2024-03-13: News Headlines

albawaba (2024-03-13). Democrats urge Biden to stop arming Israel. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – A number of Democrat senates called on President Joe Biden to stop providing weapons to Israel until it lifts restrictions on the delivery of American humanitarian assistance to Gaza, according to a New York Times report.Citing a letter on Monday by Senator Bernie Sanders, the New York Times reported that by continuing to arm Israel, Biden was violating the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act.According to Sanders's letter, the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act, stipulates that "no assistance" should be provided to any country that restricts, directly or indirectly, the transport or delivery of US humanitarian assist…

albawaba (2024-03-13). Video: Indian wife hits Husband's elder father with steel crutch. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – A video circulating on X (formerly Twitter) shocked internet users worldwide as a live stream showed an Indian wife hitting her husband's elderly father with his own steel crutch that he uses out of old age and necessity. The video in question was broadcast and streamed live through what seems an Indian live-stream service where the wife was seen hitting the elderly man till he fell and started crying, while her husband was working abroad in the Gulf area. Video: Indian wife hits Husband's elder father with steel crutch: While the wife targeted the elder man's legs, he tried to fight back but en…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-03-13). CELAC Should Revisit Its Position on Haiti. orinocotribune.com By Mona Péralte — Mar 6, 2024 | The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) was founded in Caracas, Venezuela in December 2011 as an alternative to the Washington, DC-based Organization of American States (OAS), formed in 1948 to be a Cold War chariot. Cuba characterizes the OAS as Washington's "Ministry of Colonial Affairs, " which expelled the socialist nation in 1962. | "As the years go by, CELAC is going to leave behind the old and worn-out OAS," then Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said at the 33-member alliance's inaugural ceremonies. | "It's the death sentence for the Monroe Doctrine…

presstv.ir (2024-03-13). South Korea 'seriously concerned' over doctors' escalating strike. presstv.ir South Korea's health minister expresses concern over a potential danger to patients' lives after medical professors indicated they may support the striking junior doctors.

albawaba (2024-03-13). Israeli airstrikes claim two lives, leaves 11 injured in Lebanon. albawaba.com ALBAWABA- Israeli airstrikes targeted a building near Saraain in the Bekaa region of eastern Lebanon, resulting in the deaths of two Lebanese individuals and injuries to 11 civilians. The strikes, which targeted the Bekaa region, caused significant damage and casualties, adding to the escalating tensions in the area.In a separate incident, Lebanese army units discovered a drone belonging to the Israeli occupation armed with a missile. The drone had crashed and was destroyed under a public road in Harajel Al-Kesrouan as it was en route to carry out a raid in the Bekaa region. The army dismantled the missile and wo…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-03-13). DR deported more than 174,000 Haitian citizens in 2023. plenglish.com Santo Domingo, Mar 13 (Prensa Latina) More than 174,000 Haitians were repatriated from the Dominican Republic in 2023 for failure to comply with immigration measures, according to records from the General Directorate of Immigration.

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2024-03-13). Argentina: El Hambre No Espera. indybay.org

teleSUR (2024-03-12). Russia to Deepen Political Dialogue With Latin America: Lavrov. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergei Lavrov said that his nation will deepen multilateral and bilateral political dialogue with the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean to enhance trade and investments. | RELATED: | His statements occurred during a meeting in Moscow with Latin American diplomats held ahead of the Russian presidential elections scheduled from Friday to Sunday. | Lavrov also…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2024-03-13). Haitian Prime Minister Henry Agrees To Resign as CARICOM Announces Formation of Presidential Council. orinocotribune.com In a prerecorded message released on social networks just after midnight, Ariel Henry, who has held de facto power in Haiti since shortly after the 2021 assassination of Jovenel MoàØse, agreed to resign. Sort of. | Henry has been holed up in Puerto Rico for a week, unable to return to Haiti as coordinated attacks from armed groups shut down the airport. Once the US pulled its support last week, he was left in limbo and had not issued any public statements until early this morning. It is unclear to what extent he was under pressure from the US to remain out of the country and to stay quiet. | Henry's ann…

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-03-13). Brasil registra disminución de casos de dengue en la última semana. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Sanidad precisa que el Distrito Federal de Brasilia y Minas Gerais, experimentan ahora "un descenso en la curva de casos".

