2024-01-19: News Headlines

MEE staff (2024-01-19). War on Gaza: Mexico and Chile request ICC probe over possible Israeli war crimes in Gaza. middleeasteye.net War on Gaza: Mexico and Chile request ICC probe over possible Israeli war crimes in Gaza | Referral by Latin American states comes amid mounting global criticism of Israel's actions against Palestinian civilians | Fri, 01/19/2024 – 12: 42 | Supporters march from Leiden to the International Criminal Court in The Hague in solidarity with Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, 17 December 2023 (AFP) | Mexico and…

Staff (2024-01-19). Guterres urges Pak, Iran to deal with security concerns through dialogue. muslimmirror.com United Nations : UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has issued a call to Pakistan and Iran to sort out their security concerns through dialogue and avoid escalating the military strikes, according to his spokesperson Stephane Dujarric. "The Secretary-General underlines that all security concerns between the two countries must be addressed by peaceful means, through dialogue and …

Staff (2024-01-19). Guterres urges Pak, Iran to deal with security concerns through dialogue. muslimmirror.com United Nations : UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has issued a call to Pakistan and Iran to sort out their security concerns through dialogue and avoid escalating the military strikes, according to his spokesperson Stephane Dujarric. "The Secretary-General underlines that all security concerns between the two countries must be addressed by peaceful means, through dialogue and …

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-01-19). Meeting between Colombian president and Pope to focus on peace. plenglish.com Bogota, Jan 19 (Prensa Latina) Peace will be the main topic at the meeting between Colombian President Gustavo Petro and Pope Francis in the Vatican on Friday, according to a press release posted on the website of the Presidency.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2024-01-19). Cuban researchers test black soldier fly's benefits. plenglish.com Havana, Jan 19 (Prensa Latina) Cuban researchers are testing for the first time in Cuba the benefits of the black soldier fly, a biological controller of the common fly and an ally to reduce agricultural waste.

Redacción Madrid (2024-01-19). In praise of tolerance. pressenza.com Tolerance (from tolerate and this from the Latin tolerare). Moral quality that expresses an attentive and respectful attitude of a person, group, institution or society concerning the interests, beliefs, opinions, habits, and conduct of others. It manifests itself in the eagerness to reach mutual understanding and conciliation of divergent interests and opinions through persuasion and negotiation. Dictionary of New Humanism. | New Humanism: | After reading this definition, it is easy to see that the level of intolerance is growing in all ambits: in the social and political, as well as in the personal. Pre…

Redacción Madrid (2024-01-19). In praise of tolerance. pressenza.com Tolerance (from tolerate and this from the Latin tolerare). Moral quality that expresses an attentive and respectful attitude of a person, group, institution or society concerning the interests, beliefs, opinions, habits, and conduct of others. It manifests itself in the eagerness to reach mutual understanding and conciliation of divergent interests and opinions through persuasion and negotiation. Dictionary of New Humanism. | New Humanism: | After reading this definition, it is easy to see that the level of intolerance is growing in all ambits: in the social and political, as well as in the personal. Pre…

Roger D. Harris, Popular Resistance. (2024-01-19). US Congressional Resolution Calls For Annulling The Monroe Doctrine. popularresistance.org While the Monroe Doctrine ingenuously claimed to protect hemispheric independence from foreign interference, HR 943 charges that the policy has, in fact, been used as a "mandate" to give the US license to interfere in the internal affairs of other states to promote its own narrow interests. | The resolution forcefully begins with noting the "massive, forced displacement and genocide of Native peoples" by the North American colonialists. | The resolution goes on to enumerate the further progression of the US imperium on the hemisphere. Back in the 1840s, the US took 55% of Mexico.

