana, 4 mar (RHC) Cuba recuerda la explosión en La Habana del barco francés La Coubre hace hoy 64 años, como resultado de un atentado terrorista que provocó la muerte de un centenar de personas y cientos de heridos.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-04). Carta a presidente del Senado de EE.UU. pide levantar bloqueo a Cuba. La Habana, 4 mar (RHC) Más de 140 organizaciones y personas a título individual de Maryland firmaron una carta abierta al Comité de Relaciones Exteriores del Senado de Estados Unidos por el fin del bloqueo a Cuba.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-03-04). Flouting High Court and Haitian Outrage, U.S. Storms Forward with Kenyan-Led Haiti Intervention. Kim Ives Kenyan President William Ruto (left) with de facto Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry in New York on Sep. 21, 2023. Just as it is opposing and trampling the International Court of Justice's ruling against Israel's genocidal campaign in Gaza, Washington is running roughshod over the Kenyan High Court's Jan. 26 ruling that the East African…

Associated Press (2024-03-04). Haiti declares emergency and curfew after weekend jailbreak, explosion of violence. An explosion of violence over the weekend saw armed gang members storm the country's two biggest prisons, allowing hundreds of inmates to escape.

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2024-03-02: News Headlines

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-03-02). Antarctic sea ice reached a worrying minimum for the third year. Washington, Mar 2 (Prensa Latina) The Antarctic Sea's ice reached its minimum extent of 1.99 million square kilometers during the austral summer of 2024, a report from the National Snow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado Boulder (NSIDC) revealed.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-03-02). Bolivia and France sign agreement on hydrogeological studies. La Paz, Mar 2 (Prensa Latina) Yacimientos de Litio Bolivianos (YLB) and France's BRGM (Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières-Office of Geological and Mining Research) are preparing the study of hydrogeological resources in the salt flats of Bolivia.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-03-02). Labor harassment in the spotlight in Ecuador again. Quito, Mar 2 (Prensa Latina) Labor harassment is once again the focus of attention of institutions, the National Assembly (Parliament) and citizens in Ecuador, despite being part of the country's Constitution since 2008.

Javier Tolcachier (2024-03-02). Footnotes from the Day of the Integration of Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean. It was a tearful experience to share with thousands of comrades the intense days of the Day of Peoples' Integration in Foz do Iguaàßu, a milestone that, from its conception, has had the objective and responsibility of transcending the transience of an event. | It is also part of a long process of resistance and struggle against colonialism, military dictatorships, and the neoliberal wave that has successively hit the inhabitants of these lands. | For this reason, beyond the chronicle, it is necessary to rescue and reflect on the distillation of some of the concepts expressed, continuing the essential debate…

Prensa Latina (2024-03-02). International expert installs ion chromatograph in Cuba. Wesley Ramirez, Applications Specialist from Scanco, carried out the commissioning of the modern equipment in the Physicochemical Analysis of Water and Atmosphere Department of the LEA, and trained the technical staff of the center linked to this department. | This equipment allows the quantification of dissolved ions — fluoride, bromine, nitrate, phosphate, sulfate, chloride, lithium, among others — in natural, ground, surface, or drinking water, explained Leydis Aldana Moraga, CEAC specialist. | This instrument is used to support studies of eutrophication in freshwater bodies and to assess the problem…

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-01). Cumbre de la Celac: la paz es antiimperialista y antihegemonía. Con un amplio respaldo a la paz regional, inicia VIII Cumbre de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños en San Vicente y las Granadinas.

https: (2024-03-02). Stop Manipulating Sexual Assault. All too often in the fog of war, the brutality of sexual assault and rape is lost in the public eye.

Martin Hacthoun (2024-03-02). Defend sovereignty, Honduras' goal at the head of Celac. Tegucigalpa, Mar 2 (Prensa Latina) Sovereignty, independence and self-determination of nations are part of the main issues that Honduras defends today at the head of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac, in Spanish).

Martin Hacthoun (2024-03-02). Diaz-Canel presides over rally of solidarity in Cuba with Palestine. Havana, Mar 2 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel leads the rally of solidarity with Palestine that brought together hundreds of people at Havana Jose Marti Anti-imperialist Tribune in front of the US Embassy. | The gathering also demanded the end of Israel's genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza. | The mobilization is taking place in provincial capitals throughout the island, under the slogans Hands off Rafah, Stop the fire now, and End the genocide. | The rallies in Cuba as in the whole world are taking place before the announced new Israeli offensive against the city of Rafat, home to m…

Martin Hacthoun (2024-03-02). Egypt provided medical aid to some 42,000 Palestinians from Gaza. Ramallah, Mar 2 (Prensa Latina) The Egyptian Ministry of Health announced today that some 42,000 of the 48,000 Palestinians who have looked for shelter in Egypt from Gaza were treated in national hospitals.

Martin Hacthoun (2024-03-02). Humidor auction in Cuba, money for health. Havana, Mar 2 (Prensa Latina) The traditional humidor auction as part of the 24th edition of the Habano Festival raised a record number of 17.8 million Euros to be donated to the Cuban Public Health System.

Martin Hacthoun (2024-03-02). Over 9,000 Palestinian women murdered in Gaza, UN estimates. Ramallah, Mar 2 (Prensa Latina) Israeli troops killed over 9,000 women in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of their offensive on October 7, the UN denounced today.

María Candela (2024-03-02). Soberanía de los pueblos, propuesta de Honduras al frente de la Celac. Tegucigalpa, 2 mar (RHC) La soberanía, independencia y autodeterminación de los pueblos, forman parte de los principales temas que hoy defiende Honduras al frente de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (Celac).

teleSUR (2024-03-02). Latin America: Impressive Guinness World Records. According to the story, the idea of publishing a book like the Guinness World Records, in which data and curious facts that occurred around the world could be collected, arose in the early fifties of the twentieth century. | RELATED: | A group of friends went hunting in the UK and discussed which was the fastest bird. When one of the hunters was unable to determine which was the fastest, Sir Hugh Beaver decided that a book…

teleSUR (2024-03-02). The New National Library in El Salvador. El Salvador is a small country located in the central part of Latin America. Land of beautiful natural countries, with large volcanoes, tropical rainforests and traditions rooted in Spanish and aboriginal cultures. | RELATED: | On June 1, 2019, Nayib Bukele assumed the presidency of the country with a vision of bringing public policies and social management closer together for the benefit of citizens. In this endeavor, th… (2024-03-02). Progressives Demand That Biden Stop "Greenlighting the Massacre of Palestinians"Progressive lawmakers are demanding that President Joe Biden call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, saying it is "clear" that Israel is violating orders by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to avoid going further into its massacre with its famine campaign, the lawmakers said.

latintimes (2024-03-02). Amid Crisis, Sick Argentines Face a Stark Choice Between Food and Medicine as Prices Soar. Medicine sales in the country dropped by 10 million units — bottles or boxes — in the month of January…

latintimes (2024-03-02). Can Anyone Dethrone Red Bull & Max Verstappen? The Formula 1 2024 Season Begins This Weekend. The Dutch pilot has won each of the last three drivers' championships; only four drivers in F1 history won four in a row…

latintimes (2024-03-02). Latin Women In Sports: This Is How Women's Soccer in Mexico Manages to Flourish and Prosper. Mexico's 'Dos a Cero' win over the USWNT in the CONCACAF W Gold Cup could be a defining moment for the sport in Mexico…

latintimes (2024-03-02). In Relaxed Encounter, Leaders Of Venezuela, Guyana Exchange Gifts. Venezuela has long claimed Essequibo, which makes up about two-thirds of Guyana's territory…

latintimes (2024-03-02). Venezuelan Dissident Ronald Ojeda Moreno Found Dead in Chile Days After Kidnapping. The body was found in the metropolitan area of Santiago, the Chilean capital…

latintimes (2024-03-02). What do Latinos Think About Using Weight Loss Drugs Such as Wegovy and Ozempic?>. According to the CDC, almost 44.8% of Latino adults live with obesity…

Miguel A. Romero (2024-03-02). Claudia Sheinbaum kicks off presidential campaign in Mexico City. With chants of "president, president",

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-02). Inician campañas presidenciales en México. La candidata de la coalición Sigamos Haciendo Historia, Claudia Sheinbaum, invitó a sus seguidores a un masivo acto público en la plaza del Zócalo.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-02). México y Cuba abordan temas de cooperación en cumbre de la Celac. En VIII Cumbre de la Celac, la canciller mexicana se reunió con el secretario general de la Organización de Naciones Unidas, Antonio Guterres.

Staff (2024-03-02). Claudia Sheinbaum kicks off presidential campaign in Mexico City. With chants of "president, president", Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, presidential candidate for the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA), Labor Party (PT), and Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM) coalition, launched her electoral campaign on March 1. Sheinbaum is the former head of government of Mexico City and the favorite in all the voter intention surveys. At the …

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-02). Venezuela y México firman acuerdo migratorio. El acuerdo busca la protección de los compatriotas en México y procurar su retorno seguro al país.

The Xerces Society (2024-03-02). Eastern Monarch Butterfly Overwintering Area In Mexico Drops Precipitously. MEXICO CITY, February 7, 2024 — The annual census of monarch numbers at the overwintering sites in central Mexico was released today by World Wildlife Fund-Mexico and partners. It revealed that in just one year, the presence of monarch butterflies in their Mexico wintering grounds dropped by more than half, from 2.2 hectares to 0.9 hectares.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO, YSM (2024-03-02). Presidente Lula: la Celac es foro de construcción de consensos. En palabras del mandatario: "si hablamos como región, tenemos mayor oportunidad de tener influencia en los grandes debates de la actualidad".

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-03-02). Venezuela rechaza infundada decisión de Corte Penal Internacional. Denuncia que el proceso incoado ante la CPI responde a la intención de instrumentalizar los mecanismos de justicia penal internacional con fines políticos.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-03-02). Gobierno de Guatemala pone denuncia penal contra fiscal general. La ausencia de Consuelo Porras a la Junta de Gabinete se enmarcaría dentro del delito de incumplimiento de deberes.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-03-02). Bandas criminales desatan ola de ataques en capital de Haití. Los grupos delincuenciales también atacaron la universidad estatal de Haití e incendiaron dos estaciones de policía.

teleSUR, hvh- JDO (2024-03-02). ALBA-TCP condena ataque israelí contra civiles al norte de Gaza. El ente señaló que constituye "una masacre sin precedentes y se suma al sufrimiento interminable" del pueblo palestino.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN, JDO (2024-03-02). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. Suman casi cinco meses de ataques constantes de las fuerzas sionistas contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania, en medio de la parálisis de la ONU y el apoyo occidental al genocidio.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2024-03-02). Provincia de Buenos Aires presenta acción contra presidente Milei. El decreto del presidente argentino afecta los derechos e intereses de la provincia de Buenos Aires.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-03-02). Más de 2.700 migrantes han muerto en la ruta a Canarias, España. Los datos también mostraron que un total de 58.267 personas entraron de forma irregular al Estado español por su frontera sur.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-03-02). Rusia intercepta drones ucranianos en Nizhny Novgorod y Belgorod. Asimismo insistieron que los sistemas de defensa antiaérea interceptaron un dron en el espacio aéreo de la región de Belgorod.

teleSUR, MER (2024-03-02). Realizan concierto en solidaridad con Palestina en Caracas. Este concierto se hace en el marco de la campaña "De la caravana virtual internacionalista a la marcha mundial por Palestina".

teleSUR, MER (2024-03-02). Venezuela propone ante Celac la creación de una agenda presidencial de alto nivel. El presidente venezolano indicó que debe ser una agenda central de fortalecimiento institucional, político y operacional, con capacidad de acción.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-02). Aprueban la constitucionalidad del estado de excepción en Ecuador. El estado de excepció nrige en todo el país ecuatoriano, así como en las prisiones. Este dictamen se emitió el pasado 29 de febrero y se aprobó con 8 votos a favor.

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-02). Fiscal de Perú investiga a altos funcionarios por corrupción. El Fiscal General detalló que hay más de 300 investigaciones en trámites contra altos funcionarios que hicieron vida en el Estado por delitos de corrupción…

teleSUR, MS (2024-03-02). Haití muestra "indignación" por los últimos incidentes de violencia. El gobierno también denunció las escenas de pillaje y vandalismo contra instituciones públicas y empresas privadas protagonizadas por los miembros de las bandas armadas que controlan gran parte de Puerto Príncipe y otras zonas del paí…

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-02). Israel continúa genocidio en varias zonas de la Franja de Gaza. Aviones de combate bombardearon la casa de la familia Abu Ghali en el campo de refugiados de Yibna, provocando la muerte de un niño.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-02). Gobierno de Nicaragua envía mensaje a Cumbre de la Celac. El funcionario nicaragüense recordó los aspectos que juntan a su nación con el país anfitrión.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-02). Nicaragua demanda a Alemania en Corte Internacional de Justicia. Nicaragua denunció a Alemania de limitar la ayuda la Agencia de Obras Públicas y Socorro de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados de Palestina en el Cercano Oriente (Unrwa).

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-02). Cancilleres de Egipto, Palestina y Türkiye se reúnen en Antalya. Durante el encuentro en Antalya, al sur de Türkiye, el grupo de contacto de Palestina se reunió con los representantes de Türkiye y Egipto.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-02). Javier Milei anunció el cierre de la agencia de noticias Télam. La Federación Argentina de Trabajadores de Prensa condenó el anunció del cierre de Télam y afirmó que no solo defenderán a los trabajadores del medio, sino a todo el pueblo argentino.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-02). Ralph Gonsalves destacó acuerdo de paz entre Venezuela y Guyana. De acuerdo al primer ministro San Vicente y las Granadinas, sin la voluntad de los presidentes de Venezuela y Guyana el pacto de Argyle, no hubiera sido posible.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-02). Ataques en el centro y norte de Gaza dejan al menos 17 muertos. Los actuales ataques israelíes contra la Franja de Gaza han superado los 30.220 muertos y más de 71.377 heridos.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-03-02). Presidente de Bolivia aboga por la multipolaridad mundial. Arce insistió en que para impulsar el tránsito del planeta a un nuevo orden, se requiere también de un sistema financiero renovado, más justo e inclusivo.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-03-02). Presidente de Venezuela sostiene encuentro con su par de Brasil. Ambos líderes repasaron la agenda de cooperación estratégica que impulsan sus países.

teleSUR, dcdc (2024-03-01). Aumentan a 30.228 los palestinos asesinados por Israel en Gaza. La ofensiva israelí mató a 193 civiles y dejó 920 heridos en las últimas 24 horas.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-03-01). Presidente colombiano destaca necesidad de la paz. Gustavo Petro indicó el carácter bélico del sistema capitalista y su insostenibilidad en perjuicio del medioambiente y la vida.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-03-01). Veteranos de EE.UU. queman sus uniformes en honor a Aaron Bushnell. El acto realizado al frente del Wyatt Federal Building fue organizado por el grupo About Face: Veterans Against the War.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-03-01). Al menos 66 detenidos en protesta de agricultores en Francia. La ministra delegada de Agricultura, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, calificó de "ilegal" la manifestación.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-03-01). Colombia registra tasa de desocupación más baja desde 2019. Según los datos expuestos por el mandatario, la cifra de desempleados fue del 12.7 por ciento, por debajo del 13.1 por ciento de 2019.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-03-01). Inauguran Villa Olímpica para París 2024. La sede en las instalaciones estará en las inmediaciones del Estadio Saint-Denis, que albergará las pruebas de atletismo de los Juegos Olímpicos.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-01). Presidenta de Honduras: resolver las diferencias mediante el diálogo. Durante la VIII Cumbre de la Celac, destacó que a pesar de todas las dificultades la región mantuvo su costumbre histórica de continuar libre de conflictos bélicos.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-01). Presidente de Venezuela arriba a San Vicente para participar en Cumbre de la Celac. Durante la VIII Cumbre del bloque, los líderes de la región profundizarán en temas como la integración política, social, económica y cultural para consolidar los lazos de cooperación.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-03-01). Canciller mexicana participará en VIII Cumbre de la Celac. Bárcena participará, en representación del presidente López Obrador en la VIII Cumbre de jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de la Celac.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-03-01). Comienzan las elecciones parlamentarias en Irán. Los 60.000 colegios electorales abrieron sus puertas a partir de las 08: 00 hora local, para recibir el voto de los más de 61 millones de ciudadanos.

teleSUR, nbb, JDO (2024-03-01). Venezuela y Vietnam fortalecen lazos de cooperación. Las partes ratificaron la fraternidad y solidaridad existente entre los dos países desde hace más de 34 años, cuando establecieron relaciones diplomáticas.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-01). Al menos 46 fallecidos en un incendio en Bangladés. El siniestro fue reportado alrededor de las 21: 45 hora local del jueves, según el oficial de bomberos Anwar Hossain.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-01). Xiomara Castro llega a San Vicente y las Granadinas para cumbre Celac. Este año, Castro también asumirá la presidencia pro tempore del Sistema de Integración Centroamericana (SICA), la cual tendrá una duración de seis meses.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-02). Pueblo cubano marcha contra el genocidio en Palestina. Desde la Tribuna Antiimperialista de La Habana, Cuba, miles de cubanos llegaron para manifestarse ante el genocidio que el Israel comete contra el pueblo palestino.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-02). Número de palestinos asesinados por Israel en Gaza supera las 30.300. Durante las últimas 24 horas, el ejército israelí asesinó a 92 palestinos e hirió a otros 156, elevando el número total de muertos a 30.320.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-02). Barco británico atacado por rebeldes hutíes se hunde en el mar Rojo. El buque sufrió el impacto de dos misiles el 19 de febrero y llevaba desde entonces parcialmente sumergido.

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Venezuelan President Highlights Anti-imperialist Nature of the Bolivarian Revolution. On Thursday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro hailed the anti-imperialist character of the Bolivarian Revolution proclaimed by Commander Hugo Chavez 20 years ago. | RELATED: | "The anti-imperialist character of the Bolivarian Revolution is still in force in the thought and action of the men and women who defend the homeland," Maduro said in a message released through the social network X on the occasion of the… (2024-03-02). Is George Galloway's win the start of a sea change in UK politics?George Galloway's victory in Rochdale may indeed be the beginning of a seismic shift in UK politics, and perhaps further abroad. Let this victory empower us to continue striving for a world where justice prevails, signalling the dawn of a new era in political engagement and representation.

Staff (2024-03-02). Nothing can justify human rights violations in Gaza, West Bank: Cuba pres. Tehran : Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel has called the Israeli massacre of Palestinians a new horrifying holocaust, saying that nothing can justify the blatant violation of human rights in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Diaz-Canel said in a video message published on his X (formerly Twitter) account that the people of Cuba will …

Zoe Alexandra, People's Dispatch. (2024-03-02). The Cuban People Will Join March 2 Global Day Of Action For Palestine. The people of Cuba will join millions across the world in taking to the streets on March 2 to demand that Israel immediately cease its genocidal war on Gaza and stop its planned March 10 invasion of Rafah. | Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel announced the call for mobilizations on X stating "Cuba joins the global mobilization this March 2 in support of Palestine. In all of the provinces and in Havana, we will be on the streets in solidarity with our brother people and to condemn the holocaust that Israel seeks to provoke in Rafah. Everyone for Gaza!"