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-03-13). Presidente de Costa Rica destituye a ministro de Obras Públicas. telesurtv.net El mandatario explicó que su decisión se debe a irregularidades y errores en la adjudicación del contrato para la reparación de la pista de aterrizaje del aeropuerto.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-03-13). Qatar impulsa esfuerzos por conseguir alto al fuego en Gaza. telesurtv.net El portavoz qatarí subrayó que los esfuerzos para lograr una resolución del conflicto se han "intensificado".

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-03-13). Rusia, China e Irán realizan maniobras marítimas conjuntas. telesurtv.net Según el Ministerio de Defensa ruso, los buques de las armadas realizan estas acciones para "fortalecer la seguridad de la actividad económica marítima".

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-13). Eligen a Luz Adriana Camargo como nueva fiscal general en Colombia. telesurtv.net Se ha desempeñado como magistrada auxiliar de la Sala de Casación Penal de la Corte Suprema de Justicia donde investigó el escándalo de la parapolítca en el país.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-13). Aguardan constitución de Consejo de transición en Haití. telesurtv.net Durante la reunión, en la que también participaron Brasil, Canadá, Francia, México, las Naciones Unidas y los Estados Unidos, se acordó la creación del Consejo.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-13). Transportistas alemanes van a la huelga. telesurtv.net Las acciones laborales afectaron a todas las salidas de Lufthansa desde el aeropuerto de Frankfurt y a las operaciones ferroviarias en todo el país.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-03-13). Barco de ayuda humanitaria sale de Chipre con destino a Gaza. telesurtv.net La ONU estima que una cuarta parte de la población del territorio asediado está en riesgo de morir de hambre y la ayuda apenas roza la superficie de las necesidades diarias…

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH (2024-03-13). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Organizaciones de DD.HH. han realizado varios llamados a un alto al fuego inmediato ante la grave situación que se vive en los territorios palestinos.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-13). Detienen a cinco niñas del caso Mecheros en el norte de Ecuador. telesurtv.net Cinco de las nueve menores que en 2020 presentaron una demanda al Estado fueron retenidas por uniformados la madrugada del 12 de marzo en el cantón Cascales.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-13). Ejército sudanés retoma sede de emisora estatal en Omdurman. telesurtv.net Un subcomandante de las Fuerzas Armadas Sudanesas (FAS) descartó la posibilidad de una tregua durante el mes de Ramadán, a menos que las RSF se retiren de los sitios públicos. bajo su control.