Staff (2024-01-19). Headlines for January 19, 2024. democracynow.org Mexico and Chile Call on ICC to Investigate Israel's Assault on Gaza as Death Toll Nears 25,000, Netanyahu Rejects Palestinian Statehood, Says Israel Must Control Region from the River to the Sea, Biden Says U.S. Will Continue to Bomb Yemen Even Though Strikes Have Not Stopped Houthi Attacks, Congress Sends Stop-Gap Spending Bill to Pres. Biden's Desk, DOJ Report Details "Cascading Failures" in Response to 2022 Uvalde Massacre, Trump Claims Presidents "Must Have Full Immunity," Calls on SCOTUS to Absolve His Legal Woes, Haitian Gangs Besiege Port-au-Prince Neighborhood as Viole…

teleSUR, JGN (2024-01-19). Solicitan a la CPI investigar probables crímenes de guerra cometidos en Gaza. telesurtv.net México y Chile remitieron al fiscal de la CPI, Karim Khan, la situación del Estado de Palestina, a fin de que investigue la probable comisión de crímenes.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-01-19). México y EE. UU. celebran diálogo sobre crisis migratoria. telesurtv.net Joe Biden dice que está de acuerdo en que el sistema de inmigración estadounidense está "roto" y que está dispuesto a hacer concesiones para endurecer los controles en la frontera sur.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-01-19). Precandidatos a Presidencia de México cierran precampañas. telesurtv.net El Instituto Nacional Electoral dará del 1 de marzo al 29 de mayo para las propuestas, debates y giras de los candidatos.

Liam Crisan (2024-01-19). The Case for Free Public Transit. counterpunch.org What if there were a way for your city to reduce traffic and pollution while putting cash in the pockets of residents? There is: free public transit. And in many places, it's already happening. In late 2023, Albuquerque, New Mexico became the largest U.S. city to fully embrace fare-free public transportation. This decision came after

presstv.ir (2024-01-19). Mexico, Chile refer Israel to ICC over crimes in war on Gaza. presstv.ir Mexico and Chile have asked the ICC to investigate Israel's genocidal war on Gaza, citing the "escalation of violence against civilian targets".

teleSUR (2024-01-19). Venezuelan President Orders Activation of Special Plan for Defense of the Homeland. telesurenglish.net "Venezuelan military, maximum vigilance, maximum union and let's be prepared for any aggression against the Venezuelan Homeland." | The President ordered the entire military high command to immediately activate the civic-military plan "Plan Furia Bolivariana" in the national territory with the purpose of responding to any aggression and coup action. Jan. 18, 2024.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-01-19). Líderes del Mnoal denuncian asedio sionista contra Gaza. telesurtv.net El presidente de la comisión de la Unión Africana, Moussa Faki Mahamat, pidió el fin inmediato de lo que llamó la "guerra injusta contra el pueblo palestino".

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-01-19). Más de 390 escuelas destruidas por ataques israelíes en Gaza. telesurtv.net Hamás indicó que Tel Aviv tiene al sistema educativo como objetivo en aras de dañar el valor nacional palestino.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-01-19). Unicef alerta sobre situación catastrófica en la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net El director ejecutivo adjunto de la Unicef, Ted Chaiban, refirió que es imperativo que se levanten las restricciones de acceso, se garanticen unas comunicaciones terrestres fiables.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-01-19). Fuerzas israelíes asesinan a 77 palestinos en las últimas horas. telesurtv.net Se reportan nuevos ataques en inmediaciones de hospitales, mientras que las fuerzas de ocupación hicieron estallar viviendas residenciales en Jan Yunis.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-01-19). Policía de Ecuador detiene a sospechosos de asesinato de fiscal. telesurtv.net El general César Augusto Zapata Correa precisó que durante el arresto incautaron un fusil, dos pistolas, alimentadoras y dos vehículos, así como diversos atuendos.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-01-19). Gobierno venezolano se enfoca en consolidar el ingreso de los trabajadores. telesurtv.net El mandatario destacó que el sector obrero constituye "el puntal de los procesos de recuperación económica".

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-01-19). Venezuela recibe selecciones para el torneo preolímpico de fútbol. telesurtv.net El ministro del Deporte de Venezuela, Mervin Maldonado aseguró que a está todo listo para empezar el torneo de fútbol.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-01-19). Gobierno argentino descontará el día a quienes vayan al paro. telesurtv.net El vocero presidencial Manuel Adorni comunicó que se ha tomado la decisión de descontar el día a quienes vayan al paro.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-01-19). Reportan sismo de magnitud 5,6 en Colombia. telesurtv.net Medios locales comunicaron que el sismo fue perceptible desde la costa pacífica hasta la costa atlántica.

teleSUR, hvh, YSM (2024-01-19). Rescatan a más de 20 personas tras inundaciones en Bolivia. telesurtv.net El presidente Arce comunicó que unas 21 personas habían sido rescatadas este miércoles en el sector Cabañas.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-01-19). Petro propone al papa Francisco diálogo con ELN en el Vaticano. telesurtv.net El presidente colombiano aseguró que el papa está de acuerdo" en que se den "pasos más profundos en los Acuerdos de Paz".