María Candela (2024-03-02). Médicos cubanos ayudarán a revitalizar sistema sanitario en Honduras. Más de un centenar de profesionales cubanos de la salud arribaron en los últimos días a Honduras para ayudar a revitalizar el sistema sanitario, que el gobierno de la presidenta Xiomara Castro heredó en una situación crítica, tras años de una insuficiente inversión en esa vital esfera.

María Candela (2024-03-02). Cuba se moviliza hoy a favor de Palestina y contra el genocidio israelí (+Fotos). La Habana, 2 mar (RHC) Convocados por la Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas (UJC) y otras organizaciones sociales, los cubanos protagonizarán este sábado en todo el país actos masivos de solidaridad con Palestina y para exigir el fin del genocidio israelí.

María Candela (2024-03-02). Récord en subasta de humidores en Cuba: 17,8 millones de euros. La Habana, 2 mar (RHC) La tradicional subasta de humidores asociada a la 24 edición del Festival del Habano recaudó la cifra récord de 17,8 millones de euro cuyo destino será el sistema cubano de Salud Pública, se conoció este sábado.

María Candela (2024-03-02). Esteban Lazo concluye visita a países africanos. La Habana, 2 mar (RHC) El presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular, y del Consejo de Estado, Esteban Lazo Hernández, concluyó su visita de trabajo a Angola, último punto de su periplo por varias naciones de este continente, con un emotivo tributo a los próceres de la República de Angola y a los internacionalistas cubanos caídos en este hermano país.

Orlando González Cruz (2024-03-02). Pequeñas Ligas del beisbol cubano por un nuevo campeón. Santi Spíritus, 2 mar (RHC) Hoy comienza la gran final de las Pequeñas Ligas de beisbol, con el duelo entre los peloteritos de Santi Spíritus y Santa Clara.

Staff (2024-03-02). Nothing can justify human rights violations in Gaza, West Bank: Cuba pres. Tehran : Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel has called the Israeli massacre of Palestinians a new horrifying holocaust, saying that nothing can justify the blatant violation of human rights in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Diaz-Canel said in a video message published on his X (formerly Twitter) account that the people of Cuba will … (2024-03-02). Cuba marches in favor of Palestine and against Israeli genocideHavana, March 2 (RHC)– Summoned by the Union of Young Communists (UJC) and other social organizations, Cubans are staging massive acts of solidarity with Palestine and to demand an end to the Israeli genocide this Saturday across the country. | | The mobilizations in the Caribbean nation, as in the whole world, are taking place in view of the announcement of Israel's new offensive against the city of Rafah, home to more than one million Palestinians.

newarab (2024-03-02). Colombia halts Israel arms purchases after Gaza massacre. Israel is one of the main providers of weapons to the South American country's security forces, which are engaged in a decades-long conflict with leftist guerrillas, right-wing paramilitaries and drug cartels. | Petro made his announcement on Thu…

Jeff Abbott (2024-03-02). Drug Trafficking Trial of Former Honduran President Begins in United States. The once close regional ally of the United States now faces accusations of building a "narco state" in Central America.

Aarathi Prasad (2024-03-02). Perspectives] Ngozi Erondu: pursuing justice, equity, and dignity in global health. Infectious disease epidemiologist Ngozi Erondu was born in St Louis, MO, USA, to Nigerian parents—her father a dentist and her mother a teacher "from a lineage of educators". A dual citizen, she says "growing up in an immigrant family, most of my formative years were always spent around the Nigerian community. It wasn't until I left the US and worked abroad that I started identifying as American." After living in London, UK, for nearly a decade and working in disease epidemiology and surveillance across Asia and Africa, she is now based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, where she is Technical Director at…

Economic Policy Institute (2024-03-02). Immigrants Are Not Hurting U.S.-Born Workers — Six Facts To Set the Record Straight. Immigration is contributing to strong economic growth—with future immigration forecast to boost real gross domestic product by 2% over the next 10 years—as well as increasing government revenue. Immigrants are also complementing U.S.-born workers by contributing to overall population and workforce growth.

WSWS (2024-03-02). Biden calls on Trump to "join me" in waging war on immigrants. Less than two months ago, Biden launched his reelection campaign with the claim that democracy could be defended only by electing him and defeating the coup leader Trump. Now he is publicly appealing to the fascistic Republican front runner to join him in destroying the rights of immigrants.

WSWS (2024-03-02). Federal judge blocks anti-immigrant SB4 law in Texas as unconstitutional. Federal District Judge David Ezra issued a ruling on Thursday that imposed a preliminary injunction on the grounds that a law in Texas that empowers state law enforcement and courts to arrest and deport migrants crossing the southern border is "patently unconstitutional."

Tina Vásquez (2024-03-02). Family Separations and Other Anti-Migrant Horrors Haven't Stopped Under Biden. President Joe Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump are in Texas today touring different sectors of the Southern border, a spectacle that encapsulates how central immigration is to each of their reelection campaigns. It is Biden's approach to immigration in recent months, however, that has been a source of controversy on both sides of the aisle. Large swathes of the country do not believe his… |

Misión Verdad (2024-03-02). Shadow of Guaidó's Party in El Salvador's Elections. By Misión Verdad — Feb 28, 2024 | Amid a Although the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) of El Salvador had not been able to announce reliable results of the parliamentary vote based on the quick counting, Bukele relied…

newarab (2024-03-02). Nicaragua files ICJ case against Germany for aiding Israel. Nicaragua has filed a case at the Nicaragua asked the ICJ, also known as the World Court, to issue emergency measures requiring Berli…

Editor (2024-03-02). Nicaragua Hits Germany With ICJ Case for Aiding Israel in Gaza Genocide.

albawaba (2024-03-02). Nicaragua sues Germany for supporting Israeli operations in Gaza. ALBAWABA – Nicaragua has sued Germany at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for supporting Israel's Gaza campaign. Nicaragua's complaint claims Germany's assistance causes "genocide" against Palestinians.Nicaragua's lawsuit alleges that Germany's political, financial, and military aid to Israel allows Israel to violate human rights and international law. The ICJ complaint seeks to force Germany to stop providing military aid to Israel immediately.Nicaragua claims Germany's aid to Israel violates international humanitarian law, notably the Geneva Conventions. Germany is implicated in Israeli war crimes again…

Ana Perdigón (2024-03-02). Venezuela Will Take Legal and Diplomatic Measures Against US Government's Destruction of Venezuelan Plane. Venezuela will take all legal, diplomatic and political measures against the destruction of the Boeing 747-300 aircraft belonging to EMTRASUR, perpetrated by the government of the United States which had also hijacked the plane in complicity with Argentina. | Through an official statement issued on Thursday, February 29, the Venezuelan authorities expressed their "strongest protest and condemnation" before the international community against this blatant violation of international law by the US. |

WSWS (2024-03-02). IMF, White House applaud Milei's "shock therapy" as Argentina's poverty rate nears 60 percent. Global finance capital has chosen Argentina as a key battleground and testing site to spearhead a dramatic escalation of the war against the working class internationally.

albawaba (2024-03-02). Former US ambassador confesses to 40 Years of spying for Cuba. ALBAWABA – Victor Manuel Rocha, who used to be the ambassador of Bolivia to the US, has shockingly admitted that he has been spying for Cuba for more than 40 years.From 1981 to 1986, Rocha worked for the US Department of State. He was accused of giving secret information to Cuba. On the other hand, the 73-year-old former ambassador changed his mind during his trial in Miami yesterday and admitted to spying. During the trial, people were talking about how to handle secret papers when this sudden confession happened.Secret papers that were found during the investigation show that Rocha worked as a spy for Cuba for…

F. William Engdahl (2024-03-02). Gene-Edited Mosquitoes: Catastrophe in Brazil, A Gates Foundation Project. Will It Save Lives? First published on October 3, 2019 | . | Introduction: | There are several dimensions to the Mosquito Crisis. The Project is Funded by Bill Gates. | Inside a two-story brick building in Medellín, Colombia, scientists work in muggy labs breeding 30 million genetically …

tvbrics (2024-03-02). Crude steel production rises 0.4% in January to 2.7 million tonnes. It is reported by Brazil Steel Institute…

Inter Press Service (2024-03-02). Generating energy from volcanic heat, a new alternative being explored in Colombia. In Caldas and Casanare, two geothermal energy projects are in the exploration and exploitation phase. This renewable energy has a very low environmental impact but poses significant financial challenges due to the high investment required. | VILLAMARÂA, Colombia — The heat generated by the Earth's formation more than 4.5 billion years ago — some of which is still preserved — together with the friction between rocks, minerals, and fluids, has caused temperatures estimated at more than 5,000 ∞C to emanate from the center of the planet. Few traces of this heat reach the surface, where temperatur…

Staff (2024-03-02). President Maduro Participates in CELAC Summit, Shakes Hands With Guyana's President (+Palestine). Caracas ( During the summit, President Maduro twice greeted his Guyanese counterp…

Misión Verdad (2024-03-02). Venezuela Condemns International Criminal Court's Politicization of Human Rights. The Venezuelan government condemned the decision of the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) that rejected the appeal filed by Venezuela against the ruling of the Preliminary Chamber on the alleged crimes against humanity committed by the Venezuelan government (Venezuela I case). | The Foreign Affairs Ministry of Venezuela published an official statement, calling the ICC decision unfounded and motivated by political interests. It condemned the weaponization of the mechanisms of the international criminal justice system for political purposes, based on politically-motivated allegations of crim…

María Candela (2024-03-02). Díaz-Canel lamenta muerte de Mwinyi, ex Presidente de Tanzania. La Habana, 2 mar (RHC) Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba y Presidente de la República, lamentó este viernes el fallecimiento el pasado 29 de febrero de Ali Hassan Mwinyi, ex Presidente de Tanzania, a los 98 años de edad.

Redacción Madrid (2024-03-02). BBVA, Santander, Sabadell, and CaixaBank continue to finance the nuclear weapons industry. A new report shows that the number of banks financing the industry has fallen since a treaty banning it was passed, but the four Spanish banks are still on the list. | By Yago àÅlvarez Barba/El Salto diario | Since the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) entered into force in 2021, the number of financial institutions financing companies that produce nuclear weapons has decreased. According to the latest Untenable Investments report by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) and the Dutch organization PAX, as part of the Dont Bank on the Bomb campaign, between January 202…

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2024-03-01: News Headlines

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-01). Cumbre de la Celac: la paz es antiimperialista y antihegemonía. Con un amplio respaldo a la paz regional, inicia VIII Cumbre de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños en San Vicente y las Granadinas.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-03-01). Japan holds UN Security Council in March. United Nations, Mar 1 (Prensa Latina) Japan is holding the United Nations Security Council this month, while the multilateral body remains in the spotlight due to the absence of a resolution for the ceasefire in Gaza.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-03-01). Russian Foreign Minister arrives in Türkiye for Diplomatic Forum. Moscow, Mar 1 (Prensa Latina) The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Sergei Lavrov, arrived in Türkiye, where he will participate in the Antalya Diplomatic Forum, as reported by the spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-03-01). South African Foreign Minister to attend Diplomacy Forum in Türkiye. Pretoria, Mar 1 (Prensa Latina) The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of South Africa (DIRCO), Naledi Pandor, will participate in the Third Antalya Diplomacy Forum (ADF), in the Republic of Türkiye.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-03-01). Arab League accuses Israel of committing crimes against humanity. Cairo, Mar 1 (Prensa Latina) The Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, accused Israel of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip, which has remained under fire for 147 days already.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-03-01). Cuba to ratify commitment in strengthening CELAC. Havana, Mar 1 (Prensa Latina) Cuba will ratify its commitment to regional integration and the strengthening of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), at the eighth summit of the mechanism in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-03-01). President of Bolivia to speak at CELAC Summit. La Paz, Mar 1 (Prensa Latina) The president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, will speak at the 8th Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-03-01). President of Brazil attends CELAC summit. Brasilia, Mar 1 (Prensa Latina) The Brazilian president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, will participate in the 8th Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in Kingstown, capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-03-01). UN rapporteur accuses Israel of starving Gazans. Ramallah, Mar 1 (Prensa Latina) The UN special rapporteur on human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese, accused Israel of starving to death the population of the Gaza Strip.

Misión Verdad (2024-03-01). Strategic Objectives of Russian Security Council Chief's Latin America Tour. By Misión Verdad — Feb 28, 2024 | The secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Nikolai Patrushev, met with Nicaraguan government officials as well as several officials of Cuba, Venezuela, and Bolivia, in Managua, capital of Nicaragua, on Tuesday, February 27, to discuss security cooperation. On the same day, he visited Cuba where he was received by President Miguel Díaz-Canel and his predecessor Raúl Casto. They two Cuban leaders discussed with Patrushev topics of Cuba-Russia bilateral relations and cooperation as well as issues of international and European security. From Cuba Patrushev…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-01). Asiste Lula a cumbre de Celac en San Vicente y las Granadinas. La Habana, 1 mar (RHC) El presidente brasileño, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, participará hoy en Kingstown, capital del país insular caribeño San Vicente y las Granadinas, en la VIII Cumbre de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (Celac).

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-01). San Vicente y las Granadinas abre sus puertas a cumbre de Celac. La Habana, 1 mar (RHC) San Vicente y las Granadinas sella hoy un año al frente de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (Celac) con la octava cumbre del bloque y la premisa de dejar como legado un mecanismo más integrador.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-01). Cuba ratificará compromiso con fortalecimiento de la Celac. La Habana, 1 mar (RHC) Cuba ratificará su compromiso hoy con la integración regional y el fortalecimiento de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (Celac), en la octava cumbre del mecanismo de concertación en San Vicente y las Granadinas.

scorinoco (2024-03-01). President Maduro Receives Russian Security Council Chief in Venezuela. The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, held a meeting with the secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Nikolai Patrushev, at Miraflores Palace in Caracas, Venezuela. | On Tuesday, February 27, President Maduro formally welcomed His Excellency General of the Russian Army Nikolai Patrushev and the delegation accompanying him on his official visit to Venezuela, as part of his Latin America tour. | They discussed cooperation between Russia and Venezuela and the importance of consolidating agreements in different strategic areas. | During this visit, Patrushev is also scheduled to meet with t…

Sharon Zhang (2024-03-01). Progressives Demand That Biden Stop "Greenlighting the Massacre of Palestinians" Progressive lawmakers are demanding that President Joe Biden call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, saying it is "clear" that Israel is violating orders by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to avoid going further into its massacre with its famine campaign, the lawmakers said. On Thursday, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan) held a press conference with fellow progressives and sent a letter to… |

teleSUR (2024-03-01). President Maduro Arrives in St. Vicent for CELAC Summit. On Friday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro arrived in Saint Vincent & the Grenadines to participate in the 8th Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). | RELATED: | Saint Vincent & the Grenadines Ambassador Gareth Bynoe, Deputy Prime Minister Montgomery Daniel, and Deputy Foreign Affairs Ministry Sandy Peters received the Bolivarian leader at the Argyle International Airport. | Also present a…

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Colombia: Global Biodiversity Summit to Be Hosted in October. On Wednesday, Colombia's Minister of Environment Susana Muhamad announced that the Latin American country will host the 16th Conference of Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 16) from Oct 21 to Nov 1. | RELATED: | The announcement was made on the sidelines of the sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) underway in Nairobi, the Kenyan capital. "This is an opportunity for Colom…

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Cuban President arrives to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermúdez arrived today in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in the framework of the VIII Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). | RELATED: | The president was received this afternoon at Argyle airport by Deputy Prime Minister Daniel Montgomery. | The President is expected to speak tomorrow at the regional meeting, which also marks 10 years since t…

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Cubana de Aviacion Restarts Flights Between Havana and Caracas. The Cuban airline announced the restart of its flights between Havana and Caracas. From February 25, 2024, passengers will be able to travel between these two Latin American capitals. | RELATED: | The schedules of these flights will be at 7: 45 in the morning from Havana, Cuba time, to reach Caracas at 11 am, Venezuela time. | The return flight from Caracas is scheduled for 1 pm Venezuelan time and will arrive at 4: 15 pm Cuban time. | Flight…

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Latin American Cinema in First Decade of the 20th Century. Cinema in Latin America resembles its peoples, representing, at least potentially, a very propitious space for the development of audiovisual industries worthy of enriching the identity processes and imaginaries of each people. | RELATED: | However, it is often neglected by the authorities in charge of its promotion and by governments that do not encourage strategies aimed at a growing, albeit still unsatisfactory, integration of regional cinema. | Th…

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Luis Arce Begins the Agenda of International Meetings. This Thursday Bolivian President Luis Arce began an international tour to attend the VIII Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and the VII Summit of the Forum of Gas Exporting Countries (FPEG) in the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria. | RELATED: | David Choquehuanca, vice president of Bolivia, will hold the interim presidency until the return of Ar…

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Regional Leaders Arrive in St. Vincent for CELAC Summit. Leaders and diplomats from across the region have begun arriving Thursday in St. Vincent and the Grenadines to attend the VIII Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). | RELATED: | CELAC is once again bringing together leaders and other government leaders from its 33 countries. Its chairman, Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves, chairs tomorrow's meeting at the soon-to-open Sandals Resort at Buc…

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-03-01). Italian ceramics workshop to benefit Cuban families. Matanzas, Cuba, Mar 30 (Prensa Latina) The HUB PARTICULAR project, sponsored by the Italian International Cooperation Agency (AICS), will inaugurate a ceramics workshop for the benefit of 30 vulnerable people in the Cuban province of Matanzas on March 7.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-03-01). Haiti might hold general elections in August 2025. Port-Au-Prince, Mar 1 (Prensa Latina) Haiti might hold general elections in August 2025, a vital step to reestablish the order and constitutionality that this Caribbean country lacks at present.

latintimes (2024-03-01). Mexico Election Race Heats Up As Two Women Vie For Presidency. Campaigning officially begins Friday for elections likely to produce Mexico's first woman president — a watershed for a nation with a long tradition of macho culture.

latintimes (2024-03-01). Morgan Stanley Reportedly Mulling Spot Bitcoin ETFs For Brokerage Platform. Morgan Stanley, which became the first major U.S. bank to offer clients access to Bitcoin funds, is now reportedly considering spot Bitcoin ETFs to be added to its brokerage platform.

latintimes (2024-03-01). 'Pity Us': Deadly Scenes As Desperate Gazans Rush Aid Trucks. Thousands of Palestinians flocked to an aid distribution point early Thursday, desperate for food amid Gaza's looming famine, only to be met with lethal chaos including live fire by Israeli troops.

latintimes (2024-03-01). S. Korean President Urges Unification Efforts After Pyongyang Threats. Ties between the two Koreas have been in a deep freeze as Pyongyang accelerates its weapons development programmes and Seoul ramps up military cooperation with Washington and Tokyo.

latintimes (2024-03-01). Safety Lapses Blamed For Bangladesh Fire As Toll Rises To 45. Thursday night's fire began at a popular biryani restaurant at the bottom of a seven-floor commercial property in the capital's upscale Bailey Road neighborhood.

latintimes (2024-03-01). Texas Battling Largest Wildfire In Its History. Texas emergency crews were struggling Thursday to contain the largest wildfire in the US state's history, with the blaze leaving at least one person dead and scorching a million acres as it raged out of control.

latintimes (2024-03-01). Trump Appeals Disqualification In Illinois Primary Ballot. The ruling, issued by Cook County Circuit Judge Tracie Porter, a Democrat, asserted that Trump's involvement in the January 6, 2021, insurrection rendered him ineligible for office under the 14th Amendment.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-03-01). Fuel issue in Cuba, adjustments cannot be postponed. Havana (Prensa Latina) Updating retail fuel prices in Cuba is part of a government program to find out a solution to structural distortions and boost up domestic economy, said Finance and Prices Minister Vladimir Regueiro.