teleSUR, JCM (2024-03-13). Venezuela veta su espacio aéreo a Argentina hasta que compense daños. telesurtv.net La denuncia está relacionado al caso del avión de Emtrasur secuestrado en Argentina, a pedido de Estados Unidos, y las acciones diplomaticas de Buenos Aires contra Caracas.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2024-03-13). Convocan a un paro de transporte de 48 horas en Argentina. telesurtv.net Asimismo manifestó que se ha arribado a acuerdos locales en distintas jurisdicciones del interior, con el mismo incremento salarial que el alcanzado para el AMBA.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-03-13). Estudio confirma que esperanza de vida disminuyó con la Covid-19. telesurtv.net La tasa de mortalidad para personas mayores de 15 años aumentó en un 22 por ciento para los hombres y un 17 por ciento para las mujeres.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-03-13). Mantienen alerta naranja y amarilla por lluvias en Uruguay. telesurtv.net "Entre el viernes 15 y en principio hasta el domingo 17, los fenómenos más intensos se esperan en las franjas centro, este y norte", notificó el Inumet.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-13). Aviación naval rusa transportará comisiones electorales al àÅrtico. telesurtv.net Rusia realizará las elecciones presidenciales los próximos 15, 16 y 17 de marzo, por lo que la Flota del Norte enviará las comisiones electorales territoriales al Ártico.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-13). Denuncian asesinato de excandidato al concejo de Caldas, Colombia. telesurtv.net Cristian Alberto Castrillón murió a manos de sicarios cuando estaba en el interior de un local público, localizado en la vereda La Tolda de Caldas, en Antioquia.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-13). Emiten alerta por tormentas e intensas lluvias en Argentina. telesurtv.net La tormenta se produjo con más intensidad en el municipio de Lanús, resultando más afectada la Cuenca Matanza Riachuelo.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-03-13). Presidente de Bolivia se reúne con líderes del Grupo de Puebla. telesurtv.net El mandatrio Arce sostuvo un encuentro con la vicepresidenta de Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-13). Canciller venezolano denuncia vinculación de EE.UU. en planes magnicidas. telesurtv.net El canciller Yván Gil alertó que los comentarios del alto funcionario del gobierno de EE.UU. deja al desnudo las implicaciones de su país en el plan de magnicidio en contra del mandatario venezolano.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-13). Presidente venezolano lidera octavo aniversario de los CLAP. telesurtv.net El presidente Maduro destacó que ante las acciones de la oposición, su gobierno garantizó el acceso a los alimentos de la mayoría de los venezolanos.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-03-13). Informe de agencia de EE.UU. afirma que presidente Nicolás Maduro volverá a ganar las elecciones. telesurtv.net El documento destaca que la oposición venezolana está dividida e influye escasamente en la política nacional.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-03-13). Israel asesina a nueve palestinos que esperaban ayuda en Gaza. telesurtv.net El Ejército sionista perpetró el ataque contra los civiles en la calle Salahuddin, cerca de la rotonda Kuwait.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-03-13). Hezbolá lanza más de 100 misiles contra norte de Israel. telesurtv.net La resistencia libanesa atacó con cohetes tipo Katyusha el distrito Al-Yalil, en dos tandas completas.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-03-13). Eligen a Lima como sede de los Juegos Panamericanos 2027. telesurtv.net Con un total de 28 votos, la urbe peruana reemplazó a Barranquilla, ciudad colombiana.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2024-03-12). Agricultores franceses protestan por deterioro de sector agrícola. telesurtv.net Los granjeros franceses salieron a las calles en el marco de la reunión de consejeros regionales de Nueva Aquitania en la ciudad de Burdeos.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2024-03-12). Temporales dejan al menos seis muertos en Francia. telesurtv.net Al menos tres personas se encuentran desaparecidas debido a las intensas lluvias que afectan principalmente el departamento francés de Hérault.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2024-03-12). Rusia, China e Irán realizarán ejercicios en el Golfo de Omán. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Defensa ruso informó de la llegada de varios buques al puerto iraní de Chabahar para participar en las maniobras, llamadas 'Cinturón Marítimo de Seguridad 2024'.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-03-12). Explosión de gas en una mina china deja al menos siete muertos. telesurtv.net Medios chinos señalaron que los siete fallecidos lograron ser extraídos con vida, pero murieron debido a la gravedad de las lesiones provocadas por el derrumbe.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-03-12). Volcán en las islas Galápagos no arroja cenizas en 24 horas. telesurtv.net Aunque la intensidad de la erupción del volcán La Cumbre se mantiene alta a pesar de la tendencia hacia la disminución desde que comenzara la actividad volcánica el 2 de marzo.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-03-12). Fallece mujer ecuatoriana defensora del derecho a la eutanasia. telesurtv.net La ecuatoriana Paola Roldán presentó ante la Corte Constitucional una demanda por no permitírsele el derecho de ejercer la eutanasia ante la perpetuación de su mal.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-12). Arranca jornada de paro nacional de trabajadores en Argentina. telesurtv.net El secretario general de ATE, afirmó que el presidente Javier Milei sostiene un discurso violento e insensible ante la situación económica de los trabajadores y jubilados.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-12). Reportan la renuncia Ariel Henry como primer ministro de Haití. telesurtv.net La dimisión de Ariel Henry como primer ministro de Haití fue dada a conocer por el presidente de turno de Caricom, Irfaan Ali.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-12). Fuerzas israelíes matan a un palestino en el norte Cisjordania. telesurtv.net El palestino, Mohammad Jaafar Mustafa Jabr, fue declarado muerto a causa de sus heridas aproximadamente una hora después del tiroteo.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-12). Bomberos panameños combaten incendio en un vertedero de basura. telesurtv.net La Autoridad de Aseo Urbano y Domiciliario de Panamá afirmó que el incendio en el basurero de Cerro Patacón fue intencional.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-12). Conoce cómo serán las elecciones presidenciales en Rusia. telesurtv.net La Comisión Electoral Central de Rusia indicó que hará públicos los resultados de las elecciones presidenciales a más tardar el 28 de marzo.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2024-03-12). Rusia frustra ataque ucraniano contra región de Bélgorod. telesurtv.net Las fuerzas ucranianas planeaban avanzar en tres direcciones con el apoyo de tanques y vehículos blindados.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2024-03-13). Denuncian que Israel ha matado más niños que en 4 años de guerra. telesurtv.net El el jefe de la Unrwa señaló que los ataques de Israel contra la Franja de Gaza es una guerra contra los niños.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2024-03-13). Reportan nueva emisión de vog en volcán Taal en Filipinas. telesurtv.net El Instituto Filipino de Volcanología y Seismología apuntó que el lunes pasado se registró la emisión de 6.837 toneladas de dióxido de azufre en el volcán Taal.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-03-13). Autoridades mexicanas rescatan a más de 220 migrantes. telesurtv.net El INM informó que un grupo de migrantes fue trasladado a instalaciones migratorias para avanzar en sus procesos migratorias correspondientes.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-03-13). Explosión de restaurante en China deja al menos un muerto. telesurtv.net Según las autoridades chinas, numerosos equipos de rescate fueron enviados al lugar de la explosión para realizar las investigaciones y determinar la causa del desastre.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-03-13). Más de 80.000 desempleados en lo que va del 2024 en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Las provincias ecuatorianas donde se registraron más despidos en los primeros meses del 2024 fueron Pichincha, Guayas, Azuay y Manabí.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2024-03-13). Reportan un nuevo rapto masivo en pueblo de Nigeria. telesurtv.net Autoridades nigerianas reportaron que el secuestro masivo se produjo en el distrito Kajuru en el estado de Kaduna, a 150 kilómetros del pueblo de Kuriga.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-13). Biden y Trump aseguran candidaturas para presidencia de EE.UU. telesurtv.net Tanto Biden como Trump deberán esperar a las convenciones de sus partidos para ser proclamados candidatos para las elecciones de noviembre.