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-01-19). Ascienden a cinco los muertos por explosión en Nigeria. telesurtv.net El Gobierno estatal manifestó que el estallido fue provocado por el almacenamiento de explosivos por mineros ilegales que vivían en la zona.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-01-19). Gobierno de Colombia y EMC-FARC culminan tercer ciclo de diálogos. telesurtv.net En el ciclo que terminó se consignó el quinto acuerdo entre las delegaciones negociadoras, que establece el alto al fuego hasta el 15 de julio próximo.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-01-19). Congreso de Guatemala repetirá la elección de su junta directiva. telesurtv.net Samuel Pérez indicó que los congresistas asumieron una posición madura y responsable.

teleSUR, odr, JGN (2024-01-19). Diez frases de Edgar Allan Poe, el maestro del terror. telesurtv.net Poe se destacó por ejercer una gran influencia en la literatura simbolista y surrealista de su época.

teleSUR, dcdc, YSM (2024-01-19). Asesinan a líder social en Antioquia, Colombia. telesurtv.net El presidente Gustavo Petro lamentó la muerte Fidel Antonio Hernández, a través de su cuenta en X, y resaltó su accionar como líder del Pacto Histórico y de su campaña en Apartadó.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-01-19). Francia promueve conflicto en Ucrania por interés mercantil. telesurtv.net Lo admite su ministro de Defensa, Sébastien Lecornu. En lugar de procurar una salida pacífica al conflicto Rusia-Ucrania, Occidente estimula la confrontación.

teleSUR, nbb, DRL (2024-01-19). Yemeníes atacan un buque de químicos de EE.UU. en golfo de Adén. telesurtv.net "La tripulación vio cómo los misiles impactaban en el agua cerca del barco. No se registraron heridos ni daños en el buque. El buque continuó su camino", señaló el Pentágono en la red social X.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-01-19). Uganda asume Presidencia de los No Alineados en reunión cumbre. telesurtv.net Más de una docena de presidentes de todo el mundo asisten a la cumbre del Mnoal en la capital ugandesa, Kampala.

teleSUR, JCM, MER, SH, JGN (2024-01-19). Minuto a minuto del asedio israelí contra la Franja de Gaza. telesurtv.net Más de 100 días se han cumplido de los ataques continuos de las fuerzas de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza y Cisjordania.

teleSUR, DRL (2024-01-19). Ascienden a 119 los periodistas asesinados por Israel en Gaza. telesurtv.net El número de periodistas palestinos muertos por ataques israelíes en la Franja de Gaza en poco más de tres meses superó el número de periodistas asesinados en todo el mundo en los años 2021 y 2022.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-01-19). Detienen a sospechoso de asesinatos de activistas en Amazonas, Brasil. telesurtv.net El detenido en Tabatinga, estado de Amazonas, es "informante y aliado" de quien ordenó el doble asesinato.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-01-19). Continúan protestas contra la ultraderecha en Alemania. telesurtv.net Las protestas denuncian el carácter extremista, xenófobo, racista y étnico-nacionalistas de la derecha en el país.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2024-01-19). Irán convoca a encargado de negocios paquistaní tras ataques. telesurtv.net Teherán convocó al diplomático paquistaní en aras de expresar la protesta a Islamadad y exigir explicaciones al respecto.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-01-19). Gobierno de Comoras pide a oposición aceptar resultado electoral. telesurtv.net Luego de los comicios del 14 de enero, se produjeron protestas y disturbios en varias zonas de ese archipiélago del océano Índico.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-01-19). Juzgado peruano acepta revisar prisión preventiva de Castillo. telesurtv.net Castillo cumple la prisión preventiva por 18 y 36 meses en la prisión de Barbadillo, al este de Lima.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-01-19). Venezuela y Tanzania refuerzan lazos de cooperación. telesurtv.net Este encuentro formó parte de la agenda de ambos funcionarios en el marco del Movimiento de Países No Alineados (Mnoal), con sede en Uganda.