In Contempt (2024-03-01). In Contempt #38: Victor Puertas is Free, Repression Hits Atlanta, Protesters Rally in Solidarity with Strike Call in Alabama. photo: Ash Agony, Support Here In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis. Packed in as always are updates, fundraisers, and birthdays. There's a lot happening, so let's dive right in! Political Prisoner News Chicano anarchist political prisoner and Certain Days collective…

In Contempt (2024-03-01). In Contempt #38: Victor Puertas is Free, Repression Hits Atlanta, Protesters Rally in Solidarity with Strike Call in Alabama. photo: Ash Agony, Support Here In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis. Packed in as always are updates, fundraisers, and birthdays. There's a lot happening, so let's dive right in! Political Prisoner News Chicano anarchist political prisoner and Certain Days collective…

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-29). Reportan aumento de actividad en volcán Popocatépetl de México. Al menos 22 vuelos fueron suspendidos en el aeropuerto internacional de la Ciudad de México.

Amy Goodman (2024-03-01). Biden and Trump Both Push Anti-Migrant Policies in US-Mexico Border Visits. Joe Biden and Donald Trump both visited the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas on Thursday, where the two leading presidential candidates each pitched anti-immigration measures to further militarize the border and restrict asylum. Meanwhile, a federal judge blocked a new Texas law set to go into effect that would give police the power to arrest migrants they suspect of entering the U.S. |

Center for Biological Diversity (2024-03-01). Legal Petition Aims to Plug Thousands of Old Offshore Oil Wells. GAO Report Reveals Alarming Decommissioning Gaps in Gulf of Mexico, Pacific…

Staff (2024-03-01). "Just Being Racist": Biden & Trump Push Anti-Immigrant Policies in Dueling Border Visits. Joe Biden and Donald Trump both visited the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas on Thursday, where the two leading presidential candidates each pitched anti-immigration measures to further militarize the border and restrict asylum. Meanwhile, a federal judge blocked a new Texas law set to go into effect that would give police the power to arrest migrants they suspect of entering the U.S. without authorization.‚Ä®For more, we speak with Marisa Limón Garza, executive director of Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center, one of the groups challenging this Texas law. "Clearly, Texas has become a battlegrou…

The Xerces Society (2024-03-01). Eastern Monarch Butterfly Overwintering Area In Mexico Drops Precipitously. MEXICO CITY, February 7, 2024 — The annual census of monarch numbers at the overwintering sites in central Mexico was released today by World Wildlife Fund-Mexico and partners. It revealed that in just one year, the presence of monarch butterflies in their Mexico wintering grounds dropped by more than half, from 2.2 hectares to 0.9 hectares.

Agence France-Presse (2024-03-01). Ex-Canada PM Brian Mulroney, father of North American free trade, dead at 84. Brian Mulroney made his political mark in the 1980s with the signing of a groundbreaking free trade agreement with the United States that later expanded to include Mexico.

teleSUR, dcdc (2024-03-01). Aumentan a 30.228 los palestinos asesinados por Israel en Gaza. La ofensiva israelí mató a 193 civiles y dejó 920 heridos en las últimas 24 horas.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-03-01). Presidente colombiano destaca necesidad de la paz. Gustavo Petro indicó el carácter bélico del sistema capitalista y su insostenibilidad en perjuicio del medioambiente y la vida.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-03-01). Veteranos de EE.UU. queman sus uniformes en honor a Aaron Bushnell. El acto realizado al frente del Wyatt Federal Building fue organizado por el grupo About Face: Veterans Against the War.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-03-01). Al menos 66 detenidos en protesta de agricultores en Francia. La ministra delegada de Agricultura, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, calificó de "ilegal" la manifestación.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-03-01). Colombia registra tasa de desocupación más baja desde 2019. Según los datos expuestos por el mandatario, la cifra de desempleados fue del 12.7 por ciento, por debajo del 13.1 por ciento de 2019.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-03-01). Inauguran Villa Olímpica para París 2024. La sede en las instalaciones estará en las inmediaciones del Estadio Saint-Denis, que albergará las pruebas de atletismo de los Juegos Olímpicos.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-01). Presidenta de Honduras: resolver las diferencias mediante el diálogo. Durante la VIII Cumbre de la Celac, destacó que a pesar de todas las dificultades la región mantuvo su costumbre histórica de continuar libre de conflictos bélicos.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-03-01). Presidente de Venezuela arriba a San Vicente para participar en Cumbre de la Celac. Durante la VIII Cumbre del bloque, los líderes de la región profundizarán en temas como la integración política, social, económica y cultural para consolidar los lazos de cooperación.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-03-01). Canciller mexicana participará en VIII Cumbre de la Celac. Bárcena participará, en representación del presidente López Obrador en la VIII Cumbre de jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de la Celac.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-03-01). Comienzan las elecciones parlamentarias en Irán. Los 60.000 colegios electorales abrieron sus puertas a partir de las 08: 00 hora local, para recibir el voto de los más de 61 millones de ciudadanos.

teleSUR, nbb, JDO (2024-03-01). Venezuela y Vietnam fortalecen lazos de cooperación. Las partes ratificaron la fraternidad y solidaridad existente entre los dos países desde hace más de 34 años, cuando establecieron relaciones diplomáticas.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-01). Al menos 46 fallecidos en un incendio en Bangladés. El siniestro fue reportado alrededor de las 21: 45 hora local del jueves, según el oficial de bomberos Anwar Hossain.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-01). Xiomara Castro llega a San Vicente y las Granadinas para cumbre Celac. Este año, Castro también asumirá la presidencia pro tempore del Sistema de Integración Centroamericana (SICA), la cual tendrá una duración de seis meses.

teleSUR odr (2024-03-01). Presidente cubano arriba a San Vicente y las Granadinas. El mandatario cubano indicó que su nación continúa "apostando por avanzar juntos hacia la integración de nuestros países".

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-29). Indígenas en Paraguay reclaman al Estado tierras usurpadas. Exigen la totalidad de los títulos de 335 hectáreas que el Gobierno cedió a esta comunidad en 1944 por su ayuda al Ejército paraguayo durante la guerra del Chaco contra Bolivia.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-29). Israel asesina en plena calle a 104 palestinos mientras esperaban camiones con comida. Decenas de heridos fueron trasladados al hospital Al-Shifa, y se observó que estas cifras superaban la capacidad del personal médico.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-29). Venezuela: 20 años de declaración antiimperialista de Chávez. En conmemoración de este día histórico para el país, la Marcha Nacional de la Furia Bolivariana partirá de distintos estados de Venezuela para dirigirse a la ciudad de Caracas.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-29). Corte Suprema española abre proceso contra expresidente catalán. Los magistrados coinciden en que es "necesario y pertinente que sean llamados al procedimiento, a fin de ser oídos como investigados, con todos los derechos y garantías previstas en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico".

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-02-29). Policía Federal realiza nueva fase de Operación Lesa Pátria en Brasil. Las acciones se desarrollan en Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais, Tocantins, Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo, Espírito Santo y el Distrito Federal.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-29). Anuncian elecciones para Haití antes de agosto de 2025. Apuntó que "creemos que este es un paso importante en la dirección correcta", continuó Phillip Davis, quien habló de la necesidad de una evaluación de la maquinaria electoral.

teleSUR, hvh, YSM (2024-02-29). Inicia veda electoral ante comicios municipales en El Salvador. "Inicia el periodo de silencio electoral", indicó el juez del Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE), Guillermo Wellman.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-29). Presidente de Siria resalta trascendencia de relaciones con Rusia. Al-Assad recordó que Occidente es hostil con Rusia históricamente porque esa nación euroasiática fue transformándose de débil en fuerte.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-29). Venezolano Keydomar Vallenilla gana oro en Preolímpico de halterofilia. El venezolano levantó los 170 kilogramos en el primer intento, asegurando el terminar líder en el arranque.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-02-29). Genocidio israelí sobre Gaza deja más de 30.000 asesinados. "El número de mártires supera los 30.000", denunció el ministerio de sanidad en un comunicado.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-02-29). Presidente de Venezuela califica como un éxito acuerdo para calendario electoral 2024. El jefe de Estado calificó el pacto como el más incluyente firmado hasta la fecha en el país.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-03-01). Ecuatorianos con insuficiencia renal exigen atención sanitaria. Denunciaron que proveedores de servicios de salud y clínicas de diálisis están impagos desde hace más de un año.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-03-01). Unión Tranviaria Automotor convoca a paro general en Argentina. El gremio informó que "tras dos meses de audiencia en la Secretaría de Trabajo de la Nación, no ha acercado ofrecimiento salarial alguno".

teleSUR, MER (2024-02-29). Presidente Maduro: Hoy es el día en que Hugo Chávez declaró el carácter antiimperialista de la Revolución Bolivariana. El jefe de Estado celebró la gran movilización del pueblo revolucionario para conmemorar el 20 aniversario de la declaratoria antiimperialista.

teleSUR, nbb, DRL (2024-02-29). Ordenan retirar a Trump de boleta de las primarias de Illinois. En diciembre de 2023, Colorado excluyó a Trump de las primarias debido a su participación en el asalto al Capitolio…

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-29). Nicaragua y Rusia firman acuerdos en materia de seguridad. Durante la visita del secretario del Consejo de Seguridad de Rusia, Nikolái Pátrushev, a Nicaragua, se alcanzaron acuerdos para el período 2024-2026.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-29). Venezuela condena exploración canadiense en territorio Esequibo. "Canadá no tiene arte ni parte en los asuntos referentes a la Guayana Esequiba, el Gobierno guyanés debe exigir de inmediato el retiro de este pronunciamiento", dijo el canciller.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-01). Canciller ruso llega a Türkiye para Foro de Diplomacia de Antalya. El Foro de Antalya, que se lleva a cabo del 1 al 3 de marzo, reúne a jefes de Estado, ministros, diplomáticos, líderes empresariales y académicos de diversos países.

teleSUR, odr, YSM, JGN (2024-03-01). Naciones condenan masacre israelí en la Franja de Gaza. Países como Siria, Venezuela, Cuba y Colombia han condenado el ataque contra 104 civiles palestinos en la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-29). Primer ministro de Haití realiza vista oficial a Kenia. La presencia del premier haitiano en Kenia tiene como fin, "entre otras cosas, fijar los términos y condiciones para el despliegue de la Misión Multinacional de Apoyo a la Seguridad (MSS)".

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-01). Presidente boliviano llega a San Vicente y las Granadinas. En su cuenta de X, el mandatario confirmó su llegada a la nación caribeña.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-01). Primer ministro de Haití realiza vista oficial a Kenia. La presencia del premier haitiano en Kenia tiene como fin, "entre otras cosas, fijar los términos y condiciones para el despliegue de la Misión Multinacional de Apoyo a la Seguridad (MSS)".

teleSUR, YSM (2024-02-29). Mantienen seis provincias dominicanas en alerta verde por lluvias. Las provincias situadas en el nivel de alerta verde son: Puerto Plata, Espaillat, Samaná, Hermanas Mirabal, María Trinidad Sánchez y Monseñor Nouel.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-03-01). Venezuela denuncia vandalismo de EEUU contra avión de Emtrasur. Venezuela "expresa su más enérgica protesta" por la violación de las normas del Derecho Internacional por parte de EE.UU. y Argentina.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-02-29). FAO lanza web sobre la inseguridad alimentaria en Gaza. Al menos seis niños murieron durante la última jornada por deshidratación y desnutrición en el norte de Gaza.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-02-29). Presidente ruso presenta balance ante Asamblea Federal. El mandatario destacó el esfuerzo de los trabajadores de la producción, quienes llevan a cabo jornadas de tres turnos.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-02-29). Educadores argentinos convocan a un nuevo paro nacional. Los convocantes son los gremios docentes integrados en la Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT).

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-02-29). Absuelven a coronel por asesinato de campesinos en Guatemala. También fue absuelto el sargento Manuel Lima Vásquez y a otros siete militares les fueron modificados los delitos.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-03-01). Policía Federal realiza nueva fase de Operación Lesa Pátria en Brasil. Las acciones se desarrollan en Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais, Tocantins, Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo, Espírito Santo y el Distrito Federal.

teleSUR, hvh, YSM (2024-03-01). Inicia veda electoral ante comicios municipales en El Salvador. "Inicia el periodo de silencio electoral", indicó el juez del Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE), Guillermo Wellman.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-03-01). Conoce cinco obras del músico Leo Brouwer. El músico Leo Brouwer recibió el Premio Nacional de Música en 1998 y el Premio Nacional de Cine en 2009.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN, JDO (2024-03-01). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. Suman casi cinco meses de ataques constantes de las fuerzas sionistas contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania, en medio de la parálisis de la ONU y el apoyo occidental al genocidio.

teleSUR, MER (2024-03-01). Presidente Maduro: Hoy es el día en que Hugo Chávez declaró el carácter antiimperialista de la Revolución Bolivariana. El jefe de Estado celebró la gran movilización del pueblo revolucionario para conmemorar el 20 aniversario de la declaratoria antiimperialista.

teleSUR, rzr, JGN (2024-03-01). Cinco caminos para llegar a la cero discriminación. Discriminar a otros por creernos superiores, desde posiciones de poder, es negar que cada quien tiene un lugar en una totalidad que debería fortalecernos en vez de alejarnos.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-03-01). Mantienen seis provincias dominicanas en alerta verde por lluvias. Las provincias situadas en el nivel de alerta verde son: Puerto Plata, Espaillat, Samaná, Hermanas Mirabal, María Trinidad Sánchez y Monseñor Nouel.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-03-01). Educadores argentinos convocan a un nuevo paro nacional. Los convocantes son los gremios docentes integrados en la Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT).

teleSUR (2024-03-01). France Will Not Send Troops to Fight in Ukraine: FM Sejourne. On Friday, Foreign Affairs Minister Stephanie Sejourne announced that France will not be sending troops to Ukraine to carry out military operations. | RELATED: | "French people will not die for Ukraine. We will not send troops for combat. The framework has been set, which is to prevent Russia from achieving victory without engaging in war with it," he clarified. | Previously, he noted that the presence of French so…

teleSUR (2024-03-01). Iranians Elect Legislators and Expert Assembly Members. On Friday, voting for Iran's 12th parliament and sixth Assembly of Experts began at 8: 00 a.m. local time Friday at about 60,000 polling stations across the country. | RELATED: | More than 15,000 candidates are competing for 290 seats in the Iranian parliament, while 144 candidates are vying for positions at the eight-year-term Assembly of Experts. | This 88-member institution oversees the activities of Iran's supreme…

teleSUR (2024-03-01). Polish Government and Farmers Fail to Reach Agreements. On Thursday afternoon, the meeting between Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Agriculture Minister Czeslaw Siekierski, and protesting farmers ended without an agreement. | RELATED: | After the meeting, Tusk said that all participants wanted to protect Polish agriculture, the Polish market and the European market from the consequences of the ill-advised decision to fully liberalize trade with Ukraine. | "We believed that we were on the same side.

teleSUR (2024-03-01). Turkish Diplomacy Forum to Discuss Crises in Ukraine and Gaza. From Friday, Türkiye hosts a three-day forum on global diplomacy with the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Gaza crisis and climate change among the topics on the agenda. | RELATED: | The Antalya Diplomacy Forum (ADF), now in its third edition, will bring together over 20 heads of state and government, as well as 90 ministers and other prominent figures, to discuss how to address the challenges facing the world…

teleSUR (2024-03-01). US Veterans Burn Uniforms in Tribute to Aaron Bushnell. On Wednesday evening, United States Army veterans held a symbolic act in memory of Aaron Bushnell, who immolated himself on February 25 in protest against the genocide carried out by the Israeli occupation forces in Gaza. | RELATED: | During a vigil held in Oregon, a dozen U.S. veterans burned their military uniforms while shouting slogans in favor of the liberation of the Palestinian people. | "This symbolic gesture was i…

teleSUR odr (2024-02-29). Presidente cubano arriba a San Vicente y las Granadinas. El mandatario cubano indicó que su nación continúa "apostando por avanzar juntos hacia la integración de nuestros países".

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-29). Ecuatorianos con insuficiencia renal exigen atención sanitaria. Denunciaron que proveedores de servicios de salud y clínicas de diálisis están impagos desde hace más de un año.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-29). Unión Tranviaria Automotor convoca a paro general en Argentina. El gremio informó que "tras dos meses de audiencia en la Secretaría de Trabajo de la Nación, no ha acercado ofrecimiento salarial alguno".

cameron orr (2024-03-01). Coalition formed to pass NYC Council ceasefire resolution. Members of the New York State Communist Party and the New York Young Communist League joined a press conference and vigil at City Hall Park in NYC with the NYC 4 Ceasefire coalition on Wednesday, Feb. 28, demanding the NYC Council pass a pro-ceasefire resolution. | Jawanza Williams of VOCAL NY opened up the press conference. "We have gathered here today to show city-wide support for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and end to the genocide in Palestine," he said. More than one hundred people joined the press conference. | Activists and leaders from Adalah Justice Project, Jews For Racial and Economic Justi…

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-03-01). Indígenas en Paraguay reclaman al Estado tierras usurpadas. Exigen la totalidad de los títulos de 335 hectáreas que el Gobierno cedió a esta comunidad en 1944 por su ayuda al Ejército paraguayo durante la guerra del Chaco contra Bolivia.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-03-01). Israel asesina en plena calle a 104 palestinos mientras esperaban camiones con comida. Decenas de heridos fueron trasladados al hospital Al-Shifa, y se observó que estas cifras superaban la capacidad del personal médico.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-03-01). Venezuela: 20 años de declaración antiimperialista de Chávez. En conmemoración de este día histórico para el país, la Marcha Nacional de la Furia Bolivariana partirá de distintos estados de Venezuela para dirigirse a la ciudad de Caracas.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-03-01). Corte Suprema española abre proceso contra expresidente catalán. Los magistrados coinciden en que es "necesario y pertinente que sean llamados al procedimiento, a fin de ser oídos como investigados, con todos los derechos y garantías previstas en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico".