teleSUR, SH (2024-03-13). Bombardeo israelí deja cinco muertos en la ciudad de Gaza. telesurtv.net De acuerdo a medios palestinos la artillería israelí disparó proyectiles cerca del Hospital Al-Quds, afiliado a la Sociedad de la Media Luna Roja Palestina.

teleSUR (2024-03-12). ALBA-TCP Presents 2030 Agenda on Cooperation. telesurenglish.net On Monday, Jorge Arreaza, the secretary of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America — People's Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP), participated in the International Seminar "New Regional Financial Architecture. Challenges for a better integration in a changing world", held in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. | RELATED: | During his speech, Arreaza highlighted that the regional bloc formed by Venezuela, Cuba, Nicar…

teleSUR (2024-03-12). Argentina: TELAM Agency Workers Reject 'Voluntary Retirement'. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, workers of the TELAM news agency rejected the "voluntary resignation plan" proposed by Argentine President Javier Milei, who announced the dissolution of this public institution on March 1st. | RELATED: | On Sunday, TELAM authorities sent journalists a severance agreement that includes financial compensation according to age and years of work. The Buenos Aires Press Union (SIPREBA), however, rejected this prop…

teleSUR (2024-03-12). Chucho Valdes Back in Charge Celebrating the 50th of Irakere. telesurenglish.net The virtuoso Cuban pianist Chucho Valdez will restart tour celebrating the 50 years of Irakere and with his Royal Quartet and at the end of March until the end of July. | RELATED: | He will be accompanied by Horacio "El Negro" Hernández (drums), José A. Gola (bass) and Roberto Jr. Vizcaíno (timbale, drums) plus a wind section formed by Eddy de Armas Jr. and Carlos Averhoff Jr., among other past members of the group. | The tour will begin this March 23 in the city…

teleSUR (2024-03-12). Colombian Supreme Court Elects Luz Camargo as Attorney General. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, the Colombian Supreme Justice Court elected Luz Adriana Camargo as the new Attorney General, replacing Francisco Barbosa. | RELATED: | Her appointment comes after four previous failed votes and amidst intense debates and popular mobilizations. The selection process began in December 2023 and extended until today, when the Court held its fifth meeting for that purpose. | The news of Camargo's election came amid uncertainty, as j…

teleSUR (2024-03-12). Dutch Political Parties Inch Forward in Talks on New Government. telesurenglish.net Talks about a new Dutch government have moved ahead slowly with no clear progress as leaders of the four major parties met on Monday for the first time to draw conclusions in the second round of negotiations. | RELATED: | The second round of negotiations between far-right populist Party for Freedom (PVV), center-right party New Social Contract (NSC), the rightist People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) and the farmers movement Bo…

teleSUR (2024-03-12). Ethiopia and Italy to Strengthen Communication and Cooperation. telesurenglish.net As chair of the G7, Italy pledged support for Addis Ababa's development aspirations by urging the local team to take advantage of climate funds and the "Mattei Plan" for African development. | Italian delegation led by the Director General for Development Cooperation, Stefano Gatti, on an official visit to Ethiopia. Mar. 12, 2024.