teleSUR, YSM (2024-01-19). Presidente Maduro denuncia a la CIA y la DEA por preparar actos desestabilizadores contra Venezuela. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado anunció la puesta en marcha del Plan Furia Bolivariana y convocó a la máxima movilización popular.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2024-01-19). Cancilleres de Brasil y China sostendrán reunión bilateral. telesurtv.net Los ministros impulsarán el comercio y la cooperación entre los dos países socios estratégicos.

teleSUR, JDO (2024-01-19). Ocupantes destruyen con explosivos Universidad Al-Israa, Gaza. telesurtv.net Volaron varios edificios, entre ellos el del museo nacional, cuya colección arqueológica fue saqueada previamente por los uniformados.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-01-19). Ascienden a 24.620 las personas asesinadas en Gaza, Palestina. telesurtv.net Se reportan 61.830 heridos desde el 7 de octubre.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-01-19). Presidente Lula se reunirá con canciller chino Wang Yi. telesurtv.net En este 2024 se cumple el aniversario 50 del establecimiento de relaciones diplomáticas entre ambas naciones.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2024-01-19). Vicepresidente de Cuba se reúne con presidente de Uganda. telesurtv.net Este viernes el vicepresidente Valdés Mesa estará presente en la inauguración de la XIX Cumbre del Movimiento de Países No Alineados.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-01-19). Sindicato de conductores de Reino Unido irá a huelga. telesurtv.net "Los conductores de trenes pararán el LNER desde el lunes 5 hasta el viernes 9 de febrero", manifestó el sindicato.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2024-01-19). Siria reitera importancia de acuerdos con Irán. telesurtv.net "La revitalización de las relaciones económicas bilaterales recibe toda la atención del Gobierno iraní", refirió el embajador de Irán en Damasco, Hussein Akbari.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2024-01-19). Tormentas invernales dejan al menos 40 muertos en EE.UU. telesurtv.net Las heladas han causado graves daños a la infraestructura eléctrica en varios estados, por ejemplo, Oregon, donde más de 85.000 hogares quedaron sin fluido.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2024-01-19). Prevén menor recaudación de ingresos en Canal de Panamá. telesurtv.net En el primer trimestre del año fiscal, la vía marítima dejó de percibir 100 millones de dólares por mes en peajes, respecto al año pasado.

presstv.ir (2024-01-19). UK parliament approves bill to deport immigrants to Rwanda. presstv.ir The UK parliament approves the new copy of the Prime Minister's controversial Rwanda bill.

presstv.ir (2024-01-19). UK parliament approves bill to deport immigrants to Rwanda. presstv.ir The UK parliament approves the new copy of the Prime Minister's controversial Rwanda bill.

Michael Fox (2024-01-19). Panama Hits Activists With Terrorism Charges Over Successful Anti-Mining Protests. truthout.org Damaris Sanchez is a soft-spoken environmentalist from the hills of Western Panama. She lives in an area called Cerro Punta in the Tierras Altas, or Highlands, of the state of Chiriquí. She was born and raised on the flanks of Panama's only volcano. Her family has farmed here for generations. She's also the coordinator of Panama's National Network in Defense of Water. "My family has been closely… |

ARG Medios (2024-01-19). Argentina's far-right libertarian president warns in Davos, "the West is in danger" peoplesdispatch.org The Argentine president also said that "socialism is an impoverishing model that failed", blamed the economic crisis on "radical feminism" and denied climate change.

infobrics (2024-01-19). Will the Expanded BRICS Finally Dethrone the Dollar with Help from Crypto. infobrics.org The economies of the BRICS group, which until now has included Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, already in 2023 accounted for 32% of the world's GDP – compared to 30% for the G7 countries. The bloc will yield even more influence in 2024, with the addition of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Iran, Egypt, and Ethiopia…

infobrics (2024-01-19). Entry of Middle Eastern Nations Into BRICS+: Important Economic and Geopolitical Takeaways. infobrics.org Five countries — Saudi Arabia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia and Egypt entered BRICS as full members on Jan. 1, now referred to as BRICS+. The BRICS grouping was created in 2006 by Brazil, Russia, India and China, while South Africa joined BRICS in 2011…

ecns.cn (2024-01-19). China and Brazil to boost relations. ecns.cn China and Brazil agreed to enhance cooperation as their foreign ministers met in the capital Brasilia on Thursday.