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-01). Anuncian elecciones para Haití antes de agosto de 2025. Apuntó que "creemos que este es un paso importante en la dirección correcta", continuó Phillip Davis, quien habló de la necesidad de una evaluación de la maquinaria electoral.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-03-01). Genocidio israelí sobre Gaza deja más de 30.000 asesinados. "El número de mártires supera los 30.000", denunció el ministerio de sanidad en un comunicado.

teleSUR, nbb, DRL (2024-03-01). Ordenan retirar a Trump de boleta de las primarias de Illinois. En diciembre de 2023, Colorado excluyó a Trump de las primarias debido a su participación en el asalto al Capitolio…

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-03-01). Nicaragua y Rusia firman acuerdos en materia de seguridad. Durante la visita del secretario del Consejo de Seguridad de Rusia, Nikolái Pátrushev, a Nicaragua, se alcanzaron acuerdos para el período 2024-2026.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-01). Naciones condenan masacre israelí en la Franja de Gaza. Países como Siria, Venezuela, Cuba y Colombia han condenado el ataque contra 104 civiles palestinos en la Franja de Gaza.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-03-01). FAO lanza web sobre la inseguridad alimentaria en Gaza. Al menos seis niños murieron durante la última jornada por deshidratación y desnutrición en el norte de Gaza.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-03-01). Presidente ruso presenta balance ante Asamblea Federal. El mandatario destacó el esfuerzo de los trabajadores de la producción, quienes llevan a cabo jornadas de tres turnos.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-03-01). Absuelven a coronel por asesinato de campesinos en Guatemala. También fue absuelto el sargento Manuel Lima Vásquez y a otros siete militares les fueron modificados los delitos.

teleSUR (2024-02-29). DR: 15,717 Prisoners Await Trial. On Thursday, official sources informed that jurists and university professors ask judges and prosecutors to stop abusive and excessive use of preventive detention as the main coercive measure. | RELATED: | In the New Prison Model by 2020 there were 5,567 pre-trial detainees, while in the Traditional Model there were a total of 10,761. | By 2021 there were a total of 6,174 pre-trial detainees in the New Model, while in…

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Gaza Strip: More than 70 Killed in Israeli Strike. Another 20 dead bodies and 160 injured were sent to Kamal Adwan Hospital in the north of the Gaza Strip, and more than 90 wounded transferred to Al-Awda Medical Center in Jabalia. | The death toll from Israel's war on Gaza has surpassed 30,000 Palestinians since the war began five months ago. Feb. 29, 2024.

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Greece Gripped by Strikes on 1st Anniversary of Train Crash. On Wednesday, Greece was hit by a 24-hour nationwide strike, paralyzing public services including transport and hospitals. The trade union-led strikes were called to protest low salaries amid high living costs. | RELATED: | In central Athens, around 20,000 protestors marched to mark the first anniversary of the country's deadliest-ever train crash, which happened in the valley of Tempi. Several masked young people threw…

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Gustavo Petro Suspends Arms Purchase From Israel. On Thursday, Colombian President Gustavo Petro suspended the purchase of arms from Israel following the bombing of civilians waiting for food in the Gaza Strip. | RELATED: | In his X account, the president affirmed, "The world must block [Benjamin] Netanyahu. Colombia suspends all arms purchases from Israel". | Additionally, the president described the incident as genocide and compared it to the Holocaust. | Petro has…

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Havana to Host a Massive Protest Against the Gaza Genocide. On Saturday, March 2, the International Assembly of Peoples called on Cubans to gather at Havana's Jose Marti Anti-Imperialist Tribune to join global mobilizations against the genocide perpetrated by Israeli occupation forces in Gaza. | RELATED: | "In all provinces, we will also take to the streets in solidarity with the sisterly people of Palestine," Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel said, condemning the holocaust Is…

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Hugo Chavez's Anti-Imperialist Speech Resonates After 2 Decades. Since early Thursday morning, thousands of citizens began to move from different Venezuelan departments to Caracas, the capital city that will receive the Bolivarian Fury March, an event that remembers the late president Hugo Chavez's rebellious and anti-imperialist vocation. | RELATED: | On Feb. 29, 2004, at a time when the United States was issuing threats against the Venezuelan nation, Chavez rejected the statements of President Ge…

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Indigenous People Ask Canada to Investigate Solaris Resources. On Thursday, the Shuar Arutam, an Indigenous people living in the Ecuadorian Amazon, filed a complaint against the Solaris Resources company before the British Columbia Securities Commission. | RELATED: | The complainants specify that the company has not provided information to shareholders regarding Warintza, a copper-gold mining project that overlaps with the Shuar Arutam territory. | This legal action comes just days bef…

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Israeli Forces Kill 104 Palestinians Waiting for Aid in Gaza. On Thursday, Israeli occupation forces opened fire on a crowd of Palestinians waiting for aid on a coastal road west of Gaza City, killing 104 people and wounding more than 760. | RELATED: | The attack occurred on Al Rashid Street, where many of the wounded were in critical condition, said Ashraf al-Qudra, a spokesman for the Gaza Health Ministry. | He said the dead and injured, many with serious injuries, were taken to Al-Sh…

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Jamaica to Host Caricom Meeting on Haiti Crisis. According to CMC, the matter will be included in the Georgetown Final Declaration and the bloc will call on all parties involved to make the necessary concessions to unblock the impasse in the French-speaking nation. | The situation in Haiti was discussed at the 46th Caricom Heads of Government Conference, held from Sunday to Wednesday in Guyana. Feb. 29, 2024.

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Kenya and Ethiopia to Enhance Bilateral Ties. On Wednesday, Kenya and Ethiopia signed seven memoranda of understanding (MoUs) aimed at boosting bilateral cooperation in areas of mutual interest. | RELATED: | The MoUs, which were inked in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, after bilateral talks between President William Ruto of Kenya and visiting Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, include cooperation in cultural development, tourism and wildlife, the blue economy,…

teleSUR (2024-02-29). President Maduro Congratulates Electoral Calendar Agreement. On Wednesday, President Nicolas Maduro hailed as a success the national consensus reached among the Venezuelan political sectors regarding the proposed schedule for the 2024 presidential elections. | RELATED: | The document was signed by 155 representatives of political organizations covering 97 percent of the organizations registered with the National Electoral Council (CNE). Among them were over 40 representatives from opposition pol…

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Prime Minister of Haiti Visits Kenya to Detail International Aid. Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry met with Kenyan President William Ruto today to discuss details of the deployment of the UN-authorized international mission in Haiti. | RELATED: | The mission in Haiti will be led by the African country with the aim of confronting gangs operating in the Caribbean country and returning public safety. | The President of Kenya said in X "Kenya partners with the people of Haiti for our common heritage. We…

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Russia to Develop Measures Against Sweden's NATO Membership. On Wednesday, Foreign Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova said Russia will closely monitor Sweden's actions following the country's accession to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). | RELATED: | "We will closely monitor what Sweden will do within the aggressive military bloc, how it will implement its membership in practice… and develop our response policy based on this," she said, adding that…

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Russia Will Soon Become the World's 4th Largest Economy: Putin. On Thursday, President Vladimir Putin presented his annual report to the Assembly of the Russian Federation, where he highlighted that his country has managed to maintain a thriving economy despite Western sanctions related to the Ukrainian special military operation. | RELATED: | In his address to both legislative chambers, he highlighted the role of Russian workers, who have demonstrated their ability to tackle the mo…

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Trump to Be Removed From Illinois Primary Ballot: Judge Porter. On Wednesday, a judge ruled that former President Donald Trump should be removed from the March 19 Illinois Republican primary ballot due to his role in the riot that took place at the Capitol, in Washington DC, on January 6, 2021. | RELATED: | Cook County Judge Tracie Porter made the ruling based on the case law surrounding the Colorado Supreme Court's 4-3 decision in December to remove Trump from that state's ballot based o…

teleSUR (2024-02-29). United States Dismantles Stolen Plane to Venezuela. The United States (US) government scrapped the Venezuelan plane seized from the Cargo del Sur Transport Company (Emtrasur), a subsidiary of the state-owned Conviasa. | RELATED: | The plane had been retained since June 2022 by the Argentine government. The main reason for its seizure was its membership of Iranian corporation, Mahan Air, to which the US had imposed sanctions for alleged financing of terrorist groups. | Si…

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Venezuela Rejects Canadian Exploration in Essequibo. On Wednesday, Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Yvan Gil condemned the Canadian oil exploration activities in the Essequibo, emphasizing that they involve taking sides in an unresolved territorial dispute between Venezuela and Guyana. | RELATED: | "Canada, a constant aggressor against Venezuela, always seeking to provoke and harm our homeland, is now illegally getting involved in a territorial controversy that does not conce…

teleSUR (2024-02-29). Venezuelan President Highlights Anti-imperialist Nature of the Bolivarian Revolution. On Thursday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro hailed the anti-imperialist character of the Bolivarian Revolution proclaimed by Commander Hugo Chavez 20 years ago. | RELATED: | "The anti-imperialist character of the Bolivarian Revolution is still in force in the thought and action of the men and women who defend the homeland," Maduro said in a message released through the social network X on the occasion of the…

teleSUR (2024-02-28). Jorge Sanjines Receives Decoration of the Condor of the Andes. On Wednesday, the President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Luis Arce, presented the National Decoration of the Order of the Condor of the Andes, in the grade of Knight, to the filmmaker Jorge Sanjines. | RELATED: | Jorge Sanjines is considered the best film director in Bolivia, among his productions are "Ukamau", "La Nación Clandestina", "El coraje del pueblo", among others. | The master declared about the recognition, "I a… (2024-03-01). On Hypocrisy and Genocide – How Gaza Has Exposed the West Like Never BeforeAs dozens of envoys from around the world testified before the International Court of Justice from February 19 to 26 … the US State Department", Richard Visek bizarrely urged the ICJ to ignore international law altogether.

albawaba (2024-03-01). International outcry over Israeli massacre in Gaza. ALBAWABA- Colombian President, Gustavo Petro, strongly condemned Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's actions, likening the killing of over 100 Palestinians seeking food to genocide and drawing parallels to the Holocaust. He called for global recognition of the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Meanwhile, the US State Department expressed deep concern over the miserable conditions in Gaza, emphasizing the urgent need for a temporary ceasefire to alleviate Palestinian suffering. The department also called for an investigation into the events and demanded the opening of a crossing into northern Gaza to ensure the delivery of…

María Candela (2024-03-01). Historiador cubano Ernesto Limia culmina ciclo de coloquios en Italia (+Fotos). Roma, 1 mar (RHC) El historiador y ensayista cubano, Ernesto Limia, culmina este viernes con una conferencia en la Universidad la Sapienza, de esta capital, un ciclo de coloquios en ocho ciudades de Italia, donde presentó su libro De Patria y Cultura en Revolución.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-01). De plácemes Leo Brouwer, abrazado a Cuba y a su guitarra. La Habana, 1 mar (RHC) Como si naciera para ella, el prestigioso músico cubano Leo Brouwer se abraza a su guitarra para sacar de esta las más exquisitas armonías, y Cuba lo aplaude, lo honra, más hoy cuando celebra sus 85 cumpleaños.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-03-01). Yusneylis Guzmán alcanza boleto a París en preolímpico de luchas. La Habana, 1 mar (ACN) La gladiadora cubana Yusneylis Guzmán ganó un boleto a París-2024, en el Clasificatorio Olímpico de Luchas de América, con sede en Acapulco, México.

Zoe Alexandra (2024-03-01). The Cuban people will join March 2 global day of action to demand an end to Israel's genocidal war on Gaza. Cuba is a longtime supporter of the Palestinian people and their struggle for liberation and has consistently condemned Israel's war on Gaza…

newarab (2024-03-01). Colombia halts Israel arms sales after Gaza aid queue deaths. Israel is one of the main providers of weapons to the South American country's security forces, which are engaged in a decades-long conflict with leftist guerrillas, right-wing paramilitaries and drug cartels. | Petro made his announcement on Thu…

Aarathi Prasad (2024-03-02). Perspectives] Ngozi Erondu: pursuing justice, equity, and dignity in global health. Infectious disease epidemiologist Ngozi Erondu was born in St Louis, MO, USA, to Nigerian parents—her father a dentist and her mother a teacher "from a lineage of educators". A dual citizen, she says "growing up in an immigrant family, most of my formative years were always spent around the Nigerian community. It wasn't until I left the US and worked abroad that I started identifying as American." After living in London, UK, for nearly a decade and working in disease epidemiology and surveillance across Asia and Africa, she is now based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, where she is Technical Director at…

Economic Policy Institute (2024-03-01). Immigrants Are Not Hurting U.S.-Born Workers — Six Facts To Set the Record Straight. Immigration is contributing to strong economic growth—with future immigration forecast to boost real gross domestic product by 2% over the next 10 years—as well as increasing government revenue. Immigrants are also complementing U.S.-born workers by contributing to overall population and workforce growth.

newarab (2024-03-01). Palestinian-American Justin Amash announces US Senate bid. Justin Amash, a former US Representative from western Michigan whose parents are Palestinian and Syrian immigrants, has The 43-year-old former congressman, who represented Grand Rapids from 2011 to 2021, shared his news on X, formerly Twitter, one month after

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-01). Guardacostas de EE.UU. retornan a Cuba 19 migrantes irregulares. La Habana, 1 mar (RHC) El Servicio de Guardacostas de Estados Unidos devolvió a Cuba 19 migrantes irregulares, que habían participado en una salida ilegal del país, informó el Ministerio del Interior.

WSWS (2024-03-01). Biden appeals to Trump to support anti-immigrant bill: "Join me" After months of campaigning for president on the basis that Trump represented a mortal threat to democracy, in Brownsville, Texas on Thursday, Biden pleaded with the aspiring dictator to "join" him in supporting fascistic anti-immigrant legislation that greatly expands the border police and grants the president authority to "shut down" ports of entry.

newarab (2024-03-01). Evacuated Moroccan villagers swim to Ceuta, fleeing poverty. Dozens of Moroccan migrants On Monday, 26 February, approximately 100 migrants succeeded in breaching the border waves barrier separating Bilionch from Ceuta after enduring more than thirty-six hours of swimming. | "A majority (40) of the newcomers ar…

Reuters (2024-03-01). Joe Biden and Donald Trump trade blame at US border in duelling election-year visits. Trump described an influx of immigrants as a 'Biden invasion', while the US president criticised Republican lawmakers for rejecting a bipartisan border deal.

WSWS (2024-03-01). Biden appeals to Trump to support anti-immigrant bill: "Join me" After months of campaigning for president on the basis that Trump represented a mortal threat to democracy, in Brownsville, Texas on Friday, Biden pleaded with the aspiring dictator to "join" him in supporting fascistic anti-immigrant legislation that greatly expands the border police and grants the president authority to "shut down" ports of entry.

Karen Spring, Honduras Now. (2024-03-01). Testimony In JOH Trial Shows How US And Canada Ignored Warnings. In 2013, the Honduras Solidarity Network (HSN) and over 170 electoral observers warned the U.S. and Canadian governments about the narco-violence and drug interests we witnessed during the 2013 general elections in the municipality of El Paraíso, Copan in Honduras. Last week in Juan Orlando Hernández's trial in New York, more details about the violent electoral fraud in El Paraíso were outlined by Alexander Ardón, the government's collaborating witness, confessed drug trafficker, and the former mayor of El Paraíso.

Raúl Rodríguez (2024-03-01). Onel Hernández se perderá posiblemente el resto de la temporada. La Habana, 1 mar (JIT).- El estelar Onel Hernández se perderá el amistoso entre las selecciones de fútbol de Cuba y Nicaragua a causa de una lesión sufrida en el pie derecho.

María Candela (2024-03-01). Pantallas lumínicas en Panamá denuncian bloqueo EEUU a Cuba (+Foto). Ciudad de Panamá, 1 mar (RHC) Una iniciativa de la embajada de Cuba en Panamá trae la proyección de breves vídeos en su fachada (mapping) que denuncian el bloqueo a la isla de Estados Unidos, hostil política con más de 60 años.

WSWS (2024-03-02). IMF, White House applaud Milei's "shock therapy" as Argentina's poverty rate nears 60 percent. Global finance capital has chosen Argentina as a key battleground and testing site to spearhead a dramatic escalation of the war against the working class internationally.

tvbrics (2024-03-01). Brazil's unemployment rate falls to 7.6 per cent. This led to an increase in the real incomes of workers…

Anjoulie Woodhead (2024-03-01). Brazil Chairs G20 and Vows to Address Poverty, Hunger and Climate Change as Finance Minist. The Brazilian Presidency of the G20 hosts finance ministers for their first G20 meeting this year.

Gabriel Rocha Gaspar (2024-03-01). Lula, Israel's Genocide, and Racism on Brazilian Corporate Media. "Brazilian diplomatic tradition relies on solving problems. The 'incident' with Israel takes the opposite direction and affects not only the image of our country but also the course of subjects that actually matter for the population in an electoral year." With these words, the host of Brazil's most renowned talk show, Roda Viva, closed last Monday's

Jamie White (2024-03-01). Money and Weaponized Mosquitos: Dengue Fever Surges by 400% in Brazil After Bill Gates-Backed Gene-Edited Mosquitos Released.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-03-01). Dengue fever: A Mayo Clinic expert explains the mosquito-borne infection. Recent outbreaks of dengue fever in Brazil have prompted public health officials to launch an immunization campaign targeting children ages 10 to 11. Dengue fever is a potentially life-threatening viral infection transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes. "Four different subtypes of the virus can cause infections in humans," says Dr. Stacey Rizza, a Mayo Clinic infectious diseases specialist. "Wherever you have a significant number of mosquitoes and warm hot environments is where you see dengue transmission." Watch: Dr. Stacey…

SAM (2024-03-01). Can Brazil Convince the World To Tax Billionaire Wealth?