teleSUR (2024-03-12). Faithful in Cuba Celebrate the Holy Month of Ramadan. telesurenglish.net In Cuba, some 3,000 Muslims, including converts, students from Arab countries and other Muslim residents, are celebrating their holy month of Ramadan, marked by fasting and increased prayers. | RELATED: | Although the majority of the population practices the Yoruba and Catholic religions, Islam is also practiced by followers who find on the Caribbean island a place where their customs and traditions are fully respec…

teleSUR (2024-03-12). Gaza Strip: Israeli Restrictions Denounced. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, the UN agency charged with supporting the Palestinians denounced that the people of Gaza are now dependent on humanitarian aid to survive, but Israel has increased restrictions on the entry of goods into the territory. | RELATED: | The general commissioner of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Middle East (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarini, denounced in his X account that…

teleSUR (2024-03-12). Haitian PM to Resign After Formation of Presidential Council. telesurenglish.net On Monday night, Irfaan Ali, the current president of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), announced that the Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry will resign after the establishment of a transitional presidential council and the appointment of an interim prime minister. | RELATED: | "We will create a transitional presidential council composed of seven voting members and two observers," Ali said after a meeting held in Kingst…

teleSUR (2024-03-12). Haiti's Number of Forcibly Displaced People on the Rise. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported that 362,000 people have been forcibly displaced in Haiti. | RELATED: | According to the IOM, more than half are children, and the total number has increased by 15 percent since the beginning of the year. | The international organization assures that forced displacements in Haiti worsen the humanitarian situation in the Caribbean country, where v…

teleSUR (2024-03-12). Intense Rains Alert Buenos Aires and Other Argentine Cities. telesurenglish.net The National Weather Service issued warnings for heavy storms, hail and wind gusts in cities like Buenos Aires. | RELATED: | Flooded streets, tree falls and communications are reported. More than 80 flights have been cancelled and 35 delayed due to the dangers of thunderstorms. | As for material damage, on Tuesday a lightning struck a high voltage tower which fell and blew up an aluminum factory in the Buenos Aires area of La Mat…

teleSUR (2024-03-12). Israel Kills Civilians While They Wait for Help. telesurenglish.net Israel again attacked Palestinians awaiting humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip. This while the occupation forces subdue the Gazati people through famine. | RELATED: | As the famine intensifies, the Zionist army bombards a group of civilians who were waiting for humanitarian aid, leaving 400 dead and 1300 injured. | The Gaza Press Office has denounced this by calling the massacres against civilian groups awaiting aid a fabrication of what is said about at…

teleSUR (2024-03-12). Israel Makes It Difficult for Palestinians to Enter Jerusalem. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, the Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) announced that Israel has tightened measures for the entry of Palestinians residing in the West Bank into Jerusalem during Ramadan, the sacred month for Muslims which began yesterday. | RELATED: | This year, only men over 55, women over 50, and children up to 10 years old will be permitted to enter the Temple Mount in the Old City…

teleSUR (2024-03-12). Israeli Bombing in Lebanon Leaves One Dead and Eight Injured. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, the Lebanese National News Agency reported that one person died and eight others were injured in a new round of Israeli airstrikes in the Bekaa Valley, in eastern Lebanon. | RELATED: | The casualties took place in a residential building in the Dahr Ayroun area, where several people are still missing under the rubble as rescue teams continue search efforts in the area. | A few minutes later, a second airs…

teleSUR (2024-03-12). Luis Arce Meets With Leaders of the Puebla Group. telesurenglish.net The President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Luis Arce, met with leaders of the Puebla Group at a seminar held in the city of Santa Cruz. | RELATED: | The meeting was attended by former presidents José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (Spain), Alberto Fernández (Argentina) and Ernesto Samper (Colombia) and Venezuelan Vice-President Delcy Rodríguez. Also the Bolivian president met with Jorge Arreaza, secretary of ALBA-TCP | The Puebla Group is…

teleSUR (2024-03-12). Qatar Does Not Yet See a Solution to the Conflict in Gaza. telesurenglish.net Qatari Foreign Ministry spokesman Mayed al-Ansari said: "We are not close to a ceasefire agreement in Gaza, but we are still optimistic". | RELATED: | Mayed al-Ansari stressed that efforts have been intensified to reach an agreement on the occasion of Ramadan, however, the situation is complex. | Regarding Washington, Doha, he affirmed "We have the role of the United States in pressuring Israel in the negotiations". | The Qatari government annou…