Oleg Yasinsky (2024-01-19). Ecuador loves life. pressenza.com To talk about the current drama in Ecuador, I would first like to start by expressing the shame I feel every time I read or listen these days to opinions about "Correa's corrupt government". I knew Ecuador before Rafael Correa and during the years of his mandate. Several times I travelled through this beautiful country from the coast to the jungles of the Amazon, sharing with its indigenous people, its blacks, its peasants and teachers, my dear and dear friends who were witnesses and protagonists of its history. | One can and surely should criticise various negative aspects of Correa's government, which finally l…

Oleg Yasinsky (2024-01-19). Ecuador loves life. pressenza.com To talk about the current drama in Ecuador, I would first like to start by expressing the shame I feel every time I read or listen these days to opinions about "Correa's corrupt government". I knew Ecuador before Rafael Correa and during the years of his mandate. Several times I travelled through this beautiful country from the coast to the jungles of the Amazon, sharing with its indigenous people, its blacks, its peasants and teachers, my dear and dear friends who were witnesses and protagonists of its history. | One can and surely should criticise various negative aspects of Correa's government, which finally l…

Staff (2024-01-19). Thousands of Deaths in Venezuela as Result of CITGO's Robbery. orinocotribune.com The Venezuelan deputy minister for anti-blockade policies, Willian Castillo, made a series of statements regarding the actions taken by the local far-right opposition, following Washington's directions to make the Venezuelan economy "scream" in order to unsuccessfully oust Chavismo from power. The senior official informed that the robbery of CITGO has caused thousands of deaths. | "The country would not understand that justice is not applied after this brazen, criminal robbery, which caused thousands of deaths in Venezuela," Castillo stated this Wednesday, 17 January, during an interview by Venezolana de Televisi…

Staff (2024-01-19). Venezuela's National Assembly to Investigate 400 People for $70 Million CITGO Theft. orinocotribune.com In Venezuela's National Assembly ordinary session this Tuesday, a special commission was installed to investigate the opposition parties that participated in the dispossession of CITGO. This instance is headed by the first vice president of parliament, Pedro Infante, and seeks to determine who was responsible for stealing $70 million from CITGO. | Infante pointed out this Tuesday, January 16, that at least 400 people would be investigated for events related to what he described as the largest robbery that has been perpetrated against the nation. | The Domain Forfeiture Law will be applied to those responsible, wh…

scorinoco (2024-01-19). President Maduro: We Have to Preserve Peace, Not Fall For Provocations. orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, urged the people to be attentive and not to fall into the provocations of the extreme right in order to preserve peace. "Nobody should be complacent, we are at peace but we must take care to preserve it," he said. | "The plan of the extreme right is to start a violent coup, they have no other plan," President Maduro said on Thursday, January 18, referring to the

Sharon Zhang (2024-01-19). Republican Kicks Barbara Lee Out of Hearing on Cuba Over Pro-Diplomacy Views. truthout.org While making a show of decrying dictators on Thursday, a Republican House member kicked progressive Rep. Barbara Lee (D-California) out of a subcommittee hearing over her calls for diplomacy and normalizing relations with Cuba, spurring criticism over the Republican participating in the same anti-democratic behaviors she was supposedly denouncing. Lee posted a video on social media of her being… |

Editor (2024-01-19). Concerns Grow Over Global Cholera Trends. scheerpost.com Cholera patients are treated at a center operated by USAID/OFDA grantee Partners in Health in Mirebalais, Haiti, on Jan. 26, 2011. Photo from Wikimedia by Kendra Helmer/USAID. | By Peoples Health Dispatch / Countries in eastern and southern Africa are bearing the brunt of the ongoing global cholera resurgence. In 2023, these countries accounted for 75% of the fatalities and one-third of the c…

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