Raul Antonio Capote (2024-03-01). Of Capitalism, Exclusion, and Misery in the Name of Freedom. By Raúl Antonio Capote — Feb 17, 2024 | The well-known American political scientist Francis Fukuyama, in a round table in which he participated at the Center for Public Studies of Chile, on November 13, 1992, stated that he believed that "authentic Leninists" no longer existed. | He explained that he was convinced of that until he gave a talk to an audience of 300 communist militants. "When I told them 'surely, you will not be willing to abolish freedom of expression, freedom of religion, private property and other individual rights,'" said Fukuyama, "they answered 'yes, we are willing.'" | It is worth askin…

People's Dispatch. (2024-03-01). US Slammed For Providing Israel With 'License To Kill' Palestinians. According to three different agencies of the UN, over half a million Palestinians are on the verge of famine if heavy interruption of humanitarian aid persists and a ceasefire does not take effect in Gaza soon. The fear was echoed by several countries who also held the US equally responsible for such a catastrophe. | The World Food Program (WFP), the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), and Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) representatives briefed the UN Security Council on the situation in Gaza at a special meeting called by Guyana, Switzerland, Algeria, and Slovenia on Tuesday, Feb…

scorinoco (2024-03-01). President Maduro: The US Committed a Crime By Destroying Venezuelan Plane. The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, condemned the "dismemberment of the Conviasa airplane that was hijacked. They removed the flag, they erased the name of Luisa Cáceres de Arismendi, the name of Emtrasur, and then chopped it into pieces." | The Venezuelan minister for Transportation and president of Conviasa, Ramón Celestino Velásquez Araguayán, stated that the United States has violated all international regulations and aviation agreements by hijacking the Venezuelan cargo plane and destroying it. "What they want is to demoralize the Venezuelan people, but there is every sign that we will recover," the…

Staff (2024-03-01). Coffee & Chavistas: Misión Verdad Editor Diego Sequera Discusses Barbados Agreement, Essequibo, and Communist Party of Venezuela. Caracas ( Diego Sequera is a Venezuelan journalist, author, political analyst, and researcher. He graduated in Arts from the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) and was part of the Docume…

Martha Ríos (2024-03-01). Grupo Gran Caribe reabre hotel Deauville, en La Habana (+Foto). La privilegiada esquina que en La Habana forman las céntricas calles Galiano y Malecón vuelve a distinguirse con las luces y renovada belleza del hotel Deauville, que este 28 de febrero reabrió sus puertas tras un proceso de reparación y mejora por el Grupo Gran Caribe.

guest author (2024-03-01). African Union declares solidarity with Palestine, Cuba. The author, a former member of the Secretariat of the African Party for the Independence of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde (PAIGC), writes of African events for Avante!, the newspaper of the Portuguese Communist Party. Translation: John Catalinotto. African countries have reaffirmed their solidarity with occupied Palestine, the victim of vicious . . . |

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-03-01). Secret Cable: CIA Orchestrated Haiti's 2004 Coup. Jeb Sprague and Kit Klarenberg A classified diplomatic cable obtained by The Grayzone reveals the role of a veteran CIA officer in violently overthrowing Haiti's popular President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 2004. A spectacular jailbreak in GonaàØves, Haiti in August 2002 saw a bulldozer smash through the local prison walls, allowing armed supporters of Amiot "Cubain" Métayer, a gang…

Jeb Sprague (2024-03-01). Secret cable: CIA orchestrated Haiti's 2004 coup. A classified diplomatic cable obtained by The Grayzone reveals the role of a veteran CIA officer in violently overthrowing Haiti's popular President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 2004. A spectacular jailbreak in GonaàØves, Haiti in August 2002 saw a bulldozer smash through the local prison walls, allowing armed supporters of Amiot "Cubain" Métayer, a gang leader jailed weeks earlier for harassing Haitian political figures, to overrun the facility. Métayer escaped, as did 158 other prisoners. Among them were perpetrators of the April …

María Candela (2024-03-01). Cuba contra cualquier forma de discriminación. Marzo se inicia con una importante jornada mundial para concientizar sobre el hecho de que todos los seres humanos deben gozar de los mismos derechos, sin importar su raza, género, preferencia sexual, creencias religiosas y limitaciones cognitivas.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-01). Nuevo Resort solo para adultos en Cayo Cruz. La Habana, 1 mar (RHC) Blue Diamond Resorts Cuba anuncia la inauguración de Sanctuary White Sands, programada para hoy, una adición innovadora a su exclusiva cartera de propiedades todo incluido para adultos…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-01). Analiza primer ministro desafíos de la dinámica demográfica en Cuba. La Habana, 1 mar (RHC) El primer ministro de Cuba, Manuel Marrero, evaluó los desafíos de la dinámica demográfica en la isla, que mantuvo en el 2023 la tendencia a envejecer y al decrecimiento natural.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-03-01). Cierra con éxito el 24 Festival del Habano de Cuba. La Habana, 1 mar (RHC) El 24 Festival del Habano cierra sus puertas hoy, calificado de exitoso por sus dos mil 900 asistentes de 108 naciones.

Staff (2024-03-01). Secret cable: CIA orchestrated Haiti's 2004 coup. A classified diplomatic cable obtained by The Grayzone reveals the role of a veteran CIA officer in violently overthrowing Haiti's popular President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in 2004. A spectacular jailbreak in GonaàØves, Haiti in August 2002 saw a bulldozer smash through the local prison walls, allowing armed supporters of Amiot "Cubain" Métayer, a gang leader jailed …

Associated Press (2024-03-01). Gunfire paralyses Haiti as powerful gang leader seeks to capture police chief, ministers. Gunmen shot at the main airport and other targets, in what Jimmy Cherizier, known as 'Barbecue', says is a move to prevent the return of PM Ariel Henry.

Famine Early Warning System Network (2024-03-01). Haiti: HaàØti Bulletin des Prix, février 2024. Country: Haiti | Source: Famine Early Warning System Network | Please refer to the attached file. | Le ReÃÅseau de systeÃÄmes d'alerte preÃÅcoce contre la famine (FEWS NET) surveille les tendances des prix des aliments de base dans les pays vulneÃÅrables aÃÄ l'inseÃÅcuriteÃÅ alimentaire. Pour chaque pays et chaque reÃÅgion couvert par FEWS NET, le Bulletin des prix fournit un ensemble de graphiques indiquant les prix mensuels de l'anneÃÅe commerciale en cours pour certains centres urbains, et p…

2024-03-01 23:46:16 | 23:46 EST | tr | 170 | 1 | 74 | 118 | 2 

2024-02-29: News Headlines

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-29). Cohiba Atmosphere and Montecristo Deleggend, genuine Cuban coffees (+Photos). Havana, Feb 28 (Prensa Latina) Cuban gourmet coffees Cohiba Atmosphere and Montecristo Deleggend are participating in the 24th Habano Festival as products genuinely designed to pair with Cuba, the director of Commercial Intelligence of Cubacafé, Martha García, said.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-29). Díaz-Canel calls for participation in march in support of Palestine (+Photo). Havana, Feb 29 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel reiterated the call to the people of the island to participate in the world mobilization in support of Palestine on March 2.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-29). Russia announces launch date for new electric car. Moscow, Feb 29 (Prensa Latina) The Almaz-Antey consortium continues to work on the E-Neva electric car project, whose production launch is scheduled for 2026, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov informed. (2024-02-29). U.S.' escalating trade protectionism to stymie Chinese automakers to hurt itself: MOFCOM. The U.S.' escalating trade protectionism, politicizing economic issues and erecting more trade barriers to affect fair competition will only do harm to the development of its auto industry in the long run.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-29). Putin stresses relations with Latin America, ASEAN, and Africa. "We are working on strengthening relations with Latin American countries; we admire with respect the interest in learning the Russian language and culture," Putin stressed in his State of the Nation Address on Thursday. | The president noted that with ASEAN, Africa, and Arab countries, we observe a potential with plans and new points of contact in this partnership. | "We see great prospects in building a great Eurasian partnership, combining integration procedures inside the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)," he noted. | The head of State pointed out that the Russia-Afric…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-29). UAE sends more than 200 tons of medical aid to Syria (+Photos). Damascus, Feb 29 (Prensa Latina) The Red Crescent Society of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) sent 202 tons of aid on Thursday to support the health sector in Syria.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-29). Vietnam and Cuba communist parties to promote high-level agreements. Hanoi, Feb 29 (Prensa Latina) Leaders of the Communist Parties of Vietnam (PCV) and Cuba (PCC) agreed on Thursday to further promote the role of these party organizations in advising and promoting the implementation of high-level bilateral agreements.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-29). China and the U.S. search for missing people in World War II. Beijing, Feb 29 (Prensa Latina) China and the United States jointly conducted a field study in search of the remains of U.S. military personnel who disappeared here during World War II, an official source confirmed today.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-29). Meningitis outbreak kills 20 in northern Nigeria. Abuja, Feb 29 (Prensa Latina) The outbreak, unexpected as usual, of meningitis in northern Nigeria, took the lives of 20 students, official sources reported in a statement circulated in this capital.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-29). Multinational Shell's elusive actions denounced in Nigeria. Abuja, Feb 29 (Prensa Latina) Activists and environmental organizations denounced today that the multinational oil company Shell is trying to evade its responsibilities with the damages caused in the Niger Delta area.

Laith Fadel (2024-02-29). Violence on highways threatens Mexico's trucking industry. Violence on Mexico's highways is escalating, prompting concerns from the country's truckers who are advocating for increased protection. CGTN's Alasdair Baverstock shows how trucking unions are appealing to the government for assistance.

Luis Linares Petrov (2024-02-29). ECA calls African countries for a transition towards green economies (+Photo). Harare, Feb 29 (Prensa Latina) The 42nd meeting of the Committee of Experts of the Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development called for a transition towards inclusive, low-carbon, and efficient green economies.

Peoples Dispatch (2024-02-29). "Letter to the People for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean" launched at Foz do Iguaàßu conference. From February 22 to 24, 4,000 people from more than 20 countries gathered in Foz do Iguaàßu for the Conference on the Integration of Latin American and Caribbean Peoples…

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-28). Rusia dispuesta a ayudar a sus socios en Latinoamérica. El secretario del Consejo de Seguridad de Rusia afirmó que para el gigante euroasiático es de vital importancia los acontecimientos que susciten en América.

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-02-29). EC threatens to use Russia's funds for Ukraine. Brussels, Feb 29 (Prensa Latina) The head of the European Commission (EC), Ursula von der Leyen, threatened on Wednesday before the European Parliament, to use Russia's financial funds frozen in Western banks to buy armaments for Ukraine.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-29). Cuba and Nicaragua agree on friendly soccer game. Havana, Feb 29 (Prensa Latina) Cuba and Nicaragua will play a friendly game as part of the FIFA week in late March, Miguel Angel Diaz, secretary of the Cuban Soccer Association (AFC), said.

Leonid Savin (2024-02-29). Rusia y América Latina. En los últimos meses, Rusia ha intensificado significativamente los contactos con los países de América del Sur y Central. Con algunos de los Estados de la región, está unida por lazos de amistad de larga data que se originaron desde la época de la Unión Soviética. | Pero en los últimos tiempos, después de romper las relaciones con el Occidente colectivo y comprender que no es posible volver al viejo formato de las relaciones con la Unión Europea (UE), los Estados Unidos y otros países, Moscú decidió reorientar los vectores de sus relaciones exteriores y además de Asia y àÅfrica, América Latina también se h…

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-29). Rusia dispuesta a ayudar a sus socios en Latinoamérica. El secretario del Consejo de Seguridad de Rusia afirmó que para el gigante euroasiático es de vital importancia los acontecimientos que susciten en América.

Owen Schalk (2024-02-29). AMLO's push for environmental reforms angers Canadian mining sector. Ottawa has often criticized measures that would limit the ability of Canadian companies to profit from Mexico's resource wealth.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-29). Reportan aumento de actividad en volcán Popocatépetl de México. Al menos 22 vuelos fueron suspendidos en el aeropuerto internacional de la Ciudad de México.

The Xerces Society (2024-02-29). Eastern Monarch Butterfly Overwintering Area In Mexico Drops Precipitously. MEXICO CITY, February 7, 2024 — The annual census of monarch numbers at the overwintering sites in central Mexico was released today by World Wildlife Fund-Mexico and partners. It revealed that in just one year, the presence of monarch butterflies in their Mexico wintering grounds dropped by more than half, from 2.2 hectares to 0.9 hectares.

Center for Biological Diversity (2024-02-29). Legal Petition Aims to Plug Thousands of Old Offshore Oil Wells. GAO Report Reveals Alarming Decommissioning Gaps in Gulf of Mexico, Pacific…

Reuters (2024-02-29). China's BYD looking for Mexico EV plant location, Americas CEO Stella Li says. The Shenzhen-based EV maker expects to choose a location for the plant, which is set to have a production capacity of 150,000 cars annually, by the year-end.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-29). Indígenas en Paraguay reclaman al Estado tierras usurpadas. Exigen la totalidad de los títulos de 335 hectáreas que el Gobierno cedió a esta comunidad en 1944 por su ayuda al Ejército paraguayo durante la guerra del Chaco contra Bolivia.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-29). Israel asesina en plena calle a 104 palestinos mientras esperaban camiones con comida. Decenas de heridos fueron trasladados al hospital Al-Shifa, y se observó que estas cifras superaban la capacidad del personal médico.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-29). Venezuela: 20 años de declaración antiimperialista de Chávez. En conmemoración de este día histórico para el país, la Marcha Nacional de la Furia Bolivariana partirá de distintos estados de Venezuela para dirigirse a la ciudad de Caracas.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-29). Corte Suprema española abre proceso contra expresidente catalán. Los magistrados coinciden en que es "necesario y pertinente que sean llamados al procedimiento, a fin de ser oídos como investigados, con todos los derechos y garantías previstas en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico".

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-02-29). Policía Federal realiza nueva fase de Operación Lesa Pátria en Brasil. Las acciones se desarrollan en Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais, Tocantins, Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo, Espírito Santo y el Distrito Federal.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-29). Anuncian elecciones para Haití antes de agosto de 2025. Apuntó que "creemos que este es un paso importante en la dirección correcta", continuó Phillip Davis, quien habló de la necesidad de una evaluación de la maquinaria electoral.

teleSUR, hvh, YSM (2024-02-29). Inicia veda electoral ante comicios municipales en El Salvador. "Inicia el periodo de silencio electoral", indicó el juez del Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE), Guillermo Wellman.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-29). Presidente de Siria resalta trascendencia de relaciones con Rusia. Al-Assad recordó que Occidente es hostil con Rusia históricamente porque esa nación euroasiática fue transformándose de débil en fuerte.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-02-29). Venezolano Keydomar Vallenilla gana oro en Preolímpico de halterofilia. El venezolano levantó los 170 kilogramos en el primer intento, asegurando el terminar líder en el arranque.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN, JDO (2024-02-29). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. Suman casi cinco meses de ataques constantes de las fuerzas sionistas contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania, en medio de la parálisis de la ONU y el apoyo occidental al genocidio.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-02-29). Genocidio israelí sobre Gaza deja más de 30.000 asesinados. "El número de mártires supera los 30.000", denunció el ministerio de sanidad en un comunicado.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-02-29). Presidente de Venezuela califica como un éxito acuerdo para calendario electoral 2024. El jefe de Estado calificó el pacto como el más incluyente firmado hasta la fecha en el país.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2024-02-29). Educadores ecuatorianos se movilizarán contra presidente Noboa. El gremio subraya la necesidad de elaborar un Plan de Acción para la Reinserción Escolar de aquellos estudiantes que desertaron en 2023.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2024-02-29). Sindicatos de aerolíneas argentinas realizan un paro de 24 horas. "Estamos casi 70 puntos por debajo de la brecha inflacionaria", recalcó el vocero de la Asociación de Pilotos de Líneas Aéreas (APLA), Juan Pablo Mazzieri.

teleSUR, MER (2024-02-29). Presidente Maduro: Hoy es el día en que Hugo Chávez declaró el carácter antiimperialista de la Revolución Bolivariana. El jefe de Estado celebró la gran movilización del pueblo revolucionario para conmemorar el 20 aniversario de la declaratoria antiimperialista.

teleSUR, nbb, DRL (2024-02-29). Ordenan retirar a Trump de boleta de las primarias de Illinois. En diciembre de 2023, Colorado excluyó a Trump de las primarias debido a su participación en el asalto al Capitolio…

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-29). Nicaragua y Rusia firman acuerdos en materia de seguridad. Durante la visita del secretario del Consejo de Seguridad de Rusia, Nikolái Pátrushev, a Nicaragua, se alcanzaron acuerdos para el período 2024-2026.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-29). Venezuela condena exploración canadiense en territorio Esequibo. "Canadá no tiene arte ni parte en los asuntos referentes a la Guayana Esequiba, el Gobierno guyanés debe exigir de inmediato el retiro de este pronunciamiento", dijo el canciller.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-29). Primer ministro de Haití realiza vista oficial a Kenia. La presencia del premier haitiano en Kenia tiene como fin, "entre otras cosas, fijar los términos y condiciones para el despliegue de la Misión Multinacional de Apoyo a la Seguridad (MSS)".

teleSUR, YSM (2024-02-29). Mantienen seis provincias dominicanas en alerta verde por lluvias. Las provincias situadas en el nivel de alerta verde son: Puerto Plata, Espaillat, Samaná, Hermanas Mirabal, María Trinidad Sánchez y Monseñor Nouel.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-02-29). FAO lanza web sobre la inseguridad alimentaria en Gaza. Al menos seis niños murieron durante la última jornada por deshidratación y desnutrición en el norte de Gaza.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-02-29). Presidente ruso presenta balance ante Asamblea Federal. El mandatario destacó el esfuerzo de los trabajadores de la producción, quienes llevan a cabo jornadas de tres turnos.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-02-29). Educadores argentinos convocan a un nuevo paro nacional. Los convocantes son los gremios docentes integrados en la Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT).