teleSUR (2024-03-12). Russia Thwarts Ukrainian Attacks in Koursk and Belgorod Regions. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, the Russian army confirmed that its forces managed to repel Ukrainian attacks with missiles and artillery against the border regions of Kursk and Belgorod. | RELATED: | "Since this morning, Tetkino village in the Glushkovsky district has been shelled. An Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group carried out a shootout and attempted to advance. But he didn't make it," Kursk Governor Roman Starovoi…

teleSUR (2024-03-12). Venezuelan Elections To Be a Democratic Party: President Maduro. telesurenglish.net On Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro commented on the presence of international observers that the National Electoral Council (CNE) authorized for the presidential elections to be held on July 28. | RELATED: | "Let the observers come if they wish. They have always come. They will be welcome, but they must respect Venezuelan sovereignty and constitution," he said, indicating that the CNE is an autonomous institu…

ANIS SHIVANI (2024-03-13). The State of the Union is Warlike and Getting Worse. counterpunch.org The SOTU spectacle served its purpose. The warmongers shilling for the liberal establishment were reassured that their figurehead president was strong and vigorous, up to the challenge of fighting wars and demonizing immigrants and supporting genocide. Joe still has it in him to be the standard-bearer of the empire, the sigh of relief went up everywhere in the dinosaur media, he can take the fight to

DikelediM (2024-03-13). Inspection blitz nabs non-compliant employers. sanews.gov.za Inspection blitz nabs non-compliant employers | The Department of Employment and Labour, working with other law enforcement agencies, have issued over 50 contravention notices and compliance orders against non-compliant employers in Rustenburg in the North West. | Nine undocumented foreign nationals were also arrested during a joint blitz inspection by the department and other law enforcement agencies. | The three-day blitz inspection that started in Rustenburg on Monday was led by the Inspection and Enforcement Services unit of the Department of Employment and Labour in the North West in partnership with the D…

Giorgio Trucchi (2024-03-13). Honduras: not forgetting Berta. pressenza.com On the eighth anniversary of her seed, this 2 March marks the eighth anniversary of the brutal assassination of Berta Cáceres, indigenous leader, social fighter, defender, and much more. Today we remember her struggle, her life, her commitment, her ability to articulate, her tireless spirit, her sowing, her return to the world in millions, her presence in thousands of struggles of the peoples of the world. Eight years without full justice. Eight years of "Justice for Berta". Eight years without forgetting. | Not forgetting Berta means not forgetting that every year hundreds of defenders of the land, territories,…

kwjorinoco (2024-03-13). Honduras' President Castro Comments on Predecessor's Indictment. orinocotribune.com "It is essential to dismantle the criminal organization that remains active and was established by the leaders convicted abroad," said Xiomara Castro, president of Honduras, on Friday. | President Castro noted that the guilty verdict reached in the case against former president Juan Orlando Hernández (2014-2022) in the US on three charges related to drug trafficking and weapons shows the complicity of the judicial system with organized crime. President Castro emphasized that her government seeks "justice, not revenge." | "The failure of the Honduran Justice System and its complicity with organized crime has been…

Staff (2024-03-13). Venezuela Enforces Airspace Ban on Argentina in Response to EMTRASUR Boeing 747 Robbery. orinocotribune.com Caracas ( On Tuesday, March 12, Vene…

WSWS (2024-03-13). Boeing 787 jet nosedives, injuring 50 people on a flight from Australia to New Zealand. wsws.org A Boeing 787-9 jet operated by a Chilean airline headed from Sydney to Auckland dropped suddenly midflight on Monday, causing passengers and crew members to be flung into the ceiling of the cabin and injuring 50 of the 272 people on board.

Staff (2024-03-13). US Intelligence Recognizes President Maduro Is 'Unlikely to Lose' in Venezuela's Upcoming Elections. orinocotribune.com Caracas ( The unclassified

Associated Press (2024-03-13). Kenya puts Haiti police mission on hold after chaos grips Caribbean nation. scmp.com Kenya has decided to pause its deployment of 1,000 police officers to lead an international security mission in Haiti following Prime Minister Ariel Henry's announcement that he would tender his resignation.

Editor (2024-03-13). BAP Backgrounder: Haiti behind the headlines. mronline.org Haiti is in the headlines again and, as usual, the headlines on Haiti are mostly negative.

krish-rad_ind (2024-03-13). Haitian Prime Minister Henry Agrees To Resign as CARICOM Announces Formation of Presidential Council. orinocotribune.com

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