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-02-29). Absuelven a coronel por asesinato de campesinos en Guatemala. También fue absuelto el sargento Manuel Lima Vásquez y a otros siete militares les fueron modificados los delitos.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2024-02-28). Más de 5.000 estudiantes palestinos han sido asesinados por Israel. Reportaron otros 9.193 heridos desde la fecha que marca el inicio de la más reciente oleada de ataques israelíes contra Gaza.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2024-02-28). Venezolana Anyelin Venegas ganó oro en preolímpico de pesas. La venezolana se impuso a su connacional Génesis Rodríguez quien obtuvo la plata y el bronce quedó en el cuello de la mexicana Janeth Gómez.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-28). Ecuador imputa a seis implicados en el asesinato de Villavicencio. La Fiscalía de Ecuador ratificó que la banda Los Lobos participó en la planificación y ejecución del homicidio contra el candidato presidencial.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-28). Salvatore Mancuso llega a Colombia deportado de EE.UU. El exjefe de las extintas Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia arribó junto a 100 colombianos que, como él, deberán enfrentar una audiencia para determinar su estado legal en su país.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-28). Ordenan restituir fondos a la provincia argentina de Chubut. Según el fallo judicial el Gobierno argentino estaría reteniendo recursos coparticipables como herramienta de presión política a la provincia del Chubut.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-28). CNE ecuatoriano fija fecha para referéndum y consulta popular. Las preguntas planteadas por el presidente Daniel Noboa, son cuatro de enmienda a la Constitución, y seis de plebiscito, en las que se plantean reformas legales.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-28). Intensas lluvias en Bolivia han dejado al menos 40 muertos. El viceministro de Defensa Civil, Juan Carlos Calvimontes, indicó que el número de fallecidos a causa de las lluvias podría aumentar en las próximas horas.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-28). ONU advierte de inminente hambruna en el norte de Gaza. La Oficina para la Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios de la ONU advirtió que una cuarta parte de la población de la Franja de Gaza, se encuentran a un paso de la hambruna.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-28). Bombardeos israelíes dejan seis muertos en la Franja de Gaza. Las ambulancias palestinas no pudieron llegar a los lugares de los ataques debido al bombardeo de artillería israelí en la zona.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-29). Suman casi 30.000 los palestinos asesinados por Israel en Gaza. Al menos otras 70.325 personas han resultado heridas en durante los ataques del ejército sionista.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-02-29). Brasil aboga porque ricos tributen para reducir desigualdades. Como presidente del G20, la nación suramericana planteó la lucha contra el hambre, la pobreza y las desigualdades como prioridades de debate de los ministros de Finanzas de los Estados miembros.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-02-29). Médicos en Corea del Sur se oponen a medidas del Gobierno. Los galenos, en huelga, sostienen que el salario y las condiciones laborales deberían ser la prioridad, en lugar del plan del gubernamental para aumentar el número de trabajadores sanitarios.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-02-29). Trump y Biden salen vencedores por sus partidos en Michigan, EE.UU. Con respecto al voto democrata, el 13,2 por ciento marcó la casilla equivalente al voto en blanco siguiendo una campaña que animaba a ello para mostrar el rechazo al papel de EE. UU. en la guerra de Gaza.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-29). Al menos 19 muertos por colisión de buses en Copán, Honduras. La presidenta Xiomara Castro expresó sus condolencias a las familias de las víctimas y pronta recuperación a los lesionados.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-02-29). Polonia evalúa cierre de frontera con Ucrania por crisis en el agro. El primer ministro polaco, Donald Tusk, señaló que si bien la medida sería "dolorosa" resulta necesaria.

teleSUR, hvh, YSM (2024-02-29). Aplicarán nuevos precios del combustible y electricidad en Cuba. El ministro de Finanzas y Precios enfatizó que los precios aún vigentes "no reconocen los costos reales".

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN, JDO (2024-02-29). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. Suman más de 140 días de ataques constantes de las fuerzas de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-02-29). Firman en Venezuela acuerdo de diálogo y propuesta para calendario electoral 2024. Participan 150 representantes de los sectores. Estuvieron presentes el 97 por ciento de las organizaciones con fines políticos debidamente inscritas ante el Poder Electoral.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-29). Agricultores y ganaderos se movilizan en Cataluña, España. Diversas organizaciones exigen "la eliminación de la competencia desleal y reclama las herramientas reguladoras de los mercados".

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-29). Exigen alimentos para comedores populares en Argentina. La UTEP reafirmó la necesidad de atención a los barrios populares.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-29). Bolivia condecora a cineasta Jorge Sanjinés con el Cóndor de los Andes. El presidente boliviano indicó que el homenaje de esta jornada es uno de esos imprescindibles como testimonio de la política hecha arte.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-29). Confirman seis niños muertos por hambruna en la Franja de Gaza. Las autoridades denunciaron que los niños murieron como resultado de la sequía y la desnutrición.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-29). Declaran emergencia por incendios en 60 condados de Texas, EE.UU. Se pronosticó que las condiciones cálidas y secas causadas por las altas temperaturas y el viento se mantendrán en la región en los días venideros.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-29). Siria intercepta misiles procedentes de Israel. La agresión ocurrió cerca de las 21H35 horas (hora local) desde la dirección del Golán sirio ocupado, apuntando a varios puntos de Damasco.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-02-29). Gobierno argentino lleva al Supremo caso contra Chubut. El Ejecutivo dio a conocer que también se apelará la decisión federal ante la Cámara de Comodoro Rivadavia.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-29). Ecuador imputa a seis implicados en el asesinato de Villavicencio. La Fiscalía de Ecuador ratificó que la banda Los Lobos participó en la planificación y ejecución del homicidio contra el candidato presidencial.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-29). Ordenan restituir fondos a la provincia argentina de Chubut. Según el fallo judicial el Gobierno argentino estaría reteniendo recursos coparticipables como herramienta de presión política a la provincia del Chubut.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-29). ONU advierte de inminente hambruna en el norte de Gaza. La Oficina para la Coordinación de Asuntos Humanitarios de la ONU advirtió que una cuarta parte de la población de la Franja de Gaza, se encuentran a un paso de la hambruna.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-29). Bombardeos israelíes dejan seis muertos en la Franja de Gaza. Las ambulancias palestinas no pudieron llegar a los lugares de los ataques debido al bombardeo de artillería israelí en la zona.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-02-29). Líder iraní destaca importancia de participación en comicios. El ayatolá indicó que los países occidentales "con motivos y por diversas razones, temen la participación del pueblo".

Netfa Freeman, The Black Alliance for Peace. (2024-02-29). U.S. AFRICOM Airstrikes Feared To Have Killed Two Cuban Doctors. The National Network on Cuba, The Black Alliance for Peace, and Lowcountry Action Committee strongly condemn the US Africa Command (AFRICOM) airstrikes in Somalia reported to have killed 2 Cuban doctors. We demand the U.S. release all information about the bombing to Cuba and the victims' families. | Cuba has deployed more than 600,000 health workers to 165 nations over the last six decades on medical missions. Two Cubans serving in Kenya, Dr. Assel Herrera Correa, a specialist in general medicine, and Dr. Landy Rodriguez Hernandez, a surgeon, were kidnapped there in 2019 and held in Jilib, southern Somalia.

Benjamin Zinevich (2024-02-29). Coordinated media attacks on Mexican president AMLO? The Mexican president was the subject of a series of articles which all seemed to have the objective of linking him with illegal drug trafficking groups but without any proof…

Larry Johnson (2024-02-29). Traveling to Russia. I have received a couple of requests on travel tips regarding Russia. So here goes. I was invited and had a letter of invitation. So that made getting the visa a breeze, though a little pricey ($451). If you're going as a tourist I recommend you go through a travel agency. They can smooth out all of the hassles. | Getting to Russia is a challenger. There are no longer direct flights from the US or Europe (not sure about South America). You have two basic options from the U.S. — Turkish Air via Istanbul or Qatar Air via Doha. Long flights. From Turkey you have a four hour flight to Moscow. Doha is five…

Laith Fadel (2024-02-29). New York City struggles with influx of asylum seekers. In the past year, tens of thousands of asylum seekers have arrived in New York City, mainly from South and Central America, along with a significant number from Africa. Officials acknowledge the strain on city resources, particularly concerning the limited access to basic services for African asylum seekers. CGTN's William Denselow reports from New York.

Kristian Hernández, Karen Rodriguez, Scheer Post. (2024-02-29). When Migrant Children Disappear, Many Cases Remain Unsolved. Culpeper, Virginia — Jessica Mariela Domingo-Méndez skipped breakfast the morning of Jan. 20, 2023, and ran out the front door of her sister's house to catch the school bus. The 17-year-old never returned home. | Sixteen-year-old Horlandina Lopez-Perez left her aunt's home in the middle of the night on Oct. 1, 2022, with her four-month-old son and a few baby clothes. | Alexander Perez-Méndez, 17, thanked his sponsor for dinner on Dec. 4, 2021, before going to bed. That was the last time the sponsor saw him. | "She just left. She didn't say anything," said Jessica's older sister, Patricia Perez-Méndez (No re…

Chris Walker (2024-02-29). Arizona Republicans Advance Bill Allowing Property Owners to Kill Migrants. Republicans in the Arizona state legislature have advanced a bill that would grant property owners the right to shoot and kill anyone who trespasses on their property, so long as they claim they were doing so in self-defense. House Bill 2843 expands the state's current "Castle Doctrine" law. That statute allows individuals to shoot and kill any person who breaks into their home. |

Clara Marticorena, Julia Soul, Labor Notes. (2024-02-29). Argentinian Working People Fight Milei Government With A General Strike. More than 1.5 million people took part in a general strike in Argentina on January 24 against a new president and his aggressive anti-union "reforms." | Self-described "liberal-libertarian" Javier Milei, who won the November 22 presidential elections, is an economist who became popular as a panelist on a TV show. He advocated for ending the "privileges" of the "casta"—defined as corrupt politicians and social and union leaders taking advantage of "good people." | With a new party, Freedom Advances (La Libertad Avanza), Milei won the votes of a range of people, from working-class people disappointed and angr…

Staff (2024-02-29). US Wrecks Venezuela's EMTRASUR Boeing 747 Cargo Jet. Venezuela's vice minister of anti-blockade policies, William Castillo, condemned the US vandalization of the Venezuelan 747 cargo jet, owned by Conviasa's EMTRASUR air cargo company, after the theft carried out by the United States in complicity with the government of Javier Milei in Argentina. | Castillo pointed out this Wednesday, February 28, in a statement concerning the US coercive measures that led to the illegal seizure of the plane, that "when the opposition comes to ask for your vote because they want to fix the country, remind them that … all of them asked for sanctions against Venezuela." | On Februa…

Anjoulie Woodhead (2024-02-29). Brazil Chairs G20 and Vows to Address Poverty, Hunger and Climate Change as Finance Minist. The Brazilian Presidency of the G20 hosts finance ministers for their first G20 meeting this year.

Gabriel Rocha Gaspar (2024-02-29). Lula, Israel's genocide, and racism on Brazilian corporate media. "Brazilian diplomatic tradition relies on solving problems. The 'incident' with Israel takes the opposite direction and affects not only the image of our country but also the course of subjects that actually matter for the population in an electoral year." With these words, the host of Brazil's most renowned talk show,

Independent Media Institute (2024-02-29). Lula, Israel's Genocide, and Racism on Brazilian Corporate Media. "Brazilian diplomatic tradition relies on solving problems. The 'incident' with Israel takes the opposite direction and affects not only the image of our country but also the course of subjects that actually matter for the population in an electoral year." With these words, the host of Brazil's most renowned talk show,

tvbrics (2024-02-29). Brazilian authorities launch programme to stimulate investment in sustainable development projects. The Inter-American Development Bank will provide financing for the programme…

GABIK (2024-02-29). Cabinet approves hosting of New Development Bank meeting. Cabinet approves hosting of New Development Bank meeting | Cabinet has considered and approved the hosting of the annual meeting of the New Development Bank (NDB) to take place in South Africa in June 2024. | Minister in The Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni said it has been 10 years since Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) countries signed the Articles of the NDB at the 6th BRICS Summit in Fortaleza, marking the establishment of the "first multilateral development institution by emerging and developing countries". | Briefing media on the outcomes of the Cabinet meeting on Thursday, Ntshavheni sa…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-29). Dengue fever: A Mayo Clinic expert explains the mosquito-borne infection. Recent outbreaks of dengue fever in Brazil have prompted public health officials to launch an immunization campaign targeting children ages 10 to 11. Dengue fever is a potentially life-threatening viral infection transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes. "Four different subtypes of the virus can cause infections in humans," says Dr. Stacey Rizza, a Mayo Clinic infectious diseases specialist. "Wherever you have a significant number of mosquitoes and warm hot environments is where you see dengue transmission." Watch: Dr. Stacey…

tvbrics (2024-02-29). Brazilian authorities launch programme to stimulate investment in sustainable development projects. The Inter-American Development Bank will provide financing for the programme…

Staff (2024-02-29). Essequibo Controversy Presented at 46th CARICOM Summit (+President Lula). The opening ceremony of the 46th Ordinary Summit of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has taken place in Georgetown, capital of Guyana, a meeting that held as one of the central points the historical territorial dispute over the Essequibo. | In the inaugural speech of the event this Monday, February 26, led by the Secretary General of CARICOM, Carla N. Barnett, she stated that the summit would deal with "various border controversies and the passage of dangerous weapons and drugs through our lands and seas." The political and security crisis in Haiti and the issue of carbon credits would als…

Ana Perdigón (2024-02-29). Biden Signs Executive Order Targeting Venezuela & Cuba (+Personal Data). US President Biden signed a new executive order targeting Cuba and Venezuela this Wednesday. The US administration claims that this order aims to protect data of US citizens. | According to the EFE news agency, Biden signed the executive order to protect personal data of officials or members of the Army from countries that the White House considers "worrisome." | US sources told the Spanish news agency that the executive order will target countries such as China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Cuba, and Venezuela. | American citizens deserve peace of mind that their sensitive data — ranging from health and fina…

Staff (2024-02-29). Broad Political Dialogue Allows Signing of Presidential Elections Schedule Proposal in Venezuela. Caracas ( The president of parliament, Jorge Rod…

Adam Fishbein (2024-02-29). CARICOM and Foreign Diplomats Set Haiti Election Timetable, Undermining Their Own Calls for Dialogue. On Sunday, speaking after the start of a summit of CARICOM leaders, the foreign minister of the Bahamas called de facto Haitian prime minister Ariel Henry a barrier to progress. The next day, the prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda called on Henry to "step aside." On Wednesday, at the close of the meeting, CARICOM …

midwesternmarx (2024-02-29). Herbert Matthews' great interview, sixty-six years later. By: Guillermo Suárez Borges. I never did another story that gave me more professional satisfaction… I only take credit for having correctly interpreted what I saw and heard, for having realized that the extraordinary young man who opened his heart to me in whispers, for three hours, would be the one around whom the hopes and passions of Cuba would be concentrated, for a tide of victory.​Herbert Matthews interviewing Fidel in the Sierras.This is how Herbert Matthews, the distinguished American journalist …

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-29). Instan en Cuba a reforzar enfrentamiento al delito en comunidades. La Habana, 29 feb (RHC) El primer ministro de Cuba, Manuel Marrero, instó a reforzar el enfrentamiento al delito, la corrupción y las ilegalidades desde las comunidades y fortalecer la integralidad en el combate contra esos flagelos.

infobrics (2024-02-29). BRICS Emerges as a Beacon of Hope Amidst Global Economic Shifts: Opportunities for Jamaica and CARICOM. The global economy is undergoing seismic shifts, with the BRICS bloc emerging as a formidable force. As the West grapples with economic struggles, countries like Jamaica and CARICOM nations have the opportunity to seek associate status with BRICS, potentially providing much-needed stability and growth… (2024-02-29). Antalya'ya ayrƒ± dikkati àßeken Naci Gà∂ràºr tàºm Türkiye'yi uyardƒ±: Herhangi bir yerde sabah uyandƒ±ƒüƒ±mƒ±zda 7 ve àºzeri deprem olabilir. Bilim Akademisi àºyesi, Yer Bilimci Prof. Dr. Naci Gà∂ràºr, "Her depremde 80-90 bin insanƒ± bir gecede topraƒüa veremeyiz. Bu bize yakƒ±≈ümƒ±yor. Türkiye'de herhangi bir yerde, sabah uyandƒ±ƒüƒ±mƒ±zda 7 ve àºzeri deprem olabilir. Türkiye'de 5'in àºzerinde depremler à∂làºme neden oluyor. Bizim bunu halletmemiz lazƒ±m" dedi. | Prof. Dr. Naci Gà∂ràºr, Antalya Bàºyàºk≈üehir Belediyesi tarafƒ±ndan dàºzenlenen 'Ant…

2024-02-29 17:58:55 | 17:58 EST | tr | 102 | 0 | 33 | 91 | 0 

2024-02-27: News Headlines

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-27). Cuba celebrates anniversary of tobacco technician's workshop. Havana, Feb 27 (Prensa Latina) The 20th anniversary of the tobacco experts' workshop named Balcón del Habano was a combination of tasting and rejoicing, according to reports from the organizers of that initiative.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-27). Cuban artists pay tribute to patriot Carlos Manuel de Céspedes. Havana, Feb 27 (Prensa Latina) Cuban artists and intellectuals pay tribute to the Father of the Homeland, Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, on the 150th anniversary of his fall in combat.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-02-27). Flying car and bent phone technology shakes up Barcelona. Barcelona, Feb 27 (Prensa Latina) The idea of one day seeing a flying car is already a reality, but visitors to the Mobile World Congress (MWC) are also impressed with the folded phone.

Ana Perdigón (2024-02-27). Far-Right Politician Diego Arria Blames US for Failures of Venezuela's Opposition. Far-right Venezuelan politician based in New York, Diego Arria, blamed the United States government for the evident failures of Venezuela's opposition, saying that the US has not taken the situation in Venezuela seriously. | Arria referred to Venezuela as "a destructive force in Latin America and beyond." He went on to criticize the US for sending President Biden's former Security Advisor for Latin America Juan González to Venezuela to manage the situation in the country whereas, for similar issues on the other side of the world, the US frequently sends its CIA director or the secretary of state. | "It is easier…

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-27). Palestine thanks the world for support in ICJ hearing. Ramallah, Feb 27 (Prensa Latina) The Palestinian Government thanked on Tuesday the countries that presented arguments before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to denounce Israeli crimes in the occupied territories, especially in the Gaza Strip.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-27). FAO warns about the impact of climate change on the population. Rome, Feb 27 (Prensa Latina) The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has prepared a new report on the impact of climate change on the rural poor, women and youth, a press release said today.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-27). Gangs in Haiti go beyond limits and attack against religious. Port-au-Prince, Feb 27 (Prensa Latina) Religious are also in the sights of gangs in Haiti, where they have already perpetrated attacks and kidnappings against this social segment, generating more panic among the population of Haiti.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-27). Mexican deputies to expand parliamentary meetings with China. Mexico City, Feb 27 (Prensa Latina) Marcela Guerra proposed to her peers in China to resume the parliamentary dialogue between Mexico and China and institutionalize bilateral meetings, the communications department informed today.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-02-27). UN Conference on environment calls for global cooperation. Nairobi, Feb 27 (Prensa Latina) Strengthening global cooperation is indispensable to face the climate crisis, said the president of the Sixth UN Environment Assembly (UNéA-6), in course here today, the Moroccan Minister of Transition, Leila Benali.

newarab (2024-02-27). HRW accuses Israel of violating ICJ order, blocking Gaza aid.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-02-27). The Forum of Supporters of the Struggle Against Modern Practices of Neocolonialism. The Russian political party "United Russia" held the first "For the Freedom of Nations" International Forum of Supporters of the Struggle Against Modern Practices of Neocolonialism on 16-17 February 2024 in Moscow. It brought together over 400 participants from more than 55 countries of Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Europe and the CIS, representing the global majority. | From Türkiye the Vatan Party attended the forum. Vatan Party Deputy Chairman Ethem Sancak and the party's representative in Russia, Mehmet Perinàßek, who is also a United World International author, held speeches at the…

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-02-27). Colombia_CRIC 53 años: Toda una vida de lucha y resistencia.

Andrew Korybko (2024-02-27). The New Ecuadoran President Called Out The US For Trying To Manipulate Him Against Russia. Leftist-aligned members of the Alt-Media Community assumed that he'd do America's bidding due to him being right-wing, yet he just defied their expectations in a surprisingly dramatic way. This proves that ideological affiliation in and of itself is no longer a sufficient indicator of a Latin American leader's foreign policy. | New Ecuadoran President Daniel Noboa said last week that he was "

Global Research News (2024-02-27). Selected Articles: What the Mass Media Needs to Cover on Israel/Gaza Conflict. Ralph Nader. By Last October 27, I suggested subjects the mainstream media needed to cover relating to the saturation bombing of Gaza and its …

Gloria Rubac (2024-02-27). Texas plans another legal lynching: Save the life of Ivan Cantu! Houston When speaking about prisons and the death penalty, many activists and leaders have said, "It's better to be guilty and rich than to be innocent and poor." Today in Texas, Ivan Cantu, a 50-year-old Latinx man, is the personification of this saying. Ivan Cantu. Credit: Death Penalty Information Center . . . |

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-02-27). Lavrov, China's deputy FM discuss Ukrainian crisis. Moscow, Feb 26 (Prensa Latina) Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Sun Weidong, who is on a working visit to Moscow, discussed the Ukrainian crisis, the Russian Foreign Ministry informed on Monday.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-02-27). Congress takes step prior to massive dismissal of magistrates in Peru. Lima, Feb 26 (Prensa Latina) The unpopular Congress of the Republic of Peru took on Monday the step prior to the summary dismissal of the seven members of the National Justice Board (JNJ), the body that appoints, evaluates and removes judges and prosecutors.

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-02-27). President Petro dismisses FM Secretary from office. Bogota, Feb 26 (Prensa Latina) Colombia's President Gustavo Petro dismissed on Monday the Secretary General of the Foreign Ministry Jose Antonio Salazar from his post for considering that he has betrayed the Government on the company's issue for making passports.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-27). En La Habana, taller internacional de paradigmas emancipatorios. La Habana, 27 feb (RHC) El XV Taller Internacional sobre Paradigmas Emancipatorios de América Latina y el Caribe comienza hoy en forma presencial y virtual en el Pabellón Cuba, sede de la Asociación Hermanos Saíz.

teleSUR (2024-02-26). ALBA's Unity Proposal is Based on the Peoples: Arreaza. Over the weekend, Jorge Arreaza, the recently appointed secretary of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), recalled the importance of unity among Latin American peoples to respond to contemporary global challenges. | RELATED: | "For the Bolivarian Alliance, unity is not built among elites. It is based on the peoples, their real involvement, and the comprehensive satisfaction of their…

albawaba (2024-02-27). Pakistani woman assaulted due to dress adorned with Arabic words. ALBAWABA In a distressing incident in Pakistan, a woman faced a terrifying ordeal after being assaulted by a group of individuals who mistakenly believed her attire, adorned with Arabic calligraphy, to contain of Quran. The assailants threatened her life, prompting intervention by Pakistani law enforcement authorities.The situation unfolded in Lahore, the capital of Punjab province, where the woman found herself surrounded by a gathering crowd outside a local restaurant. Initially, approximately 300 people had assembled around her, with tensions escalating rapidly.ÿ≠ÿµŸÑ Ÿ&Arin…

latintimes (2024-02-27). Argentina Authorizes Starlink, Rival Amazon Kuiper. According to the Starlink website, its satellite internet service will be available in Argentina in the second quarter of 2024.

latintimes (2024-02-27). Argentina's Milei Slams Provincial Governor For Threatening To Cut Energy Supply. The dispute began last week when the federal government stopped the transfer of 13,000 million pesos (around $15 million) in federal tax revenues to the Chubut province. In response, the province's governor Ignacio Torres said he would cut off oil and gas supplies on Wednesday if the funds are not transferred.

latintimes (2024-02-27). Asian Markets Muted As Traders Await Fresh Data For Rate Clues. Last week's rallies — including an all-time record close for Tokyo's benchmark index — were fuelled by solid earnings from US chip titan Nvidia, a bellwether for artificial intelligence.

latintimes (2024-02-27). Australian Police Investigate Taylor Swift's Dad Over Alleged Assault. Australian police are investigating claims Taylor Swift's dad assaulted a photographer when the star and her entourage were disembarking a superyacht in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

latintimes (2024-02-27). Biden Hopes For Gaza Deal By Next Week, Lasting Through Ramadan. Asked during an election campaign trip to New York when such an agreement might start, Biden replied: "I hope by the end of the weekend."

latintimes (2024-02-27). Boeing Staff Confused On Safety Reporting: US Study. The report pointed to a "disconnect" between senior company management and other Boeing employees and skepticism that safety complaints by workers would not result in retaliation, according to an expert panel appointed by the US Federal Aviation Administration.

latintimes (2024-02-27). Cuban Cigar Exports Soar Amid Demand For Luxury Goods. Cuba cannot sell its cigars in North America — the world's biggest market for the product — due to a trade embargo imposed by Washington on the communist island since 1962.

latintimes (2024-02-27). 'Demolish Immigration': Think Tank Warns Second Trump Term Would 'Drive Levels to Unprecedented Lows'. The Niskanen Center analyzed the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025, saying it's the policy playbook for an eventual Trump victory, and warned of its extent…

latintimes (2024-02-27). Four Months After Hurricane Otis, Mexico Welcomes Some of the Best Players in the World at the Acapulco Open. Out of the participants, 11 of them are currently ranked in the ATP top-20, with four of them included in the top-10…

latintimes (2024-02-27). How the Influx of Migrants is Impacting the Budgets of some of the Largest Cities in the U.S.

latintimes (2024-02-27). Macron Announces Steps To Boost Ukraine, Does Not Exclude Troops. While there was "no consensus" on the sending of Western ground troops to Ukraine, "nothing should be excluded. We will do whatever it takes to ensure that Russia cannot win this war," he said.

latintimes (2024-02-27). Sideways American Lander Sends First Images Back From Moon. "Odysseus continues to communicate with flight controllers in Nova Control from the lunar surface," Intuitive Machines said Monday in an update on X.

latintimes (2024-02-27). Supreme Court Deliberates Social Media Laws: Potential Paradigm Shift Looms. Former President Trump has thrown his weight behind the state laws, decrying what he perceives as bias and discrimination by social media platforms.

latintimes (2024-02-27). Top Senate Republican McConnell Vows To Prevent Shutdown As Deadlines Loom. "We're not going to allow the government to shut down," Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) told reporters on his way to the Senate chamber.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-27). Inauguran 15 Taller de Paradigmas Emancipatorios en Cuba. El taller es organizado, con frecuencia bianual, por el Instituto de Filosofía, de Cuba, a través de su Grupo América Latina Filosofía y Axiología (Galfisa) de conjunto con el Centro Memorial Martin Luther King.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-27). Encuentran 113 restos óseos en una fosa clandestina en México. Según el informe publicado el lunes, los restos fueron encontrados cerca de Los Cabos, en el extremo sur de la península de Baja California.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-02-27). Asesinan a tiros a precandidato a alcaldía de Michoacán, México. El médico Reyes Zavala, se postulaba por primera vez para alcaldía de Maravatío, cuya presentación oficial de candidatura sería el próximo 29 de febrero.

Victoria Torres, Orinoco Tribune. (2024-02-27). President Of Mexico Fights Back Against New York Times Slander. The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, criticized the US news outlet The New York Times (NYT) and stressed that journalists of NYT and other imperialist media outlets consider themselves "a divine race" that cannot be touched, "not even with a rose petal," despite the fact that they spread slander with impunity. | "You, with all due respect, do partisan journalism, because you are biased in favor of groups with vested interests, you are too close to de facto political and economic power," AMLO said on Friday, February 23, during a tense exchange with Jesica Zermeño, journalist of Univision, during…

teleSUR (2024-02-26). Miguel Zavala, Candidate for Mayor Shot Dead in Mexico. The candidate for mayor of Maravatío, Miguel Zavala, was shot dead this Monday in the state of Michoacán. | RELATED: | Upon entering a hospital, the politician was shot in his vehicle by armed men, according to preliminary reports. | He received all medical attention, but died instantly. Meanwhile, the perpetrators fled the scene. | Maravatío police and members of the Attorney General's Office appeared at the crim…

Reuters (2024-02-27). Biden and Trump to visit US-Mexico border on same day. US President Joe Biden will travel to Brownsville, Texas on Thursday. On the same day, former president Trump will visit Eagle Pass in Texas, a Trump aide said.

teleSUR (2024-02-27). Mexico Urges US To Regularize Migrants' Legal Status. On Monday, Mexican Foreign Minister Alicia Barcena highlighted the importance of Mexican migrant workers to the U.S. economy, and again urged Washington to regularize their legal status. | RELATED: | Mexicans working in the U.S. contribute over US$324 billion annually to the nation's economy in such essential sectors as agriculture, services and construction, Barcena said, adding that "the regularization of Mexicans is not unprecedented.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-27). Cedeao levanta sanciones económicas a Guinea y Mali. Los líderes del grupo decidieron "levantar las sanciones financieras y económicas" en la cumbre extraordinaria celebrada el pasado sábado en Abuya, capital de Nigeria.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-27). Cuba agradece a Kenia ayuda para aclarar situación de médicos. El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores afirmó que "el compañero Lazo constató el espíritu de cooperación del Gobierno de Kenia y agradeció su comprensión ante este sensible y doloroso asunto.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-27). Irán efectuará elecciones parlamentarias el próximo 1 de marzo. El jefe de la Guardia Revolucionaria iraní, el general Hosein Salamí, llamó a los ciudadanos a "dar un duro puñetazo en la boca" a los enemigos del país participando en los comicios.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-27). Hungría aprueba la adhesión de Suecia a la OTAN tras retrasos. Los dos países firmaron un nuevo acuerdo militar durante una conferencia de prensa conjunta organizada en la capital húngara, en la que Suecia prometió vender cuatro nuevos aviones Gripen.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN, JDO (2024-02-27). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. Suman ya 142 días de ataques constantes de las fuerzas de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-02-27). Educadores argentinos realizan un paro nacional en rechazo al Gobierno de Milei. La Ctera no sólo ratificó la medida de fuerza, sino que advirtió que el paro será a nivel nacional.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2024-02-27). Agricultores españoles marchan nuevamente en la ciudad Madrid. Las manifestaciones fueron convocadas por varias organizaciones agrarias para poner fin al calendario de más de 40 actos que han salpicado la geografía española.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-27). Perú emite alerta epidemiológica por epidemia de dengue. El reporte del Ministerio alerta sobre las 28 personas fallecidas por la enfermedad.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-02-27). Presidente argentino elimina ayuda a provincia de Buenos Aires. De igual manera, Kicillof precisó que se planean otras acciones ante la quita de ese presupuesto.

teleSUR, MER (2024-02-27). Presidente Maduro denuncia recrudecimiento de campaña contra Venezuela. El jefe de Estado indicó que el imperialismo y la derecha extremista buscan promover una matriz negativa en portales internacionales y en las redes sociales.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-27). Justicia de Perú condena a asesinos de líder indígena amazónico. De momento los imputados deberán pagar 18 meses de prisión preventiva mientras se culiminan las investigaciones en el proceso judicial que se lleva por el homicidio de Quinto Inuma Alvarado.

teleSUR, MS (2024-02-27). Venezuela aprueba el Plan de las Siete Transformaciones. El Gobierno de Venezuela en compañía del Poder Popular aprobaron un nuevo proyecto para mejorar la calidad de vida de los venezolanos e impulsar mejoras políticas y sociales en el país sudamericano.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-27). Un hombre se inmola en EE.UU. en rechazo a genocidio en Gaza. Las fuerzas del orden respondieron de inmediato al incidente, que ocurrió en la tarde de este domingo, según confirmó la Policía Metropolitana de Washington.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-27). Gobierno de Bolivia asiste a comunidades afectadas por río Acre. El mandatario indicó que se entregaron ocho toneladas de ayuda humanitaria a 150 familias resguardadas en albergues.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-27). Gobierno colombiano y ELN anuncian continuidad de diálogos de paz. Los próximos diálogos serán en Venezuela, del 8 al 22 de abril de 2024.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-02-27). Siria e Irán revisan puesta en marcha de acuerdos bilaterales. En el encuentro se resaltó La necesidad de dar seguimiento a la implementación de los acuerdos y memorandos de entendimiento.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-27). Reportan el asesinato de un líder social colombiano en Putumayo. De acuerdo a las cifras de Indepaz, con el asesinato de Abelardo Quintero Duque, Colombia suma 25 lideres sociales asesinados en el 2024.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-27). Ataques israelíes contra ciudades de Gaza dejan 12 muertos. En la localidad gazatí de Rafah, un total de tres personas fallecieron en un ataque aéreo que tuvo como objetivo una casa cerca del hospital kuwaití.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-27). Congreso de Perú aprueba debatir posible destitución de la JNJ. Según los legisladores peruanos, los magistrados del JNJ habrían incurrido en un grave error por mantener en el cargo a la juez Inés Tello, por superar los 75 años.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-02-27). Ponen en alerta a once provincias dominicanas por sistema frontal. Las provincias en alerta amarilla son Puerto Plata, Espaillat, Hermanas Mirabal, María Trinidad Sánchez y Monseñor Nouel.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-02-27). Inicia 46ma Cumbre de Jefes de Gobierno de Caricom. Entre los temas a abordar por la cumbre se encuentran la resiliencia, la adaptabilidad y el desarrollo regional.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-02-27). Gobierno argentino desfinancia fondos para barrios populares. El decreto redujo el FISU del 30 al uno por ciento y mantuvo el cinco por ciento el destinado al fomento del turismo.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-02-27). Brasil convertirá inmuebles federales abandonados en proyectos. "Estamos iniciando algo nuevo", afirmó Lula sobre el programa denominado "Democratización de los Inmuebles del Estado".

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-26). Suman 29.782 los palestinos asesinados por ofensiva sionista. La ocupación provocó 90 mártires y 164 heridos durante las últimas 24 horas.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-26). CEDEAO levanta sanciones económicas a Guinea y Mali. Los líderes del grupo decidieron "levantar las sanciones financieras y económicas" en la cumbre extraordinaria celebrada el pasado sábado en Abuya, capital de Nigeria.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-26). Cuba agradece a Kenia ayuda para aclarar situación de médicos. El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores afirmó que "el compañero Lazo constató el espíritu de cooperación del Gobierno de Kenia y agradeció su comprensión ante este sensible y doloroso asunto.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-26). Irán efectuará elecciones parlamentarias el próximo 1 de marzo. El jefe de la Guardia Revolucionaria iraní, el general Hosein Salamí, llamó a los ciudadanos a "dar un duro puñetazo en la boca" a los enemigos del país participando en los comicios.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-26). Hungría aprueba la adhesión de Suecia a la OTAN tras retrasos. Los dos países firmaron un nuevo acuerdo militar durante una conferencia de prensa conjunta organizada en la capital húngara, en la que Suecia prometió vender cuatro nuevos aviones Gripen.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-26). Jorge Arreaza: "unidad del ALBA se fundamenta en los pueblos" En este organismo está sustentado en los ideales bolivarianos y concebido con el pensamiento estratégico de Fidel Castro y Hugo Chávez.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-02-26). Educadores argentinos realizan un paro nacional en rechazo al Gobierno de Milei. La Ctera no sólo ratificó la medida de fuerza, sino que advirtió que el paro será a nivel nacional.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-02-26). Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana finaliza con éxito. Los organizadores calcularon que a la magna fiesta cultural de la isla mayor de las Antillas acudieron alrededor de 450.000 personas.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-02-26). Presidente mexicano critica censura de la plataforma YouTube. YouTube tuvo una "actitud prepotente y autoritaria", aseveró López Obrador en un mensaje publicado en su cuenta de la red social X.

teleSUR, nbb, DRL (2024-02-26). Primer ministro palestino anuncia la dimisión del Gobierno. En sus declaraciones, ha explicado que la población palestina y el "sistema político" palestino se enfrentan a una situación de "ataque feroz y sin precedentes"

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-26). Aumenta a 29.692 cifra de muertos en Gaza por genocidio israelí. La agresión israelí contra Gaza ha provocado que el 85 por ciento de la población del territorio asediado se desplace internamente.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-26). Un hombre se inmola en EE.UU., en rechazo a genocidio en Gaza. Las fuerzas del orden respondieron de inmediato al incidente, que ocurrió en la tarde de este domingo, según confirmó la Policía Metropolitana de Washington.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-02-26). Mueren tres civiles en ataque israelí contra Siria. Siria hizo un llamado al secretario general de las Naciones Unidas y al presidente del Consejo de Seguridad para que asuman la responsabilidad de poner fin a los bombardeos sionistas.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-02-26). Agricultores europeos se movilizan en Bruselas, Bélgica. Unos 900 tractores obstaculizan el distrito belga mientras se reúnen los ministros de Agricultura del bloque comunitario.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-02-26). Inicia 46ma Cumbre de Jefes de Gobierno de CARICOM. Entre los temas a abordar por la cumbre se encuentran la resiliencia, la adaptabilidad y el desarrollo regional.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2024-02-26). Brasil convertirá inmuebles federales abandonados en proyectos. "Estamos iniciando algo nuevo", afirmó Lula sobre el programa denominado "Democratización de los Inmuebles del Estado".

teleSUR, rzr, MS (2024-02-27). Secretario del Consejo de Seguridad de Rusia visita Cuba. El presidente Miguel Díaz-Canel resaltó el estado de las relaciones entre Cuba y Rusia, coincidiendo en la voluntad de continuar ampliando los vínculos bilaterales.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-27). Gobernador argentino denunciara ante la CSJ la quita de fondos. El gobernador de la Provincia de Buenos Aíres adelantó que habrá una reunión de gobernadores para buscar acuerdos y hacer frente a la políticas del presidente Milei.

teleSUR, SH (2024-02-27). Incursión israelí en Cisjordania deja al menos tres muertos. Según la Media Luna Roja al menos 80 ciudadanos han muerto a manos de soldados israelíes en lo que va del 2024.

teleSUR (2024-02-26). Argentine Teachers Begin National Strike Against Milei's Policy. On Monday, the Confederation of Education Workers of the Argentine Republic (CTERA) initiated a 24-hour national strike against the far-right President Javier Milei's policies. | RELATED: | The education workers demand salary increases to compensate for the accelerated loss of purchasing power and reject budget cuts affecting public goods and services. | The strike also opposes the elimination of the National Teacher In…

teleSUR (2024-02-26). Caricom Leaders Open Summit in Guyana. The meeting is attended by 13 of the 15 heads of government of the region, to address issues such as agrofood security, air and maritime transport, resilience to climate change, security, the situation in Haiti, among others. | Working Sessions of the 46th Regular Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of CARICOM at the Guyana Marriott Hotel Georgetown. Feb. 26, 2024.

teleSUR (2024-02-26). Cuba Thanks Kenya for Helping Search for Kidnapped Doctors. The Cuban government thanks Kenya for providing information on the possible death of Assel Herrera Correa and Landy Rodríguez Hernández, doctors kidnapped in Somalia in 2019. | RELATED: | The talks between Esteban Lazo, Cuban special envoy for the presidency to the African nation and Kenyan President William Ruto, made the unofficial news known to the Cuban government. | In an official statement the Foreign Minister said: "Comrade La…

teleSUR (2024-02-26). Early Voting for Russian Presidential Election Begins. On Sunday, early voting in remote areas for the Russian presidential election has begun in the regions of the Far East. | RELATED: | Igor Shamraev, deputy chairman of the regional electoral commission of Kamchatka, said that about 30,000 people in Kamchatka could cast their ballots early. | They include reindeer herders, meteorological station workers, lighthouse keepers and service members at isolated outposts.

teleSUR (2024-02-26). 'Free Palestine' Shouts US Soldier as He Immolates Himself. On Sunday afternoon, an active-duty US soldier immolated himself in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington to protest against the genocide in Palestine. | RELATED: | In a video posted on social media, 25-year-old soldier Aaron Bushnell is seen dousing himself with flammable liquid and setting himself on fire until engulfed in flames. While he performs this act that would lead to his death, the US soldier shouts "Free Palestine." | "I'm about…

teleSUR (2024-02-26). Governor of Buenos Aires Sues Milei with the Supreme Court. Axel Kicillof, governor of Buenos Aires (Argentina), announced on Monday that the provincial prosecutor will sue the Milei government before the Supreme Court of the Nation. | RELATED: | The lawsuit is made after the government of Javier Milei eliminated the suffrage of Buenos Aires established during the pandemic by Alberto Fernández. | The mayor in an official note reported "We exhausted the administrative instances, t…

teleSUR (2024-02-26). Haiti: Deficit of Mental Health Experts. Forced displacement due to violence generated by criminal gangs, assaults of all kinds, loss of homes and possessions add to the list of social disillusionment that gestated the desire of many individuals to end their own lives for good. | Depression, feelings of failure and the inability to plan for the future triggered suicidal thoughts in Haiti. Feb. 26, 2024.

teleSUR (2024-02-26). Israeli Military Presents Plan to Attack Rafah. On Monday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said that Israel's army presented the War Cabinet with an operational attack plan and an evacuation plan for civilians in the southern Gazan city of Rafah. | RELATED: | The announcement came despite international calls for Israel not to launch a ground operation in Rafah, where over a million people are seeking shelter from Israeli bombardments elsewhere. | The cabinet approved a plan for food trucks to enter northe…

teleSUR (2024-02-26). Israel's Aggression Continues to Destroy Palestine. The genocide in the strip continues with a toll to date of 29,782 dead and 70.43 injured, not counting all the material damage. | RELATED: | According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, in the past 24 hours there have been 10 massacres in which 90 Palestinians have been killed and 164 injured and maimed. | On Monday, the Red Crescent also reported shelling in Abu Al-Ajen, where three people were killed and one injured. | Among the new crimes…

teleSUR (2024-02-26). Italy Announces Bilateral Security Deal With Ukraine. On Saturday, the Italian government announced a bilateral support agreement with Ukraine ahead of the Group of Seven (G7) leaders' meeting under Italy's presidency. | RELATED: | The security partnership with a 10-year mandate between Rome and Kiev includes cooperation in defense, economy, infrastructure and energy, and humanitarian support, among other fields. | Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has said that security…

teleSUR (2024-02-26). Kenya: Environment Assembly Calls for Action, Planetary Hazards. On Monday, the sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) kicked off in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, with delegates renewing their call for robust multilateralism to aid action on threats to planetary health. | RELATED: | More than 4,000 delegates from 182 member states, including ministers, representatives of multilateral institutions, industry, civil society and academia, are attending UNE…

teleSUR (2024-02-26). Palestinian Authority Government Submits Resignation to Abbas. On Monday, Prime Minister Mohamed Shtayeh and his cabinet presented their resignation to Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). | RELATED: | "I put the government's resignation at the disposal of President Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday, February 20, and today I present it in writing," Shtayeh said at the beginning of a meeting with the PNA cabinet in Ramallah, in the West Bank. | Shtayeh expla…

teleSUR (2024-02-26). Peru Report More Than 100 Provinces in Health Emergency. Cesar Vázquez, Minister of Health of Peru, declared a health emergency in more than 100 municipalities, due to the dengue epidemic. The death toll so far is 32. | RELATED: | According to the Peruvian government, the number of cases in the first weeks of 2024 alone was double that of a year ago. | The emergency zones will be the northern provinces of Tumbes, Piura, La Libertad, Lambayeque, àÅncash and Cajamarca, a…

teleSUR (2024-02-26). Russia to Retaliate Against Sanctions on Its Overseas Assets. On Monday, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov warned that Russia would retaliate in kind to any actions taken by Western countries against its assets abroad. | RELATED: | "This is not a question for us. We are watching the decisions of the Western countries. Any actions with our assets will receive a symmetrical response," he said. | Western countries have imposed sanctions on Russia since February 2022, freezing bo…

teleSUR (2024-02-26). Sierra Leonean President to Visit China. At the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, President of the Republic of Sierra Leone Julius Maada Bio will pay a state visit to China from Feb. 27 to March 2, Hua Chunying, a spokesperson for China's foreign ministry, announced on Monday. | RELATED: | Mao Ning, another foreign ministry spokesperson, provided additional information about the visit during Monday's daily news briefing. | Mao said that Presi…

teleSUR (2024-02-26). Tensions Between Lebanon and Israel Increase Dangerously. The Lebanese resistance, Hezbollah, destroyed an Israeli drone with a surface-to-air missile launched from Iqlim al-Tuffah in southern Lebanon. | RELATED: | In a special statement, the Israeli authorities denied that such an event would be a "feat" to reach a drone from so far away. | On the other hand, the Lebanese rebels claimed to be attentive and ready to face any Israeli aggression. | In response, Israel bombed the Beeka Valley and the city of Majadeel.

teleSUR (2024-02-26). The Caribbean: Introduction to Leisure & Entertainment Industry. The new world economic order has driven the economic restructuring of the Caribbean from a producer of agricultural products for the dinner table (sugar, coffee, tobacco, cocoa and fruits) to a platform for the leisure and entertainment industries. | RELATED: | The development of tourism in the Greater Caribbean (insular Caribbean and Central America) dates back to the 1970s, with the rise of all-inclusive package to…

teleSUR (2024-02-26). Uganda: High Alert Amid Worsening Tensions in Eastern DR Congo. On Monday, the Ugandan military said it is on high alert and closely following the unstable situation in the eastern part of neighboring Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). | RELATED: | The entire borderline is under surveillance following intense fighting between DRC troops and M23 rebels, Maj. Bilal Katamba, spokesperson of the Mountain Division of the Uganda People's Defense Forces (UPDF), told Xinhua over the pho…

Caitlin Johnstone (2024-02-27). When The Slaughter Stops In Gaza. When the slaughter stops in Gaza | I will get to those cobwebs, promise, | and water that monstera, | and clean out that goo in the fridge. | When the slaughter stops in Gaza | I will youtube how to grow strawberries, | and whether dinosaurs ever had feathers, | and what's the deal with hibachis‚Ää—‚Ää | is it something to do with fondue? | When the slaughter stops in Gaza | I will brush my hair out finally, | and call…

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-27). Candidatos salvadoreños cierran campaña de comicios municipales. Estas elecciones estarán marcadas por la reducción en el número de consejos municipales tras una reforma legal de última hora aprobada por el oficialismo en el Congreso, que disminuyó las alcaldías de 262 a 44.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-27). Caricom discute posibles soluciones a la crisis de Haití. El actual presidente de Caricom instó a "todas las partes interesadas en Haití a que cedan un poco, se comprometan un poco y expresen una voluntad colectiva para lograr resultado".

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-27). Hamás estudia propuesta de tregua que incluye alto al fuego. El acuerdo establece que Hamás liberará 40 rehenes israelíes, mientras que el país hebreo liberará a unos 400 prisioneros palestinos.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2024-02-27). Liberan a quienes tuitearon contra gobernador de Jujuy. Sigue vigente la orden de captura a la tercera imputada: Lucía González, quien habría reproducido el rumor en grupos privados de WhatsApp.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-27). Hundimiento de un ferry en el Nilo deja 10 muertos. El incidente tuvo lugar en la ciudad de Monshat el-Kanater en Giza, una de las tres provincias que forman el Gran Cairo.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-27). Gobierno y ELN acuerdan reanundación de diálogos de paz. Este anuncio, añadieron, se dio tras una reunión desarrollada en La Habana, lugar en el que transcurrió el sexto ciclo de diálogos, que culminó el 6 de febrero con una prórroga semestral del cese al fuego.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-27). Rusia alerta de conflicto con la OTAN si envía tropas a Ucrania. Suecia, Polonia y la República Checa se distanciaron de Emmanuel Macron, afirmando el lunes que "no había consenso" sobre el envío de tropas occidentales a Ucrania, pero que "nada debería excluirse".

teleSUR, DRL (2024-02-27). ONU: Venezuela exige fin de medidas coercitivas unilaterales. "Hasta el presente, Venezuela ha sido objeto de casi mil medidas coercitivas unilaterales ilegales y otras disposiciones criminales utilizadas como herramientas para destruir nuestra economía", dijo Gil.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2024-02-27). Enfrentamiento armado desplaza familias indígenas en Colombia. La Defensoría del Pueblo recordó que la violencia entre las Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia (AGC) y las Autodefensas Conquistadoras de la Sierra Nevada (ACSN) fue reportado en una Alerta Temprana de Inminencia.

teleSUR (2024-02-27). Anti-Venezuela Campaign Has Intensified: President Maduro. On Monday, President Nicolas Maduro denounced the escalation of the campaign aimed at damaging Venezuela's international image. | RELATED: | During his program "With Maduro +," he mentioned that U.S. imperialism and the Venezuelan far-right invent fake news every day to discredit the South American country through international portals and social networks. This happens at a time when the far-right opposition is losing the poss…

teleSUR (2024-02-27). Colombian Families Are Displaced by Paramilitary Violence. On Monday, Colombian Ombudsman Carlos Camargo denounced that around 80 Indigenous families from the La Guajira department have been forced to flee from their homes due to clashes between paramilitary groups that have been fighting each other since Saturday. | RELATED: | "There is anxiety among ethnic and peasant communities due to the escalation of armed conflict in different areas of La Guajira. Therefore, it…

teleSUR (2024-02-27). Conflict With NATO Inevitable if Western Troops Go to Ukraine. On Tuesday, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said that a conflict between Russia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will be inevitable if European countries involve their troops directly in the Ukrainian conflict. | RELATED: | "In this case, we need to talk not about probability, but about inevitability, and that's how we evaluate it," Peskov said during a press conference in which he commented on recent statements by French P…

teleSUR (2024-02-27). Hungarian Parliament Approves Sweden's NATO Bid. On Monday, Hungary's lawmakers on Monday approved a bill on Sweden's bid to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). | RELATED: | Out of the 199 members of parliament (MP), 194 participated in the voting, with 188 votes in favor and six against. The Hungarian parliament voted on the bill on the first day of the spring session of the Parliament. | "The Swedish-Hungarian military cooperation and Sweden's NATO accession…

teleSUR (2024-02-27). Israeli Raid Kills Three Palestinians in West Bank. On Tuesday, three Palestinians were killed in an Israeli army raid on the city of Tubas and al-Far'a refugee camp in the West Bank. | RELATED: | The dead were identified as Ahmed Daraghmeh, 26, Mohammed Bayadsa, 32, and Osama Zalat, 31, all of whom were shot in the head and chest. | Palestinian security sources said that Israeli occupation forces stormed the camp accompanied by several military bulldozers and deployed numbers of snipers in h…

teleSUR (2024-02-27). Polish Farmers Protest Against EU's Green Deal. On Tuesday, about 10,000 Polish farmers took to the streets of Warsaw to protest against the agricultural and environmental policies of the European Union. | RELATED: | "Although the official start of the march was set for 11: 00, groups of protesters began to block streets from early in the morning," local media reported. The protest caused several public transport routes to be diverted or cut off, as well as tra…

teleSUR (2024-02-27). US Odysseus Lunar Lander Ends Mission in Advance. U.S. company Intuitive Machines' first lunar lander Odysseus will lose control and end its mission earlier than expected on Tuesday morning. | RELATED: | The lander will lose communication with flight controllers in Huston due to its solar panels off work. This will cut the mission short for two to three days from a week expected by NASA and other customers. | The uncrewed lander landed at the lunar South Pole last Thurs… (2024-02-27). Lukashenko sends Independence Day greetings to Dominican Republic. "Your country is approaching this significant date with serious achievements in the economy and social sector, with the improvement of the quality of life evident for every citizen," the message of greetings runs.

Editor (2024-02-27). When Migrant Children Disappear, Many Cases Remain Unsolved.

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2024-02-27). Former Honduran President On Trial; US, Canada Are Complicit In His Crimes. The former president of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernandez (JOH), is currently being tried in New York City for narco-trafficking during his presidency. Activists from the United States and Canada have launched a new campaign to raise awareness of both the US and Canadian governments' complicity in the crimes committed by the JOH administration. Clearing the FOG speaks with Karen Spring, co-coordinator of, which is hosting the campaign, about the US-backed coup in Honduras in 2009, the damage done by subsequent administrations that has driven migration of Hondurans north, the efforts of the current…

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-27). Comicios regionales en Nicaragua garantizan continuidad de autonomía. La Habana, 27 feb (RHC) Las elecciones regionales de la costa Caribe de Nicaragua, a celebrarse el próximo domingo, garantizarán la continuidad del proceso de autonomía que vive hoy el pueblo de esta zona del país, afirmaron autoridades. (2024-02-27). ABD'den yola à߃±kmƒ±≈ülardƒ±: ƒ∞ki dev LNG gemisi Türkiye'ye ula≈ütƒ±. Uluslararasƒ± gemi takip verilerinden derlenen bilgilere gà∂re, ABD'nin Sabine Pass Limanƒ±'ndan 10 ≈ûubat'ta ayrƒ±lan Methane Patricia Camila adlƒ± LNG gemisi dàºn saat 08.20'de Aliaƒüa LNG Terminali'ne yana≈ütƒ±. | Toplam 170 bin metrekàºp kapasiteye sahip Panama bayraklƒ± gemi, 2010'da in≈üa edilmi≈üti. | Lake Charles Limanƒ±'ndan 11 ≈ûubat'ta ayrƒ±lan SK Resolute adlƒ± LNG gemisi de bugàºn saat 07.39'da Marmara Ere&fn…

WSWS (2024-02-27). Workers Struggles: The Americas. Dockworkers across Argentina were set to strike February 26 as anti-austerity protests, limited in scope and duration by the trade union bureaucracies, continue.

ICRC (2024-02-27). Update of customary IHL database — February 2024.

tvbrics (2024-02-27). Brazil wants to lead the global biofuels agenda. Energy transition is one of the priorities of the Lula government…

tvbrics (2024-02-27). Russian Foreign Minister and Brazil's First Deputy Foreign Minister discussed coordination in the UN, BRICS and G20. Sergey Lavrov and Maria da Rocha met in Moscow…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2024-02-27). Dengue fever: A Mayo Clinic expert explains the mosquito-borne infection. Recent outbreaks of dengue fever in Brazil have prompted public health officials to launch an immunization campaign targeting children ages 10 to 11. Dengue fever is a potentially life-threatening viral infection transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes. "Four different subtypes of the virus can cause infections in humans," says Dr. Stacey Rizza, a Mayo Clinic infectious diseases specialist. "Wherever you have a significant number of mosquitoes and warm hot environments is where you see dengue transmission." Watch: Dr. Stacey…

Ana Perdigón (2024-02-27). Socialist International Expels Venezuela's Popular Will Party. The Socialist International (SI) expelled the far-right Popular Will party (VP) because they "exceeded the organization's ethical codes" after modifying their ideological line, according to SI. | In Venezuela and other places in the world, analysts expressed surprise when the far-right VP was accepted into the Socialist International despite the long list of parties that are no longer socialist and still are part of this international group. | Socialist International brings together social democratic, socialist, and labor political parties from around the world. It ratified the expulsion of Popular Will because t…

Staff (2024-02-27). PSUV: Venezuela's Opposition Disguises its Shortcomings with Violence. The vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, warned that Venezuela's opposition wants to hide its failures with violence. However, he assured, the government will not fall for these provocations. | This Monday, February 26, during the weekly press conference of the PSUV National Directorate, Cabello was asked about the national tour that the opposition leader, María Corina Machado, is undertaking. Despite being disqualified from holding public office, Machado continues to behave as though she is campaigning. | In this regard, the PSUV leader stated that this sector of Ve…

Staff (2024-02-27). Venezuela Produces 97% of Food it Consumes. The gradual recovery observed in Venezuela's economy can be seen in the increase in agricultural production, which has recorded 14 consecutive quarters of growth despite the blockade and unilateral sanctions imposed by the United States. | Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro explained this last Wednesday, February 21, during a work day dedicated to national production. He highlighted that this progress towards a productive and independent economy has been carried out through Venezuela's own efforts amid the difficulties caused by illegal US sanctions. | During the activity, President Maduro presented economic… (2024-02-27). Venezuela: Israel must be punished for genocide in Gaza. "Venezuela has a clear position. This is a massacre by Israel," the Venezuelan foreign minister said.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-27). Instan en Cuba a buscar soluciones alternativas en sector industrial. La Habana, 27 feb (RHC) El primer ministro de Cuba, Manuel Marrero, instó a los trabajadores del Ministerio de Industrias a renovar sus prácticas y seguir buscando soluciones alternativas para impulsar la economía del país caribeño.

Bárbara Gómez (2024-02-27). Partidos Comunistas de Cuba y Brasil suscriben acuerdo de cooperación. La Habana, 26 feb (RHC) Los Partidos Comunistas de Cuba y Brasil firmaron este lunes un acuerdo de intercambio y cooperación, el cual permitirá profundizar las relaciones entre las organizaciones políticas.

Pablo Rafael Fuentes (2024-02-27). Recuerdan en Cuba caída en combate de Carlos Manuel de Céspedes. La Habana, 27 feb (RHC) Transcurrido más de un siglo de su caída en combate, Cuba recuerda hoy a Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, iniciador de las luchas independentistas en 1868 y primer presidente de la República en Armas.

Peter Koenig (2024-02-27). Haiti — A Paradise for State Crime. The Unspoken Agenda, Haiti's Offshore Natural Gas?

Dave DeCamp (2024-02-27). Civilian Reported Killed in US-British Bombing of Yemen. Yemen's Saba news agency said a civilian was killed in the series of missile strikes the US and Britain launched across Houthi-controlled Yemen over the weekend, marking the first reported civilian death since the US began bombing Yemen on January 12. "The American-British aggression on the district of Maqbana in the governorate of Taiz has …

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